Pack RP

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1:14pm Sep 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 306
( Thank you for your honesty Taka, we'll see you around. You're always welcome back. Fare Faren)


2:51pm Sep 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 425
Call bounded up to Dom, as the snow filled wind whipped through the trees. She stopped short, and gave anod to Dom. "I had a thought Dom." she paused. " Ithink,...I think the funny two-legs might be trying to help us?" She looked to him hoping for approval. Her idea may have sounded a bit silly, but Call felt something deep within herself that told her not to be afraid anymore. How curious this wind had found them at just the same time? filling her heart with a new sense of safety. She had a lot of thoughts now,but none of them seemed to worry her. She felt more intrigued by each one.

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

3:05pm Sep 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 306
" I think you may very well be right. The Spirits seem to not find any danger in them either" I say looking to the snow flurried sky, " We will meet at some point, only then can we determine if they are friend or foe"


3:28pm Sep 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 306

Pack RP shut down

This Rp had its highlights while it lasted but after an endless reel of confusion and set backs I feel it would be better to end it here. I will not be re-starting or re-vamping this rp. Thank you to everyone who joined.

Fare Faren All


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