2:13pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 2:13pm Jun 20 2012)
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He shifted slightly at her touch, but remained fast asleep. His dreams were plagued with a city that was on fire. He wandered through the streets as he tried to find any sign of life, yet there was none. In fact there weren't even any corpses of the dead. There was nothing but him and the burning city. "Hello?!" He called out in his dream, hoping that there would be an answer. Again, there was nothing but silence. Was this his past before waking up at the castle? He did not know, but he wanted to find out.
2:21pm Jun 20 2012
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He didn't move when she touched him, so she sat down in the chair to wait for him to wake up. She didn't feel safe leaving him alone, and was worried about what could happen remembering what went on last night. She watched him sleep and soon found herself nodding off in the quietness of the room.
Her dream started off in a small house in a small city, she didn't know what had happened but there were dead bodies all over the place and the air around her smelt of rotting flesh. Kaylee gasped and ran as fast as she could, passing by blazing buildings, carcasses and rubble. She cried as she continued to run and eventually fell in front of a large farm house. Running in, she hurried into the basement only to stumble upon wierd machenery. ~Where am I?~ she thought to herself. Hearing a noise, she turned around and everything went black.
2:36pm Jun 20 2012
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Daisuke woke with a start feeling that something was off. "W-what?" He sat upright and saw Kaylee sleeping, as she sat nearby. He reached out and touched her cheek. "Kaylee?" He asked still feeling exhausted.
Ryu soon had breakfast on the table. "Let's go ahead and eat, Kay. She will come down when she's ready for food."
Kay nodded and began to eat.
Ryu smiled before doing the same.
2:46pm Jun 20 2012
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Still dreaming, she could hear people call out her name. Panicking she began to try to follow the voice but it would get further away with every step she took. When she turned around, a big pair of gleaming red eyes stared down at her and out of the darkness came hands that grabbed her and slowly the darkness covered her up, leaving her echoing scream in the void.
She woke up screaming and crying uncontrollably. She felt like she were still in the dream and curled up in a fetal position, rocking back and forth constantly. Crying and whimpering, she blocked out everything around her until something touched her cheek. Jerking up her head, her wings flared out and shoved whatever was there away from her. Her eyes were glazed as if still asleep and she burst out of the room and disappeared.
((My sister gave me this idea after reading over my shoulder for a while. She is a twisted little monster sometimes XD))
3:02pm Jun 20 2012
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(Nice~) Daisuke bolted upright and followed after her, easily catching up with her. He reached out and pulled her close to himself, and held her close. "It's ok, Kaylee. Nothing is going to hurt you." He said in a calming voice.
3:08pm Jun 20 2012
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Kaylee struggled in his grasp, hearing his voice in her head calmed her down. She calmed down enough to consciously grasp at his shirt and hold on as tightly as possible, as if letting go would make him disappear forever. She cried hysterically and her wings would not stop moving and in her mind, she knew something dangerous was in the house but couldn't determine what it was.
3:25pm Jun 20 2012
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He continued to hold her. "It's ok." He kept saying quietly to her. "Nothing will harm you while I'm around." He swore to her. "I'll never leave your or the others." He gently kissed her cheek as he wiped away her tears.
3:37pm Jun 20 2012
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Her cries eventually turned into whimpers as her crazed dreams finally went into the depths of her mind. Looking up at him, she felt horrible about what she had done back in the bedroom. She was amazed at his kindness and protectiveness of everyone. Her wings finally stopped flailing about and rested quietly on her back. "I am so sorry Daisuke, I didn't mean to do that to you, I don't even remember what happened after I woke up." she mumbled into his chest.
The smell of food and Daisuke wiping her tears away brought her out of it. "oh *censored*, I was going to tell you that breakfast was done, but you were sleeping. Its probably getting cold now." she said when she looked up. ~Oh god I feel like such a monster.~ she thought as she burrowed her head back into his chest.
3:42pm Jun 20 2012
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He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about it. It's not like you killed me or anything." He said with a laugh. "Go eat. I'm not hungry right now."
3:46pm Jun 20 2012
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Nodding, she walked halfway down the hallway and turned around. "I can bring you up something when I am done if you want, I can leave it on the dresser." She offered. Turning back around she walked out of view and down the stairs.
Kaylee walked into the kitchen to see Ryu and Kay almost finished with their meal, so she went and filled up her plate and ate silently. Hoping that none of them noticed how troubled she was, she hid her necklaces glow with her hair.
3:50pm Jun 20 2012
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Ryu still noticed that something was off. "Are you ok?" He asked, worry clearly showing in his eyes but not on his face.
Kay got up and ran off to play.
Daisuke went back to his room and laid back down, almost falling asleep instantly.
4:35pm Jun 20 2012
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Jumping slightly, she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes."yeah, I'm fine, just a little spooked from a dream I had." she said. Turning back to her food, she continued to eat steadily until she had finished. Looking at Ryu she didn't want to be alone when going back to drop off Daisukes food, so she nervously asked "Umm, hey do you want to come with me to drop off this food in Daisukes room? I want to check up on him and I need your opinion on something as well." Her back was to him the entire time while she was putting food on Daisukes plate.
4:51pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 4:55pm Jun 20 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
Ryu nodded. "That's fine. Just let me put the rest of the food away first, then we can go together." He soon had the left over food put away in the ice box. "Ok let's go." He said with a smile, trying to make her feel better.
Daisuke continued to dream of the empty, burning city. -What is this place?- He wondered. He walked through the city, still trying to find any sign of life. That's when he smelled the blood. He was drawn to it, and for some reason...thirsted for it. When he reached the area where the blood smelled the strongest, there was nothing.
5:52pm Jun 20 2012
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Grabbing the food, she and Ryu walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. With Kaylee leading, she walked quietly up the stairs and into the pitch black room with Ryu behind her.
Setting down the tray, she pushed open the curtain and grabbed Ryu's hand. "Here, touch him. He feels too cold to be alive, and he doesn't breathe when he sleeps. I don't know what's wrong with him. He doesn't sleep at night and seems exhausted during the day." She spoke barely above a whisper in order to keep him asleep.
9:25am Jun 21 2012
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Ryu did touch him and was shocked at how cold he was. "It's...like he is dead...Be right back." Something had started to nag him at the back of his brain. He bolted to the library to begin looking for the answer.
Daisuke slowly woke. "What's going on? Did something happen?" He asked with a slight yawn. "It's not even night yet." He said the last bit without realizing it.
9:49am Jun 21 2012
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Looking at him like he was crazy, she didn't have a clue what he meant."What do you mean its not even dark yet?" she asked with a puzzled look. "Are you okay? you feel so cold and you weren't breathing." she asked with concern laced in her voice.
10:05am Jun 21 2012
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He tilted his head confused. "But I am breathing..." He replied. "And what do you mean when you said that I said it wasn't even night out?" He grew even more confused and yawned once more.
Ryu continued to search the library for answers.
10:14am Jun 21 2012
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"When you fell asleep you stopped breathing, and when you woke up just now, you said it isn't even night out. Don't you remember saying that?" she said as she watched him at the foot of the bed. Kaylee didn't know what to do and she was scared for Daisuke. ~come on Ryu, where did you go?~
She was very stressed so she began pacing about the room, but stopped in front of the dresser with the mirror. The mirror looked rippled so she touched it expecting it to be designed that way, but she cut herself on broken glass instead. "Son of a *censored*" she gasped, gripping her bleeding finger in her mouth. Her wings fluttering slightly with the sting of the cut moved her hair from covering her necklace, which was glowing purple with a mix of pain and nervousness.
((Stayed up all night because there were noises coming from back door that sounded like someone trying to break in I had like four knives surrounding me))
10:26am Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(*hugs you* im sorry. *nuzzles you, trying to make you feel better*)Daisuke's eyes widened at the smell and he licked his lips. He wanted that blood, but deep down he was horrified with himself. He walked toward her without making a single sound. He did not notice that there was no reflection of himself in the mirror. (yeah I'm going to put that just cuz XD)
Ryu found what he was looking for, and his eyes widened. "It can't be. *Censored*." He bolted out of the library and ran back to the room. He saw Daisuke standing just behind Kaylee. "Get away from her, you son of a *Censored*!"
Daisuke turned to face Ryu, his eyes now almost completely red. He bared his teeth in a feral snarl, his fangs clearly showing now. He charged at Ryu, who easily side stepped and pinned Daisuke to the floor. Daisuke struggled, but because of it being daytime and he hadn't 'eaten', he was far weaker than normal.
"Are you alright, Kaylee?" Ryu asked worriedly as he continued to hold down Daisuke.
10:40am Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Shaking uncontrollably, she turned around and watched Daisuke with fear in her eyes. Seeing his face and eyes, tears began to fall. "You aren't Daisuke! What the hell is wrong with you?" she whimpered. All she could do was cry until she saw Ryu run into the room and knock Daisuke onto the ground. "Y-yeah, I t-think so." she stuttered with her eyes glued on the frenzied man under Ryu.
She watched as Ryu held Daisuke down on the ground no matter how hard Daisuke tried to get free. ~Oh gosh, what the hell is wrong with him.~ Still crying, she shoved herself in the corner farthest away from the monster and curled up in a ball.
((*is nuzzled and hugged* its okay, thanks.))
nice mirror ref :P