10:06pm Jun 29 2011
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[[ burmp ]]
10:12pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 10:22pm Jun 29 2011)
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((Yes! Let us! >U)) Collin glared at Kat as soon as she turned around. Why is she being so ridiculous?? Probably because there's a BOY here! Collin thought, sounding much like a 5 year old. But, like usual, he stayed silent about it.
"Well, we haven't really thought about it much.... " Kat said slowly. "I was thinking about going to Rustboro, to challenge the gym leader!" Kat stood on her toes and puffed out her chest, to try and seem a lot stronger than she was. "But... We'll train first, of course." She added with a half-hearted laugh. "But, headed that way. What way are you guys going?"
10:13pm Jun 29 2011
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[[ Birch or Elm? Derp. My memory is so confuzzled. Maybe Elm is the Sinnoh region guy xD'' ooops ._. ]]
10:20pm Jun 29 2011
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((Yeah, It's Birch. xDD Hahaha So, they started out in Little Root Town instead. xD Ohkay, I'll go edit my post now. xD))
10:56pm Jun 29 2011
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[[ ... -headdesk- I just realized. Out of all my Pokémon games, the Hoenn region is the only one I'm not familiar with @__@ I think I confused it with Johto, but then I checked it out and then I was like 'whups' ._. ]] "Hey, me too!" Haine said, joining Kat's excitement. "I think Cage and I really have to train..." She trailed off, wondering if a Fire Type really was the best choice. "Since Roxanne has Rock Pokémon. Come to think of it, none of the Gym-leaders are fire-friendly." But then Haine shrugged. "Oh well! I love Charmander, anyway. Nate's going to zoom by the gym leaders." Haine sighed. At the sound of his voice, Nate seemed to wake up a little. "What? Oh, yeah. It's good thing I like Snivies." He smiled again, patting Icarus' head.
11:05pm Jun 29 2011
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((Which one are you truly familular with? c: Perhaps we could Rp that? :D I personally do not mind. ^-^))
"Yeah, lucky Nate and Collin... They both have grass type! And me.. Well, Mudkip is both water and ground. I wonder how he'll do with a rock type. Good I hope!" Kat said with a grin. She knelt down and petted her Mudkip. "But, before we head off, I want to get some pokeballs! Catch a few pokemon maybe." Kat said this with a grin. Oh how she loved the idea of having 6 strong pokemon on her belt.
When Kat mentioned Collin's Treeko, he couldn't help but sqeeze the pokemon a bit tighter, which it cooed in return. He was ready to go, BUT, he had to buy some potions just in case... He didn't want to get in any trouble in the tall grass when they left!
8:37am Jun 30 2011
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[[ I'm fine with Sinnoh and Johto. I'm currently playing in Unova, so I may be most familiar with that at the moment ._. Sorry for the troubles D: ]] "Maybe I'll get a rod from someone. Catch myself a water Pokémon..." Haine thought out loud. "What do you think, Cage?" "Char!" Cage replied happily, then charging off into the forest. "W-wait, Caaage!" Haine ran after her Pokémon. Nate found himself left with the two strangers. "I guess this is where our journey starts." He said, shrugging and picking up Icarus. He started to follow Haine, as he could still hear her screaming after her Charmander. Pausing and looking at the other two over his shoulder, he asked 'you coming?'. [[ Bleh. The last part was so bleh ono ]]
1:31am Jul 1 2011
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((I don't have any of the new games. o.o Just Game-Boy games. xD)) Kat was pleased with Haine's enthusiasm, reminded her of herself, to a point. Then, they both ran off, Haine chasing her pokemon. Which, Kat giggled at mildly. She almost wanted to chase the both of them, but, that would be weird, wouldn't it?
And, Kat's train of thought was interupted by Nate, asking if they were coming. "Oh!" She exclaimed quickly, almost dropping the berry in her hand. "Yeah! Yeah we are!" She yelled to Nate, looking at Mudkip with a stern eye. "Be good, ya here?" She said to it, raising an eyebrow.
If the Mudkip could laugh, he would. Instead, it nodded and growled, "Kip... Mudkip!"
Collin, of course, tried keeping his 'bad-boy' look by rolling his eyes and putting his Treeko to the ground. He eyed it expectingly, as if they were doing some kind of mind-talking, because right after, the Treeko puffed up his chest and started walking towards Nate, followed by Collin, then Kat and her Mudkip. ((Fail. xD))
4:12pm Jul 1 2011
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[[ Nuu, play the new games ono ]] Nate's Snivy climbed all over his partner, then settling on his shoulder, looking quite happy and nodding his approval. Nate didn't ob ject, in fact he seemed rather happy to have the Pokémon crawling all over him. He could hear Haine far off, along with her Charmander's incessant chanting and growling. "Hey, Cage, come here! Look at the water, it's so AAARGH!" Haine's startled yell, followed by the splash of water, annoyed Nate. He wasn't particularly concerned. When they arrived at the scene, Haine was floundering in the pond, attempting to catch the water Pokémon that darted through. "Hey guys!" She chirped, as if this was nothing. "I was showing Cage how nice the water was, then he pushed me down." She explained, a hand trying to grab her only spare Pokéball to toss.
3:35pm Jul 2 2011
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((I will... o.o Once I find my Ds. :c I don't know where it went. :c)) Kat was quite happy as she skipped down the road, her mudkip right at her side. She whistled a low, tuneless melody. A smile on her face as she went along. "Konan, keep up!" She complained slightly when she noticed that her mudkip was falling back with Collin and Koko. "Kip," It replied quickly, running to catch up with it's owner.
Then, Kat almost jumped out of her skin when she heard Haine scream. "Oh my god... I think my heart just stopped!" She said, laughing loudly afterwards. Kat skipped happily over to Cage and couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Haine in the pond. "How's the water?" She said with another laugh.
On the other hand, Collin was actually quite worried. He looked at the girl with wide eyes, wondering what in the world she was doing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid... He thought to himself, crossing his arms in the process. Probably because I don't know how to swim...
7:23pm Jul 2 2011
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[[ Herp. I don't really like the new generation Pokémon -.- But I've managed to salvage the few that I love o3o Like my Serperior <3 ]] "It's fine!" Haine called back with a laugh. Cage didn't seem to get the joke, but he gave a hearty growl-laugh along with the girls. "How am I supposed to catch a water Pokémon?" Haine said, half-annoyed. "I think you're supposed to use a rod." Nate contributed dryly, arms crossed. "And you're going to need to clean up afterwards." [[ Nate's kind of like a mom ._. -just noticed- ]]
6:44pm Jul 3 2011
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[[ bump ono ]]
12:25am Jul 4 2011
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((My mom would be the one pushing me into the water. o.o So, Nat is like... A good mom. xD And sorry I haven't been on. I had family over... And 'No computer while your family is over! They want to see you!'. o.o Anywho~)) "Oh, lighten up Nate!" Kat said joyously. "It's soo warm out! She'll dry on the road! The water isn't even dirty." The girl said the last word as if it were somehow important to the conversation, as she seemed to do that a lot.
Kat's statement seemed to remind Collin of something important, because as soon as she mentioned the good weather, he started rummaging through his bag. "Here it is..." He said to himself in a low voice, pulling out a bottle of sun screen. He didn't want skin cancer... He liked his skin too much for that. Collin didn't want to be embarrassed by his sun screen lotion, or anything of the sort; so, Collin turned his back towards the group and sat on the ground, though, laying his jacket on the dirt before so his shorts wouldn't get dirty. Quickly, but thouroughly, Collin used sunscreen on his arms, legs, and face. Making sure to get every inch. ((-writes random sun screen post- Sorry, I'm like... Brain dead. -.-))
1:01pm Jul 4 2011
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[[ Haha, my parents are the same xD I must always pay attention to my huge family and listen to them and stuff like that ono ]] "A rod?" Haine groaned. "But I didn't bring one!" Just then, a Majikarp swam by. Not knowing how useless the Pokémon was, Haine made a grab for it, ordering Cage to spit fire on the poor Pokémon. Cage had no idea what 'spit fire' meant, so the Charmander tilted his head to once side and gave Haine a questioning look. "This trainer business is harder than I thought." She mumbled, fumbling through her sodden bag for a Pokéball to toss.
9:55am Jul 5 2011
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[[ bump >I ]]
12:19am Jul 6 2011
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((Sorry, I've been quite busy this week. I'm back though. c: But, fair warning, I will be gone wednesday-sunday, and even possibly monday. I'll be camping. c:))
5:18pm Jul 6 2011
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[[ S'okay ono I've got summer school so bleh D: ]]
5:59pm Jul 6 2011
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((Meh, I bet that sucks. o.o))
Kat couldn't help but laugh at Haine's order to Charmander. She had looked up a bunch of stuff on being a pokemon trainer, so she knew the basics to everything. She was no where near talented at it, but, it helped. So, Kat walked over to the Charmander and squatted down to eye-level to it. "Do you know tackle, or scratch, Cage?" She asked it sweetly.
Collin watched as the girl tore her sopping wet bag around, looking for what he guessed to be a pokeball. He chuckled lightly and opened a pocket in his own bag and drew out a pokeball. "Here, Haine, have one of mine," He said just loud enough for everyone to hear. He knelt at the edge of the water, leaning across to hand the girl a pokeball. He ignored the weird look he got from Kat. She wasn't used to him speaking. It was an actual shock.
7:04pm Jul 6 2011
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"Thank you, Collin!" Haine said, giving him a grateful look as she caught the Pokéball. "C'mere, pokémon!" She called, tossing her ball carelessly. Fortunately, Collin's sacrifice wasn't in vain, and caught a nearby water Pokémon called Horsea. The little blue Pokémon gave a squeal of surprise as it was captured and sucked into the Pokéball. Nate's eyes widened a bit, watching with Haine as the ball shuddered once... twice... Meanwhile, Cage did know one of the orders, making an attempt to scratch Kat's nearby legs. Luckily he missed, swiping a blade of grass instead. Nate took his attention off the Pokéball for a moment to give Kat an apologizing look. A lifetime with younger siblings made Nate take pity on those stupider than him, in this case, Cage.
7:13pm Jul 6 2011
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Collin nodded at Haine's thankfulness. He smiled quickly at her and stood up, watching the battle scene take place. The Horsea was taken off guard, and was sucked into the pokeball. Collin couldn't help but grin as the ball shook for the second, then a noise caused him to turn his head. It was Kat.
Kat gave out a little squeal/laugh. She smiled down at Cage, laughing at his enthusiasm. She looked up and saw Nate's apologizing. She wasn't too worried with the pokemon. She had bandaids in her bag, she would be fine with a scratch. "Good job, Cage!" Kat said happily, tossing a berry his way. She then focused on Haine, and her weird, yet oddly funny, way of catching pokemon.