He smiled again. "Nice to meet you too. " He said. "Isn't funny how school doesn't start at normal time because almost half the students are half and hour late.." He said, trying to keep talking.
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His eyes widend. "Did you tell them to turn it down?" He said as he sat down next to her. Its not everyday you meet someone who can just have a random conversation with you.
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"Well I tried but they didn't" Aria said. "Then their dogs ran me off." Aria then smiled. "But they won't be doing that anymore. I broke their radio..."
It was time for cl*censored*, and Eddie smiled at her, and got up. Got his books and walked into cl*censored*. He sat down, and nonchalauntly searched to where Aria was going to sit, from the corner from his eyes.
(( I have to go...but ill be on later tonight!!))
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
Cl*censored* didn't start yet, and it was only Aria, and him, and a couple kids in the front row. He quickly got up, and sat next to her. He usually didn't like the back, he liked to be around his friends. But maybe she can be a knew friend of his. He smiled at her. awkward...
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
(( No!! and don't worry, i won't leave ya out :) ...Just lettin you know, cuz i always get left out then just ignore the RP...and i dont want you to ignore it...so yeah :)))))
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}