12:01am Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 548
“How’s your soup?” I asked looking at Jake and his servant cautiously. Whatever business they had here probably was not going to concern me. My father usually shooed me off to bed or upstairs when he had business to attend to with other people. I felt so excluded sometimes. No matter, my job was to keep the sailors in line not deal with other companies. They feared me greatly so they worked harder when I was around. If they slacked off I would point them out and they would rush to their stations. It was quite amusing. I chuckled a little at the thought before finishing my soup. Téras took my bowl and carried it to the kitchen before returning. I began to feel bored as I watched Jake inhale the steam and eat his soup. “Would you like to play a game of cards while we wait? All this talk has bored me.” I stated. ~*~ I watched as my master ate the last of her soup. Taking the bowl I brought it to the kitchen and did some of the dishes quickly before returning to her. I could plainly see that she was bored out of her mind. She likes mysteries but once the conversation ends she tends to get bored. A request for a game would soon come. After a couple of minutes she requested a card game. Shall it be regular or scopa? I thought thinking of the two sets of cards that we could be dealing with.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:01pm Jul 1 2011
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"It is quite good thank you." He smiled, finishing the last of his soup and pushing it over to the side for Jade to take. With a sigh, he leaned back in the chair and folded his hands together. "A card game would be perfect to spend the time until your father arrives." He said with a smile. "What shall we play?" He thought for a moment all the card games he knew but he wasn't quite sure what she would want to play. Jade took the bowl from the table and brought it into the kitchen. Having nothing else to do, she began to clean the dishes from Jake's part of the meal. She sighed with annoyance, the discoveries and all of the events of today enough to drive anybody mad. And still there was more to come. Looking down to see that she was already finished, she quickly found their places and put them away. She walked the trip back up as slowly as possible, trying to waste the little time there was left. It wasn't as if Jake was in any danger in this house any way. She was more worried about when she left him to visit the reaper. ((Fail))
8:35pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 548
“We could play scopa. Are you familiar with the game?” I asked as Téras got the cards. “It’s an Italian game.” I clarified. Téras handed me the deck and I took out the cards organizing them in their suits just incase Jake did not know how to play. I fumbled around with the cards trying to get them in order. I growled in frustration finding that the seven of coins was missing. “Or if you want to play a different game that’s fine too.” I said looking through all the cards for the missing one. ~*~ I retrieved the cards for my master like she asked. Scopa was one of her favorite card games and the rules were fairly easy. I watched her organize the cards. After examining them once more I noticed the seven of coins was missing. Dismissing myself I went upstairs to her room. I remembered seeing the card there when I was cleaning. I searched all around the room and finally found the card hiding beneath her pillow. I returned downstairs and handed it to her. I saw a wave of relief wash over her and she thanked me before looking over at Jake.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:03pm Jul 1 2011
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"Hm, I can't say that I am familiar with the game. But I would love to give it a try." Jake said, thinking about this game. He had heard of it before but he never learned the rules, so this was going to be an interesting game. He had always wanted to play but nobody he knew could teach him how, and he never bothered to ask Jade if she knew. He looked as the butler handed Akiko a card that apparently had been missing from the deck and watched as she then finished sorting the cards into their suits. He recognized the cards but he was unsure of what any of it meant. Jade smiled, entering the room to find her master deciding to play cards. Scopa, huh. Not played that in a very long time. She chuckled to herself and her horrible memory at the rules of this particular card game. It appeared as if the girl was rather excited and Jake merely curious. It was obvioius he had never played before but he seemed eager to give it a try. "Scopa is an interesting pick. Would it be alright if I were to take a closer look at the game?" She wondered, hoping to relearn the rules by watching.
9:23pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 548
“Alright then, there are four suits, coins, swords, cups, and rods. Since there are two of us playing the person who is not the dealer goes first. Now as for points go the seven is the highest followed by the six and so on. The face cards or the cards 8, 9, and 10 are the lowest. You get points for the fallowing, having the most cards, having the most coin cards, having the seven of coins known as settebello, and having the best primiera or special combination of four cards. Lastly, all scopas are one point each. You play b capturing cards. Let’s say that you have a ten and there are two fives on the table. You can take your ten and capture the two fives. However, let’s say that there is another ten on the table. In this case you must take the ten instead of the two fives. To get a scopa you must clear the table of cards like if you had a two and the only other cards on the table were two ones. You would capture the two ones and say scopa getting a point. Whoever gets eleven points first wins. Any questions?” I said as I showed Jake with the cards. I gathered up the cards and shuffled them. ~ I watched as my master explained the game using the cards. Whenever she was bored we would play this and she did not play it that well. She knew the rules well but she made rather bad decisions and I would end up with most of the points. Regardless she loved the game. But the one thing she always had no matter who she played against is the settebello. I’m not sure how she got it though.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:07am Jul 3 2011
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"Despite a little confusion I am certain that it will become clearer as we play." Jake said, not really sure how to respond. The truth was, he had no idea what he was doing but that didn't mean that he couldn't learn quickly. He watched as Akiko shuffled the deck, each of the cards melding smoothly with the deck over and over again. He could feel the phantom of his own set of cards in his hands as he watched her, his fingers itching to mimick the rhytmic movements of shuffling. When he found himself alone with nothing to do, he would pull out a deck of cards and play a game with Jade or sometimes a game that could be played solo. It had become an obsession of his, to play cards as a past time. He was surprised that he had never learned this one before, even in all of his love for card games. Jade shook her head, reading her master like an open book. It was obvious, to her anyway, that he didn't have the slightest clue of what was going on but that didn't matter to him in the least. He was adventurous and didn't mind not having a clue. She stood by her master's chair, listening closely to every word and each movemet made by Lady Akiko. There must have been some sort of trick that she knew, such was with any game. A certain strategy or trick somebody comes up with in order to get good scores. Jade wasn't interested in catching it in order to point it out, but rather for learning it so that she may replicate it later.
8:57pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 548
I finished shuffling the cards before dealing three to Jake and then three to myself. I placed four cards face up with them being a 1 of coins, 5 of cups, 10 of swords, and a 2 of coins. I looked at my cards finding that I had a 4 of swords, 3 of cups, 1 of cups, and a 9 of coins. I looked at the cards on the table and I bit my lip. I never had a good poker face which is probably why I never really won any games. “You go first.” I said curious as to what card he would play and what card or cards it would capture. ~ I watched my master shuffle her cards watching the movements carefully. There had to be some way to slip a card down her arm when shuffling or something. Seeing nothing I tried to understand her strategy. Honestly, I don’t think she had one. She played on the moment most of the time even in games she did not know the rules of. It’s that “leap before you think” attitude that she has that gets her by, but sometimes just barely. I glanced over at Jade before looking at the cards on the table before looking at my master’s cards. I chuckled silently seeing her bite her lip.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
11:34pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 548

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:08pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Sorry, I couldn't get on in a little bit. But I really gotta say I have no clue how to play this game. :D)) "I haven't a clue of what to do, but..." Jake's eyes scanned the table and then his own hand. He stared thoughtfully at the cards layed out before him. Beside him, Jade smiled and almost laughed but caught herself before she did. This earned her a glare from her master but she didn't mind in the least about it. Looking at his hand, she tried to think of what would be the best thing to do. "If I may?" She asked, stepping closer to her master's chair. "Say, is it possible to capture two cards that aren't the same. Rather instead of double Fives with the Ten... Perhaps an Eight and a Two with a Ten? As an example anyway." She made up this fact, saying as there wasn't an Eight on the table. ((Eeeeh, fail. D:))
10:40pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 548
((Perhaps this will help -> http://a_pollett.tripod.com/scopa.htm. When I first played it I had no idea what to do either. )) I sighed looking down at the cards. “Would you like me to explain it again or would you like to play another game?” I asked looking at Jake. Giving instructions was not her forte but scopa was a difficult game if you did not understand it. Once you understand it’s pretty simple though. She racked her brain for other card games. As sad as it was she could only think of childish games like War and Go fish. That defiantly the game Jake will want to play! I thought sarcastically. What else do I know… Schafkopf! But I’m really not sure how to play. I thought never really having the chance to play cards with other people and I always played scopa with Téras, anyone else who came to visit, and my… friends. ~ I watched my master try to think of other card games. I tried to think of others as well but the ones that I came up with she did not know how to play. Perhaps a nice game of chess might settle this, or one of those board games. I thought. I looked down at my master and then to our guests to see what would be said.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
10:59pm Jul 5 2011
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"Perhaps another game for the time being. I shall make it a personal goal to learn the game for the next time we play." Jake smiled sort of guiltily. It made him feel bad having to desert a game that the girl seemed to love so much. "My apologies. Perhaps something simpiler that many people know. Like Queen, or Rummy. Heck I am even up for playing a game of War. I think it's amusing to tell a story with the cards. Sorry, it's something me and an old friend used to do... I forget sometimes that not many people play what I play." He said, looking down at his hands as he placed the cards face down on the table. Jade shrugged her shoulders, stepping back slightly. It was amazing how much one denied about their own servants. Jake didn't have many friends, infact she often wondered if he had any. This was the first time that she had seen him have fun with another human being. She herself did not count.
11:24pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 548
“We could play War if you want. Or we could play chess, a board game maybe?” I offered. I glanced at the clock and I chuckled. “It looks like my parents should be home any minute now. Perhaps I can give you a rain check then?” I offered knowing my father would be here in a minute or two. Téras scooped up the cards and laced them back in their box leaving out the seven of coins. He handed me the card and I took it graciously before turning my attention back to Jake. I was going to mention something but my father walked through the door along with my mother. “Hello mother, father. Jake Shimihiro is here to talk to you father.” I said knowing that I would have to leave. “Thank you Akiko. Please go to your room now.” My father said and I nodded. “It was nice talking to you Jake. You as well Jade.” I said before heading up the stairs to my bedroom. Téras headed to the kitchen to make dinner and my mother and father sat in the seat I just occupied and one next to it. “Hello Jake.” Was the last thing I could hear before going into my room. ~ My master's parents arrived just when they said they would. Frowning slightly my master told her father Jake was here and he sent her to her room. I walked to the kitchen knowing that I had to cook dinner for when the discussion was over. I closed the door to the kitchen leaving a slight gap so that I could listen in on the conversation so I could inform my master of the situation later. I sighed as I started to butterfly the chicken.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
11:47pm Jul 5 2011
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When Jake heard the door open and Akiko greet her parents, Jake stood up out of his chair to face them. He bowed his head slightly with a smile. "The pleasure was all mine." He said, before stepping around the chair to approach Lord and Lady Valentine. "Good evening Sir... Madame. My father, unfortuneatly, is a little tied up at the moment. He sent me to discuss something that the two of you had been talking about previously. I, uh, was sent with something that I think you should read immediately. Perhaps in private?" Jake suggested. He had become quite pleased with his ability to sound professional around the adults on business trips. Ofcourse someone like him knew the frill by now anyway. "This is Jade, one of the servant of our manor. She has been asked to acompany me as protection of sorts. She has been ordered not to leave my side, however, so she will be required to be there with us." He added, feeling Jade's gaze on the back of his neck. She turned towards the Lord Valentine and bowed silently with her eyes downcast upon the ground. There was no way she was going to risk being called out upon direct eye contact even though her master and his father weren't as strict about such conduct. She was, however, the person who kept the house running after all.
12:02am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 548
“Of course, we can go up to my office.” Lord Valentine offered. I chopped up some carrots and put them in a frying pan. I listen carefully and heard him get out of his seat as I began to cook the vegetables. “This way please.” I heard before Lady Valentine entered the kitchen. I pretended to be absorbed in my cooking and she watched me with the door closed shut. I could not hear anything else which annoyed me but I continued to cook as to not raise any suspicion with the Lady. “Tonight we will have fried chicken breast with mix vegetables and mashed potatoes. For dessert we will have a fruit parfait.” I said and the Lady only nodded. ~ I was sitting on my bed recording the day’s events in my journal. For the most part I was bored not having anyone to talk to or really anything of importance to do. I started to doodle before I heard someone coming up the stairs. I stopped what I was doing and listened carefully before recognizing them as my father’s footsteps. No doubt that he was heading to his office probably with Jake. My mother was probably in the kitchen keeping a close eye on Téras. Now I just had to wait until they were in the office to sneak out and listen in.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:10am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Jake nodded and followed the Lord Valentine with Jade close behind. "I wish to make this brief so as not to waste any of your valuable time. To be honest I don't know much about this little collecting job, nor will I pry, but I have to admit I am rather curious. Especially about this." He said, pulling out the envelope once they had reached his office. "Father sent it with, but upon closer inspection... The seal is not our own. Nor is it one that I recognize from around here, with bothers me quite a bit. By any chance, do you know which family this seal belongs to?" He asked, holding the letter between his index and middle finger. He held it there for a minute, eyeing the ob ject before flipping it and offering out to Lord Valentine. "I am only here to collect the item my father requested and for a response to that letter." He stated, not bothering to take a seat like many of the other trips he had made up here. Jade looked about the office, watching Jake wave the letter around like a banner before finally handing it over. She almost laughed but managed it to a small quick smile.
12:26am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 548
“I’m not familiar with that seal.” I heard my father say quickly as I stood outside his study door. I heard him mumble as he read the letter. With a sigh he put the letter on his desk. I could imagine that he was staring it down as if it was another person. He probably had the letter in Jake’s view. My father always did this with his mail and other things. Whenever I came in to ask him a question I could always read the letters or other documents he had on his desk. A rather bad habit if you ask me. I heard footsteps and I ran back to my room quickly and quietly. I close my door just as my mother reached the top of the stairs. She hesitated before heading to my father’s office. “So much for eavesdropping.” I muttered knowing I had no chance of getting close to the office when my mother was there. ~ I had started cooking the mash potatoes before Lady Valentine left the kitchen. When she left I smiled and chuckled hearing my master’s footsteps overhead as she retreated to her room. “Eavesdropping are we?” I asked to no one as I heard her mother enter the study. “Then I guess that’s my cue.” I said before cooking the chicken. Once this was done I could head up stairs.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
12:38am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"Ah well, I guess it can't be helped." Jake sighed, turning to the door as someone opened it to enter. "Lady Valentine." Jake said with a bow of his head. He couldn't deny that she was a natural beauty of this town, everyone knew that. But each time he came he couldn't help but to stare so he quickly turned his attention elsewhere so as not to seem rude. Jade turned and bowed with Jake, though she was silent. Before she had heard Akiko's distinct breathing outside of the door and her footsteps hurrying away just before her mother entered. She had to keep from smiling about the girl's urge to eavesdrop on other's conversations. She herself was rather curious as to why Lady Valentine had come up here, it wasn't usually custom for a female to be apart of the man's business meetings. The two waited to see what Lord Valentine would say and to hear the reason the Lady had come all the way up here for. Still Jade just wanted this to be over so that she may send her Master to sleep and head out to meet up with Teras. A very long night indeed.
12:48am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 548
“Dinner is just about ready, would you and Jade like to join us.” I heard Lady Valentine say as I finished the chicken. “I’ll send the item to your father via mail. It’s not quite ready yet.” Lord Valentine said. I looked over the dinner and having made enough I set the table adding two places for Jade and Jake. When I finished I mashed the potatoes and set everything up perfectly. My master came downstairs a little irritated and I chuckled. “Neither of us know what the item is then?” I inquired. “You could say that.” My master said sighing. “Smells good.” She said changing the subject. I only smiled more awaiting our guests and family to come down. ((fail))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
1:07am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
"It would be my pleasure. We don't have to be home until later." Jake said, looking back at Jade who nodded. "Alright then, I will let him know. But for now, I think a nice meal could do us all a little good after this rain." Jade smiled at her master's comment. "Ofcourse young Master, I agree." She stated, clasping her hands together so as to keep from wringing his scrawny neck. Foolish child. She thought to herself, though she couldn't help to wonder why he was so willing to eat dinner with the people. His father wanted him home at a certain time and that time was aproaching faster than expected. "I'll run ahead and see if Teras needs any as.sistance, though I doubt it, seeing as you have quite a talented butler." She said, rushing out of the room and down the stairs. She let her smile drop as she stalked towards the kitchen. "That child is such a bother sometimes." She growled to no one in particular. Standing beside Miss Akiko, Jade bent down to whisoer in her ear. "A good tip to eavesdropping is quiet feet." She smiled, straightening up as she heard her master's voice travel down the stairs. ((Sorry, this is the last one for the night.))
7:18pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 548
I blushed a little at Jade’s comment but I regained my composure when I heard my parents coming down the stairs with Jake. Téras pulled out a chair for me which I sat in. He pushed the chair in before my parents arrived and pulled two chairs out for them. My father sat at the head of the table and my mother sat beside me. He went over to the other side of the table and pulled out a chair for Jake and a chair for Jade. My mother glanced at me out of the corner of her eye and I could tell that I was going to get lectured tonight for eavesdropping. I cringed slightly under her gaze before I straightened up and looked at Téras. ~ I pulled out two chairs for Jake and Jade before I glanced over at my master. She was cringing slightly under her mother’s gaze. She was probably going to get another lecture tonight. I sighed before announcing dinner. “Tonight we will be eating fried chicken breasts with mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. For desert we will be having a fruit parfait and chocolate cake for young master Jake.” I said remembering that he could not have fruit.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V