10:09pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo chuckled slightly when Niro hugged him, bringing his hand up to pet the slave's head. He almost wished the boy had cat ears so he could rub them. Other than the obvious places, the white neko really didn't think the human body had any particular area that felt better than the rest when touched. After a moment, his ears perked up again. "Oh, I almost forgot." he said, frowning slightly. "Are you hungry or want a bath or anything? I'll get you whatever you need." There was always so much to do with a new slave after first bringing them home. They needed special attention to get them back to good health. Niro seemed pretty well off, but there could sometimes be other problems that weren't completely obvious.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:29pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro's fingers twitched when he was touched at first, but he was quickly relaxed by the petting. The gentle action made the young slave very lightly lean against his master, who was the source of the soft affections he received. Such a simple thing seemed to have made the slave's day, the lavender-haired male letting out a contented hum as his excitement drifted off to be replaced with a softer sense of joy that was more like that of his true age.
The treatment he'd lived through up until had left more than the visible scars that covered his body. His whole mentality was scarred, making the slave revert to a more submissive, childlike persona. He was a sweet, kind-hearted individual, though, despite his harsh life.
Niro blinked when Miramo's question registered, the small male looking up at his master. "If I took a bath, what would I put on...?" he questioned curiously, tilting his headn
10:46pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo let out a soft purr as Niro leaned against him, feeling pleasantly surprised that the slave had warmed up to him so quickly despite his previous masters. There was something about their closeness that was rather comfortable without there being anything else to it. "I have some clothes that'll fit you." he told Niro, switching to stroking the boy's hair. Miramo had never actually had a slave this small before. He'd probably end up giving him some clothes that had been his when he was younger. (-fail-)
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:13pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro moved to let his head rest against his master's warm chest, that being the highest he could reach easily. The human let out a soft, contented sigh as his eyelids drifted shut, the lavender-haired boy listening to Miramo's purrs. The sounds and the stroking of his hair were so gentle and soothing...
He then glanced up at the white neko with a warm smile. "Thank you..." he said again, even his voice showing how relaxed he really was.
(You're not a fail. Rika is. P:)
11:38pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((We're both fails xD)) Miramo smiled gently. "Any time," he murmured, wrapping his free arm around Niro to give him a one-armed hug. "Were you asking because you wanted a bath?" the white neko asked after a moment. He'd been serious about getting the slave anything he needed. If the boy was to ever recover from all those years of abuse, he really did need someone to be there for him regardless.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:53pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro actually welcomed the next touch, the hug, with a smile. He was calm and content for now, but it's hard to tell what could send the boy into hysterics thanks to his past masters. But for now, he felt warm and safe for the first time he could remember, lifting a hand to curl his fingers within his master's shirt.
"Ah...yes, please," Niro answered in response to Miramo's question. He still felt...dirty...from his previous master, and the warm water should help the bruises he had on his inner thighs.
5:28am Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Miramo nodded and reluctantly pulled away from Niro so he could lead him through the doors, taking his hand gently to guide him through the mansion. He took the boy to the large downstairs bathroom, which was pretty much always clean from lack of use. He let go of the slave's hand to kneel by the tub, turning the water on to set the temperature. "What kind of water temperature do you like?" the white neko asked, glancing back at the slave.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:09am Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro curled his fingers around his master's as he was led through the large house, his eyes scanning everything he pas-sed for later use. Upon reaching the bathroom he paused thoughtfully, tilting his head. "Ah...um...more warm than cold, please," he responded. Yes, even the little slave had manners.
(Fail. P:)
6:28pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Bump. P:)
6:42pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Sorry, I typed this up then forgot to post it xD)) Miramo nodded, adjusting the temperature to something close to what the slave had asked, and checked to make sure it wasn't too hot or had a chill before plugging the drain so the bath could fill up. "Do you need me to stay here and help or anything? It might be difficult to wash without getting your bandages wet." the white neko said, actually seeming a bit nervous. It probably would have been a better idea to treat the raw marks after the slave had taken a bath, but Niro had seemed really uncomfortable at the time. ((They. Forgot. The bird! xD))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:12pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro blinked at the offer, then gave the white neko a warm, soft smile. "That's okay. I've had to do it myself many times," he answered truthfully. And he had. He'd bandage himself up and bathe himself while avoiding the bandages. He'd gotten quite good at it.
Then he gave a little gasp. "Ah! We forgot the mockingbird!" he said, looking up at his master. The poor little thing would be defenseless!
(Hurrhurrhurr. C; Wonder what'd happen if Miramo helped Niro anyways. Lol.
And you should check your email. Cx)
7:22pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Lol, he'll probably end up walking in on Niro ;3 And sorry, D: Sometimes I'm out of the room when I get an email so I don't hear the chime >_<)) Miramo's ears perked up in surprise at the mention of the bird. He'd totally forgot about it. His tail flicked in annoyance. Usually he wasn't /that/ forgetful. "Oh, right." he said quickly, "Don't worry, I'll go get him for you. You just enjoy your bath." With that said, he quickly left the bathroom and made his way to the porch. He hopped the little guy was still okay. Snakes often made their homes out in the forest around the mansion. Usually they only came out at night, but everyone once and a while he'd see one out during the day. Once the white neko reached the porch, he breathed a sigh of relief. The mockingbird was still there on his jacket where he'd left it. With a small smile he picked it up, rubbing it's tiny head with the tip of his finger affectionately.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:56pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Niro tried getting his voice as loud as he possibly could as he called out a thank you to his master. Once the neko was gone and he'd peeled off the only article of clothing he'd had on, the young slave carefully moved to climb into the tub. He bit back a hiss as the water made his fresher wounds sting, but was soon relaxed.
After simply sitting in the wonderfully warm water for a while, the boy began to wash, starting off with his hair. He smiled happily, starting to hum a song that he'd made by using the different calls of different birds he'd seen.