9:00pm Jun 24 2014
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Posts: 698
Storm quickly but carefully carved the remaining moons in there order, then walked back over to Daisuki bowing infront of her, ready for the next step.
6:39pm Jun 27 2014
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Posts: 306
(( I seriously hate when this site glitches and doesn't keep your post it just disappears.. -.- once again shall we))
Bowing with Stormy I looked up to the skies the wind picking up suddenly as the moon perched intentionally on the tree tops it's beautiful pearl white suddenly turning a very pale glass blue, its gentle light laying over our backs and dai's body spreading all around us. Looking to Storm I took a breath and heard the faint whistle of the wind, lifting my head to the skies again I saw six ectoplasm like balls of baby blue mist sinking down from the moon itself it seemed. Slowly the spheres came to rest on all sides of Daisuki, Storm and I in the middle my head down as I bowed in respect and left my eyes on the ground. Feeling a supreme energy begin to flow out I watched the sphere's out of the corner of my eyes begin to shift and manifest taking the forms of six very strong yet beautifully statuesque wolves, The Elders. Their coats whiter than the first fallen snow, every Elder's eyes a different color, each Elder harboring special marks of power and place and skill, the marks glowing the same color as their eyes. The Elder Wolf to my left had royal purple eyes that peered down at Daisuki His frame seeming to tower over mine, celtic knots and symbols decorating his coat and twisting around his eyes. My ribs heaved out and back in as the Elders around us gradually shifted their gazes directly to Stormy and I, looking to her my eyes still low i nodded to her gently ' let it begin' i seemed to say through my gaze. An Elder stood at Daisuki's back, Her silver eyes peering around at Storm and I filled with patient wisdom as she spoke suddenly, "Levate capita vestra, et imperantes * Lift your heads, leaders*" Bowing my head in obedience still I kept my eyes down and with a chilled breath on my neck from the Elder on my left i felt the ZING of my true essence surging through my system. Shivering a bit my eyes began glowing, their colors seeming to bleed with florescence in an eerie way, my fangs elongating as i closed and opened my mouth, i felt the pressure as my frame began to increase in size my legs lengthening, my normal height quickly being surpassed as my bones seemed to expand and my shadow stretch, my claws growing longer they pushed into the earth as my body let on the last of the change before allowing me to relax beside the Elders who were now near my size but not quite, My dark frame seeming to be lit up by The Elder's pure light. Laying my ears back i gave a soft shake of my head as i knashed my teeth once more, and with a new sense of respectful power stood and with cautious yet haunting eyes, looked over to Storm.
8:42pm Jun 27 2014 (last edited on 11:45am Jun 28 2014)
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Posts: 698
((I hate not being able to think of cool post and being just lame like that))
Storm dipped her head with respect then rose onto her feet, lifting her head up, but keeping her gaze to the ground as Dominik had done, avoiding the wise, bright, colorful eyes watching there every move. Suddenly her tail touched an Elder with glowing ocean blue eyes with flowing markings to match, all of the markings came and ended on his forehead. Storm clenched her teeth making her jaw bone throb with slight pain, but her eyes narrowed with surprise as the Elder gave a small smile, she had only seen few Elders in her dreams, this one she had not seen before, but he still seemed familiar. A rush of cold wind blew right through her, giving her a burst of energy and enlightenment, her frame grew larger, her claws longer and her fangs sharper, her black pelt now a brilliant blue from the light of the Elders and her eyes turned an unnameable color, she still was not as large as Dominik or the Elders, but she felt much more power, she stood respectful and strait.
The Elder with bright green eyes and markings stepped forward casting a firm gaze across Dominik, Daisuki and Storm, then focused on Daisuki seeming to judge and think deeply. Storm gazed at the Elders who were near her through the corner of her eye, the one to her right had glowing amber eyes with rather different markings then the other Elders had, this Elder's seemed to tell more the more she focused on them, but she took her gaze away and looked over to Dominik, ready for what was coming next.
9:18am Jun 28 2014 (last edited on 9:24am Jun 28 2014)
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Posts: 423
Call finished ripping up pieces of meat for the little ones. She placed them gently beside Roe and Ani, and plopped down herself to supervise. She sighted Yuushuu coming into the den, and yipped to her lightly in greetings. Her amber orbs turned back to the two small wolves, she was happy they were finally having a nice meal. It would have been horrific to lose the pups from malnutrition on top of everything else they had already suffered. It was getting late and the winds finally picked up a bit as they often did during the cold nights. Call laid quite comfortably in the den , warm surrounded by the rock walls. She barked loudly to others that is was best to come inside now. The sun was finally set and the twilight was behining to fill with stars. It was beautiful, the night sky seemed to close way up here in the mountains...
1:12pm Jun 28 2014 (last edited on 1:39pm Jun 28 2014)
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Posts: 709
I exhaled a shallow breath and watched as my soul came out like the vapor of warm air coming from my mouth on a cold winter day. I felt as my soul solidified but soon after my dark true form followed. The elders looked at me in disappointment but their expressions softened but still hard a stern look. Both my forms bowed. The elders looked at my dark form and it came towards me. I moved back but an elder pushed me forward. "It is you. Why can't you accept this part of yourself?" The elder seem to ask in latin but I remained silent. I watched as my dark form grew angry but I saw the sadness in it's eyes well my eyes. I felt both my forms start to drift towards each other. It felt like we were magnetized. I tried to move away but an elder slung me into my dark form. We were half and half as I fought more of my normal form took over but my dark form was strong. Suddenly my souls were turning into glass and the fighting was causing it to crack and then I went into a trance. "Look you are destroying yourself by hating yourself. Anger isn't a bad thing learning to channel it is everything. If you just try this one time it will not only save yourself but everyone you love." I spoke to myself and then was back. I howled and a white and red beam shot out as my forms became one. Flowing back into my body I was weak but bowed to the elders.
2:44pm Jun 28 2014
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Posts: 306
Watching as Daisuki's forms mingled and jumped and slowly began to merge an Elder standing between her front and rear paws looked down on Daisuki and then to me her brightly lit orange eyes and markings glowing even more so as the wind picked up her power swirling around us as she spoke, "Viri seniores qui mecum est susurrus venti, facere haec adolescentulum hunc Lenis acceptio lupi vespere et hiems in fine sunt, hoc est consentire omnes mitis Daisuki merge in eam formam? * " Fellow Elders of The Whispering Winds who stand with me to witness this Lenis Acceptio performed upon this young wolf at the peak of the winter dusk, are we all to agree to accept Daisuki's gentle merge into her true form?*" Each Elder in a specific order bowed their heads and closed their eyes in agreement. And with a gentle smile the Elder speaking rose her head and spoke to everyone ""I, Cerevian, introitum nostrum ad vos, da, Daisuki, et vos merge ut in pace, et laborem, et ibi discite diligere vos yoursef ut ipsum diligat te. *" I, Cerevian, Give our acceptance to you, Daisuki, may you merge peacefully and without strain, and learn to love yoursef as your pack loves you*" Smiling proudly at her acceptance from the Elders, Cerevian's head slowly craned to her right her gaze landing on me and willing my eyes to hers. As I looked to the great wolf I bowed my head then rose once more and listened as her melodic voice spoke to me, " Dominicus, Alpha et horizontem luna Pack of dux, qui fuerat dissipatus, et periit, et protector eorum est in genere scire, cum tu ipse Lenis acceptio faciebat super vos, et gravis, ut Beta Dominicus, et eorum, ut in Horizon pack luna, tu testimonium perhibuisti lenis acceptio, redde me, quam ad vos, cum ad novum Sigma in eam formam lenem tactum, et lunam, et ad principes, et ad beneplacitum suum maior est, ut, cum usque ad iumenta, usque ad tempus in. * Dominik, Alpha of The Horizon Moon Pack, leader of the broken and lost, Protector of the family he has come to know, You yourself have had Lenis Acceptio performed on you,-" stopping she shifted her gaze to Stormy and waited for the young wolf to look at her before continuing, "-And Stormy, Beta to Dominik and second in command to the Horizon Moon Pack, you have witnessed Lenis Acceptio, join me, to welcome your new Sigma into her true form with the gentle touch of the moon and the acceptance of her Elder's and leaders, to be with your pack until time's end" Bowing my head to the Matriarch she bowed back to us both. The wind began to whip heavily around us Daisuki's body suddenly surrounded by a pearl white mist as the moon's light lay over her. Shifting my front legs the Elders bowed their heads, Cerevian keeping her eyes on us all "Utinam ne consummaretur merge, ut simus mites et recipere bona nostra super Sigma horizontis Pack lupus, te quiescere, ut te postremo Daisuki *May the finishing merge, be gentle and accepting as we lay our Blessings upon the Sigma of the Horizon Wolf Pack, may you be at rest with yourself at last Daisuki*" And with that Storm and I lowered our heads and together each Elder touched their nose to Daisuki before all at once throwing their heads back as they shifted their right front paw forward and let out a howl that could be heard for miles as Storm and I joined in. My heart pounding my pride high I took a breath and with everything inside of me let out a Howl that seemed to shake my frame the power seemed so much, ' We did it' the thought crossed my mind with joy and a small smile pulled at the corners of my mouth as I looked to the moon mid-howl, thanking the Goddess and Elders alike.
9:54am Jul 2 2014
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Posts: 709
I turned to Alpha and howled as well. I was happy that this was over. I hoped that Storm would join in.
11:26am Jul 2 2014
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Posts: 698
Storm howled high, thanking the great Spirits, then after, she turned and smiled at Daisuki, licking her on the forehead, and looked at Dominik, standing strait and waiting.
9:27pm Jul 4 2014
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Posts: 306
Looking to The Matriarch as she came up to me I bowed then looked to her, and with a wise, aged, smile she bowed her head to and as I bowed mine she pressed her nose to my head between my ears. A cold draft seemed to blow over my body, my injuries healing and a strange feeling of being larger than I was. Lifting my head she spoke "Amen, amen dico tibi, ut Legenda Dominicus, Luna horizontis alpha pravis. Benedictionem meam super te, et in tantam molestie superbus diu vivat, et qui omnia pericula evenire, ut cum communi otio fortissimum et a pravis nobilis. * May you grow to be a Legend, Dominik, Alpha of The Horizon Moon Pack. I bestow my Blessings upon you and your pack, May you live long and proud, and may whatever threats that come your way, be dismissed with the normal ease of a very strong and noble pack.*" And with a fare thee well bow towards eachother she turned and began loping into what seemed to be a beam of moon light touching the earth a few feet from us, and with her pack she dispersed, like a clearing mist. As the night settled down I turned to Stormy and Daisuki and bowed to both of them, " I am so very proud of all of us, especially you, Daisuki. Welcome to the pack officially" bowing to her I looked to Stormy " And thank you, Beta. This would have been near impossible without you"
6:58am Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 350
After Yuushuu finished her rabbit meal, she walked outside to wash the mess off of her snout with the snow. She never did like being dirty, especially after eating an animal. She felt like some sort of beast with blood on her face like that. She shivered as an icy breeze swept by, it was getting colder. After she nestled her face into the snow and wiped off what she could, she shook the snow off and headed quickly back into the den. Yuushuu curled up on the floor of the cave near the pups and tried to get some sleep.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
10:36am Jul 5 2014 (last edited on 10:37am Jul 5 2014)
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Posts: 709
I smiled and closed my eyes proudly. I was happy. As I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything. I was shrouded in darkness. I knew my eyes were open because I felt my upper eyelid go down as a blinked. Am I blind now? I started to panic. "Alpha, Beta! I can't see. Where are you?" I frantically pawed the ground wondering what was going on. My body sensed I was in danger and I felt my eyes roll back and I went into my true essence. I could see in this form but it was different. I spun around and then I turned back to normal but I couldn't see. What is this?
Trying to remain calm I slammed my front paws on the ground and felt for the vibrations. I could see but not like how I would with normal eyes. Just shapes. From the feel and sounds of it Alpha and Beta were in front of me. My eyes widen.
"I'm blind."
12:37pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 306
"Daisu-" Dodging her frame as she swung around in panic I walked up to her and sat down against her side, her ribs heaving against my side. " Daisuki, be calm... sit down with me, right up against me" I order softly looking up at the trees.
1:07pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 698
Storm backed up as Daisuki had started to panic, then walked up and stood next to her other side. Looking to Dominik, Storm swished her tail across the ground, then looked up at the night sky, 'Is this another Omen...?' she asked in her thoughts, curious as to what was going to happen, "Dominik, its coming" She said not realizing what she just said.
2:14pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 709
Feeling Storm and Dom at my side I calmed down. My hearing keener now due the lack of sight. I tapped into Dom's Psyche seeing the world through his eyes. It was weird because he was looking at me. Still in control of my body I laid beside him. Then I heard Storm speak. What's coming? I though. I tapped out of Dom's psyche to give him some privacy. I didn't want to invade his thoughts. It was weird not being able to see but I've always used the vibrations in the earth to find things I couldn't see so I should be able to survive just fine. I miss my eyesight though.
Why after the ceremony though?
Of all things why my sight?
3:08pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 306
" Daisuki, close your eyes..." closing my eyes with her the wind wrapped around us as I heard Stormy speak suddenly, " I know Beta, but let us not worry with that right now" I assure gently my eyes still closed, " Take a deep breath Dai and tell me what you hear and smell and feel"
3:12pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 709
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. "I hear the wind blowing and the rustling of leaves caused by the wing. I smell you and Storm. I feel renewed but like storm I feel something in the earth coming. We should head back to the others. I'm sure by Call's den we'll be safer."
4:32pm Jul 5 2014 (last edited on 4:32pm Jul 5 2014)
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Posts: 698
Storm stood strait, lifting her nose to the air and closing her eyes, the wind was getting stronger, "A storms building, a strong one, I agree with Daisuki, we need to make sure the Pack is safe" She said opening her eyes and looking to Dominik, and waiting to hear what he had to say.
4:50pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 306
"My point was Daisuki that your vision will return." Standing up I look at the skies and with a heavy sigh I move forward back to the den.
4:54pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 698
Storm followed Dominik, but a bit slower to let Daisuki go ahead of her and closed her eyes feeling the wind push through her fur.
4:58pm Jul 5 2014
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Posts: 709
I felt like I said something wrong but with the way Alpha is it's hard for me to tell what he's thinking. As I made each step I felt the vibrations of the earth stronger than before. Despite the cold air and the now melting snow as we journeyed forward the ground felt warm as ever. I was aware of everything. My other senses heightened. For some reason I think I would be a little sad if my sight returned. I sighed and looked up at the sky only to remember...I can't see..