10:54am Jun 21 2012
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(XD) Ryu quickly pressed a pressure point on the back of Daisuke's neck, knocking him out. He then picked him up and laid him back on the bed. He then went over and knelt in front of Kaylee. "It will be alright. It was the smell of the blood from your cut that set him off...He's what people apparently call a...vampire...a blood sucker. They need blood in order to survive. They have no reflections in mirrors, are practically immortal, and they are the living dead." He moved to sit next to Kaylee and wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "It will be fine. We just need to get one of the cows or something to share its blood every so often in order to keep him fed. Vampires are regal creatures, but if hungry for long enough, the thirst gets too much for them to handle..." He felt silent.
11:05am Jun 21 2012
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Leaning into his embrace she accepted the warmth, but her brain was in overdrive. ~What do we do now? Will he be okay? How will Kay react to this?~ All of the events overwhelmed her and she just cried silently in Ryu's embrace. Adding to the depressing mood was her necklace's blue glow.
11:24am Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 2,290
Ryu kept silent as he continued to hold her. Just then, Kay walked in.
Kay walked over to the bed with a large (Insert whatever those water bag things from olden times are called *feels stupid for forgetting the name), and went over to the bed. He carefully woke Daisuke up and handed him the (insert).
Daisuke took it and chugged down the contents. He drank as if it had been months since he had anything. When he finished, he laid back down and fell asleep.
Kay placed the (insert) on the nearby nightstand, then grabbed a blanket and placed it over Daisuke. "Sleep well." He whispered.
Ryu did not know what to say. Did Kay know what Daisuke was? If so, then how?
11:40am Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 11:41am Jun 21 2012)
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Kaylee watched Kay in shock. She was amazed at how calm he was when dealing with Daisuke and was proud of how fast he matured in a serious situation. She watched as Daisuke gulped down the entire skin of what she assumed was blood. After Kay was finished, she wanted to call him to her but didn't have the energy, so she sat back and closed her eyes listening to the soft beat of Ryu's heart against his chest.
((I think Skin was the word you were looking for))
12:12pm Jun 21 2012
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(Thank you ^^) Kay looked at her and smiled, as if sensing what she wanted. He walked over to her and curled up on the floor in front of her, his head resting on her lap.
Ryu smiled inwardly at Kay, but his face showed no emotion as he tried to figure out what was going on. He had a distinct feeling that all of them had been human once. Kay he knew was a cat thing, Kaylee he was unsure of, Daisuke was a vampire, and himself? Another unknown.
12:30pm Jun 21 2012
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Kaylee smiled back at Kay and started to lightly pet the top of his head, enjoying the feel of his soft hair between her fingers. She was curious as to what each of them were referred to as, because they were clearly not "human" anymore. Hopefully the library had information on them, but for now all she wanted to do was sleep. It was hard to stay awake with Kay on her lap and the warmth coming from Ryu, so her eyes started closing and before she knew it, she had fallen asleep again.
((Listening to soothing music really changes how you respond to stuff ^^; If I do another nightmare, I will be listening to heavy rock/metal XD))
12:43pm Jun 21 2012
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(*laughs*) Ryu watched her sleep, a small smile forming. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed being with her, Kay, and Daisuke. He felt...at home.
Kay began to purr and he too soon fell asleep, having exhausted himself earlier from all his playing.
1:13pm Jun 21 2012
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Kaylee walked into an empty street, the only sounds were the winds blowing and leaves rustling in the trees. Walking down the barren road, she saw nothing except for destroyed houses, debris everywhere, and smoke coming from the distance. Clouds rolled in and it began to pour, so she ran into one of the abandoned houses.
Entering the house, she was greeted by the putrid smell of burning flesh and mold. Holding her breath, she walked further into the house and saw a family, or what was left of a family. The bones were the only thing left, and the position of the bodies made it look like they were running away from something.
Rustling came from behind her and when she turned around, an enormous shadow came out of nowhere and lurched after her. Scared she began running, but no matter how fast she went the shadow was catching up to her. She tripped and tried to get back up, but the shadow had grabbed her ankle and was slowly working its way up, burning every part of her body that touched it. Screaming, she tried to kick it off, but it just kept swallowing her. She went ballistic as it started eating her neck and began crying and yelling for anything to help her. "Help! Help me plea-" Then everything disappeared in darkness.
Unbeknownst to her, she had been screaming outside of her dream as well.
1:26pm Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 1:29pm Jun 21 2012)
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Ryu shook her, trying to wake her up. "Kaylee!" He cried out.
Kay woke up and tried to help.
Daisuke was in the burning city when he heard her screams. He followed the sounds and soon found her. A strange shadow had a strong grip on her. "LET HER GO!!!" He screamed as he charged, not realizing that his whole form had begun to shift, as if getting ready for the fight ahead.
(Look at Bio for Daisuke for what his awakened vampire form looks like.)
1:45pm Jun 21 2012
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She could hear voices calling to her, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get out of the shadow's grasp. She was slowly losing consciousness when a familiar voice yelled at her captor. She knew who it was but couldn't say anything. Feeling helpless, the only thing she could do was fight to stay awake even though she was being deprived of oxygen. The only thing that gave away the fact that she was still alive was her necklace, which burned a deep royal blue.
(we were complimented on our literacy earlier on the sb, they said with literacy like that we should have straight A's in english)
1:50pm Jun 21 2012
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(i did have straight A's in English ^^ and in my senior year of High School, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. But man, that was nice of them to compliment us. *Hugs you out of joy.*)Daisuke slammed into the shadow at full force, and ended up knocking Kaylee free. The shadow turned towards him and launched its own attack, which was deflected. Daisuke then did a counter attack. After about a half hour of battle, the shadow retreated. -You will fall.- Was projected into Daisuke's thoughts, and he knew it was from the shadow.
1:58pm Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 1:59pm Jun 21 2012)
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She sat gasping on the concrete after being slammed out of the shadow. After catching her breath, she saw a mysterious man fighting the shadow. The man had piercing red eyes that seemed to see deep into the soul, and something about him seemed familiar but she couldn't place it. She watched silently as the fight went on for what felt like hours, and when the shadow was fleeing it projected a telepathic message into her head that made her quake in fear.
(*accepts the hug warmly*)
2:07pm Jun 21 2012
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Daisuke turned to look at her, before walking over. He held out his hand. "I will lead you the way out of this nightmare." He said his voice sounding deep, almost like the sound of ocean waves when it hits the rocks. Or like the sound of someone talking inside a cave, deep and reverberating.
2:34pm Jun 21 2012
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For an unknown reason she trusted the man, and when he held out his hand she gratefully took it. She didn't know where they were going, but she felt safe nether the less. Standing up, she looked up at the man and asked "who are you?"
2:42pm Jun 21 2012
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"A friend." Was all he said. When she took his hand, that created a gateway so to speak, causing her to wake up.
2:45pm Jun 21 2012
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She woke up with a jolt and was panting. "W-what happened, why couldn't I get up?" she said confused. She didn't know who that man was, but she was deeply grateful for what he did for her.
3:30pm Jun 21 2012
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Ryu and Kay looked at her. "Are you ok?" They asked in unison.
3:39pm Jun 21 2012
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Nodding, she was okay for now, but what did that shadow mean by "you will fall"? Shaking the thought out of her head she looked up into two sets of worried eyes and smiled. "I'm okay, some man with red eyes and silver-ish hair saved me from a shadow that was attacking me in my dream."
6:26pm Jun 21 2012
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Kay said nothing, though he did have a feeling that the person in her dream was none other than Daisuke. -Dream Walker.- He thought. -He can enter the dreams of others...Ryu said that he was a vampire...but is he something more than that?- He wondered.
Ryu hugged her close. "I'm glad you are alright. I don't know what that shadow or whatever, said by 'you will fall.' Do you think you could draw me a sketch or something of this person you saw?" He asked intrigued.
He continued to walk the streets, searching for that shadow. If he could destroy it, then Kaylee would no longer have cause to fear.
7:17pm Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 1,432
"I can try, but they will not be the most accurate in color." she said as she got up. She knew there was paper and writing utensils in the library, so she went up stairs to grab some. All the way up, she couldn't get the image of the man who saved her out of her mind. ~who was he and how did he know me?~
When she walked into the library, she saw the book that Ryu had read before running back into Daisuke's room. Grabbing the parchment, pencils and the book, she hurried back to Daisuke's room and began to sketch the man that had saved her.