10:27pm Jun 26 2011
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Hehe, don't ask me how I came up with the ti tle... It just came to me. xD Hehe.
Well! Bios? -Trainer- Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Pokemon: Other: Looks:
-Pokemon- Species: Nick-Name: Level: Moves: Other: ((Those fine? You can add what you wish to them if they are too simple. Cx))
10:33pm Jun 26 2011 (last edited on 10:33pm Jun 26 2011)
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[[ Yey! I'm lazy, so I'll just be using the same bios as the egg RP :p ]] Name: Nathaniel [ Nate ] Sterling Appearance: Credits to aiki-aime @ DeviantArt Personality: Nate's a quiet guy. He doesn't care much about the people around him, and rarely contributes to the conversation. He's sweet, though, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand. He dislikes hyper and loud people, and prefers a quiet place where he can study and such. He's slow to rile, though he does snap at random times because of stress. [Derp, he's a new character, RP the rest out ono] Pokémon: Snivy Other: None Species: Snivy Nickname: Icarus [it's my Serperior's name >l] Level: 5 Moves: Tackle, Leer [if I remember correctly --] Other: None --- Name: Haine Makoto Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearance: Credits to Patamy @ DeviantArt Personality: Haine is the adventurous one. She doesn't believe in logic, and prefers to do things her way. She's extremely independent, and would listen to herself instead of others. She's very headstrong and stubborn, and leaps to conclusions easily. If her mind is set on something, then it's very hard to get her off-track. Haine is also rather gullible and a terrible liar, and is very air-headed at times. Pokémon: Charmander :D Other: None Species: Charmander Nickname: Cage [...because] Level: 5 Moves: Scratch, Growl [if I remember correctly] Other: None

9:07pm Jun 27 2011
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Name: Katherine Jones (Kat) Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: .... But no umbrella. Personality: Kat is a person of her own. She speaks her mind openly, sparing nobody's personal feelings. She may come off as mean or somewhat of a jerk, but, that's just her first impression. Kat is blunt, so, she gives great advise, wether you want to hear it or not is your own fault. She is also very gullible, she will believe almost anything you tell her. But, fortunately, she is not one for gossip, so your lies never go to anyone past her. Pokemon: Mudkip Other: Nope. Species: Mudkip Nick-Name: Konan Level: 5 Moves: Tackle, growl (If I remember correctly.) Other: Nope. c: ~~ Name; Collin Brady (Lin-Lin) Age; 15 Gender; Male Appearance; Collin doesn't quite look like a good guy. He has bite marks (Pokemon bite marks) all over his arms and shoulders, and it looks like he was in the pit with a rabid dog himself... And was the victor. Collin is about 5' 9", not the tallest guy ever, with a strong, muscular build. When thinking of Collin, just think of a Rhino. He is solid as a rock, and it takes a lot to take him down. He has definition in his muscles everywhere: Back, arms, neck, legs, stomach, etc. He may not have a six pack, but he is buff. Collin has an olive-colored skin tone, with shiny, unmanageable black hair. Because it's so hard to control, Collin keeps his hair cut short, not quite buzz-cut, but very close. His skin is blemish free, naturally. (Though, secretly, he has a 20 minute skin regiment that he uses every night to ensure clean skin.) Collin's jaw is rather square, but fits the rest of his body frame, and this accents his unnaturally high cheek bones, which draw attention to his eyes, which are large, and black. One finds himself/herself staring at his eyes, mostly because they find them creepy. (As I would.) Collin wears typical dark blue jeans, but they are slightly loose fitting, giving him easy running-access. He wears running shoes on his feet, because he likes to run, I guess. He's usually seen in a black T-shirt, with no writing or anything like that, just plain blue jeans, and a plain, black T-shirt with running shoes. When it gets cold, like in the winter, Collin will wear a plain black hoodie. He likes to blend in with the black of night. (He also has a lower-than-normal body temperature, so he doesn't get cold so easily.) Personality; [This may suck, because he is a new character of mine. xD] Collin, at first impression, is a guy who doesn't care. He doesn't talk much, because he likes to keep a low profile. Collin has his own way of speaking, as through a certain look or gesture, a nod, or even a slight twitching of his fingers. Each action of his has a special meaning, wether or not you know it. Collin doesn't open up, ever. He doesn't speak to people he doesn't know, not even to introduce himself. (Some say he was born to be a mime.) He's very, very defensive of himself, and those close to him. If any harm came to them, he would go on a killing spree. No joke. Collin, though, is actually, once you get past his shell, very self conscious of himself. He is always, secretly, wondering what people think of him, and if it's good or bad. He's the guy, who if you insult, he may laugh, but on the inside, he is crying. He's a real softy, and things truly get to him, but he would never, EVER, let anyone see that. Pokemon: Treeko Other: Nope. c: Species: Treeko Nick-Name: Koko Level: 5 Moves: Tackle and Leer (If I remember correctly.) Other: Nope.
9:19pm Jun 27 2011
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[[ Yay x3 So which region should we RP in? o_o ]]
9:22pm Jun 27 2011
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((Uhh... o.o Hoenn region? c:))
9:24pm Jun 27 2011
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[[ Shoor o3o Let's start at Twinleaf, with the character heading for Professor Elm's? ]]
9:24pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 9:24pm Jun 27 2011)
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oops double post >_>
9:31pm Jun 27 2011
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Sure. :3 ... You start? xD
9:39pm Jun 27 2011
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[[ Fein o-o I just noticed Haine and Katherine are red-heads, and Nate and Collin have black hair xD ]] Haine exited the lab, a Pokéball in her hands. She looked extremely excited, accompanied by a boy who seemed much more lax. "My first Pokémon, Nate!" She said cheerfully. She looked like she was ready to throw the ball at any moment. The boy sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything. Nate was actually smiling faintly, looking down at his Pokéball in a rather affectionate way. He held out his arm and the Pokéball shot out a red beam. "Come out, Snivy." He said, watching as his new partner formed and eyed him critically. His Snivy wandered over and nosed Nate's legs curiously, giving him another look. As if it accepted him, his Snivy stood next to Nate, looking up at him with bright red eyes. "My turn!" Haine said cheerfully, throwing the ball up into the air. "Come out, Charmander!" Charrr~ A happy orange Pokémon bounced around, happy to be let out of its ball. The Charmander looked over its shoulder at Haine, then at the Snivy. Being a grass-type, Nate's Snivy recoiled a bit when Haine's Charmander wandered over, swinging its tail in a carefree manner. [[ That's all I got so far >_> ]]

10:16pm Jun 27 2011
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"I hope my Mudkip doesn't have a mutation!" Kat said with a small laugh as she exited the Professor's building with Collin not too far behind her. She caressed her pokeball, as if it were the most important thing that she had every owned, which, it was.
"Oh, Collin!" She said excitedly, she couldn't wait to see her own mudkip! Then, the girl tossed the Pokeball up, and with a red flash, a cute, little mudkip appeared at Kat's side.
"Kip?" It said, looking up at it's new owner.
With a great, big grin, Kat knelt down to her pokemon. "Hmm.... " She said, thoughtfully. " I shall call you.... Konan!" She said, giving the Mudkip a Pecha berry, in attempt to bond with it a bit more. From this, the pokemon nuzzled the girl. What a perfect match! "You're turn, Collin!" The girl said, not bothering to look up at him.
Collin, without saying a single word, held out his arm and dropped the ball. As soon as the pokeball hit the ground, another red flash came. This time, a Treeko stood next to the boy. Collin knelt down to the ground, and picked the ball up, taking a deep stare at his newfound Pokemon, who stared right back.
"Hey, Koko," He said softly, giving it a small rub in between it's ears. The Treeko seemed to like that, because it gave out a noise that oddly sounded like a purr. Then, a voice broke the silence.
"Collin," Kat said, looking down the road. "Look, it's more people... They seem to have pokemon too!" She said, squinting to see it better. "Looks like... A Snivy... And a Charmander?"
"....." Silence followed the girl's final words. Collin almost felt like laughing when the girl's head turned, showing a big, fat pouty face. Then, without warning, he nodded to his Treeko, and started their way. ((Sorry for this fail as well. xD))
3:16pm Jun 28 2011
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((... ohmygod I feel so stupid right now. ;-; I spelled 'Private' wrong. ;c))
5:32pm Jun 28 2011
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Nate looked over his shoulder. Tapping Haine's shoulder, she also looked over at what he was staring at. "Oh, look! Professor Elm gave two more people some starters!" Haine said. "Let's say hi!" She skipped over, accompanied by an uneasy Nate. Her Charmander gave another growl of delight and followed, tail swinging even more to show-off the bright red flame. "I wish I never pointed them out." He muttered to himself, followed by Snivy who stayed close by his feet. "Hi! Are you two residents in Twinleaf?" Haine asked as they approached the pair. She had a friendly smile on her face, while Nate didn't seem as enthusiastic. His Snivy eyed the Treeko and Mudkip, standing behind Nate's leg. Haine's Charmander wandered over, growling a greeting to the two Pokémon.
5:50pm Jun 28 2011
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Collin stopped dead when he noticed that the other two people had looked their way. Then, he was slightly started when they headed their way. The girl seemed... Enthusiastic about meeting them, while the boy... Seemed, much less so.
"Collin? Why'd you stop walking?" Kat asked, walking a few steps ahead of him. "They seem to want to say hi! Let's go!" With this, Kat grabbed Collin's elbow and led him to the others.
-"Are you residents of Twinleaf?"- The girl asked.
"Yeah! Quite recently though, for me anyways." Kat paused to give a smile and a slightly awkward wave. "I'm Katherine Jones! Everyone calls me Kat though." Kat paused and looked over at the man next to her. "And this, this is Collin Brady. He's not much of a talker though, so don't be... angry if he doesn't talk to you!" Kat paused again and beamed at the other two. "Oh! This is my mudkip, Konan. And that's Collin's Treeko, Koko!" Kat added quickly, making sure not to forget their new buddies.
6:06pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Haha, called Nate a man xD ]] "Hi Kat and Collin!" Haine replied. "My name's Haine, Haine Makoto, and-" "And I'm Nate." He cut off Haine, not wanting them to know his full name. Haine had a habit of blabbing, and apparently she would give information to complete strangers also. "This is my Snivy, and her Charmander." He nodded towards his partner, still clinging to his leg. "Hey, they gave their Pokémon nicknames, Nate. Perhaps we should give ours names also." Haine said, looking down at her Charmander for approval. "Char, char charrr!" Her Charmander replied excitedly, throwing its little arms up into the air.
6:17pm Jun 28 2011
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((D'aww. Charmanders are so cute. c:)) "Hi Haine! Hi Nate!" Kat said happily, waving to each person as they introduced themselves. And Collin, Collin just nodded. Not a word was uttered from him. Kat started rummaging through her bag, and pulled out a few berries she had stashed in there. "Would you guys mind if I fed your pokemon some berries?" She asked them, smiling widely. In turn, she bent down and tossed two berries to her own Mudkip and Collin's Treeko, who ate them as if they were quite hungry. Collin smiled and bent down to his Treeko. He petted it and smiled. He did have a soft spot for Koko already, though, it's not like Collin would admit that or anything. He stood up, Treeko in his arms, and fed it another berry. Pecha, because Koko seemed to like those the best. "Tree... Ko... Ko..." It growled in acceptance in the middle of eating its berry.
7:03pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Collin cuddling his Treeko. Must see o_o ]] "I'm sure Charmander and Snivy wouldn't mind." Haine grinned. She stared at Kat's Mudkip and Collin's Treeko, still clutched in his arms. She narrowed her eyes, trying very hard to think of a cool nickname for her partner. "I can tell by that idiotic look on your face that you're trying to think." Nate said dryly, though he grinned. Haine was really boisterous and loud, so a thinking Haine was something worth seeing. "I think I'll call my Snivy Icarus." He stated, bending down to pick up his Snivy. Nate held out Icarus, staring at him eye-to-eye. "You cool with that?" He asked his partner. Nate's Snivy eyed him, then uttered a small noise, nodding his nose approvingly.
7:11pm Jun 28 2011
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((Yeah, Collin's a big softy. c:)) Kat grinned as Haine and started rummaging through her bag again. She realized that there were special pouching for each of her things... But Kat certainly wasn't organized enough for that. So, she started looking in her 'Pokeball' pouch, where she found an Oran berry. Then, she checked the TM/HM pouch, pulling out a Cherri berry. "Hello, Icarus," Kat said softly, looking over at the Snivy. She held out both her hands, a berry in each, and said, "Which berry would you like?" A small grin was on the girl's face. Collin watched as Haine tried thinking of a perfect name for the Charmander. He could see that she was having a hard time with it. A voice broke his train of thought. "Hey Lin-Lin, what do you think this little Charmander should be called?" .... She just called me Lin Lin. Oh god. OH GOD. Collin was mortified. He figured Kat heard his mom call him that at one point... His mom was the only one who ever called him that! Talk about embarrassing....
1:34pm Jun 29 2011
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Haine hid a little snigger at Colllin's nickname. She thought he was a tough and quiet guy, but maybe she was mistaken. Nate was still holding Icarus, turning the Snivy around to allow him to pick out Kat's berries. Icarus sniffed both of them in turn, then picked up Kat's Oran Berry with his mouth, munching it happily. Smiling, Nate set down his Snivy, who in turn sat down on his shoes and continued eating the berry. While Haine still thought, her Charmander walked in circles around her, chanting with his arms still up in the air. [[ Charmander is such an idiot in this RP xD I didn't intend him to be. ]]
3:06pm Jun 29 2011
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(( xDD I think he's adorable!! ))
"I think you should put that Charmander in a cage..." Collin muttered, his first comment of the day. Which, Kat took as a shock.
"That's rude, Collin," She said with a frown. "I'm sorry, Haine... He doesn't quite know where he left his manners!" Kat said the last sentence loudly, directly at Collin, who gave her no reaction in response. "Ugh." She muttered, crossing her arms in annoyance at her companion.
((This is a fail post. xD))
4:10pm Jun 29 2011
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[[ I'm running out of ideas too ._. LET US BEGIN THE JOURNEY >D ]] "Cage... Huh." Haine seemed to ignore Collin's snide comments and Kat's scolding, and stared back down at her partner. The Charmander looked back up at Haine and beamed cheerfully. "That's decided! You're new name will be Cage!" Haine announced. "Charr, char char!" Cage swung his tail happily, causing Icarus to hiss again and hide behind Nate's legs. "So, are we going, Haine?" Nate asked her in a slightly impatient voice. "Going? Oh right! We'll go soon!" Haine promised Nate, then turned to Collin and Kat. "Where are you guys going after this?" She asked.