~Arcanine's my favorite pokemon. <3 xD;
I'm sorry. x3 All right. *Goes to find a legendary Gijinka picture.*
Plot that I have:
It's been a year since Team Rocket disappeared without a trace from Sinnoh. The land has been peaceful, the pokemon more willing to come out in the daytime. Slowly the trainers and pokemon began to weave the usual trust and began to fight for freedom and becoming a trainers pokemon. But all was not peaceful, in the dark labs in a secret forest, Team Rocket was hard at work on their new project. Humans that are half Pokemon. Gijinkas, or Poke'morphs. The humans grow pokemon parts, able to be captured in a poke'ball, and able to use the pokemon's moves that they were fused with. Each of the humans were fused with one pokemon and one alone. But the humans that were used in the tests were not volunteers. They were kidnapped from their homes, parks, wherever. And the one’s who were kidnapped were mostly teenagers, or very young adults. But after months of painful tests, a band of Poke’morphs decided it was time to break free of their prison. They decided it was time to try and live with other humans and tell the police of what was happening. Their escape attempt was successful, but while in the process they alerted the alarms. Team Rocket sent out Poke’morphs who enjoyed being what they were and part of Team Rocket, out to capture the one’s who had escaped. Armed with nothing else but their moves and six poke’balls, they sent out to capture the one’s who escaped. Before everyone’s life was in danger.
The Team Rocket members that are sent out are also Poke'morphs. ~