11:45pm Jun 27 2011
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"Hm, they have very good taste in their fabrics." Jake noted, making a mental note to tell his father about them. He looked up when asked his permission for his servant's strange request to help. He nodded his head, wondering her reasons behind this task. "You may go." He said curtly, returning his attention back to Akiko. Jade bowed her head and made her way to the stairs. Having been here a few times herself, she was already familiar with the layout of the bottom level of the house. She thought it might be fun to explore the next level a little bit. Once out of earshot of the humans, Jade addressed the other demon. "Now ofcourse I am not doing this for the heck of it. What kind of demon would I be if I did not have motive." She smiled, knowing that he probably already expected as much. "I do not have much to ask of you, just a few questions. Do you mind?" She asked, turning around to meet his gaze. Downstairs, Jake dared to mention the thing that had been bothering him the most. "Please pardon me, but may I ask you a question that may seem a little forward?" His eyes were cast downwards, not really embarras.sed to ask but feeling a little like an intruder. "How did you meet with that demon?" He blurted it out, feeling better that he said it but immediately feeling weird about it. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you do not wish. I was just wondering." He added, trying to make up for it.
12:17am Jun 28 2011
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I looked down at my tea surprised that he asked such a question. I sighed that night coming back to me and I shivered. “I suppose I could tell you if you truly wish to know but once I tell you, you must not repeat it to anyone. If you do I’ll have Téras eat your soul regardless of your contract.” I said darkly. ~flashback~ “That is it!” My father yelled opening one of his desk drawers. With that our argument came to a close and I ran out of our mansion steaming. I walked around London alone not keeping track of the time. The moon was high in the sky before I realized that I was lost. I panicked and tried to retrace my steps but to no avail. A couple of men that my father had rather bad relationships with spotted me and perused me until I had no where else to run. They came at me and knocked me out. When I woke up I was chained to a wall what seemed like a dungeon. I wasn’t sure how long I was there but when someone finally came they had a piece of bread and then they left. That happened for awhile before they decided that my father cared more about his money than me. Since I was no use they tortured me until they finally killed me. In my dying moments a strange light circled me. I heard a voice chuckling in the distance. “Well isn’t this interesting? Akiko Valentine is your name correct?” The voice said as many arms with sharp claws extended from a pair of pinkish red eyes. “How about we fix you up?” It said as threads began to flow from the dark thing. The claws gripped them firmly and they began to stitch me up. While it was doing this it asked me a question, “Do you want to live?” To which I replied, “What’s the cost?” It laughed and stopped its work. “If you would like to live you can form a contract with me. You wish for something and I will grant it. In the mean time I become your servant and you get to live. When the wish is granted I will take your soul. So what do you say? Deal or no deal?” I thought it over thinking of something to wish for. When I found it the beast’s smile turned into a frown as it read my thoughts. “Deal.” I replied and it sighed getting back to work. “A pesky wish. Now, what would you like to name me?” it asked. “Téras Aímatos.” I said and it chuckled before it stitched the last wound up and I was brought back to the room. It slashed all the men and took the human form of a male. Bowing down he smiled and helped me up before bringing me home. ~end~ I sighed as I heard my master giving her story. I looked at Jade and smirked. “A couple questions? That’s all? Fine but you’re still cleaning the guest bedroom.” I replied heading upstairs.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:54am Jun 28 2011
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"Your secret is safe with me. You can count on that at the very least. I am a person of many secrets, most of which are too horrible to tell in the first place and others too petty to even care about. Each word kept locked away, never to be uttered to anyone.Such is the way of humans, one secret, one lie always followed by another." Jake muttered, the majority a reminder to himself of how many secrets he really did have. "Seems you and I aren't too different after all but my story is quite differrent. I'm sure I wouldn't need to ask you to keep mine a secret? I can tell you are not the kind of person to go selling out other people's personal lives. A good trait to have." ((To make it easy, I am going to go first person for a flashback...)) It was the late in the day, my father and I were out in the city on erands. He had to speak with a few people to sort out some kind of business deal. He had asked me to stay outside while he spoke in secret with an old friend. I noticed a girl standing in the middle of the road, playing with her stuffed doll completely unaware of the dangers surrounding her. The shadows cast by the sinking sun made it hard to see her to anyone driving a cab. Especially the one that was rushing down the road at full speed. He couldn't stop, the wheels unable to keep up with the horses movements and ended up swinging around in her direction. Without thinking I ran out and shoved her out of the way, but in the process, the carriage hit me instead. It tipped and crushed the life out of me, my father upstairs hearing the commotion came down to find a lifeless body. My father told me that a girl with long black hair had come and took my head in her hands and performed some miracle to bring me back. He said that she dismissed it as only being a tricked she picked up. I never remembered any of that becuase I was floating through darkness, waiting for my final end. I heard her voice, ringing music like in my ears. I couldn't see anything, but her voice was loud and distinct, unlike anything I had ever heard. "That was a valiant thing you did there. Saving the girl and putting your own body at risk? What if I told you, a body could be fixed? You see, your soul is too good to pas.s up to a demon like me. I think I have something that might interest you, a win-win situation. In return for signing a contract with me, I would bring you back from the brink of death and act as your servant. In return, all I ask of you is your soul. The way it works is that you make a wish. I will help you fulfill that wish, but when that has been acomplished..." She trailed off, leaving the last bit for me to imagine myself. I was silent for a moment, thinking of my father who was left behind without an heir. He would be devastated, or atleast I hoped he would. It thought long and hard, trying to make it easier on him but still following the contract. "I agree to your terms." I said, making up my mind of my wish. "Close your eyes, Jacob, breath my name and you shall return to life." I closed my eyes, thinking of how I could possibly know her name. Then it dawned on me, that she really just was telling me to name her. My eyes reopened to the fading light of day, what would have been only moments after the accident. "Jade." Jade turned her head towards the sound of the two stories being told. "I am a woman of my word, aren't we all? I have been growing anxious as of lately. The feel of this town has changed, and I don't like it. A feeling that I have felt before, just before disaster strikes. Do you know what I mean? It feels forbidden and that is saying something coming from a demon. I was wondering if you had noticed anything out of the ordinary." She said, eyes glazing over with distant memories. She listened as the rain began to tap the side of the building. Undetected by either of the demons inside, a lone girl with black hair stood in the shadows. She stared at the exterior of the Valentine estate for a moment before walking away. ((Fail))
1:15am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 548
“I guess we are similar but are stories are two different things. It seems that it had begun to rain.” I said taking in his story and processing it. I drank the last of my tea before heading over to look out the window. The rain drops splattered on the window pane gently before it began to pour. “What do you and your father do? My father never really mentioned anything about collogues, or anyone that had to do with the business for that matter.” I said walking back over to my chair and sitting down. I glanced at the clock noting that we had plenty of time to chat. I crossed my right leg over my left and folded my hands in my lap relaxing. I chuckled thinking about how my father would react knowing that I had invited a boy into house without his permission. I would probably get a lecture later tonight. “And more importantly, why are you here?” I asked. ~*~ I looked at Jade for a moment questioning the value of my response. Thinking it over for another moment I nodded. “I have had this strange feeling that something is about to happen. I got this feeling when….” I pondered the rest of my response for a moment before continuing up stairs until I reached the second floor. I turned to Jade before turning around again. “I hope that answer satisfies you but right now we need to get to work. Everything you need is in this closet. The guest room is the second door on the right.” I said getting a few things from the closet before heading to my master’s room. The walls were painted a midnight blue with cherry floors. All of her furniture was white creating a great deal of contrast. I dusted and swept, making sure to get all of those dust bunnies from under the bed. When I finished I moved on to her parent’s bedroom. It was decorated in Earth tones with forest green walls and mahogany furniture and matching cherry floors. I dusted and swept taking pride in my work smiling while humming a tune. Once I was done with this room I headed back downstairs and stood by my master. “More tea?” I offered. “No thank you.” She said and I bowed respectfully.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:38am Jun 28 2011
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"Yes, it does appear as if it has begun to rain." Jake stated looking out the window. "Two very different paths to come to the same destination. How strange life seems at times. Wouldn't you say so?" He, too, finished off the last of his tea but kept a hold of the glas.s in his hand. He didn't like having his hands empty, leaving them hanging there useless. It was just asking for them to be lost. Jake smiled at the mention of his father. "I wouldn't say that my father has a great deal many collogues, but he works in a business that you have to know a bunch of people. Your father just so happens to be one of them. The Shimihiro family deals in the affairs of money. Anything from debts to business transactions and purchases. He also tells people the worth of something they own, like an heirloom or piece of furniture. When my father gets tied up with other matters I am sent out to speak with certain people. It just so happens your father has something that was promised to mine. I am just here to collect it from him. That is all." He explained, though to most it sounded rather boring. As was the way of most important manners, they ended up sounding boring and people tend to stop listening. Upstairs Jade smiled, shaking her head. "If only you could finish a sentence." She laughed, immediately cleaning the guest room. It wasn't terribly large which made cleaning it rather easy. She siftly sweeped the floors and dusted the walls and furniture. She finally finsished after wiping down the windows and straightening the slightly crooked bedspread.Returning to the downstairs with the others, Jade found her eyes drifting to the door. She scowled, her eyes turning to slits for a moment before returning to normal. She returned to her master's side, folding her hands neatly infront of her while she stood. "Indeed his father's job is quite important in keeping the city running." She added, trying to keep her gaze from drifting to the door.
1:56am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 548
“Very interesting, it makes me wonder what was promised to you.” I said. “We have a lot of valuable items in this house so it could be just about anything.” I looked around and then smiled. “Perhaps it is this carpet, I honestly don’t know. Do you know what it is you came to get.” I asked as Téras shifted uncomfortably behind me. Looking around the room I spied a small jewelry box that held the other items my father had me pick up. “That reminds me, Téras what did you find?” I asked him and he bent over and whispered in my ear. “He ordered the last two items like we suspected but the tooth is a fake. It won’t work.” He said smiling. The whisper was almost inaudible. I nodded and he stood back up proudly standing behind me. Looking at the clock again I saw that it was a little passed three. “Are you hungry Jake?” I asked seeing as though it was passed lunch time. Téras looked at the clock and smiled. I glanced at him and he just continued to smile. ~*~ I noticed Jade’s slight growl and this worried me. I could sense that something was not right but I think she had a better guess as to what it was. This, never the less, made me uncomfortable. As I listened to the conversation I could not help but feel a sudden sense of dread. My master’s father must have something very special in mind considering those letters I found on his desk. I though finding some quite threatening letters on his desk but I could not determine the source from just glancing over them. I’ll have to take a closer look at them later. “That reminds me, Téras what did you find?” My master asked. I bent down and put my hand in front of her ear and whispered, “He ordered the last two items like we suspected but the tooth is a fake. It won’t work.” I saw her relief before I stood back up behind her. She asked if our guest was hungry and I looked at the clock. I smiled, we must have been out for longer than we thought. Her parents should be home in a couple hours probably expecting my master and I to be out not expecting them home till later. My master glanced at me but I continued to smile.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:14pm Jun 28 2011
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"My father was very cautious with his word, so I am not sure of the exact item I am picking up. However I am positive it is not the carpet, he said it was a small package but he said no more about the matter. The only thing I have to work with is this letter addressed to you father, which is quite strange now that I think about it. Usually it's a pouch of coins or another item of value." Jake thought about it for a second but brushing it aside and nodding at the mention of food. "I wouldn't wish to be a bother but I can't deny I am a little hungry as well." He smiled sheepishly, playing with the edge of the envelope he had pulled out to show the girl. He looked at the seal but didn't recognize the emblem, which confused him a little more. Jade eyes flashed to Teras as he wispered in Akiko's ear but again she found herself drawn to the door. "Please excuse me for a moment." She bowed her head before striding over to the door. Opening it, she looked out into the wall of rain to scan the thinning crowds. Just as her eyes found their target, the long, black hair whipped around the corner. Shutting the large doors behind her, she raced out into the cold rain in pursuit of the girl. Unfortuneatly when she rounded the corner, there was no darkheaded girl but rather a young, silver haired boy. She bowed her head respectfully before returning to the Valentine estate. She sighed, frustration seeping into her veins.
6:27pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 548
“Of course, Téras prepare a lunch for us.” I commanded him. Bowing he gathered up our cups and the untouched scones before heading to the kitchen glaring at the door as Jade walked outside. When Jade closed the door without coming back inside, Téras growled before continuing to the kitchen. I looked at the letter in Jake’s hand when Téras was out of sight. The emblem that sealed the letter looked vaguely familiar. I tilted my head slightly to get a better look. “I think I’ve seen that symbol once before but I can not put my finger on what it might represent.” I said. I glanced at the window for a moment watching the rain splatter against it. ~*~ I was walking to the kitchen when I felt this odd sensation on the back of my head. I looked over at Jade, who was standing inside with the front door wide open, and I saw a girl with black hair near an alleyway. I growled when Jade ran outside and shut the doors. Great, now I can’t confirm my suspicion. I thought before walking into the kitchen to prepare a light lunch consisting of a finely crafted soup and salad. I just hope I’m wrong. I thought sadly as I began to make the soup.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:31pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 548

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:45pm Jun 29 2011
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((Oh my gosh! What is wrong with my brain lately. I swear I posted on this... I'm getting old at age 15. Oh dear. :D)) Jake was confused by Jade's sudden departure, his eyes following her as far as sight would allow and even then he watched the door a moment after they had closed. "You have? I haven't seen it before in my life, which is an odd thing because I have almost all of the seals memorized. I myself think that they symbol is out of place. Nobody that my father works with has the family seal of a swan. Perhaps a relative out of town? Maybe out of country? I'll ask about it when he arrives. I suspect it might take longer because of the rain, but then again... Lord Valentine has been know to surprise alot of people." Jake said thoughtfully. He looked at the door as Jade re-entered the house. She looked a little different, he couldn't quite figure it out but it looked almost as if she were... Tired? She bypas.sed the two humans and went directly to Teras. "One minute I'm chasing a black haired girl and the next face to face with a silver haired boy. Anything sound off to you?" She asked, leaning against the wall with a sigh.
10:00pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 548
((Hehe, I feel the same way sometimes!)) “I guess you’re right.” I said. “My father is very good with surprises but not with practical jokes.” I chuckled a little before glancing over to the Kitchen door. “Perhaps I just remember a swan in a picture book that looked like that. Honestly I’m not very good at remembering seals and whatnot.” I said turning my attention back to Jake. So when does your father plan to arrive?” ~*~ I was chopping carrots for the soup when Jade walked in. I listened to her question and I smiled having my theory confirmed. The only way to make sure that it was indeed true was to find the girl or the boy and confront them. “I think I know what it may be but I’m not positive. I only ran into them once before. I could never get up close though because it was not in my master’s best interests.” I replied plopping the chopped carrots into the soup. “Does your master have any allergies?” I asked not wanting to hurt our guest.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
10:17pm Jun 29 2011
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"Maybe, the swan is a very elegant bird and is often portrayed as the princess or female role of a story. That makes this all the more strange, however, for seals are the family crests. And each crest represents something. In my case, the family seal is that of a snake befriending a raven. Sworn enemies that still manage to coexist in harmony. The symbol for power, wits and honesty. The swan just seems out of place for the head of the house to choose by himself." He noted, looking over at the clock. "I am afraid that he won't make it. He is caught up in meetings all day and has to ready himself to leave tomorrow morning. A short business trip. Whenever he has a schedual such as this one, I take it upon myself to run some of the errands for him." He sighed, not really pleased with the upcoming departure. Jade cast her eyes to the floor with thought. "You don't mean it could be one of them... Do you? They disappeared, something scared them off and there hasn't been a report of them in a while." She exclaimed, though she was sure to keep her voice quiet enough so that the humans wouldn't hear. "As long as it is cooked, Jake will be fine. He is only allergic to fresh fruits." She added, poking her head out of the kitchen to check up on her master. He seemed deep in conversation and decided not to interupt.
10:39pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 548
“Yes it does seem odd. Perhaps the head is a female? It would make more sense.” I suggested thinking of our family’s seal was of three silver lion’s heads, one head for courage, another for loyalty, and a third for strength. “It’s too bad that your father won’t be here. I would very much like to meet him but I can understand that he is busy. My dad sometimes goes on one of our trade boats to make sure everything is in order. When he does that he is gone for a very long time.” I said frowning. I always hated those trips, except for the ones when he took me with him. ~*~ “That’s my suspicion. The last time they came it ended dreadfully. If they are indeed coming back then it would be best if we watched our backs. They must have some sort of weapon or something to protect them.” I speculated tossing the salad. Putting it in two bowls I frowned. “What type of dressing does your master prefer?” I asked, my plans for a tropical salad crushed.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
11:05pm Jun 29 2011
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"Perhaps, though not likely. A female head is very uncommon, so if we are correct in saying the head is female than she must be a widow. Which brings us back to the question of why my father is recieving letters from them to give to your own father. A very peculiar set up, wouldn't you think so?" Jake continued, though his eyes were cast downward at the mention of long trips. He understood well what it was like for his father to leave on trips without the slightest clue of when he would return. He wasn't sure what it was like at home during those periods for Akiko, but when Lord Shimihiro leaves town, Jake is left alone with only Jade for company. "He prefers vinaigrettes but I am sure what ever you have available will do. He is a very open minded child, up to trying anything new." Jade laughed slightly at a memory with Jake. The Lord had been out of the house for the day and Jake found himself in the house the whole time. So when she asked what he would like to spend his time with, he replied with cooking. It had gotten to the point where cooking had become a private joke between the two of them. But one memory leads to a next and before she knew it, her mind had drifted to the very topic she dreaded would return. "But what? There hasn't been any word from any of the others, none of the Reapers seem out of wack either. I thought I was the only one who noticed, but to be honest... I'm glad I'm not. Those two... nevermind, do you need help serving?" She was about to say something, but decided against it. Instead she figured she should atleast offer to help.
11:17pm Jun 29 2011
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“If you would like to bring out the salads so they can start eating. I’ll bring out the soup in a couple more minutes when it is finished.” I said sprinkling some vinaigrette on Jake’s salad. Taking out the mango dressing I poured it on my master’s salad in the form of the sun. Sprinkling some miscellaneous vegetables and fruits into the appropriate salads I handed them to Jade. “True enough but I haven’t seen a reaper in a while. I mean we could always go talk to him but in all honesty I’d rather not.” I said before returning to the soup adding a few more ingredients before letting it sit for another minute or two. “Defiantly do not want to see him.” ~*~ “I don’t know any widows that my father could be associated with.” I said thoughtfully thinking of everyone that I knew my father was in contact with. “Although he has been doing some… things that could lead to a connection but I’m still not sure.” I said contemplating it further. My stomach let out a little noise that I tried to cover up, my cheeks turning a little red in embarrassment. We should be eating soon. I thought silencing my stomach.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
11:29pm Jun 29 2011
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"It might be our only option. Think about it, would you rather talk to the reaper or risk your master's soul?" Jade replied, picking up the salades and exiting the kitchen. She managed a smile but her thoughts were far from pleasent. A trip to the reaper wasn't going to ease her mind any either. "Here are your salades. The fruit salade with mango dressing for Miss Valentine and one topped in vinaigrette for Young Master Jake." She placed the salade in front of their respective owners before taking a step backwards. "The soup will be ready in a moment, so please enjoy the salade." She bowed before retreating back to the kitchen. "I would rather be safe than sorry. The things they are capable of? Who knows now? So our only option is to talk to the reaper. But how are we to do that with the young masters? They haven't a clue of what's going on." She continued when she had returned to Teras' side. Jake thought about it too, but nothing came to mind about his father's work. And there wasn't anything between the two adults that matched up, unless you counted the long trips. But those were quite common. The only thing the two families had in common was the children contracted to demon butlers! "Could it be that-" Jake cut his sentence off as Jade entered with the salades. She seemed a little tense but what was new with that demon, the presence of another like herself must have been an annoyance for her. Jake shook his head as he took a bite. "Nevermind." He said, having forgotten what he was going to say after eating a bite. The vinaigarette was unlike anything he had tasted before. He rather liked the simplicity of the salade becuase it didn't take away from the flavor of the dressing.
11:40pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 548
“Yes but I detest that specific reaper. Well not as much as the red one but none the less~” I said with a slight hint of happiness in my voice as I poured the soup. “We can always go to him when are master’s are asleep. Even if his shop is not open he’ll probably let us in. Akiko helps him out sometimes with loading coffins and digging graves. Why she does is beyond me.” I said mumbling the last part. I carried the soup out with a small smile on my face. “Your soups.” I said handing one to each person. “Careful, it’s hot~” ~ “Thank you Téras.” I said taking my soup. I set it aside to cool down as I munched on my salad. I pondered what Jake might have said. I’ve never heard of him or his father but it seems as though my father has done business with him before. What could be so similar between us? Unless they know of our demons but I never told anyone. But then again if my father did not know Téras was a demon, why would he be trying to summon one? It’s all too confusing. Shaking the thoughts from my head I handed Téras my empty salad bowl and he took it away to the kitchen. I started on my soup blowing on it to cool it down. “None of this makes much sense.” I commented after drinking my spoonful.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:16am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"He isn't so bad, as long as you don't look him in the eyes. So many fall for that." It had been a long time since she had visited that reaper, but Jade deffinately was alone in saying that she didn't hate that man. "Tonight then?" She whispered, looking over at him for his answer. Eating his salade, Jake thought about this confusing puzzle. A letter with a mysterious seal that neither one of the family members recognized from clients. The only people he was aware that knew about it, was Lord Valentine and his own father. "Something just doesn't add up." He said, after finishing his own bowl of salade. Sliding the soup directly infront of him, Jake picked up his spoon and dipped it into the steaming liquid. Blowing the steam away gently, he swallowed the bite. He had always loved the feeling of warm soup or cocoa streaming down his throat, easily felt until it reached the belly. He sighed with delight, the soup as good as anything else made by a demon. Something they always got perfect was cooking. He wondered why that was. "Your right. None of this makes any sense at all." He growled, sinking back deep in thought. His hands moved with out much thought, going through the mechanical movements of consuming the soup.
12:36am Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 548
“If only we had a way of identifying it.” I muttered eating my soup. It satisfied my stomach keeping it quite for the time being. I took another spoonful up to my mouth thinking about the letter. “Perhaps… nah.” I said tasting the liquid, savoring the taste. If we brought it to the post they might get suspicious. “It looks like we’ll just have to wait until my father gets home.” I said looking into my soup bowl. My reflection was blurred by the chunks of meat and vegetables. I sighed in thought before continuing to eat. I looked out the window once again to see that the rain was getting lighter nearly stopping. “I guess that sun of yours worked Téras, the rain lightened up quite a bit.” I said a small smile grazing my face. Great, I wonder what joke I'll have to tell him for him to squeal. I thought watching my master eat. When she began to mention "Perhaps" a feeling of dread washed over me. Please don't suggest it. I thought desperately keeping a calm face with a small smile. When she dropped it I became relieved. Seeing him once is enough to make me go mad but going twice in one day would kill me. I glance at the clock seeing that my master's father would be home in a half hour to an hour. the rain seemed to lighten up and my master mentioned it. I smiled at the mention of my name looking down to see that she had finished half her soup. Must've been very hungry.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
10:13pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"It would make things rather easy if there was someone available now, but it can't be helped. Waiting for your father is the only option we have."Jake sighed, tucking the letter into his jacket so it wouldn't get dirty during the meal. Breathing in the steam felt good, as if he were recovering from a cold to feel ten times better than he left off with. He knew this to be false but it didn't change the fact that it felt good. At Akiko's comment about the rain, Jake turned to look out the window himself. "That sure is a reliefe." He smiled, at his own foolishness of not bringing an umbrella with him even though the clouds had been moving in. He hadn't expected the rain for several more hours. I wonder what she was going to say. It must not have been important for her to have dropped it so quickly. He couldn't resist a good mystery, every question killing him for an answer. Jade sighed, placing a hand on her head. A headache was already forming and it was sure to get worse when they went to meet the reaper but there was nothing that could be done about it. Suspicions lead to questions and questions to answers. Those answers bring up more questions that need to be paired with yet another answer. The whole thing was a never ending cycle, going around and around in circles until you fall off the ride, dizzy. This whole day was turning out to be quite a bother. She had to keep herself from growling as she picked up the empty salade bowl from her master and deposited it in the kitchen.