4:35pm Jun 22 2012 (last edited on 11:31am Jun 23 2012)
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Both Ryu and Kay watched her without a word.Daisuke caught a quick glimpse of the shadow just ahead. "Found you." He growled and took off after it. What the shadow had said had completely left his mind. He thought it had been talking to Kaylee, but it had in fact directed that comment to Daisuke.(do you mind being the shadow for a little bit?)
4:50pm Jun 22 2012
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Posts: 1,432
((Sure I dont mind The shadow will be this and Kaylee will be this))
Kaylee sat there drawing for about thirty minutes, and what she drew was, in her opinion, a pretty accurate sketch. The man on the paper had hair just below his ears, fangs jutting out of his mouth, black tattoo like streaks on his cheek, and red eyes with snake or cat pupils. She was unsure of what Ryu and Kay would think, but handed it to them anyway.
It knew that the Fanged One was right behind it, but with the beating that it took earlier, it just wasn't moving fast enough or it would have disappeared already. Hissing in pain, the shadow slithered out of the street and into a dark alley. Hiding there, it found a small furry creature by a trash bin and consumed it within the shadow's body. After being ingested, all of the previous wounds vanished, leaving the shadow strong enough to hide in plain view just in case the Fanged One came down the alley.
5:11pm Jun 22 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(Thanks ^^)
Daisuke followed it and smirked. "You fail terribly at hiding." He said as he approached, clearly seeing the shadowy being.Kay grinned. "He looks awesome!"Ryu chuckled at what Kay had said, before focusing his attention to the sketch. "Who are you he whispered. He then stood. "I'm going to the library again." He said as he head back out of the room.
5:18pm Jun 22 2012
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"It doesn't matter how good I am at hiding, as long as I can get away from you until the sun goes down. I know what you are Fanged One, and I know who to harm to get the biggest reaction out of you." The shadow said with a glint of cruel amusement in his eyes. Vanishing into another alley, the shadow continued to dart from shadow pocket to shadow pocket.
Kaylee laughed at Kay's reaction to the drawing, but was curious as to what Ryu was getting out of the library this time. Deciding to wait for him, she picked up the book from the library and began to read.
((No prob, I think this is kinda fun being a dark sinister creep XP))
5:29pm Jun 22 2012
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(XD) "What the *Censored* do you mean?" He demanded as he gave chase. He soon over took the shadow being and full on tackled it. They ended up slamming into a building wall, and broke through it. Daisuke got a little dizzy from the impact since his head hit the stone wall rather hard. -At least it took the full brunt of the impact.- He thought.
Ryu searched hard, trying to find any information that would point to who this person was.
5:38pm Jun 22 2012
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Smirking, the shadow shook itself free from the rubble and grabbed the dizzy man by his hair. "Careful now Fanged One, you should learn to control that temper of yours." the shadow said sarcastically. It pulled him higher and higher until it was far above the town and threw him with all its might. Knowing that the Fanged One would be back, the shadow split itself up into over 12 smaller versions of itself and scattered knowing that this would be the perfect distraction.
Kaylee was looking in the book she had obtained and found a section that had a picture of her necklace and was just about to read when she heard silent growling from Daisuke. Dog-earring the page, she closed the book and decided to bring this up with all of them later. In the meantime, she picked up Kay and set him on her lap to keep herself distracted.
5:42pm Jun 22 2012
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Daisuke let out a roar of rage, but forced himself to calm down. He closed his eyes, trying to find the real shadow being, not the decoys. -Where are you?- He thought.
Kay giggled and nuzzled her neck happily. His cat tail flicked back and forth, mirroring his happiness. "Don't worry." He said giving her the cutest look ever, aka, the kitty eyes with the puppy head tilt. "Everything will be just fine."
Ryu kept looking, but so far hadn't found a thing.
5:47pm Jun 22 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Kaylee laughed, "I guess your right."
The shadow knew that he would find him eventually, but there wasn't much time before the Fanged One had to wake up. "Time is almost up Fanged One." cackled all of the clones. They all got up and began to bounce around, breaking everything that they came in contact with, causing heaps of concrete and brick to fall everywhere.
5:50pm Jun 22 2012
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Daisuke soon picked up the real one. "Found you." He growled and twisted around and launched himself into the air to land on a roof of a nearby building. From there he launched himself into an alley, and tackled the shadow being once more. This time, though, he bit down hard on its neck.
Kay hugged her, wanting to make sure that she would be alright.
5:57pm Jun 22 2012
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"Hahahaha! Do you really think that biting a shadow is very effective Fanged One?" said the shadow as it evaporated out of the mouth of his captor. Looking at the sun rising in the dream world the shadow smirked knowing that it meant the sun was setting in the real world,"See you tomorrow Fanged One." And with that, he vanished.
Kaylee hugged him back. Somehow, he always got her to laugh or distract her from what was going on and for that she was grateful. Without Ryu, Kay, or Daisuke she would not know what she would do.
6:07pm Jun 22 2012
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He sat upright as he woke. He looked around and sighed, before getting up. -We aren't done.- He thought. He noticed that Kaylee seemed a little..off. "Are you alright?" He asked.
"Hi, Daisuke." Kay said giggling.
6:25pm Jun 22 2012 (last edited on 6:25pm Jun 22 2012)
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Hearing the bed shift, she looked up and saw Daisuke looking at her and Kay. When he greeted them, Kay replied happily but Kaylee had hints of fear in her eyes when she greeted him back. Hearing Ryu, she turned her head to the door.
6:36pm Jun 22 2012
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"I haven't found anything yet. The library is much more extensive then I had first taken it for." He went and sat on the bed.
Daisuke nodded, not sure what Ryu was looking for, but at the moment he didn't care. "Do you mind if I go outside for a bit? I'm feeling pretty hungry."
"No go ahead."
Kay shook his head that it was fine.
6:49pm Jun 22 2012
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Kaylee watched wearily as Daisuke left the room and released a breathe she didn't realize she was holding. She adjusted her self on the floor and knocked her book over causing a thump to echo in the room.
7:00pm Jun 22 2012
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Both Ryu and Kay looked at her. "Are you ok?" They asked in unison.
7:24pm Jun 22 2012
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Grabbing the book, she looked at them and knew she would have to answer. "Y-yeah, I guess I am still jumpy because of what happened earlier." Unconsciously, she began to play with the corners of the book because of her frayed nerves.
7:38pm Jun 22 2012
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Ryu nodded. "That's understandable...I say we should all get our rest. It's been a long day." He smiled kindly at her and held out his hand.
Kay nodded and bolted for a crimson and gold room he had had his eyes on.
Daisuke went outside. "Was it all a dream?" He asked himself. "Or was it something more." He could still feel a slight headache from when he had hit his head in the dream. He found a cow and drank some of its blood, just enough to stop the thirst. He then went and sat down, looking out over the lake. "What am I?" He wondered.
8:12pm Jun 22 2012
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Accepting the hand, she allowed him to help her up off the floor. She was afraid to fall asleep because of her dreams, but she knew that she needed rest. She just hoped that her dreams would leave her in peace tonight.
11:35am Jun 23 2012
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Ryu led her to a room that he thought she might like. The color scheme was a royal purple color with touches of black here and there. "Will this be fine?" He asked. "I can find a different room for you if you wish."
Daisuke continued to sit, staring out over the lake. "What do I do now?" He sighed. "I already lost it once...Will I end up losing it again, but this time hurt them?"
Kay curled up in a ball under the covers, only his ears sticking up from under the covers. He smiled happily, closing his eyes and soon falling asleep.
1:47pm Jun 23 2012
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"Thank you Ryu, this is wonderful." she said with a small smile. Heading into the room, she set her book down on the night stand and sat on the bed. She thought about the dream, the man, and what was wrong with Daisuke. Remembering the book, she looked at it, picked it up, and began to read again