4:32pm May 28 2012
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Fenris took about an hour of silence before she turned around to see the boy in a recliner reading a magazine. She nearly growled, seeing him still shirtless, her cheeks red. She heard her stomach growl weakly, and the burning pain of hunger twinged in her stomach again. Fenris whined and winced slightly.
She stood from her spot on the ground, and walked gracefully over to the food on the ground. She pulled some of it off of the plate, and ate. She decided that she liked the apples the best, and she ate those quickly, looking over to the boy that held her captive.
"You need to let me out." Fenris swallowed a bite of apple. "I don't know what happened, I swear," she lied. "I went to sleep, and woke up in this cage," she lied further. Her soprano voice wavered slightly with each lie, a small sign that what she was saying wasn't true.
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4:42pm May 28 2012
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I wasn't stupid. And I refused to let her out until she got her story straight. "I can't let you out unless I know what truly happened. You do realize my dad is going to be furious when he comes back from vacation, right? And I'll be the one to blame if you're not around to admit what you did."
I shrugged, like a 'nothing-I-can-do-for-ya' shrug. I leaned back in the chair and read more magazines, before looking back at her while she ate.
"When was the last time you ate?"
Her being a woman, I wouldn't doubt her getting offended. She may be able to twist my words in some way to make it seem like a fat joke or something.
"Just because... Well to be frank, you look as though you're about to disintegrate to nothing. I understand how girls want to be thin and all. But there should be a boundary..."
I sighed, giving a wave of my hand.
"Never mind."
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4:46pm May 28 2012
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Fenris growled as the boy told her that he wouldn't let her out. She pursed her lips together, and clenched her fists, trying to contain the anger that was boiling furiously inside of her. Her attempt to contain the emotion failed, however, when he asked her the last time she'd eaten.
So many questions, he had! She would tell him not to ask her any questions!" Her eyes flashed amber for a fraction of a second as she growled, and ran forward, her hands grasping the bars that contained her. She shook them furiously, and said, "You let me out right now!"
Her voice took on a growlish property, and she looked just like the wolf that was thrashing against the cage earlier in the day as she shook the bars of the holding cell angrily. "Let me out!"
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4:53pm May 28 2012
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I jumped slightly as she grabbed at the bars, wanting to be let out. I swallowed, blinking away the image of the wolf doing the exact same thing.
"No..." I said to myself. Impossible. Of course she would look like the wolf, even I would, if I was thrashing about the cage in the same way. But still...
"The wolf is..."
I shook my head. Nahhh. Impossible. "No. You're not being let out until I hear what happened."
I said calmly as I looked back at the magazine, though my mind was still back on the wolf. On how her ghostly eyes and growls resembled the wolf so well. Impossible! The idea was preposterous.
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5:01pm May 28 2012
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Fenris didn't let up on shaking on the bars. Her voice finally went hoarse from yelling, and she stopped speaking. Several tears streamed down her face. She couldn't tell him that she was a werewolf. That was one of the Forbidden Offenses. She could only tell him that if she was going to die.
The more she thought about it, she thought that she was going to die down here, stuck in this cage. She bit her lip, and decided to just say it out loud. No other werewolves would hear her. She felt tears begin to slide down her face, and her creaky voice let out those three words.
"I'm a werewolf."
Love is all we need~
5:09pm May 28 2012
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I wasn't a freak that enjoyed the loud screaming coming from the girls mouth. But I wasn't a softy either. As I waited for her to calm down, I looked up to see tears down her face.
No, no. Not the water works...
I was just about to groan. Tell her to stop. Maybe even say she could go. I didn't realize I'd make her start crying. I'm just an ordinary boy trying to not get in trouble by my dad by keeping her here. If she'd just listened to me and told me what really happened-...
I swallowed. No. That's... Impossible. Yet, her second story sounded more believable then the first. "...What? That's impossible..."
I whispered, but looked back up at her with shocked eyes. Was it really true? I stepped up from the recliner, and put the magazines down. Walking over to the cage, I put two hands on the bars, wrapping my fingers around them slowly. Looking in between two of the poles that I held on to, I studied her. Goodness, it was true! All of it.
I whispered, wanting to see her eyes. Her ex pression. Making sure it was true.
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5:13pm May 28 2012
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Fenris let the tears come down her face, not bothering to wipe them away. She sniffled, and nodded when the boy asked her if what she said was true. She'd broken one of the Forbidden Offenses, and, if any other werewolves found out, she would be severely punished.
She felt the shirt around her begin to become dampened by her tears, but she wasn't bothered by it. She had to run in the rain sometimes as a wolf. She coughed a bit, and clenched at the bottom of the shirt. "It's true," she said, her voice breaking on the words.
Love is all we need~
5:22pm May 28 2012
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Of course, there was that possibility that the girl was making this up as she goes, to sneak her way out of here. But, with her tears and the fact that she had no pants on, I felt compelled to walk over to the door of the cage and unlatch it. Giving her one more look, just to see if she was smiling, or anything to give away that she was making it up, I opened it all the way. Now that I understood the truth, I felt like a complete jerk. But, overall, I was kind of excited. It's not every day a guy like me runs into a werewolf.
"Come on out. I'll get you some better clothes upstairs, and more to eat if you're still hungry."
I said with concern laced in my voice before putting the chair and magazines back as I waited for her to come out. Then walked to the bottom of the stair case, waiting for her to join me.
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5:29pm May 28 2012
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Fenris couldn't help but to keep crying. She knew what would happen if she was punished. She wouldn't ever forget the punishment, if she lived through it. She stood, straightening her legs, and walked over to where the boy stood, staying a good two feet away from him. She sniffled now and then, tears still coming down her face.
She hadn't cried in years, she remembered, and she hated crying, she decided. Her cheeks were now red from her crying, and the collar of the shirt that she'd been loaned was wet, due to the tears collecting on her chin and dripping down. She hugged herself. After turning back into her human form, she wouldn't be able to become a wolf for a few more days, given that the transformation took so much energy.
Love is all we need~
6:57pm May 28 2012
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I didn't walk up the stairs just yet. Instead, I stared at her with a confused ex pression on my face. I just let her out of the cage. I told her I'd get her some clothes and food.
... And she was crying her eyes out?
"Is... Is everything alright?"
I said, lifting an eyebrow. I realized my tone wasn't very comforting, more like a freaked out tone. I couldn't help it. She could probably morph into a werewolf at any time and eat me alive if she wanted too.
It was then that I realized that she could probably just be scared that I'll call the authorities about her little secret. Or, since we're alone in this whole house, I'd rape her somehow.
"I won't call the authorities. All I plan to do is get you some better clothes, and some food. Then, I'll think of what to do next. But I won't hurt you."
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7:08pm May 28 2012
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Fenris slowly stopped crying, and thought the boy's words as the truth. Even if he did tell anyone her secret, they would think he was crazy, and she hadn't seen another werewolf in years. She sighed, and wiped away the last of her tears, sniffling once more before looking up at the boy and nodding, letting out a weak smile.
She looked back down at her bare feet, rubbing her right foot against her left leg.
Love is all we need~
7:18pm May 28 2012
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"...Kay." I said with a small smile before starting to walk up the stairs. I'll never understand girls and their... Emotions.
Coming to the top of the stairs, I led her up stairs to where all the rooms were. Taking her to my mothers room, I tried finding the smallest thing my mother had. Luckily for the werewolf girl... Thing, my mother was really tiny too. Giving her a T-shirt, bra, pants, all the stuff girls needed that I felt disgusted to get out to throw on the bed for her to change into, I left the room and said,
"After you get changed, come down stairs. I'll be in the kitchen."
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7:25pm May 28 2012
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Fenris was surprised to see that most of the clothes either fit her, or were very close to fitting her. She slipped them all on, somehow remembering how clothes fit, given that she hadn't worn clothes, or been in her human form in about a year.
She could've escaped, ran for her life, jumped out of the window and simply disappeared again, but she decided against it. This boy... He knew her secret now, and she somehow thought that running away would only make her current situation worse.
She bit the bottom of her lip as she travelled to the kitchen that the boy had told her about. She found the room easily, given that she knew that kitchens had some sort of dealing with food, and she could smell the food immediately.
She stopped in the doorway, and tugged at the bottom of her shirt slightly, fidgeting nervously.
Love is all we need~
7:34pm May 28 2012
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I had a pizza in the oven by the time this werewolf girl came down. I looked up to smile in her direction, but instead frowned. "You don't have to be nervous. I'll keep my distance if you want. Take a seat." I said, before opening the oven to see if it was good. After taking the pizza out, I waited for it too cool off before I cut it. While waiting, I looked back at her. "So, if you're going to stay here a while, I should probably know your name. "
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7:42pm May 28 2012
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Fenris stayed quiet until he finished talking, moving over to the corner of the kitchen. She bit her lip, and said, "My name is Fenris. I can't help but be nervous. I haven't been around humans for a while now." She left out the part where she'd watched humans kill other wolves- and werewolves, mind you.
She ran a hand through her long white hair and said, "What is your name?" She looked down at the ground, and then back up at the boy, pausing a moment to sniff furiously at the air. Whatever food the boy was cooking smelled quite appetizing to her.
Love is all we need~
7:53pm May 28 2012
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I frowned at her response. Not because her name was something I've never heard before, but that was a thought running through my mind. But because of her next statement. "How long have you not been around humans? Can't werewolves... Like change every full moon and then become normal humans during the day?"
Or was I getting confused with vampires? I was never one to read or watch movies about that. So I only know the really old myths that even kids knew.
"I'm Nicholas."
I added as I started cutting the pizza, and putting a slice on the plate to give to Fenris.
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9:01pm May 28 2012
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Fenris sighed, and rubbed her temples in frustration. People always got lycans and werewolves mixed up. She bit her lip and did her best to explain.
"Lycans change every full moon, and then become normal humans when the full moon subsides. Werewolves can change at will," Fenris said, clearing her throat, trying to get the hoarseness out of her voice.
"It's nice to meet you, Nicholas. And to answer your first question, I haven't been around humans in... a while. I'd rather not state the specific amount of time." She scratched the back of her neck nervously, the jitters still getting the best of her.
"Would you mind putting a shirt on?" She looked up at Nicholas, and let her eyes skim his chest again, then looking back at his face.
Love is all we need~
4:06pm May 29 2012
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I lifted an eyebrow as she explained the differences. Honestly, I didn't want to learn about Lycans, I wanted to learn about all the things she could do. Maybe she could even show me some tricks...
My thoughts stopped at her question. I chuckled slightly as I said, "Oh, sorry. I completely forgot." Not wanting to leave a random werewolf girl in my house alone, I walked over to the jacket hooks close by and grabbed my solid black sweat shirt. Slipping it back on, I walked back over to her.
"So, if you're able to change at will, why haven't you eaten me yet?"
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4:11pm May 29 2012
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Fenris looked down at the counter she was leaning on and bit the corner of her lip, allowing her eyes to travel back up when she knew that Nicholas had a shirt on. She sighed, and smoothed her shirt out, a bit sick of how the fabric clung to her stomach, and how she couldn't tell whether it was blue or green, given that she was blue-green colorblind, a unique feature for all canines.
When he asked her why she hadn't eaten him, she answered honestly. "For one, you would overpower me in minutes. I'm very weak right now, and I've never been very strong." She paused for a moment. "And secondly, from what I've heard from other weres, humans are nasty, tough, and bony."
Love is all we need~
4:14pm May 29 2012
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I was starting to like this girl. Laughing at her response, though feeling kind of freaked out that other werewolves were out there though it was logical, I took a piece of pizza and bit into it hungrily.
I never had much manners; especially around girls. We could say I... Never cared much?
"This is so cool, even though there is that fact that you could be lying about the whole thing and will eat me the second I turn around."
I said before taking another bite. [[We'll say it's a bar type lay out o-o ]] Sitting up on a stool next to the counter, I looked at her with a lifted eyebrow, "I still don't feel comfortable with you leaving my house without my dad knowing about all of this. I don't think he'll believe me when I say 'we caught a werewolf and I had to let her go'. I'd be dead."
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