10:35pm Sep 21 2010
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((I don't mind if you lurk, Daisy :3 But I wouldn't get too into it because, knowing us, we might take it to email sometime in the future *sweatdrop* xD Thanks for the compliment, though ^^ Although I'm not sure about the Roleplay, I'm kinda busy both online and off and I've been sacrificing my sleep schedule for everything. I'm not sure I can handle another RP ;~; Maybe some other time though, If you're still interested then ^^ And there's aways Rika :3 *points then flees*))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:36pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Alright, Yay! Oh, That would suck. lD Your welcome, That's fine. I just wanted to ask~ *Jabs Rika*))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
11:19pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The slave picked up on the changed tone and looked up at his master, looking a lot like a deer in the headlights of a car. "A-ah! I-I d-didn't m-mean to u-upset y-you!" he stammered out nervously, reaching out to touch his master's arm before recoiling as if he were struck by a whip. Judging from his reactions, the young slave expected a severe punishment for every little thing he did wrong. The boy actually sat in his seat and shook, attempting to curl up for protection.
(I'm so mean. P:)
11:30pm Sep 21 2010
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Miramo blinked, looking completely surprised at the slave's actions. He actually pulled over onto the side of the road and put the car in park, fearing that if he tried to comfort the slave, he might wreck. "Hey..." he began softly, making a mental note to ask the boy if he had a name or not later, "I'm not made, okay? If there's someone to get angry at, it's your previous masters', not you." He began to reach out to touch the lavender-haired male's arm gently, but quickly pulled back when he remembered that he wasn't supposed to touch. He cursed in his breath, hating that he couldn't even do something that simple.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:33am Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave's small, thin form continued to shake as he lifted his head, looking at his master with tear-filled grey eyes, the human letting out soft whimpers. "I-I'm s-sorry," he hiccupped softly as he rubbed his eyes to rid himself of his tears.
5:43am Sep 22 2010
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((Made, mad. Jeez, I suck at spelling while I'm half asleep >_>)) Miramo shook his head. "No, no!" he said quickly. "None of this is your fault, alright? You've got nothing to apologize for." He frowned. It was difficult seeing the poor boy like this. There was something about him that just made him seem... fragile. It wasn't even how frail and scared up he looked, it was something in the way he spoke as well. "May..." he swallowed at the lump forming in his throat, "may I touch you?" Maybe if he could show that he wasn't going to hurt the other male, the poor boy wouldn't be so upset.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:29am Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave seemed to shrink back when Miramo apparently scolded him. He sniffled softly, rubbing at his eyes again. The lavender-haired male looked up at his master when the cat asked if he could touch him. "Y...yes..." he answered softly, shifting slightly as he prepared himself for the contact. He was sure he probably looked pretty pitiful, but he couldn't help that. His life up until now had been the cause.
2:58pm Sep 22 2010
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Miramo nodded slightly, carefully reaching out to pat the young slave's head softly. His movements were careful and his hand wasn't even touching the boy's head, just patting down his hair slightly. He moved his hand down, twisting his wrist so he could ghost the back of his hand along the lavender-haired male's cheek. "Listen," the white neko said softly, his voice almost a whisper "I'm not gonna hurt you; I won't even yell at you or do anything else you won't like, but in return, I want you to trust me. You're safe now, alright?"
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:23pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The slave closed his eyes at the contact, an automatic reaction. Though it took his a few moments, he opened his eyes to look at his master. "O-okay..." he murmured softly, slowly reaching up to wrap his hand around the neko's in a slightly accepting manner, though he was obviously still nervous. It takes more than a day to undo the effects of a long, harsh life, but it could be done over time.
9:01pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo smiled, pleased with the progress that was being shown. He knew it would take some work to get this kid comfortable around him, but at least he'd accepted his touches for now. "Alright," he purred, "Let's go home; you're probably hungry tired of those chains." He shifted the car back into forward and eased onto the ignition, steering with one hand so he wouldn't have to pull away from the lavender-haired male. He began to silently observe the road ahead, looking content as the tip of his tail flicked lightly. Although he occasionally stole glances at the slave, just to make sure that he was still ok.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:23pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Not long after they had begun to move again, the young slave began to drift off, still grasping the neko's hand with his own. He shifted slightly, murmuring something every now and then, the images he saw in his dreams causing him to squeeze his master's hand every now and again to make sure he was still there.
The lavender-haired male let out a sigh several times, whimpered others, and full on shook still others. Scared slave was scared.
9:50pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((-snort- Ffff, that last line made me choke on the candybar I was eating. xDD)) Miramo held onto the slave's hand lightly as he drove. He could tell that sleep was not being kind to him so he never for a moment tried to pull his hand away. For some reason he just felt... devoted, maybe?... to this slave, determined to be there for him as best he could. The slave auctions usually changed location every so often. It was safer that way and guaranteed that the slaves would have new opportunities to be bought if they weren't sold in the previous town. This time, the auctions had been set up pretty close to where Miramo lived, so pretty soon he was driving past his open gaits to stop in front of his mansion. He stared up at it for a few moments before putting the car in park and shutting it off. He unbuckled his seatbelt and gently nudged the lavender-haired male. "We're here." he said softly. ((Hotmail sputtered and died on me. I'll keep trying but it might not work any more tonight :<))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:13pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave stirred, letting out a sleepy sound before he opened up his pale grey eyes to look at Miramo with a look of drowsy confusion. He quickly shook it off and yawned. "Hnn... sorry," he mumbled sleepily, reaching up to rub his eyes in an almost childlike manner. He seemed to have calmed down a lot during his nap, but that was because he was still pretty sleepy.
(Aww. D;)
10:56pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo smiled. Even throughout all his troubles, the young slave still had a childlike aura to him. To the white neko, that was a good thing as often times it showed his wasn't completely broken and lifeless. After a moment, he pulled away and got out of the car, closing the door behind him and walking around to open the other male's door. He knelt down beside him so he was actually looking up at the lavender-haired male, giving him a smile. "As promised," he pulled out a key that the auctioneer had given him and placed it into its slot, "These come off." He turned the key, hearing the click, and pulled off the heavy chains. Usually, he wouldn't let a slave go until they were inside the house to make sure they had a harder time running, but he trusted the young slave to not try and run.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:28pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The slave blinked, watching Miramo curiously until he suddenly felt lighter. He looked at the white neko with a surprised ex pression before he managed a small smile. "Ah...t-thank you," he told his master, grateful for the kind gestures. He shifted then, rubbing the raw skin that had been covered by a collar and shackles. The young slave hissed, grimacing as the air hit then and made them sting.
12:18am Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo blinked, tilting his head slightly so he could look at the raw skin without having to move the slave's head. "Hmm..." he said thoughtfully, trying to think, "I have something that'll sooth that for you." He stood up, brushing the dirt off his knees and flicking his tail. "Would you like to come inside, or would you prefer waiting out on the porch for some fresh air?" That fact that he was trusting this slave so much already was amazing, but it wasn't a bad idea either. The boy just seemed like the kind you could trust easily, even if Miramo knew that first impressions could lie.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:36am Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave blinked as he was given a choice to make, pale grey eyes showing his surprise. "Ah...may I stay out here? It's a very nice day," he said in a bit of a timid fashion as he glanced down, showing just how submissive the boy was. He glanced back up at his master in a shy, hopeful manner. He loved being outside...always so nice and pretty.
12:40am Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo nodded with a slight smile. "Of course," he purred. "There are comfortable chairs right over there..." He flicked his tail in the direction of the chairs. They were only a few yards from the front entrance. "And all I ask is that you please don't run away." He flicked his tail again, giving the slave a small smile before heading up to the front doors, pausing to unlock them, and slipping inside.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:11am Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 3:24pm Sep 23 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave nodded and started towards the chairs, pausing to watch a bird fly weird. When it simply fell to earth, the boy gasped and ran forward to catch it. He cradled the little creature, unaware that he was out of sight from the porch. He gently examined the bird, frowning when he saw it had a broken wing. He stroked the bird's feathers, smiling lightly as he murmured gentle words to the injured creature.
He loved birds...they were free to fly wherever they wanted...
4:27pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo rummaged around in one of the cabinets on the first floor bathroom. He had a lot of medicine for various illnesses his slaves might get and, although they were all in one neat place, it was difficult to find the exact medicine he was looking for. After a bit more hunting, he found what he was looking for: a bottle of aloe with some other herbs mixed in. It worked well for things like burns and cuts where the skin was damaged, but not broken. He grabbed the bottle and the bandages that he'd already found and headed outside. He expected to see the slave out there waiting in one of the chairs when he pushed open the door but instead he saw absolutely no one. His tail fluffed up and his ears pulled back as he looked from side to side. That slave had really run!
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr