1:36pm Jun 24 2012
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Ryu nodded. "Glad you like it. If you need me I'll be in the room to your right, down the hall. It's the third door down." He smiled at her then left. He went to his room. The color scheme for his was navy blue and silver. He laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a little while before falling sound asleep.
Daisuke looked up at the moon and smiled. His eyes though remained sad and...alone.
2:21pm Jun 24 2012
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Reading further into the book, she found a section labeled demons. Curious, she started at the top.
Demons are beings that come from many different religions, and their meanings can be very different based upon what type of demon it is. A demon with a cat like appearance and is child-like in behavior, typically displaying cat-like behaviors such as playfulness, mischievousness and deviousness. This demon is common in most areas with lots of children and positive emotions. Often these demons are mistaken for actual cats, and can hide their ears and tail to make them appear more human. A female demon with bat-like wings and beautiful features is not very common in the living world due to the fact that they can hide their true appearance if necessary. One of the main tell-tale signs of one of these creatures is their blood red eyes and their amulet. The amulet that they wear changes color based on the strongest emotion they feel at a given time. They only cause mischief if ordered by someone above them, otherwise they are generally calm.
~Well that narrows down Kay's and I think that female one sounds like me. Maybe I will show this to Ryu before he falls asleep~ she thought. Getting up, she walked out of her room with the book in hand and walked quietly to Ryu's room.
11:50am Jun 25 2012
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Ryu woke as she entered. He looked over at her and gave her a tired smile. "What's up?" He noticed her holding the book. "Find something more?" He asked curious now.
He stood with a sigh. -What should I do now?- He went back to the castle and slipped into his room. He laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He hated feeling confused and not in control of things.
12:02pm Jun 25 2012
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Nervously smiling she nodded,"yeah I did. I'm sorry I woke you, but I think I found something on Kay and possibly on me. But I wanted your opinion." She said as she handed the book over to Ryu.
The shadow hissed quietly when he could not find the winged girl and continued to search the roads of the dream world
12:39pm Jun 25 2012
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Ryu took the book and read. "This sounds like the two of you to the t." He smiled encouragingly at her. "Good work." He patted her on the shoulder.
Soon falls asleep. Wanders the streets once more with a sigh. He shrugged and noticed that he was normal looking. He smiled then looked around, sensing the shadow beings presence. He smirked, not realizing he had shifted to the form from before.
12:45pm Jun 25 2012
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"Thanks, but I can't distinguish what you are. If me, Kay and Daisuke are demons, then what are you?" she asked him.
The shadow smiled when he felt the Fanged One come into the dream world. Being tactful, it led him into a house unharmed by the death and destruction of the shadows. Smiling, it waited for the Fanged one to enter the house.
12:58pm Jun 25 2012
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"Actually, Daisuke is a vampire...though I wonder if he might be something more than that." He shrugged. "I don't know about me though...I haven't looked into that yet."
Starts hunting for the shadow being, calling out as he does. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Laughs evilly.
1:10pm Jun 25 2012
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"Oh, that's interesting. I will try to find something on him in here and see if there is anything else i can get out of the book. Good night Ryu." she said before Kissing Ryu on the cheek. Kaylee then got up and went to bed.
Cackling evilly, the shadow slowly drew the Fanged one further into the house. Waiting behind the furniture that the couple was sitting on, completely invisible to the family. Knowing that he couldn't resist fresh blood, the shadow made tiny cuts across each of the family members arms as soon as the Fanged One walked in, and the smell of blood filled the room.
1:40pm Jun 25 2012
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Starts shuddering, trying to resit. He dropped to his knees clutching his head. "*Censored*." He began to growl as he continued to try to resist the urge.
Ryu stared after Kaylee as she left, shocked by the kiss. He then felt a slight burning sensation on his arm. He looked down and saw the cut, blood slowly oozing from it. "What?"
Kay remained asleep, though he tossed and turned. Something was telling him that not all was right in the house.
5:39pm Jun 25 2012
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The shadow smiled knowing that the blood-lust was clouding his vision and that he wouldn't be able to see who the couple was. Smirking, the shadow came behind the Fanged One and whispered in his ear. "Go on, just a taste. It's so fresh just dripping down their arms. They won't even feel a thing." Just then, the woman got up, kissed the man on the cheek, and walked up as if going to her room when she stopped grabbed her arm and ran back into the other room.
"W-what the?" she gasped as she felt her arm burn. Looking down, she saw a cut that was pouring blood steadily down her forearm. Hoping that Ryu had something for it, she ran back to his room and found him holding his arm as well with blood coming from between his fingers. Neither of them knew that it was caused by something in the dream world.
11:36am Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 11:37am Jun 26 2012)
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He let out a scream, fighting so hard to remain in control, but was starting to fall and give into the blood lust. -Can't...not...now...-
Ryu looked around, somehow hearing that scream. "Did you hear that?" He asked Kaylee.
Kay woke to the scream and ran down to Ryu's room. He saw the shadow and growled, moving into a crouch. "Leave him alone!" He demanded, his eyes narrowing. His body shifted.

11:48am Jun 26 2012
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"Yeah, what was tha-"she said when she heard growling. Looking down, she saw Kay growling and he began to transform. Looking in the direction he was growling, she saw the shadow from her dream. Gasping, she backed away and tried to get as far away from it as possible.
Cursing under its breath, it looked back at the Feline Child and blew it back with a gust of shadows. Knowing that the blood-lust had completely consumed the Fanged One, the shadow smirked and disappeared.
12:00pm Jun 26 2012
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Kay withstood the wind blast and changed back. He walked up to a shadowy shape near the wall. "It's Ok, let it go. It won't do you any good." He reached out his hand and touched the shadowy figure on the chest.
He looked at the cat child and tilted his head, still growling slightly. He then collapsed unconscious, then was gone.
Kay then ran to Daisuke's room. He shook him. "Come on...wake up, wake up....WAKE UP!"
Daisuke didn't stir, stuck in the dream world. He wandered the streets once more. -That was too close.- He thought. -Thank you, Kay.-
Ryu got up and followed Kay, standing in the doorway unsure of what to do.
12:21pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 12:22pm Jun 26 2012)
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Still afraid, she just sat on the bed, huddled as far away from anything as possible. Unbeknownst to her, she had transformed but she was too scared to notice.
(see my info page to see transformation)
12:39pm Jun 26 2012
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Kay felt her shift. "Stay with him." He told Ryu and bolted out of the room and back to Ryu's. He went over to Kaylee and crawled into her lap. "It's ok." He told her in a quiet, reassuring voice.
Ryu went over to a chair next to the bed and sat there staring at Daisuke. "What is going on with you...What are you? You are a vampire...but what else?"
He walked around trying to find the shadow being once more. -This time, I won't fall for his tricks.- He thought growling.
4:31pm Jun 26 2012
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All of a sudden, she realized that her hair was barely past her shoulders and she panicked. Running to the mirror, she was shocked at what she saw. Her long blue hair was replaced with grey shoulder length hair, her red eyes were now black, but were not visible due to the black mask over her eyes. Her outfit also disappeared leaving her only in a small pair of shorts that barely covered all of the necessities and a top that covered her breasts and had a loop around her neck holding it in place, and she wore fingerless elbow length gauntlets and knee high 2 inch high heeled boots. Her blood red bat like wings had gotten smaller and had a more feathery appearance, all of her outfit had no colors in it other than black.
When she heard Kay ask if she was alright, she didn't know how to answer,"I-I think so."she said with a voice that sounded like an angels sultry voice, her voice sounded so regal and a tad deeper in pitch than her normal voice.
11:33am Jun 27 2012
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Kay giggled, thinking that she was perfect in every way. He went up to her and hugged her.
He picked up on the shadow. -Got you now.- He thought and tackled it full on.
11:39am Jun 27 2012
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Looking down at Kay, she smirked and patted his head. "thanks kid, but what happened to everyone" she observed when she looked back up
Squirming and thrashing about, it hissed out an angry response." You idiot, do you really think that its just me ruining everything? think about it, how can one shadow be in a dream world and shoot the Silent One in the shoulder? I am only following orders."
11:48am Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 11:48am Jun 27 2012)
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"What do you mean?" He asked tilting his head. "Ryu is with Daisuke, who won't wake up...and well, I'm with you." As he said the last part he giggled again.
He growled. "Do you think that matters to me?" His eyes blazed a brighter red than before, his fangs getting slightly longer, and the tips turning a dark crimson. "I'll deal with whoever else is out there later." His mind began to deteriorate. "Do you think they even matter to me?" He was giving in to the darkness of his mind. His fears were consuming him, pulling him further away from the light.
Kay stiffened and bolted back to Daisuke's room. "Wake up *censored*." He shook Daisuke's sleeping form. "This is not good. WAKE UP!"
Ryu stared at Kay in shock.
11:51am Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 11:52am Jun 27 2012)
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Running after Kay, she saw both him and Ryu trying frantically to wake up Daisuke. "Whats wrong with him?" she asked as her small feathered wings fluttered and her head piece began to glow.
Trying to get out of his grasp was useless so the shadow just went limp