4:34pm May 29 2012
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Fenris grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite from it, the hot food scalding the top of her mouth. She didn't care, though. She was starving. Though she didn't have the best manners, she knew a bit about human ettiquet and it was not to talk with your mouth full. She swallowed the bite before talking.
"Though you have a significant amount of muscles, I still believe that I wouldn't like to eat you." She sat down on top of the counter, her long, pale legs swinging off of the sides. She scratched the back of her neck, and frowned when he said that she couldn't leave.
Her frown dissipated when she realized that the only place she had to go other than this place was the woods. The woods were way less welcoming than this warm home, and she still wouldn't be able to shift for a while. "Also, you don't have to worry about me randomly shifting on you. I won't be able to do that for a while. I'm too weak for the moment." She let out a weak grin.
"And I don't mind staying here. It's cozier than the woods, even if it isn't as open." She sighed and said, "Just promise me you won't try to leash me or something along those lines."
Love is all we need~
4:54pm May 29 2012
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Leashing her was no where near my mind actually. I kind of was looking forward to watching her morph into some kind of beast or something. But, just chilling in human form I guess is fine too...
"So, you're saying I don't have to feel like a psychopath locking you up in here? I can give you your own bedroom and everything if you want. I can even take you around town."
It'll be awesome. Like showing a new student around school where everything was, I was able to show this werewolf the ropes about being human.
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4:58pm May 29 2012
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Fenris sighed in relief. Thank god she didn't have to go back down to that cell, that horrid cell, where she'd tranformed back into her human form, naked as a jaybird, and startled the human boy. The cell where she cried for the first time in years. The cell where she spilled her secret.
She shook off the daze and looked back at Nicholas. "That would be nice, but I don't do well in large crowds. I'm a bit claustrophobic, also," she warned him, biting the inside of her cheek with her canine teeth.
Love is all we need~
5:02pm May 29 2012
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I frowned. Maybe this wasn't going to be as fun as I thought. "Well then..." I shrugged, taking the last bite of the pizza before getting up for another. "If we can't go out in town, you're going to have to entertain me by telling me more about yourself."
[[Lalalala. Fail. ]]
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5:10pm May 29 2012
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"I never said that you couldn't take me into town. Just try to avoid huge crowds and small spaces. They don't mix well with me." She laughed lightly. Fenris smiled and finished off her piece of pizza, grabbing another piece with Nicholas.
She sat back down on the counter and wolfed the second piece down, seeing as it wasn't as hot as the first piece. She licked her lips and yawned. "Although I don't really mind telling you about myself. It's fun to see a human's reaction to a werewolf's life."
Love is all we need~
5:25pm May 29 2012
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I smiled at her statement. "Try me." I said as I finished off my second pizza and already was going for a third. You'd wonder why I don't have any love handles with all the food I eat in one day.
"And maybe I could show you around town tomorrow? You know after you get a shower and stuff. Girls like looking perfect when they do stuff like that."
I gave a shrug, as if I didn't understand why someone would take a shower before going to town, before taking a bite out of my third pizza. "Now, tell me this story."
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5:46pm May 29 2012 (last edited on 5:46pm May 29 2012)
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Fenris smiled, and let out a light laugh. "I honestly don't care what I look like." She scratched the back of her neck. "But a shower would be nice. I smell like the forest, like fresh dug earth." She pulled the back of her hand to her nose and sniffed it.
"I smell like trees." She bit her lip, and said, "But you smell like some sort of cologne, Nicholas. I can smell it all the way over here." She smiled lightly and laughed. "Human girls may want to look pretty, but human boys want to smell pretty."
"And what story would you like me to tell you?"
Love is all we need~
5:53pm May 29 2012
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My eyebrows furrowed as she said I smelled like cologne. I lifted my arm up slightly and sniffed under my arm/shoulder.
Didn't smell like any good scented cologne to me. But, I had sprayed something this morning.
"Any story." I shrugged.
[No judging my fail posts. o-o ]]
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6:05pm May 29 2012
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Ooc:// I deem the guilty of fail posts. ;P I just judged your fail posts. <3
Fenris thought a moment on which story to tell. She had many stories to tell, and all of them were interesting. She settled on a story that happened a long time ago.
"A long time ago, I used to stay with a pack of wolves. They didn't acknowledge that I was a werewolf while I was in my wolf form, and we could communicate with eachother. We hunted together, slept in the same dens, helped take care of the pups, and we moved from place to place when hunters would come to an area that we were in.
My parents also lived with me in the pack, and we would fight off poachers, throwing them off of the trails that led to our pack. One time we kept the poachers running around in circles, and then we split all three of them up, leading them right back to their truck. They were really stupid," Fenris said, laughing slightly.
Love is all we need~
3:48pm May 30 2012
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[[ Bahahahahaha xD ]]
I laughed with her, though my mind wasn't on the story. It was more on a question that came to my mind. "If your parents were with you then, where are they now?"
Questions like these were always touchy subjects, but I was oblivious to that fact as I took another bite of my pizza and waited for an answer.
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5:56pm May 30 2012
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Fenris's eyes shone with a bit of hurt for a mere second when she was asked that question that she dreaded being asked. She'd never been asked that question before, and she hoped that she never would, but hoping never helped anything, now did it? She shook off the small amount of heartache that tightened her chest, and played it off like nothing happened.
"I'll have to tell you that story later," Fenris said, looking down at her feet, swinging them back and forth as they dangled from the counter.
Love is all we need~
8:58pm May 30 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
10:15am Jun 1 2012
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Being completely oblivious to her reaction to my question, I shrugged my shoulders, finished off my pizza and kept going with the conversation.
"Why not now?"
I asked, turning on my stool to look back at her with a nonchalant ex pression on my face. What was so wrong with saying the story? There was nothing else to do...
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10:25am Jun 1 2012
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Fenris looked at Nicholas with her blue-grey eyes, letting a weak smile be displayed on her face. She swallowed the lump in her throat and as she answered, her voice wavered slightly.
"Because even I don't have that story straight yet." She bit her lip and her eyes pleaded with Nicholas to ask her no more questions on that subject. Any other questions would be fine, but not questions related to that.
"I have to keep some sort of mysterious air about me, don't I?" She grinned.
Love is all we need~
10:53am Jun 1 2012
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Sighing with a defeated ex pression, I gave her a smile back and said, "Well alright. I guess I can hear it later."
Sitting up from the stool, I went over to the shoe basket, slipped on my tennis shoes, and went back to her with my moms shoes. Mom wouldn't mind sharing one pair of shoes when she had hundreds upstairs, right?
"Wanna' go to the town now?" I asked, already walking to the front door, opening it, and walking outside without waiting for an answer.
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10:57am Jun 1 2012
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Fenris was glad that Nicholas gave up on that story for the moment. Hopefully he would forget about it, she thought, but hoping never helped anything, now did it? She was puzzled when he brought her a pair of shoes, but when he asked her about going to town, she immediately knew what he had meant.
She pulled on the shoes, frowning at how they were a bit too wide for her narrow feet. However, they were near the right size, so she was relatively happy. She walked out behind Nicholas and followed him, looking at the green grass that sat in front of their home.
Love is all we need~
11:05am Jun 1 2012
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I led her out to the winding drive way. There was a spot for my large white truck. My parents may be rich, but they wouldn't buy me a sports car, no matter how many times I begged and sucked up to them. They said I didn't have 'good judgement' and that I wouldn't pass up the chance to 'race someone and get hurt'.
Whatever. My baby here was just as good.
"Ever ride in a car, werewolf?"
I said as I took the keys out of my pants pocket and unlocked the doors with a press of a button so that Fenris can get in the passenger side. I walked to the drivers side and got in, already igniting the engine.
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11:11am Jun 1 2012
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Fenris saw the truck, and a skeptical look appeared on her face. She had seen these things run over her brethren before, and many other animals that lived in the forest. Roadkill was easy food for predators, so long as it was fresh, and as long as you weren't stupid, you didn't need to be scared of the things.
However, the thought of riding in one of the things made Fenris a bit scared. To her, a claustrophobic that had never been in a car in her entire life, it looked like a tiny tin can of death. She bit her lip and decided to open the door like she'd observed humans doing. The door opened without protest and Fenris climbed in.
"Nope. I've never gotten into one of these things."
Love is all we need~
11:32am Jun 1 2012
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I laughed slightly to myself. How odd it was to meet someone who's never been in a car before. I didn't bother with my own seat belt as I started backing the truck out of the driveway, and put the windows down. A mental image of Fenris sticking her head and tongue out the window the way dogs do ran through my mind, and I laughed once more in spite of myself.
"Well then, this'll be fun."
I said, shaking my head to take the funny image out of my mind as I rode down the winding path leading out of my house. I wasn't the... Best driver around. But I was the fun driver people chose to ride with. I gave Fenris a small glance before asking, "So... If you're a wolf all the time, do you ever listen to music?"
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11:41am Jun 1 2012
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Fenris felt a bit of wind begin to flow in through the window, and she let out a small, sharp gasp, her breath momentarily taken away. This was going to be interesting. She couldn't decide if she liked the truck or not. While it was small, and claustrophobic to her, she liked being able to not have to move, and see the ground moving.
She heard that intriguing question, and answered it honestly. "The humans would play music when they are driving, and sometimes when they stay in the woods, they bring some sort of box that plays music. When we get bored, sometimes us wolves make our own music." She looked over at Nicholas, a nervous grin on her face.
Love is all we need~