5:55pm Sep 5 2014
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Posts: 698
Stella gave a smile then bent down into a kneel and held her hand out to the spirit, she watched it with bright, golden eyes as it slowly made its way closer, "OK, non nocere *Its ok, I won't hurt you*" she said quietly then looked behind her and saw Max walking over near Dominik, clearly still iffy about the spirits. Looking to Dominik she spoke "Really? What is threatening them then?" looking back to the spirit she looked into it's glowing eyes with curiosity "Quod est opus vestrum? *What is your need?*".
8:12am Sep 12 2014
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Posts: 306
Hearing Stella as she spoke to the spirit I stared at her in slight shock and wonder. She spoke as if she had spoken for years to the spirits, as if she knew how to pitch her voice or lower it just right for the perfect tone. Rotating my head slowly to look at all of them I saw Max approach me once again, his head down, tail low as he trotted up to me quickly then did a wide C around me standing behind me, hidden in the bushes and ever so closely watching over Stella. looking back to him my eyes dulled to a soft glow as I spoke, "Requiem facilis amicum, non ut quisque noceat" * rest easy friend, they do not intend to harm any of us* Max stared up at me then whined ever so quietly before finally sitting down. I listened to Stella speak to the creature and as the last sentence left her mouth Max jumped up circling in his one place, looking around, un-easy. Feeling his anxiety a sudden sound began to rise. At first it was only one and then a second, a third until the entire group had joined in. Every Spirit laid their ears back and as they opened their mouths the ever curiouser whale songs which now held an easy, yet playful chime to them trickled out and all at once became an overwhelmingly Spiritual choir who's sound though loud, was gentle enough to leave the trees unshaken, and Max finally back into his sitting position. A smile pulled at the corners of my mouth as I looked around at the mass of glowing orbs surrounding us, off in distant packs, some rather close, close enough to feel the vibrations of their song. As I watched this phenomenon unfold I looked to Stella as every other creature was, " You, Stella. They feel your confusion and fear from past and previous memories and thoughts." listening closely to their songs it danced in my ears and floated through my mind. " They're here for you. They want to help" I repeat over the song as notes changed and songs though completely different blended into another's and made a unique melody. Even in a forest of massive trees, I felt as if we were submerged in the sea, with millions of whales singing around us.
1:22pm Sep 12 2014
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Posts: 698
((Can I just say something really quick? I freaking HATE when you finish an incredibly long, creative post and right before you hit "Post Reply" your computer crashes making you lose EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING, best part is you can't even remember half of the post -_- Sorry for wasting your time with a small rant aha))
Stella had turned her head to look at Dominik then jumped when the spirit had touched her hand of which she was holding out for it, "Why do they want to help me?" she asked him then suddenly, slight understanding jolted in. "Avus sciebas, nonne?" *You knew my Grandfather, didn't you?* she asked the spirit then looked around as she heard the many calls, all of them unique yet in harmony with eachother. The spirit had pulled away from her hand and sat a foot away from her, dipping it's head "Quis est hic? Quid ille erat?" *Who was he? What was he?* she asked then watched it's eyes as it glanced the side. Suddenly another spirit stepped out, and stood a few feet away, it's eyes glancing from Dominik to Stella, slowly inching forward every second.
4:04pm Sep 13 2014
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Posts: 306
Silent foot fall fell around us as each spirit and cloaked beast moved in around us yet staying a fair distance away. The two in front of Stella holding a gentle nature about them, watching her carefully but without fear. Bowing in respect to a nearby Forest Spirit as it stared me down with massive moon colored eyes.
5:11pm Sep 16 2014
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Posts: 698
Stella became a bit uneasy as the many spirits began coming closer and jumped as the first spirit backed away into the shadows and the larger one touched her forehead with its ice cold nose. "Aut ubi sum?" *Where am I?* She asked looking around at the snow covered mountains with dark clouds hanging over them, suddenly the grey wolf with yellow eyes and scars appeared and howled, right when it had howled the moon shown through the storm clouds and its light hit them directly. Suddenly the light disappeared and her sight went out as well making everything dark as a starless night "Tu autem ibi es?" *Are you there?* she asked then jumped back as a fire blazed up right infront of her, a redish brown wolf with glowing yellow eyes stepped out from the heart of it and touched noses with her.
Opening her eyes, Stella looked around to find she was back in the forest with Dominik, she looked at him with her heart beating fast and her eyes wide still seeing the blazing fire.
5:19pm Sep 16 2014
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Posts: 306
Staying silent as the Forest Spirit looked to Stella, it's eyes ablaze with her memories as well as her own eyes. " Yes, I am still here" I replied as she looked around.
5:33pm Sep 16 2014
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Posts: 698
Stella looked forward to where the spirit was again and heard it whisper, "Your past is the secret to your future..." the fire calmed and her head began to hurt as it whispered with a faintly familiar voice that rang through her ears. Suddenly a call louder than all the others echoed through the forest and the spirits began to back away into the darkness except the one infront of her "Quid est?" *What?* then looking to Dominik with confusion flashing in her yellow gaze she spoke, "Where are they going?" she asked looking back at the spirit infront of her.
5:59pm Sep 16 2014
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Posts: 306
" They're retreating. The Great Spirit has given the word to leave, He's accomplished what He came to do" I explain softly bowing to the Spirit.
4:56pm Sep 22 2014
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Posts: 698
Once all the spirits had left, Stella felt all her energy slip away making her fall to her knees, her head rushing with thoughts and the visions of the wolves the Forest Spirit had shown her until her sight began to fade into inky blackness. Slowly Stella switched positions to a more comfortable one and waited for her sight to come back, finally the black slowly turned to gray then to the silver white of the moonlit snow. "What just happened..." She asked looking at Dominik completely out of breath.
7:41am Sep 23 2014
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Posts: 306
Standing up as a last tiny spirit zipped past me and into the trees I trotted over to Stella and laid around her curling my tail over her lap and emitting the heat from my body to hers as snow began to fall. " If someone or something is ever lucky enough to witness such events as I just did they're never quite sure, what did you see?" I asked as she sunk into my fur her skin chilled from the snow, Max pacing a foot from my paws whining prominently his eyes on Stella. Moving one paw ever so slightly Max slowly moved back then stopped and sniffed in my direction before slowly moving forward. Seeing he'd have to step on my leg to get to her he stood for a second, whined and did a few circles then ever so gingerly set his paw on my hind leg and lifted his front end up snuffling Stella and licking her softly.
11:05am Sep 23 2014
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Posts: 698
Stella soon regained her breath then ran her hands through Max's fur giving him a look saying 'Its alright'. "There was an old wolf that I had seen in my dreams before, it was gray with yellow eyes and it had scars all over. It howled, and its howl seemed to push the storm clouds of which were covering up the moon away, then, my vision went black, the last thing I saw was the wolf's eyes. After I couldn't see it's eyes any longer I looked around the endless darkness but suddenly a fire burst up a hair away from my face, I jumped back then saw a strange reddish brown wolf step out of the flames...It touched noses with me then I was here again." She said her mind lost in memory of the strange vision.
4:52pm Oct 1 2014
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Posts: 306
" A vision" I breath at her looking out into the woods, " you should get inside, Stella. The temperature is dropping quickly and you need rest. Besides, if you come down ill, who am I to come see in these woods at night?" I smirk at her snow littering my fur.
5:39pm Oct 3 2014
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Posts: 698
Stella looked down then nodded, "I have a feeling I won't be falling asleep tonight" with a huff she got up and brushed herself off. "Oh I'm sure Max would be delighted to visit you" She looked down teasingly at Max who gave a small groan when he looked back up at her, then looking to the direction of the house she started walking but turned her head to look at Dominik "And thank you again" she said then dashed off into the forest Max following close behind.
"Be quiet! If you wake her up..." Low whispers flittered through the empty air coming from the basement, being her curious self, Stella wondered to the door which led down. Ordering Max to go upstairs to her room she slowly opened the door and began to walk into the basement only far enough to where she could hear the conversation. "Do you not realize what could happen if we let her get out too much?" A harsh voice growled, "We need her out in order to finish this project, we can't have her snooping around and finding something she might regret" another voice said in a softer tone, 'what are they talking about?' she thought to herself as she shifted her weight just enough for her to see a shadow, it had a human shape yet it didn't quite look human. "If she gets the slightest hint of whats going to happen all plans will be ruined" the harsher one started before the softer one began to argue again "And thats exactly why we need her gone, so that she doesn't get a hint and-" *squeak* "What was that?". "Oh crap" Stella muttered under her breath carefully getting up and walking back up to the main floor, not making a sound as she ran upstairs and into her room.
"Max oh my gosh, I don't know what I just saw" She started then began pacing, going deep into thought of what it could be, "Quid erat quod. Quid illa sunt, de quo dicit?" *What was that. What were they talking about?* she began to rant but then stopped when Max had started to whine. She patted him on the head then looked in his eyes to see the reflection of hers, the fire began to come back and she sat on her bed, placing her hand on her forehead. "I should get to sleep, wheres my backpack..." she looked around the room then realized she had left it in the forest by the large Fir, "I can't believe I was so...Grr" she growled at herself shaking her head then plopped down on the bed slowly drifting asleep.
9:10am Oct 4 2014
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Posts: 306
Re-living the moment in the forest I turned to leave when my front claws hooked on a fabric dragging it a little. Setting my paw down I recognized it as Stella's bag immediately. Lowering my head I picked up the top strap in my mouth, turned and loped through the forest back home. The wind sat at a steady 5 degrees the snow plowing in from the east and covering everything it touched. Coming to the highway I watched for the glare of headlights before dashing across my nails barely finding grip on the patches of black ice beneath my feet before I leapt over the edge of the highway and dropped down onto the slope on the other side. Keeping the bag away from the razored ground I broke into a lope through the snow. Finally reaching my house I slowed to a walk a good thirty feet from the front steps. Feeling the shudder as my body got ready to transcend back I felt my joints popping and re-shaping, I never would get used to the strange shrinking kind of discomfort of pushing my true form into the tiny human -to me- human body that kept me ' normal and acceptable'. Shaking the snow from my now steaming human frame I held the bag close and headed inside.
11:38am Oct 6 2014
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Posts: 698
Suddenly a high-pitched ring went throughout the house, making Stella jump up and cover her ears in pain just as Max had done. "Oh it's Kaz's wrist-watch alarm..." she said then looked at Max, "What time is it..." She started then drowsily looked at the clock to see she had about five minuets to get ready for school, "Oh heck, Max go eat, I'll be down as quick as I can" she said sliding off her bed until she hit the ground then getting up and rushing through her daily routine. "Ok I showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth....What am I forgetting what am I forgetting..." she trailed off then remembered that she had left her backpack in the forest, "Well this is bull" she shook her head, scolding herself then grabbed the few books she didn't forget to take out of it last night and rushed downstairs and out the door only to see that Kaz was late as well.
"Wait! Wait!" Stella yelled pushing towards the bus right behind Kaz then groaned curses to herself as it left without them. "Badluck, looks like we're walking" Kaz said, clearly trying to be as positive as he could, 'Well your trying too hard' she thought to herself, trying to hold her tongue. After about ten to twenty minuets of nonstop running, they finally reached the school "Well I'm off to Math, I'll catch you in English!" Kaz said waving his hand before dashing off, "Idiot" she commented walking to her locker and putting two of her books in, leaving one out for her first class History. "Oh what in world am I gonna do" She sighed then headed to class.
3:21pm Oct 6 2014
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Posts: 306
Sitting on the end of my bed a cigarette resting loosely between my fingers my eyes peering down at the floor I sat in thought. Darting to the left my eyes found her bag, I would return it tonight once she came back from school. Going outside I stared off into the woods curious of how she was.
4:38pm Oct 6 2014
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Posts: 698
"Well another horrible day Stella but you managed to push through, just one class left" Stella told herself quietly, she hated this school almost as much as her last one back in the UK. Walking to her last class, Science, she bumped into the boy who ran into her the other day making him drop his books, "I'm sorry, looks like I returned the favor" she said bending down to help him gather his books, "Oh! Your the girl I ran into yesterday! Sorry about that" he replied awkwardly grabbing the books Stella didn't. Both stood up then Stella handed the guy his books, "I'm Stella, I'm new here" she said holding out her hand, "I'm Malik, It's nice to meet you Stella" he said then shook her hand as a smile appeared on his face. "So why was that bulky loser chasing you?" She asked him leaning against the wall, "Bulky loser? Don't let him hear that or you'll be torn to shreds! But he heard me talking to one of my friends about him and got upset about it. The guys a real jerk" Malik said looking down nervously, "What!? You mean you just let that jerk terrorize you and your friends like that!? Teach the idiot a lesson!" she said not leaning on the wall anymore but instead standing straight and popping her knuckles. "I can't do that" he said backing up a bit, "What?-" she started but then was spooked by the bully cutting close around the corner, running into her "Because he knows what happens when someone tries standing up to me"
7:01am Oct 7 2014
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Posts: 306
Realizing Stella would be home soon i got up, stood in the middle of the living room and summoned my true form to expand. In a burst of black steam the human shell fell to the floor, my freshly morphed coat steaming still. Grabbing the bag in my jaws i lift it and head outside where there's a fine snow powdered over the lands the wind less hectic with a few birds were actually singing up in the canopies of the older Firs. Traipsing through the woods the bag swinging lightly her scent drifted from the fabric and found its way to my nose, a delightful scent that i reveled in until i reached the school grounds. I would surprise her today, meet her on her way out. Taking my rest behind a rather large sunflower patch i set the bag in between my paws and watched a few kids scurry around the grounds.
11:04am Oct 7 2014
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Posts: 698
"Oh yeah? Well how about you learn to pick your fights better" Stella snared at the bully, starting to walk away and summoning Malik to follow her. "You poor little girl, oh but I'm sure theres so much more you could do then throw some light words at me" the bully threw back, winding up her fist she tried as hard as she could to not punch him and keep walking, "I'v got your back" a sudden whisper from Malik rang through her ears. "Come at me you little brat!" Suddenly Stella felt a strong pain in her back, falling forward, twisting just enough to land in a clumsy crouch, "You have no idea what your messing with" she growled, the fire in her eyes beginning to rise, "Oh, I think I do". After she had gotten up she looked back at Malik who looked stiff with surprise, when she had looked back at Malik there also seemed to be a few other students circling around them, looking back at the bully she gave a dead gaze right into his eyes before he charged at her with another tackle.
2:12pm Oct 7 2014
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Posts: 306
laying my ears back my jaws stretch open my tongue stretching over my teeth and curling in a yawn before relaxing back down. Seeing a few students run inside I sighed and laid my head down. Hearing a sudden commotion I lifted my head and watched the doors but stayed hidden, wondering what was going on.