5:59pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// Hi! And what question do you have? Yeah I did NOT see this I thought you were gone. Hehe. I made a wolf rp! Witha a very detailed plot..that is actually from a book. lol.
6:25pm Aug 30 2010
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(( ALRIGHT...Now I"M the one not seeing it -__- Sorry! Once we start, it will probably never be forgotten, I PROMISE..I have never forgotten one before :) ANYWAYS... I know I said I was making my bio...But right when I did, I had to get off...Dinner -__-...So since I didn't make it yet...Can I ask you yet ANOTHER question (It's not the same thing, as the question I need to ask, when I said I needed to ask before...WOW...) My charrie's usually ALWAYS write..And I don't want you to think I'm copying...So I was wondering, if my charrie could atleast like draw or something as a hobby. Because usually my charrie's either draw, or write. -__- ))
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6:31pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// Yeah. That's fine. I dont mind. Your character could play with a rock for a hobby and it would be just fine. hehe. ^.^ (Yes I actually had a 20 year old play with rocks for a hobby)
7:09pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Aug 30 2010)
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Name: Paradise Long Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance:  ((Ignore the arrow's. :P But she wears what she is wearing in the picture though..I don't know if that looks 'Servantish'.) Personality: Paradise is a very determined kind of girl. Since she has been working for all her life with all different types of personalities, she knows just how to make things look good to your approval. She's not very aggressive, and acts as innocent as she looks. (Pretty much saying she is innocent LOL..I think she does in the image but I didn't know if you did, so I was just making that clear...ANYWAYS) She's not competitive or mean, and always will try her best to have you satisfied as possible. She isn't a fan of cleaning, but working builds character. SHe's known that all her life. So she doesn't complain, and looks at it as a gift. Knowing that some people don't have jobs, makes it easier to say 'Being who I am is a gift'. She's painfully shy, and extremely sensitive. Use a certain tone of voice, you could get water works any second. She isn't a talker, and has learned over the years that her 'owner's' liked to be called 'Sir' and 'Ma mm' with almost everything she says. So she knows how to be respectful too. Hobbies: Draw's. Family: If Family is like History then... She was practically born being a servant. Always cleaning, and taking care of the house hold, never outside the walls of the house except for when she needed to go to the grocery store or anything along those lines. Her parents left her practically on the streets when she was only about 13. Not too long after that, she was 'adopted' or 'taken care of' by people that found her. Since she had no money, she had to work and clean to keep herself at their home. Ever since then she has been 'taken' to different houses and 'owners'. After the first person she cleaned for, 'gave' her to a friend, she was just pas.sed on. Years after years. She is now not her own. Always owned by the person she cleans for. (I guess my intro will be when she is driven by a taxi or something, saying she is now at your house. DX Sorry for the wierd history. I just had to put something together quick... If it doesn't make sense, let me know. Pretty much, to stay at the house she lives in, she has to repay them with cleaning, and taking care of the whole house. Since she doesn't have money, and she just get's pas.sed on, when someone doesn't need her anymore. DX) Other: She is a servant.. (( I was babysitting. SOrry for taking so long DX)
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7:12pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// You are fine. I'm working on math homework.
7:31pm Aug 30 2010
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(( Her bio's now complete...<3 ALRIGHT...Before I start... -Do you want to be in our normal modern time? -Is the owners (Mostly the parents) of her going to be rude like how you see in movies? Or nice? ))
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7:41pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// His father is never home so she won't see him much. His mom is home very often. She is sweet and caring, she is nice and respectful. If something is not done right she will have a strict tone, but a few hours later she'll apologize for her behavior. You could say she is bipolar at times. And yes, modern time please. It can be like a three or two story home. It can be a two story home and She can have the whole intire furnished attic if she wants it. lol. Probably the biggest room she's ever had if that is the case. ^.^
7:44pm Aug 30 2010
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(( Bahaha, okay! Thanks! Haha. I usually don't do very good on the first post, and I don't know how lengthy you want it, but I promise I get better once we keep going, and I get more into it. :) So It's a 3 story home. But the 3rd level is the attic? Correct? Sorry. Sometimes I need to know detail before I start. <33 ))
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7:52pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// Yes it is correct. The attic is fully furnished with a dresser, bed, a nice window to look out on the street (not a very good view but she does get to see when the family comes home. lol) it has pretty flowers hand painted on the wall for their female servants. ^.^ Lets say His mom went all out. lol. She is a sweet lady, the only thing missing is a TV. There is a bed stand by the bed with a lamp on it for night time reading.... or wait. Did you want to decorate it? I'm just writting.
7:55pm Aug 30 2010
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(( No No! It's fine. I'm not really creative with all that anyways, to tell you the truth! Bahaha. Sorry for taking so long. I shall make the intro....NOW *Makes intro to stop her from waiting* ))
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7:58pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// hehe. Your cool. I'm still doing math HW. I'm multitasking.
8:07pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise sat in the taxi, bag in hand. Last person that she worked for was very strict, and only let her have one bag of belonging's for herself. Her sketch book was in there, and some clothes that she didn't grow out of yet. He was also very scary too. He always told her to do things a certain way and if she didn't do it right, she'd have to work even harder and later with less sleep, and he even yelled at her for no real reason. She never knew she could cry so much. She sighed, praying that the people she was going to be with next were nicer, less strict then that. She squeezed the bag tighter to her chest for protection and security as the car stopped. "There ya go." The driver said. Paradise tried to smile, to hide her anxiety and gave him a tip. "Thank you." She said quietly. She could feel her voice shaky already, but the quietness was naturally her normal voice. The driver gave her a slight surprised look. Probably because she didn't talk the whole 2 hour way there, and then finally spoke. She gulped quietly before getting out of the cab, and closing the door behind her. Frowning as she watched the driver drive away. Now? She was in a new home. A new place, with new people, so that meant a whole new routine on how to do things. She sighed, and took a couple of steps until she got to the door. As she did, she hoped her shyness and sensitivity would leave soon.People say that once you start growing up, you leave all of that behind. All the people she's worked for, had cruel cold hearts. And the last thing she needed was more nights of sobbing. She looked at the house, from what she could see. It looked pretty big, for a one person job. Hope they have other people working here too... She thought. The last person that she worked for, had 2 other maids/servants. So she had some help. But they were younger, so she still did the hard stuff. Finally, she stopped holding her bag so tight against her, and gently just held the handle. Letting it drag on the ground, as she knocked on the door. The second she heard the knock, her knees shook. Why did I do that?! She wasn't ready.She felt as if her heart was about to stop. As she looked around, in a 'slight' panic mode, for any place to run, she frowned. Seeing none. She forced her knees to stop shaking, as she knocked again. Oh gosh... Was all she could think at the moment.
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8:08pm Aug 30 2010
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(( Aaahh, have fun with math! Mwahahaaha! I don't start school until Thurs...I am so...Scared. LOL )))
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8:32pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// Im done with math tonight. Bleh I did 21 out of 54 questions. Its due monday. bic:// Damien's mother danced around the kitchen instructing her cook what she would like in her afternoon salad before she heard the knock. Perking up from the counter she rushed to the front door and opened it noticing Paradise. "Oh! You must be our new servant. Dear do come in" She smiled moving to the side revealing her home. "I shall have my son show you around. I am terribly sorry my husband is not home yet. He works late and you will probably never see him. Heck, I don't even see him and I'm his wife" she laughed lightly seeming extremly comfortable and just happy. Glancing up stairs she stepped aside so she wasn't yelling in Paradise's ear. "Damien!" she called loudly up the stairs. Within a few minutes Damien apeared at the top of the stairs looking down at the two. He didn't have a smile on his face, but more of a blank ex pression. Slowly he decended the stairs before standing in front of his mother and Paradise. "Dear...this here is Damien. He will be happy to show you around the house won't you sweetheart?" She asked eyeing her son who gave off a light smile and nodded. "Yes mother. I will help as much as I can" He said in a soft tone. "Well! Off with you two then. You may rest, i'm sure your journey was long and tiring. Tomorrow Damien will instruct you...that is when you wake up" she smiled before closing the door and dancing off back to the kitchen. Damien seemed to laugh watching his mom dance off. Her brightly color dress flowing around her like wild flowers. "You have to excuse my mother. She is extremly happy for her age and job profession. I still can't beleive its her sometimes" he laughed motioing his hand in front of him. "Madam if you would follow me I will happily show you around our home. It is big, but easy to navigate. You will have help...in fact we have two others. They work during the days and are off weekends, but they do not stay here like you will be doing."

8:48pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise's heart raced, so fast she guessed if it was unhealthy or not as she walked inside her new home. As Damien's mom talked, she hugged her bag a little tighter against her chest again. The scent was still from her previous homes. Of course, that doesn't bring back much good memories but it still made her feel secure. She guessed she looked like a 13 year old again. A 18 year old usually doesn't walk around with a bag close to her, like a prized possession. She even seemed like one with the fact, that she doesn't have enough money to buy make up, or a decent straightener. So her cheeks were pale, and she did have some pimples on her chin. She gave men a example to how girls her age look without make up, or perfect straight hair. Her shoes were converse. Yeah. Not the style anymore. Same with her clothes. She had tee shirts, and some sweat pants and jeans. For days she had off. Of course those weren't many days. Maybe once every month, she guessed. Since that was how it was, in her previous home. If she ever looked at herself in the mirror, she'd have to keep telling herself 'It's what on the inside that counts.' with her stupid insecurities. (( DON"T RESPOND! I have to post more, and edit it! I have to get off for like 5 seconds to change computers! ))
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9:09pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise's heart raced, so fast she guessed if it was unhealthy or not as she walked inside her new home. As Damien's mom talked, she hugged her bag a little tighter against her chest again. The scent was still from her previous homes. Of course, that doesn't bring back much good memories but it still made her feel secure. She guessed she looked like a 13 year old again. A 18 year old usually doesn't walk around with a bag close to her, like a prized possession. She even seemed like a 13 year old with the fact that she doesn't have enough money to buy make up, or a decent straightener. So her face was pale except for slightly bright red cheeks since she always blushed from her shyness, and she did have some pimples on her chin. She gave men a example to how girls her age look without make up, or perfect straight hair. She proved who 'Fakes' really were. Her shoes were converse. Yeah. Not the style anymore. Same with her clothes. Not in style. She had tee shirts, and some sweat pants and jeans. For days she had off. Of course those weren't many days. Maybe once every month, she guessed. Since that was how it was, in her previous home. Right now though, she was wearing a tee shirt, and jeans. Which was the best she could find. If she ever looked at herself in the mirror, she'd have to keep telling herself 'It's what on the inside that counts.' with her stupid insecurities. Because she usually got glares, and laughter by how she looked by girls who were quite beautiful on the outside. She looked up at Damien, and feeling a little tiny bit better when he said 2 other people work there. Just a tiny bit. Her cheeks were still a bright shade of red, but she was so used to it now she didn't even notice. The boy's voice was much...Nicer, maybe even softer then he seemed. Kind of with his mom. She was just nice.Her tone was soft also. Paradise just wasn't used to such kind tones. She nodded her head at Damien, and started walking with Damien around his home. And now her home too. But stayed silent to everything he said before about his mom and 2 other servants to help her. She, again, let the bag fall from her chest, and held the handle, but kept it by her side.
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9:28pm Aug 30 2010
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Damien smiled warmly and lead her directly into the living room. "This is the living room. No one is ever in here. So it is virtually untouched but full of dust, we apologize before hand" he said softly before leading her into the dinning room. "The dinning room is here...This is awkward because the kitchen is a cross the house. Why mother wanted to put it here, only god knows" he laughed slidding his hand a cross the wood table in front of him that held four chairs. "Spinning around, seeing we hit a dead in, the kitchen is to the right of the front door. I would avoid that right now. My mother is like a hurricane when she is on her afternoon salad duty" he smirked. "There is a hallway in front of the kitchen that leads to a back room, which door is closed right now. It will be open later though. That is my music room slash library. My piano is in there along with a few of my favorite selection of books. No one else uses it but me" he said with a warm smile then moitoned upstairs. "All the bedrooms are on the secound floor. My dad's office is actually that wooden door from the dinning room but you wont be going in there. Its locked all the time. I suggest you stay away from it if you want to avoid being yelled at. I'm his son and even I am not allowed to touch it" Damien shrugged a little upset at that. "My father will be comming home tonight breifly to meet you then leave again for a buisness trip. If you would follow me up the lovely staircase to the bedrooms and bathrooms. Sadly we do not have one on the ground floor...weird yes, but we didn't build this house."

9:44pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise stayed silent the whole time as he talked, and or explained. Taking in every word while she took in every breath she could. She was always like this when she started in a new home, for the first time. But of course, she's like this all the time. No matter how comfortable she gets with you, she'll be shy. And she guessed it was going to be easier getting along, and being more comfortable with these people, then anyone else she's worked for/with before. She followed Damien back to the stair case, and started walking up the stairs with him. Swallowing hard, and glad this was almost over. She kept a firm hold on the handle in her bag, as they reached the top of the stairs. She sighed, and was glad she has been working with huge houses all her life almost. Those stairs would have literally made her heart stop, if she wasn't so used to it by now. The thought reminded her of when she first started all of this. But quickly shooed it away. Last thing she needed was to remember why she was doing this in the first place. Then followed him to the bedrooms and bathrooms. (( Sorry for the shorter post DX DIdn't have much to put yet :/..)
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10:04pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 10:06pm Aug 30 2010)
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Posts: 776
ooc:// you call that short? I think mine are shorter than yours. lol. bic:// "I hope im not overwhelming you by all this. I don't mean to talk fast, its sort of a habbit. I was in the middle of homework when mother called me aside. I'm a little big on school work" he shrugged lightly before walking to the right down a narrow hall and pushed open revealing the large master bedroom that was oddly decorated in safari print. "This is my mother's room. She's a lover for the wild animals and whole giraffe thing of the savannah" he explained shaking his head. He was not impressed with his mother's choice in colors. "This room...is the bathroom" he said opening a door to the left then there was a door right a crossed from the dark blue bathroom. He opened it to reveal the towels. "Towel pantry" he smiled closing the door walking down the left hand side of the all way. "This dead in the center is another one of my father's officies. It stays locked too. Not a social butterfly at all" he sighed making his way to the end of the hallway. "And my room which I am always in. So if you ever need anything...feel free to come in. I will help you with anything I can" He smiled warmly. With a twist of the knob he opened his door to reveal red walls and a black trim on the ceiling and the floor. The wall behind his bed was painted black which allowed the curtains to be balck as well. "it is a little dark, but homey" he shrugged ignoring all the papers cattered all over his queen sized bed. "I have a built in bathroom in my room just like my mother. The one in the hall is the guest bathroom, which is all yours" He smiled warmly before curving around going up a last set of stairs. "This up here....I hope it is to your liking" he smiled warmly pushing open the door at the very top of the short case. "This...is your room. The entire top floor is a bedroom, your bedroom" He grinned actually liking the layout of the room. "It is sort of childish, but my mother did decorate it. Thank god I banned her from my room or you would have been stairing at football and baseball figures on my wall...I personaly have no taste in either those sports" he sighed shaking his head awaiting for her to make herself comfortable. "Think of this as your home aswell. I personally don't yell and neither does my mother. I've only seen her yell at one thing and it wasn't a person."

10:14pm Aug 30 2010
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(( Good thing I saw the link, before you took it off :O )) Really? Wow...Your blind...Just saying. Hehe ^^ )) Paradise looked at the room for a second, before walking in and setting her bag down on the bed. Finally letting herself let go of the handle. She looked around again. She wasn't used to this. Not at all. She's never had her...Own bedroom like this. Never in her life. Not things painted on walls, or a comfy bed. She usually had the basement, with a air mattress. Or something along those lines. Every person had a different way of making her 'room'. But it was nothing like this. She was kind of surprised. She was supposed to be treated like the 'maid' or 'servant'! Not like she lived here too. Like she heard him say. She was about to thank him for showing her around, but her mouth wouldn't open up. She sighed instead, and looked back at him. Slightly emotionless.She hated herself sometimes. THey were all being nice to her, and she was to stubbornly shy to say a thankyou? What has she learned through all of these years then? Finally she got the words out after her lecture to herself, "Thanks." She said quietly. Fidgetting with her fingers, as she looked away and started 'unpacking'. Though they're wasn't much to unpack, she wouldn't feel like doing it later. So she would just do it now.
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