7:34pm Jun 24 2011
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Plot: The angels are back with new powers... Destroying stuff and being a pain in the butt. ;) Rules: Regular Res Rules apply. Duh Bios: Name: Age: Gender: Species: Personality: Other: Looks: Feel free to add anything I missed.
7:37pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 548
((You're the demon right? Did you want to be the angel too? If not I'll take it.))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:38pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Well I think it would be more fair if each of us was one of each... But I am fine with either. My plan was to make a Female demon, a male human and an angel.))
7:43pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 548
((Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense! I was wondering how it was going to work with just three characters. Sorry for the misunderstanding.))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:11pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 8:17pm Jun 24 2011)
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Name: Jade Katanna Age: Unknown Gender: Female Species: Demon Personality: Quiet, cold and observant. Jade is an unseen terror, always peering out at you from a dark corner. She seems to see everything, hear everything, and know everything that goes on in her presence. She has a short temper and is not somebody you mess around with unless you have a death wish. Other: Looks: ~~~ Name: Jake Shimihiro Age: 15 Gender: Male Species: Human Personality: He is a very lost soul, unsure of who he can trust and unwilling to let anyone in. Even though he is a loner, he uses his emotions and turns them to energy. He wastes no time in going for what he wants and doesn't let anyone get in his way. Other: Looks: ~~~ Name: Skylar Montage Age: Unknown Gender: Neither/Both Species: Angel Personality: Skylar is heartless, respecting only fellow angels. Skylar uses everything possible, and doesn't hesitate to use anything to advantage. She will charm men with her female form or match strength with mortals with her male form. Skylar prefers to walk the Earth in Female form but will be found in either. Other: Looks:
8:12pm Jun 24 2011
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((Lols, it's ok.))
8:30pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 8:31pm Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 548
Name: Akiko Valentine Age: 15 Gender: female Species: human Personality: Akiko is a little shy but she is curious. Her curiosity gets her in trouble often keeping Téras on his toes to keep her safe. She does not like going to social events because she hates being in crowded rooms. Other: None of the artwork in the post is mine! Credit to the original artists! Looks: Name: Téras Aímatos Age: ??? Gender: male Species: demon Personality: Téras is a gentleman who does his job well and happily. He does not tolerate ignorance and is a tad bit overprotective of his prey. He enjoys charming foolish girls at balls and social events when his master will let him. Other: Without the wing Looks: Name: Angelo Age: ??? Gender: neither/both Species: angel Personality: Angelo can’t stand it when people sin but is slightly sympathetic. He will talk to them for information and fool them with promises of eternal life. He appears mostly in his male form to pry on slightly weaker female mortals. Other: Looks: 

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:31pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Omg, Lol. I almost picked that picture!! The Female angel one... Lols. <3 Now, would you like to start. :D))
8:52pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 548
((Really? That’s funny!)) My shoes created a small noise as I walked the cobblestone paths of London. My plain parasol was in my right had blocking the sun's rays. I glanced behind me to see how my servant was doing. Téras was carrying a couple of small boxes for me from a couple of different shops. He was walking at a slightly slower pace so he did not walk in front of me. On his face was a small grin. I looked ahead of me at the people walking around going here and there. The Season was my least favorite time of the year. “So many people.” I muttered starting to feel uncomfortable. “Are you alright my lady?” Téras asked hearing my small comment. “I’m fine.” I replied and he nodded. “It’s nice out isn’t it? Nothing can ruin a day like this, well almost nothing.” He asked me as I quickened my pace wanting to return home as soon as possible. Noticing he quickened his pace as well. I looked back at him to see if he was keeping up and I noticed that he was glaring at the air in front of him. “What is it?” I asked. “There is another demon near by.” He said in a dark tone. He stepped closer to me knowing that I would probably run off trying to find it. I looked around trying to spot someone that would qualify as a demon before my heel of my shoe got caught in between the cobble stones. I tripped nearly falling into another person if Téras had not caught me. “I’m really sorry!” I said to the person in front of me. It was a boy who looked about my age with blonde hair and greenish gold eyes.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:50pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Mind if I do 3rd person? I'm not good at 1st. Lol)) Jake had been strolling about the city, not for any particular reason but he did have some business to attend to. His father was a very well known man who didn't have a lot of free time so Jake made it his job to run any job related erands for him. There were a couple of shops that he needed to visit before the day was out. The whole time his maid, Jade, trailed behind. Her job was more than to clean and take care of the house but to act as a sort of body gaurd for the family during their outings. He was aware of the occasional eyes on him as he walked about with his own style of dress. He wasn't traditional with the hat and decorative cane but still looked professional and very mature. Jade walked behind the young master Shimihiro as he 'explored' the city. She knew he was out on business, but the kid always chose the longest ways to get there. He was so obvious, to her, when he was having 'fun'. Suddenly her body went rigid, speeding up to stand close beside Jake. "What is it Jade?" Jake asked, looking up as Jade placed a hand on his shoulder. She leaned foward to whisper in his ear. "Nothing. Something just feels alittle...Off." She replied, trying not to startle the young boy. She was lying ofcourse, she knew exactly what was wrong but she wasn't going to bring attention to a being they had not met yet. That's when she noticed the young girl trip. Her butler rushed forward to catch her and Jade reflexively pulled Jake back a step. "Pardon us. Are you alright, Miss?" Jake asked taking a step forward to as.sist the girl who had stumbled. Jade hissed and pulled him behind her, taking a defensive stance between him and the monster behind the girl. "What the Hell, Jade?" Jake exclaimed, trying to get around his demon partner. Jade shook her head at him, making sure to keep him behind her. "Her butler is a demon."
10:11pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 10:24pm Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 548
Téras held my arm firmly and chuckled. His glare was intense and I looked at the girl curiously. “So this is what a female demon looks like.” I thought amused at her stance. “Ah so you are the demon I sensed. It is a pleasure to meet you. May I ask your name?” Téras asked with a smirk on his face. He did not wait for a reply before continuing, “Do you honestly think I would hurt him? I have my prey I don’t need yours.” The last part came out as a low growl and he released his grip on my arm and placed his hand on my shoulder. His glare was intense as if he was trying to see into the other demon’s soul. “I apologize for nearly making you fall and I am fine.” I said studying the boy. His style was not traditional at all but it still looked mature. I looked over his attire and then smiled warmly. I was wearing a traditional dress with the dreaded corset. I swear they invented them just to torture women. I hated dresses but to save my parents from embarrassment I had to wear dresses whenever I went out. I hate the Season and all of its social events. “I like your choice of clothing. In all honesty I’d rather be in a pair of trousers.” I said. “In any case I am Akiko Valentine.” I started to walk around them with Téras trailing behind me like a guard dog with his hand still on my shoulder. “It was nice talking to you but I bet that you have something of importance to do.” I said as we moved along getting lost in the crowd. “That was interesting.” I said. Téras just nodded his head before taking his hand off my shoulder. “We’ll have to be more careful in these parts.” He said and I nodded. However, unknown to us, Téras dropped one of the boxes to catch me and it was left behind.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:37am Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 548

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:13am Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Sorry, I had to finish a couple of things with LadyNightFyre. I'm back now though.)) Jade shook her head, a smile spreading across her face. "I guess not." She stated, standing back a step. Run-ins with other demons usualy didn't end as peaceful as this meeting but she had admit a fight with so many people around would get a little out of hand. She highly doubt another demon would have an issue stealing other's prey, but people these days were begining to change. She nodded a farewell to the two, preparing to leave. Jake smiled a little. "No, it is quite alright. I am glad you are alright Miss Valentine, I can handle myself well enough. You needn't worry about a thing." He bowed his head as the two left, watching as the girl dissapeared into the crowd of people." Just as he turned to leave, he noticed a small box sitting alone on the ground. Jade sighed behind him, obviously reading his thoughts. "You are not going to make this very easy on me... Are you Master Jake?" She chuckled a little as he shook his head. Stepping forward, she picked up the package gently and held it tight to her. "I do believe you had business with her father anyway." She began to lead Jake into the crowd after the two, a hand planted firmly on his shoulder so they didn't get separated. I do hope that this ends as pleasantly as they left us. She thought to herself, not very happy at her bad luck.
2:24pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 548
((I’ll try to post whenever I can.)) We walked with Téra’s hand planted firmly on my shoulder. I searched with my eyes for a French bakery that would signify that we were almost home. My nose found it before my eyes did but once I go that reassuring whiff of pastries and bread I relaxed. Noticing this, Téras smiled and said happily, “Almost home.” A small smile grazed my lips as I saw the roof of our house. Our summer home had been rebuilt from the fire that encompassed London not to long ago. The gate surrounding the grounds of our home opened allowing Téras and I to enter. I walked the short path passed the blooming garden to the front door. Opening it I entered and walked up stairs to my room. On my door was a note from my parents. They weren’t going to be coming home until later tonight. “Téras, may I have that package now?” I asked. “Of course, my Lady… oh dear.” He said muttering the last part as he set down all my other packages. “It appears that I dropped it when I caught you.” He said looking at the other boxes. I looked at him alarmed hearing my father’s angry voice in my head. “We have to find that package!” I said. “Of course.” Téras said with determination as we walked down stairs.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
3:11pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"Can you sniff out the other demon?" Jake asked looking around the crowd for the dress that belonged to Akiko. He thought about running through the mas.s of people to try to find a some what calm area but he had a erputation to uphold, running around like a little kid would only bring attention to him. Unwanted attention. The smells of the bakery filled his nose and he smiled, a place he loved even to this day. Behind him, Jade just chuckled. "She is closer than you think. I sense the other demon, and he is quite near but not in a good mood. I believe he has realized the absense of his mistress' package." She sighed as Jake turned around with a determined look. She knew that look and nothing was going to stand in the way of his goals. "That way." Shepointed down the road before he even asked. An angry demon did not make good company but humans didn't really care about those matters. As long as they got what they wanted, it didn't matter about the mess they left behind. She kept an even pace with him as he rushed as quickly, and properly, as he could. Suddenly Jake spotted her and he called out. "Excuse me! Miss Valentine? I believe I have something that belongs to you." Jake called out, taking the ob ject from Jade's hand and walking forward. "I noticed you dropped it, and remembered I had business with your father anyway. What a rather convenient happen, don't you think?" He asked, extending the package delicately out towards the girl. Jade supressed a hiss as her master neared the other demon. Every muscle in her body tense and ready to spring.
3:37pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 548
My head snapped towards the boy’s voice. In his hand was the package my father had requested I pick up. Relief washed over me and I chuckled a little gently taking the package from him. “Thank you so much. I’m afraid that my parents will not be returning home until later tonight. If you want you can wait here until they get back unless you have something else to do.” I offered. Téras stood behind me waiting for my command. He seemed tense but that was probably because there was another demon around. I glanced at the package in my hands imagining the contents. I knew that my father had wet his toes in the dealings of the underground and packages like these concerned me. I looked back at the boy and I gave the package to Téras. Taking it he looked at me and I glanced at him with curiosity. Getting my intensions he smiled and bowed before taking the package inside. "I did not get to ask your names before. What are they?" I asked politely trying to make small talk for Téras to complete his task. I needed to know the contents of that package before my father got his hands on it and I never saw it again. I smiled kindly at the pair awaiting their response. ~~ I carried my master’s package up to her room. She was concerned about her family name more than her father or mother. I unwrapped it carefully making sure that the wrapping was not damaged. A small box was contained within. I carefully opened it to reveal a small necklace with a feather and a tooth. I smirked shaking my head before putting the items back and wrapping the box back up. Humans are so interesting.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:59pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"Forgive me, my name is Jacob Shimihiro. But you may call me by my nickname Jake. This here is my servant Jade." Jake introduced himself to the girl, then gesturing to his servant as she was mentioned. When she heard her name, Jade stepped forward, bowing her head slightly at the other girl. "A pleasure." She said, though she did not completely mean it about the girl but it had made an interesting day to meet another demon. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I have nothing else that needs to be attended to for the moment, I would like to wait here for your father's arrival." Jake added, sincerely not wanting to intrude. ((Fail))
8:17pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 548
“It’s no trouble at all. Please come in.” I replied to Jake leading him and his servant into my house. I walked into the parlor and Téras came to my side. “Prepare some tea for our guests.” I said and with a small bow he disappeared into the kitchen. “Please sit wherever you like.” I said motioning to the antique chairs. My father owned a trading company and he had bought many unique and strange pieces back from all over the world. The chairs were a set from India that he had bought. The carpets were made in China and other pieces of furniture from all over the globe adorned the room. My favorite was the tea vase tucked away in the corner. No one ever really paid attention to it but I found some scrolls in it one day. Even thought I could not decode them it was still pretty cool to have found them so I consider it my treasure, never pointing it out. ~*~ I looked through the cabinets trying to decide what tea to make. Perhaps Earl Grey? I thought taking the box out. I picked out the French tea set that I bought my master last summer and carefully placed two cups on a serving tray. I had made some scones that morning so I arranged them on a plate and placed that on the serving tray. When the tea was ready I carried the tray out to the parlor. “I have prepared some Earl Grey tea accompanied by some scones.” I said pouring the tea into the cups.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:27pm Jun 27 2011
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Jake looked about the interior of the home that he had visited only a couple of times. This would be the first one on his own, and he was surprised by the fact that not once had he ever heard or seen anything about his daughter. He thought about asking but brushed it off for the moment. "Your family has very good taste in furniture. I am in awe everytime I come here." He said, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "Now tell me, where does he get these rugs? I must get one." He said, looking about the room at each different item. Nothing matched in culture but in this room nothing seemed out of place. Infact, you could have added a tame lion to the room and it wouldn't seem strange to the boy. He nodded as he accepted the cup of tea. "Mm, smells good. I can't say I am an expert of tea, however." He laughed a little before taking a sip of the liquid. "Oh I know. This is Earl Grey, my father drinks it all the time. I used to hate the stuff when I was younger, but I have grown to like it alot. Infact it's my favorite. Thank you." He smiled, taking another sip. It was true that he hated the tea once upon a time, but once Jade had entered the family, it was the only kind she would make for the longest time. As if she were trying to get him to like it. As if she had read his mind, Jade smiled and recieved a scowl from her master. Shrugging her shoulders at their silent coversation, Jade stepped forward. "Is there anything I could do to be of some service? Simply standing around is not a good quality for a servant. Surely you have some work that needs to be done?" Her question was directed at the girl but she held her gaze at the other demon. There was something she needed to speak to him about, despite their... mishaps. ((Oooh fail.))
11:10pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 548
“The rug was made in China but I do not know much else about it. My father brings home many strange things from his time abroad.” I said taking my cup from Téras. I half listened to his story about the Earl Grey tea wondering why I had never seen Jake or heard of him if he had been in my house before. Could I have been sleeping when he came? It was possible but not likely. My attention was brought back to him when Jade asked if she could assist with something. I glance at Téras before taking another sip of my tea. “Is there anything that needs to be done?” I questioned. “Hmm…” He said thinking. “Perhaps she can assist me with cleaning the bedrooms. That is if it is alright with her master.” He said kindly. I looked over at the pair before questioning her motive to help. If she was so protective of her master before, why would she try to assist the demon that may threaten their contract? I thought. Maybe she just wants to be helpful, but why? ~*~ I was quite surprised with Jade’s request to help. Her wanting to help is awfully peculiar but it does beat standing here. I thought of what needed to be done going over everything I did this morning. I made breakfast and cleaned the first floor. Then I woke up my master and served her and her family breakfast. Before heading out I assigned took care of the garden. Then we went out shopping and ran into Jake and Jade. The only thing I have left to do is clean the second floor which is three bedrooms and an office. “Perhaps she can assist me with cleaning the bedrooms. That is if it is alright with her master.” I said deciding that she could do the guest bedroom while I took care of my master’s and her parents. I do not need her snooping around in their bedrooms.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V