4:45pm Sep 23 2010
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After a little bit, the slave ventured back over to the porch. When he saw his master standing there, he sped up, cradling the injured bird, a mockingbird, gently. "He's hurt...his wing is broken," he informed the neko as he held up the bird. "He fell out of the sky, but I caught him so he wouldn't get hurt more...can you help him?" He gave Miramo a hopeful look, the way he held the creature showing how much he cared for them.
5:33pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo spun around when the slave showed up again, looking rather confused and frustrated, but not angry. His cheek flushed slightly from embarras.sment when he realized he'd as.sumed the lavender-haired male had tried to run. Apparently, he'd just wandered off a bit too far. He stared at the mockingbird for a moment, frowning slightly. He knew a lot about treating neko and human injuries, but not much about animals. Still, common sense should dictate here. He set the aloe and bandages on a table by the chairs before going over to a small tree nearby and breaking off two small branches and returning to the the slave. Taking the bird in his hands gently, he sat down in one of the chairs and placing the bird in his lap, beginning to use the twigs and bandages to make a tiny splint for its wing.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:32pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(I had a nice post...then my phone died. ;n;)
7:18pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft. At least you didn't get hit with a freak t-storm as soon as all the drama started xD Jeezum... Anyways, just summarize it? You don't have to rewrite it if it'll be too much trouble.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:48pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Basically I went on about the symbolism between the mockingbird and the slave boy, and he asked if the bird was gonna be okay. He was also leaning forward, his hands on Miramo's shoulders. P:)
10:08pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Aww, that sounds nice <3 But there's no helping when those things happen. *sticks tongue out at Rika's phone*)) Miramo finished the last tiny knot on the bird's bandage and leaned back in the chair, resting his head on the slave's shoulder. There was something that just felt... odd in this situation. The boy had actually touched him first... and the white neko actually enjoyed it. The small hands on his shoulders, ever so slightly applying pressure, just felt nice, although he had no clue why. He sighed softly. "I think so." he answered. "It might have trouble flying if the bone doesn't heal right, but I'm certain it will live." I hope. He added softly in his head. The last thing he wanted was the bird to die and the slave to feel as though the white neko had lied to him. That would be the worst...
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:05am Sep 25 2010
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The young slave jumped slightly at first, only to relax himself. He smiled at the nebeko as he finished up, actually wrapping his arms around his master as a hug. "Thank you..." he told the older male. He seemed rather happy over the bird, the slave letting out an audible hum to show his contentment.
(Rika is such a fail. ;c)
11:41am Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo smiled as the young slave hugged him, sitting there unmoving so as not to startle the slave and make him move away. The boy's body was rather warm and it felt nice to have someone touching him like this. It'd been too long since he'd had a sincere hug. He nodded softly to acknowledge the thanks, staring down at the bird in his lap. The slave really seemed to like it, so he hoped it would be ok. ((Rika is not a fail xD))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:23am Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Band competitions are tiring. I've been gone all day, literally, for one. I left at 10 AM yesterday and I got back at 1:37 AM Sunday morning. Slept on the way home all curled up around my blanket while my friend Sabrina was laying on me. And I went back to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.
And things happened that I shall never speak of again. O.o)
The young slave hesitated for a moment before he nuzzled the older male, staying where he was as he reached down to gently stroke the bird's feathers. He wanted it to be okay, and was grateful to Miramo for helping the pretty little mockingbird. He lifted his gaze back up to his master with a soft, happy smile. He could see now that he was truly kind, which relaxed him quite a bit.
1:18pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Homigosh, I could not do that D: I think the longest competition I ever went to was the Regionals Pokemon tournament last year in Misouri. And now you've got me curious T_T)) Miramo let out a soft purr when the slave nuzzled him but abruptly stopped when the boy reached down the touch the bird, seeing the raw marks on his wrists. Oh right... the whole reason he'd gone into the house in the first place was to get something to sooth the raw marks. The white neko's tail flicked in annoyance at his forgetfulness. He sighed and glanced back at the slave, who was now smiling happily at him. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly. The boy certainly seemed to be warming up to him quickly. "Alright, now," the neko said, gently pulling himself out of the slave's hold, "The bird's going to be alright so let's take a look at you." He shrugged off his jacket and placed it in another chair close by and set the bird on it as a sort of bed. He stood up and motioned for the lavender-haired male to sit, giving him a small smile. ((Ugh, feels like a brainfail Dx))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:24pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The slave boy blinked, tilting his head when Miramo moved away. A moment later he understood, nodding as he sat down. "Thank you again, Ma-- Miramo," he said, hoping his master wouldn't notice his slip. It was automatic by now, as much as he wished it wasn't.
3:30pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo ears pricked forward and he frowned slightly. It wasn't the most obvious slip, but when you had hearing as good as his, it was easy enough to catch. Still, he didn't want to upset the slave, so he simply acted as if it hadn't happened. He grabbed the bottle of aloe from the table and squeezed a generous amount into his hand. "This is going to be cold, but you should feel relief almost immediately." he told him, lifting his hand up to rub the aloe against the raw marks on the boy's neck.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:38pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The slave almost pulled his hand away, but instead felt himself relaxing. He looked up at his master with an oddly warm smile. Nobody had ever been so kind to him, and it made the boy feel more like a person than some ob ject. He felt...good...
He already liked it here, and he hoped Miramo wouldn't sell him.
(Mmm...So cute. Cx)
8:08pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo returned the slave's smile, his tail twitching slightly as he finished applying the aloe to his neck and wrists. Once that was done, he wiped his hands on his pants and grabbed the bandages, starting to wrap the boy's wrists. "If it's too tight just tell me." he said, his head down as he focused on the task at hand. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask, do you have a name?" the white neko asked.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:57pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave shook his head at the question. "Bo real name, at least," he replied softly, suddenly finding the ground fascinating. He chewed on his lower lip, flicking his eyes back up to his master. "And the names my previous masters gave me were very unkind..."
10:20pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo frowned. Of course. Sex slave masters were notorious for naming their slaves terrible things. They got a kick out of it apparently. But still... to not have a name to hold onto must be terrible. "Well, then," the white neko said, trying to make his voice cheerful to lighten the mood, "How about you pick a name for yourself, or I give you one? I don't just want to be calling you something random and without meaning." He began wrapping the slave's neck, being extremely careful not to freak him out or make it too tight.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:48pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The young slave sat silent for a few moments before he looked up at his master, a small bit of hope present in his pale grey eyes. "Could I be called Niro...?" he asked softly as he twiddled his fingers and tilted his head to give Miramo a better angle to work with while bandaging his neck. Niro was the name that the young slave had wanted to be called for the longest time, but...nobody had ever asked him for his name before, so he'd grown used to being without a real name.
9:11pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(-hum- ouo)
9:31pm Sep 27 2010
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Miramo smiled slightly at the name the young slave had chosen. It was a bit on the odd side, but it sounded nice. "Niro," he said with a small nod, testing how it sounded with his own voice. He finished wrapping the bandage with a final knot to keep it in place before standing up to lean against one of the pillars holding the porch up, as there wasn't a third chair on this side of the porch. He crossed his arms comfortably over his chest and twirled his tail around his legs. "Alright then. From then moment on, you shall be called Niro." he said with a smile.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:50pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The newly-dubbed Niro gave his master a happy smile as he was named, the boy overjoyed to finally be given the name he liked. "Thank you!" he said in a joy-filled fashion as he got up to give Miramo a hug, giving him a grin with almost childlike innocence, despite all the things that had happened throughout his life.
Niro nuzzled the elder male once more, letting out a little giggle that was actually louder than his speaking voice. The young slave never wanted to leave here, for here he had somewhere where he finally felt....safe.