10:36pm Aug 30 2010
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(( I gotta go! Bai! I'll be on tomarrow...So yeah. Bai))
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10:39pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc:// Okay so maybe my last post was longer than yours but that was a freakishly weird post. Prepare for the shortness! Yeah...but they shall get longer when my brain thinks of more things. bic:// "No problem" Damien said with a smile before nodding lightly. He watched her for a few minutes before backing up and heading to the stairs. "If you excuse me...I have homework to finish and again. Don't hesitiate to get me when you need me" he insured with a slight nod. He went to walk downstairs, but froze. "Excuss me, Miss. I never got your name" He frowned lightly not liking not knowing people by their names. It was weird and he needed something to call her by instead of 'hey you' which in his mind would be pretty rude. Downstairs Damien's mom was twirling around in the kitchen humming while getting her lunch ready. She stopped before glancing side ways to the living room. "A little music would be nice in this dreary house" she said softly gracefully moving a cross the floor to the radio flipping it on to a random country music station. A slow song started playing causing Damien's mom to close her eyes and swaying along to the song. "Oh this was my first song to slow dance to." A warm smile rested on her face before she stepped backwards onto a black cat's tail who hollared and ran up the stairs hissing. "Oh! Damien! Silver is upset with me! You better catch him before he tears up the house!" she called upstairs frowning watching the crazed black cat run upstairs p*censored*ing Damien and darting under Paradise's bed. "Whoa! Silver!" Damien frowned watching his cat hide. He let out a heavy sigh shaking his head.

9:57am Aug 31 2010
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(( Don't worry. Once we get brain dead, I'll think of stuff too <3 I already have some things in mind anyways...Atleast for the romance part :P )) Paradise was about to answer Damien, when she also heard his mom.Thanking God that she found a way out of talking. She watched as the cat hid under her bed, and she did a slight chuckle, but more of a sigh. This place was much better then what she was used too. Her previous home had to go right to work, the second she got there! And they wanted HER to do everything! Unlike this place, his mom was doing something in the kitchen. But Paradise guessed it was just because the other maids/servant's weren't here yet. But they were still just...Friendly. Of course, Damien didn't look that way though. He more of intimidated her more. She got off the bed, and knelt on her knees as she looked under her bed. She didn't give Damien another glance, as she reached her hand in, and pulled the cat out. Ignoring its meow's, and claws in her wrist everyonce in a while, probably protesting on what she was doing. She balenced herself on one foot, and got herself up. Silently, walking over to Damien, not giving much eye contact, and handing him the upset black cat. She had a couple marks, and probably blood on her wrist from its claws, but she was used to that too. She'll live. Realizing she still hasn't answered him, she knew she should. Still not that sure, how rude they'll get later. And how he looked, deffinately made him seem like the type to be rude. Just cruel. "Paradise." She said simply saying her name. Though she guessed he probably wouldn't know what she was talking about. That's not a normal name. She didn't care enough, to explain what she meant though. That meant more talking, which terrified her. Instead, she walked back over to the bed, and went back to what she was doing before.
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11:17am Aug 31 2010
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ooc:// I am off for an hour from college. So I have an hour to kill. ^.^ bic:// Damien watched paradise bend underneith the bed and pick up the wild silver who was not happy at all. He frowned watching his cat claw at her arms and hiss. He let out a sigh, reaching out taking the wild beast within his arms. He immediatly clutched the cat by the front shoulder blades and used his thumbs positioning the cat's head so it was facing his own face. "Hey...Shhhh. Silver" He cooed to the cat looking into his yellow eyes. Silver let out a hiss which resulted Damien's voice to get a little stricter. "Silver. Look at me. Calm down" He instructed watching the cat's ears flop back as it's tail began to twitch wildly behind it. "She didn't mean to...your safe now." His tone got softer before he let out a small sigh leaning foward kissing the cat's forehead. "Your okay. Nothing's broken" he said just barely under his breath hugging the black cat who in return dug his claws into Damien's shoulder and sat there in his arms purring. It's head was nuzzled under Damien's chin as the deep rumble came from it's chest. This caused Damien to laugh and pet Silver who let out a soft meow. "Thank you Paradise. Without you don't think I would have been able to retreve this little devil" he grinned with a slight nod. "I will leave you alone now. Dinner will be ready around six, but it does get delayed so I'll fetch you when it is time" he smiled softly turning and heading back down the stairs. He began talking to the cat again as he decended. "You never liked mother, but I promise she means no harm. She's a little spa....Hello mother!" Damien grinned a stupid grin as his mom stood in front of him with a look of shame on her face. "Spazzy...I have good logic to be in such high spirits. And is he okay? I didn't mean to step on him. I was dancing and well...I didn't see him laying on the rug" She sighed petting the cat in Damien's arms. "He's fine...just a little shaken up that's all" Damien laughed spinning and entering his room to finish up on his homework. He sat the black cat ontop of a small house beside the door way, making his own way to his bed to work on the Essay he was currently constructing.

2:33pm Aug 31 2010
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(( Sorry. I wasn't on when you were sadly :( I got off because I was SO mad...LOL )) Paradise watched as Damien softly calmed the cat. Slightly astonished. He looked so tough. Mean. Careless. But she could see that he was soft. Kind. Caring. She casually walked into their guest bathroom, and now her new bathroom. All to herself. Which was still a shock. And she washed off the cuts. She was used to this. With her previous home's they had animals, not all were kittens, some were dogs, bunnies, even snakes. She had to take care of them all. So a couple scratches on her wrist, weren't a big deal. But she did learn the hard way, that you have to clean off open wounds, no matter how deep or not it is. After she was done unpacking everything, she walked to the attic door, and now her bedroom door, and closed it. Not locking it, because Damien said he might 'fetch' her. After she closed it, she searched through her bag for the last thing in it. Grabbing her pencil, and sketch book, she looked outside the window. She sadly, didn't have much of a view, so she chose not to draw what she saw out there. Instead, she sat down on the floor, and looked around her room. Seeing what she could put together.
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2:33pm Aug 31 2010
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(( Sorry for the shortish stuff...:/))
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4:44pm Aug 31 2010
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ooc:// Your fine. I went back to school and the fire alarm was pulled so it was awkward.
Damien layed down on his bed putting his pen to paper and finishing up his essay. He was just on his conclusion which suprisingly took no time at all. Pushing all the papers on his bed into a black binder he tossed ot off the side bed. "Ugh...this sucks" he muttered laying on his back stairing at the ceiling.
"Damien..." Just as he was about to get out get off the bed his mother came into his room leaning against the door frame. "Do me a favor and play for me before I go to work?" She asked walking in and sitting on the edge of his bed. She smiled warmly and lightly patted his leg. "Please?" she asked with pleading blue eyes. "Sure mom. I'll play for you. How long you got?" He asked curiously sitting up on the bed. "Just an hour. You'll be alone with Paradise tonight for dinner with of course the cook. Work called me in early. Sorry sweetheart" She said bending forward kissing the top of Damien's head.
His eyes softened before he hopped up, throwing his legs off the edge of the bed. "Then I better get playing" He laughed jumping to his feet. He grabbed his mom's wrist pulling her down the stairs into the music room on the first floor. He pulled out the stool and sat down pushing open the cover revealing the ivory keys. Smirking he ran his finges a cros them the ivory keys pull at the strings causing beautiful music to errupt from the cords. He began to play his mom's favorite song, 'Letting go' by Roy Todd. It was her favorite therefore it was his too.
Silver perked his ears hearing the piano music. He let out a meow and jumped off his cat house and running downstairs into the music room. There he jumped on the piano and layed down listenin to the music his owner was playing. It was soft and sweet which resulted in Silver laying down knowing good and well it was nap time.

5:02pm Aug 31 2010
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(( LOL! Your college seams...INteresting. One day you break your foot, the next the fire alarm gets pulled...LOL )) After maybe ten minutes of sitting there, Paradise finally chose to just draw the flowers that were painted on the wall. Just looking at them made her smirk. The fact that they did all of this. The painting, the bed, the blankets that didn't have holes in them. Everything. It was as if they really went all out on her, when she wasn't even that 'important' for all of this stuff. After she made the second or third flower, she started getting bored from doing the same sketch. So this time, she chose to just do something that was familiar. Something she saw not to long ago. Smirking she started drawing the outline of a cat. She always liked doing animals, since she was with them all the time, with her first home. Though, that was a very long time ago. Since she finished the cat, which she purposely made it look like Silver, she closed her sketch book, and looked around at her new bed room. Still in shock. She got up from where she was sitting, put the sketch book under her pillow where she always hid it, and layed on her bed. Staring at the ceiling.
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7:58pm Aug 31 2010
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ooc:// Yeah. it is pretty interesting. The abulance left when I was comming home for lunch. Then you should have seen me tried to get up the stairs to my math cl*censored*. bic:// Damien closed his eyes and just listened to the song he played not paying attention to what was around him. His mind was focused on the music he was producing. He played through the song but stopped early opening his eyes and looking around. Once again his mom had abandoned him. "Lovely" He muttered slipping the cover back on the piano and petting Silver who purred at his touch. "Looks like she's gone. She really didn't have an hour. So...Shall we go help fix dinner?" He asked his cat walking out of the music room not bothering to close the door. He didn't see the point in it. Walking to the kitchen he greeted the cook who was focusing on dinner which would be Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, and Green beans. (Do not ask me why I capitalized all that. Im hungry) Smirking to himself he got a few eggs out of the fridge and some flour out. "Sir...what are you doing?" the female cook asked curiously eyeing Damien. "I'm making a cake because I feel like chocolate and I want to feel productive" he laughed lightly begginging to work. "Umm Sir....Why don't you go get Mrs. Paradise and not make a cake. Your are sort of failing" She laughed watching him turn around covered in flour. "Dinner is almost ready anyway. Here..." the cook giggled walking over to him and wipping his jacket and shirt free from flour. "Thanks and yes I will go fetch her" He sighed shaking his head letting some fall out of his hair. With a slight laugh he walked up stairs and knocked lightly on Paradise's door. "Paradise...dinner is ready. Will you join me? It will be you and I tonight. My mom was called out, but if we are lucky father will come home and you can meet him, but probably not" He said not really noticing the flour that was still in his hair.

9:42pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise jumped by the the knock at the door, which woke her up. She had drifted into a light sleep while she layed there, staring at the ceiling, but Damien's voice woke her up. Rubbing her eyes, Paradise got off the bed, and walked to the door. Still wondering why these people were so nice. Usually with her previous homes, they'd practically throw food at you and say, 'That's all you get for today'. She sighed at the memories, and opened the door. "Okay." Was all she said. And it was more of a whisper. But her voice was naturally that quiet, she has gotten used to it. She ran a hand through her light red hair, as she stared at the flour in his hair. Not wanting to be rude, but not knowing if he knew about the flour in his hair. "Um...Is that ...'flour' in your hair?" She asked softly and quietly. Again, almost a whisper. Probably the first thing she has said that was a conversation starter. She ignored the blushing that came up anytime she talked, and looked up at his hair, as her eyebrows lowered. Clearly confused.
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9:50pm Aug 31 2010
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Damien had a confused look on his face as he brought his hand up running it through is hair watchin the flour powder fall out. "Heh...Yeah it is. I attempted to make a cake, but well...I got kicked out of the kitchen" he shrugged innerly thanking to god it was flour and not dandriff. He shivered at the thought of it before his eyes rested on Paradise. He noticed the blush on her cheeks and was yet again confused. "Don't be scared or embar*censored*ed. We don't bite. We treat all our guests as family. For example, the cook is like my sister. She's shy, yes, but she's not afraid to tell me i'm out of line. And the other two house helpers, yes that is what I call them. Servent is such a dirty word to me, but anyway. They...are interesting. Quite a handful, but nice none the less" he shrugged with a warms mile. He noticed her soft toned voice and thought it was kinda cute. All the workers that were there were kind of loud and obnoxious all the time, it would be nice to have a soft tone around here. One that wouldn't snap or yell at him for 'stepping on a newly sweeped floor'.

10:04pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise watched as he 'babbled' and trailed off from what subject to the next, then to his first subject again. He seemed like a talker. She sighed quietly, and grew even more embarressed by how he noticed her feeling that way. Knowing how nice they were, was still bringing a shock to her. She wasn't used to it at all. She wasn't even used to just gently looking back at another's eyes. Usually, they don't even WANT to look at you. Usually the 'owners' treat and make you feel like garbage. But here, she really did feel like family. She hasn't had that feeling, in only God knows how long. Paradise tried to do a smile, but she had to admit, she was horrible at that. Knowing that she wasn't your 'average' looking 19 year old, made it hard to even smile. For many different reasons.She guessed insecurities didn't make things any better either. Instead, she did a slight smirk, nothing really big, and slowly walked pas.sed him. And down the long stair case, which like before, would have killed her if she hasn't been dealing with them all her life.
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10:25pm Aug 31 2010
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Damien watched her walk past him before he sorta snapped his mouth shut. 'Okay... So she's quiet and doesn't like talking. Gotcha' he thought letting out a sigh. Again he would be lonely. It looked to him as if Paradise would not be an acception to the whole servant/friend thing. He had decided to just leave her alone and keep to himself while she was here doing what ever his mother asked of her. Shaking his head he descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen glancing at the cook. "I...think I will take my meal to my room. I have a few....things to work on" he shrugged lightly mood changing dramatically. The female raised her eyes at Damien before shaking her head. "I don't think so. Your mother instructed you two to sit in the dinning room. She will not have food on this floor" she snapped at Damien watching his blue eyes narrow. "I hate you sometimes" he frowned placing his hand on the counter. "Well I love you too Damien" the cook laughed ignoring his mad look and beginning to fix the plates for the two. She would purposly leave hers out for last. House keeper first then guest before herself. That was her rules she had made for herself.

10:34pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise stood where she thought would be best. As far, yet not awkwardly, away from them as possible. She stood by them, a couple feet away. Leaning on the counter on the other side of Damien. Feeling a slight urge to help the cook. Silently she fixed her own plate. Protesting in her head, for the cook to do it for her. She was the maid here too. No need for Paradise to be getting any special treatment. After she, as quickly as possible so she wouldn't be in the way, made her plate, she walked out of the room, and to the dining room. Placing the plate on the table, and sitting down in a seat, having her back towards anyone that came in. She felt more comfortable that way. (( Sorry for all these short posts :/ ))
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11:02pm Aug 31 2010
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ooc:// Your fine. The only reason why I have extra people is because I have no clue what to post. lol. Extra people make my posts longer. ^.^ bic:// Damien frowned lightly before sighing. "I...am doomed" he muttered taking his plate watching the confused cook glance towards the dinning room. "Your not doomed, you need to make friends. Silver is not your only friend in this world" she sighed rushing him out of the kitchen so she could clean. "Shoo Damien. Out. Your cake making as made this kitchen dirty and before your father has my head I am going to get it cleaned up" the cook sighed spinning around and getting to work. Damien shook his head lightly and sat down at the other end of the table figuring that Pardise would like to eat in peace. He kept quiet while eating not really wanting to start a conversation. She was totally opposite than any other servants that had pas.sed through their doors. All the others were spirited or very grumpy. He had caught a few of them stealing which is the main reson all the other were kicked out. In his mind he knew Paradise wasn't the type to take anything, but then again...wasn't it his dad who said that the quiet ones are the ones to watch out for? Or was that some stupid book he read? He didn't know. It had been a while since he opened a book.

11:11pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise watched as Damien sat down, in silence. Odd really. Before, he seemed like the one to talk...Alot. Babble a little too, though she'd never tell him. He might take that to offense. Which wouldn't be the best way to start out working here. She was already making a bad, HORRIBLE impression. Especially on Damien. Just by how quiet she was, could really make a difference. After a long while, of Damien and Paradise sitting in pure silence, she prayed that the cook would come out too. She seemed nice. Maybe even get Paradise out of her shell a little bit, so Damien wouldn't be in such a...'Whatever' mood. She looked back at Damien once. And only once, as she looked down again. Keeping herself that way as they ate. Waiting to hear the beauitful sound of the cook opening the door, and walking in, saying she'll eat there with them. But of course, she didn't expect it. Sometimes, the things she wanted the most, never came to her. Like school for example. She could never go to school, and stopped right before her first year in High school. Of course, she did some 'home schooling' type things. But taught herself all her life, about the basics of education on her free time.
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11:35pm Aug 31 2010
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Damien kept quiet while he ate sort of focusing his mind elsewhere. It traveled to his father who he never really saw. Letting out a soft sigh he felt like banging his head against the dinner table, but that would have been a stupid decision. It wouldn't have made a good impression on Paradise who was sitting right across from him. Just before Damien could decide if he wanted to bang his head on the table or not, the cook burst through the door with a pure white thing dangling and squirming in her arms. She dropped it in front of Damien and frowned glaring at him. "Keep that thing OUT of my kitchen!" She snapped her cold hazel eyes staring directly into Damien's confused one. The white thing moved a cross the table to look up at Damien with bright yellow eyes and let out a soft meow. "Uhhh...Sorry?" He asked confused at why his cat was covered in flour. "No sorry about it Damien! This thing is the devil! My dinner will have to wait now since your creature knocked over the huge pot of flour! Right onto your dinner, or well your fathers, but anyway. Keep him out of the kitchen or get him a girlfriend! That stupid thing must be lonely" she sighed spinning around before glancing at Paradise. "Was the food good dear?" She asked in a sweet tone, totally different from the stern one she had used on Damien. "I used a special secret recipie my mother taught me. If you wish when you do start around here, i'd love to show you a thing or two that makes this place...a little more barable" she giggled softly before sending Damien a glare, who was still confused trying to brush the unmoving flour from Silver's pelt. "Crap...I have to give you a....Heh. Lets just say we are going to have fun" Damien muttered to his cat with a slight frown. Oh he would need the bandaids tonight.

11:42pm Aug 31 2010
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(( I gotta go :/ Tired! BAI! ))
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8:47am Sep 1 2010
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Paradise jumped at first, when she heard the cook come in. At first, not even realizing what the little white fur ball was. After she noticed, she looked back up at the cook. "Thanks. It was good." She said with a slight nod. And trying her best to look decently friendly, with a smile. She was surprised at how Damien wasn't shook up with how the cook was yelling at him. If anyone yelled at her that way, she'd be a mess right now, and hide in her room, until that day was done. She grabbed her plate and got up from her seat, watching as Damien talked to...Well the cat. She would usually think that's odd, but she did the same thing, when she felt lonely, and needed someone to talk to. Animals couldn't reject you, the way people can. She tried to give a nice smile to Damien before walking out of the room. Oh, how rude she was in there! Not saying a word! She new already that she made, and was probably making more, bad impressions. This isn't starting out well... She sighed, and put the plate in the sink. I don't think I'm ever going to learn... She noticed the flour all in the now not so good food. It was on the floor too. She put her hair up really quick, so it wouldn't get in her hair too, and looked around for a rag. After she found one, she tried her best to clean up as much as she could that was on the ground.
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1:55pm Sep 1 2010
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The cook smiled watching Paradise rise and head into the kitchen. With a light sigh she spun around towards Damien. "Make use of your time and clean that thing before he tracks flour all over this house. We would hate for our new friend to clean up your stupid messes" the cook hissed walking back over to the kitchen. She entered but immediatly froze. "Oh no sweety!" she said rushing to Paradise's side. "This is my kitchen therefore my responsability. Anything that happens in here is what I have to handle. Sweetheart, you arn't here to clean my kitchen. In fact we all have our possitions here. I have the kitchen and meals, the other two have the house, but seeing your here. Malinda will be let go, but honestly...she wasn't here for the cleaning. Damien caught her stealing her mother's jewelry, so you will probably be in charge of the living room and Damien's hall. He's normally good with keeping his room all splotless so you probably won't have to go in there" She said witha slight laugh before shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I am rambling, but anyway. Your place isn't to clean my kitchen, in fact I sort of feel bad . Please just relax and let me handle this mess" She sighed shaking her head. Damien glanced sideways at the girls exiting the dinning room before sighing. He picked up silver and carring the cat into the bathroom. He closed the door only to have Silver hiss and freak out as soon as the door closed. ooc:// Evil cats and their water/bath times. Ugh. It is horrible! Expecially when they are adults and have razor sharp claws. -shivers at the memories and scars-
