8:34pm Jul 19 2010
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((Oh. My. Gabor. He took his shirt off cB)) Dani watched him take his shirt off and her face went red with blush. She turned and faced the door casually until her face wasn't hot and pinkish. Her tongues were waving and flicking like the tail of a cat which she couldn't help when she thought something was cute or hot. (heheh) Panel giggled and got up "Of course you can, Pollie! Cuz your Pollie!" he cried happily as he punched one fist in the air in triumph.
8:39pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 735
(( ohmygabor Panel is making want to take him out the computer and keep him with me *Hugs Panel* And it was just his over shirt, but the other one can off to ;P )) Gabor got up setting his drink down,"Okay you too go to sleep. I'm tired and don't want to hear anymore talking..." He looked at Pollie and Panel. Then at Dani who looked a bit embarr*censored*ed to him,"Get your brother and head off to sleep. Kay?" Pollie did the same as Panel and said,"Yeah, now hurry on and go to bed. More teaching tomarrow if you up early enough! Woo!" He picked him and put him on the ground while still laying on the couch. He knew Gabor was getting up to claim the couch as his so he stayed on it/
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:00pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((....I'll trade yooou cB Gabor for Panel? Eh? Eh? Nah jk)) Panel saluted his teached again and avoided hitting himself once again "Yes, sir!" he said obediently and walked off to the room he and Dani were *censored*igned to, his tongue creating a trail of drool following him to the room as he dragged his wrench on the ground behind him. Dani continued facing the door and nervously sipping her coke. "Uhm...uh...y-yes..I'll get right to that..." she stammered out nervously but didn't move. Her tongues still flicking and waving and she continued blushing with the mental image of Gabor shirtless in head head.
9:05pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:06pm Jul 19 2010)
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(( Tcch I'm not that crazy but Gabor can kick butt! Hes mine ene' }} Pollie smiled at the kids enthusiasm and watched them leave except the girl. He looked at her," Uh... Are you going with the little guy?" Pollie was curious and saw her little puff of smoke. Aw how cute, young little smoker likes bigger smoker. He then made a face and looked at the Smoker not knowing he took off his shirt,"Whoa my gosh dude, Whats you F'n problem?" Gabor laughed at him," I sleep like a man not a kid. I can't sleep with a shirt." He walked ovre to him and sat on the end of the couch and looked at him now with a serious face," Now I'll be the nice guy and ask.. Please get off the couch.." He looked at him. Pollie's response,"No...." Causing Gabor to make a mad frowny face. (( lol head head? ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((FffFFffFFff I wish he was mine ;u; )) Dani turned and and snuck quickly as she could to their room, not looking at either of them. She was going to quickly she spilled her coke a bit and got some of her smoke in her throat and began coughing. "Night. Pollie." she coughed, trying not to say anything that would spark anything of her liking Gabor as she closed the door behind her.
9:18pm Jul 19 2010
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Pollie looked her direction and yelled back," Night~" He was distracted and Gabor pushed him off the couch and he hit the floor with a Thud He looked at Gabor in shock. He couldn't believe this smoker was actually stronger. Well he'd show him. "Hey I already called it!" The hunter exclaimed furyiously. Gabor ignored him and turned around, his face facing the couch cushion. Pollie pouted. Gabor was closing his eyes till he felt something crawl on him and sit on his shoulders. He looked up and saw the little hunter sitting on him saying," Out of my spot now." Gabor used his tongue to pick him up by the waist and set him down but thats just what Pollie wanted. When he was pulling his tongue back, something grabbed it. Pollie did. He pulled it back and here came down Gabor. "Oh this means war my friend." Gabor and Pollie were starting the next World World 3. (( Well he's mine!))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:26pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Dani and Panel stayed up for only a little while talking because Panel wanted to simply tell his sister just how amazing Pollie was. She stayed up as long as she could but was to tired and crashed while he was talking on and on. Panel smiled at the fact that she was out and found it a perfect oppurtunity to test out the skills that Pollie had taught him. He snuck out of the bed and creeped over the the door and slowly but quietly opened it, grinning.
9:35pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 735
(( I'm going to draw Panel one day ._. Probably in that pose of the last sentance too lol )) Gabor and Pollie were to busy to see what was going on over by the door to see Panel. Pollie leaped onto Gabor and screeched. Gabor covered his mouth and shoved him off. He tackled him and sunk his nails into Pollie's arms when they were showing skin. Pollie bit his arm and Gabor screamed." Ahhh you freakin animal!!! FFFF--" He got up and was trying to fling Pollie off his arm. Pollie had a good death grip on him. Well until Gabor slammed into a wall and he fell. Gabor went walking to the Couch and Pollie tripped him while he was doing so. Gabor fell and hit his fave onto the hard part of the couch. " Mwahaha!" Pollie grinned evily and jumped over him to get on the couch but was caught by one of Gabor's back tongues by the ankle. He was dangling and his sweater came up showing tummy and he pulled it back up," Stop it!" Pollie shouted. Gabor dropped him on the couch and pushed him off,"Mine." (( Lawl I love these two fighting! ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:40pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Panel gasped quietly, he couldn't believe whathe was seeing. He knew what he had to do to help his teacher. He took his wrench in hand and looked down at it, grinning. He drew his arm back and with all his might, flung it across the room at Gabor and his him square in his tumor. He punched his fist in the air again in sucsess but stayed quiet and in the shadows.
9:52pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Cayl, having slowly crept to the door, was slightly unnerved by the sound of fighting in the room. Though he dared not to look in, he had a feeling it had something to do with the Hunter and the oldest Smoker. He had half a mind to butt in, but he decided to wait and see how much longer it lasted. He himself wouldn't stay long. He'd probably find somewhere to sleep soon. But for now, he was going to make sure no one died. The horde seemed to like blood. You killed one common, and there were fifty more right there. Annoyed Cayl beyond belief.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:54pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 735
Gabor putt his hand over his tumor and winced in pain. Pollie sat there and watched surprised. "FFFFFFUU--" He looked around the room for Panel. And he got up and walked to the room he was sopose to be in. But instead he walked half way, face bleeding, and struck out his tongue to grab Panel. Around the arms so he couldn't use his arms and pulled into the room in there," Didn't I say we were all going to bed?" He gritted through his teeth looking at him. Polli was too busy laughing at what had just happen. He couldn't believe Panel actually did that, the kid had a good arm. Pollie exclaimed," Aw come on he's just a kid? He's just having some fun Gabor." Gabor looked back at him with a killing glare and that shut him up and his jumped on the couch,"Come one. He'll go to bed, right Panel? Remember if you stay up we can't have those extra hunter lessons?" Pollie crossed his arms," Unless you just don't want them?" He was thinking of a good way for him to go to bed. He didn't want him getting hurt.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
10:01pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Panel attempted squirming "Accourse I want them! But...you were hurting him...you big meanie!" he hissed at he lashed out his tongue and hit him where he was vunerable, his bleeding tumor. He smiled with a sharp-toothed hunter-like grin at Gabor and then gave the same look past Gabor at Pollie. All the loud screaming and noise woke Dani up, she opened her eyes halfway, she was half asleep and saw a shritless Gabor holding a failing Panel. Her face went pinkish which wasn't easy to see past her green skin. "What are you doing?!" she asked him loudly, embara'ssed by his delicious body (lolol I had to)
10:03pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 735
(( gotta go G'night~))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
10:05pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Imagine if I had Cayl look in at this point, seeing as it quieted down.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:06pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((Aww nighty night Skunkeh D: And lol Fox xD))
10:09pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Oh, she isn't going to bed. She just has to get off. She won't be asleep till like, 2 in the morning. XD And I should, shouldn't I? Just to give us something to do.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:15pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((Oh lol What time is it where you 2 live o3o ? And idk cuz we need her as Gabor DB))
10:25pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Its like, 10:30. And yeah. We do need her. Hrm...Quite a predicament...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:30pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:30pm Jul 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,724
((Oh owo It's 11:30 here :O Time difference WOOoooOOOoooo))
10:36pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:42pm Jul 19 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
((Woo!)) EDIT: Gotta go now, sorry. Being kicked off. Talk to ya tomorrow.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."