11:24pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh nodded, taking his receipt and the other paper the girl had given him, slipping it into his pocket. He followed after Paradise, eyes looking around the building. He liked architecture. "Slow down," he teased her. "you look like you just saw a ghost."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:27pm Jul 21 2010
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I saw my night mare so your close... She thought. She turned around, and smiled. "Sorry," She said, as she slowed down, to keep up with his pace.
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11:34pm Jul 21 2010
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"No problem," he said, sliding into a seat. He pulled out the receipt, and the paper, looking at the closely. He tucked the girl's phone number back in his pocket, leaving the receipt on the table.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:41pm Jul 21 2010
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Paradise saw the piece of paper, and acted like it was no big deal. But in her heart, it felt the exact opposite. She couldn't even stop herself from frowning. She acted like her phone was buzzing and said. "Thats my mom, i should take this outside..." She rolled her eyes, at her stupid excuse for walking away. As she walked outside. She acted like she was talking on the phone, as she leaned against the wall. Closing her eyes and trying to just calm down. And it worked.
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11:48pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh nodded, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and starting to play with it. His hair hung in his face as he looked down and waited for her to come back. He looked up only when he heard someone clear their throat beside him. His eyes flickered to the blonde that had been behind the counter. "Hi?" he said, looking back down at his lighter. "You forgot your change," she said in an obnoxious voice, sitting down next to him. Her arm brushed again his as she set the change on the table. "My name is Victoria. Is that girl..." she paused, batting her eyelashes. "Is she your girlfriend?" "Yes," Josh lied, standing up and clearing his throat. "And if you don't mind me, I'm just going to go find her now." He looked the girl in the eyes as she stood up too, not letting him past. "I think you should stay and talk," she insisted stubbornly. He sighed, plunking into his seat with a tortured ex pression on his face as she began to babble.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:50pm Jul 21 2010
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{ I have to go to bed now; I'll see you tomorrow, maybe :P }
wuss poppin jimbo
8:40am Jul 22 2010
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When Paradise calmed down alittle bit, she decided to go back in. She saw the blonde girl from before. She took a deep breath, and walked up to them. When she got closer, she noticed they were just talking. She looked at Josh, and said. "I...I have to go..." She would have said thanks, for paying. But she had no desire to be nice to him at that moment. "Bye." And she walked out of Ritas, and ran home. She didn't care how tired she got. She ran.
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1:32pm Jul 22 2010
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Josh gave the blonde girl a look that meant she'd gotten him in trouble. "I really have to go now," he said, standing up. When she stood up to block him, he pushed past her. She started to stutter a response, but he ignored her, walking out of Ritas. "Now, where'd she go?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:36pm Jul 22 2010
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When Paradise guessed that she was far enough away, she started to slow down to a walk. She also guessed that he probably didn't even care that she left, and was probably still talking to that pretty blonde girl. She rolled her eyes. She always had to fall for someone who everyone else liked. Why couldn't he be just a bit less attractive? Then she thought, maybe that little scene back there, was a wake up call. He was probably very egotistic. But he's also so sweet and warm and loving... She could think of so many positive things, and the only flaw that she could see was ego. But it would be kind of hard not to love all his features. She was just thankful that she didn't cry again. She would really be embarressed then.She accidently locked herself out, and so she sat down, at the same bench, and took a couple more deep breaths. She told herself she wasn't going to cry AGAIN, today. And she didn't. But she could still feel a wound in her heart, that made her want to cry. But she held it all in, until she was sure she was alone, in her bed, where she usually did her routine, of crying herself to sleep.
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11:34pm Jul 22 2010
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{ I'll type my response tomorrow; I'll have to go Dx }
wuss poppin jimbo
11:37pm Jul 22 2010
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(( OO kk hhaha :P Bye :(( ))
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11:41pm Jul 22 2010
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{ Ahhaa.. nevermind :D Got off the hook } Josh sighed, frowning, and wandered down the street aimlessly. He looked closely at people walking by, waiting for one of them to be Paradise. He mumbled to himself, "Where did that girl wander off to now?" He pas sed by the bench, head down and hair in his face, without even noticing she was there.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:45pm Jul 22 2010
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She shook her head, Great...now i'm invisible to him now... Her own knowledge, made her lip quiver. Dont do it agian, PLEASE don't do it again. She got up from the bench, after she had to wipe the first tear, and started heading back to her house. Wiping more along the way. She kicked her door in frustration, because she accidently locked herself out, ( i think i said that in another paragraph...)) Then sat on the porch swing. Wiping one or two more, every couple minutes. She crossed her arms, and spaced out.
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11:52pm Jul 22 2010
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After walking all the way back to his house, Josh rattled his doorknob, looking frustrated. He patted his pockets, a look of sheer agony crossing his face. He had left his keys on the table. He ground his teeth together, lifting up his aunt's flowerpots as he searched for the extra key. Then it dawned on him. That was the extra key. He growled a curse under his breath, sitting on the porch stairs with his head in his hands as he prepared to wait until his aunt, uncle and cousin got home. At midnight.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:58pm Jul 22 2010
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Paradise fell asleep on the swings, but awoke quite quickly when she fell off. It took her a second to get up, and she noticed, she made herself either bleed or just a nice bruise. She rolled her eyes, not really caring. She never noticed how beautiful it was. She started walking down the porch steps, and she stared at the moon. That sleep made her stop thinking about all her troubles. But she sighed, by thinking about the word troubles. Just the word, ruined her mood now. It was starting to get dark, and cold. She cuddled up in her jacket shivering, and closing her eyes, imagining herself in a nice warm bed.
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12:11am Jul 23 2010
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Josh leaned against the wooden frame of the porch, closing his eyes. Then he realized how tired he actually was from being with Paradise all day. The moonlight washed out the colors around him, making his skin look pale white, his hair look blacker than the sky, and his eyes look silver. He stared at the stars for a moment, suddenly wishing that he had worn a shirt, or at least a jacket. It was starting to get cold.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:13am Jul 23 2010
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(( I know this is corny and probably too ironic, but should Paradise take a walk again, and see Josh or something? Cuz were gunna get brain dead sometime soon...lol ))
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12:16am Jul 23 2010
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{ lol. Yeah. x3 That sounds like a good plan. }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:24am Jul 23 2010
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Paradise thought, maybe to get over some things that kept wrapping around her mind. She'd go for a walk again. Hoping she wouldn't randomly have to cry again, at a bench. She rolled her eyes at herself, as she walked. Wind blew in her face, and it felt like ice against her. She shivered even harder, trying her best to keep herself warm. She kept walking though. And surprisingly it did get her mind off things. She turned to another street, that she hasn't walked down yet, and saw someone else stuck out of their house too. She laughed to herself. Feeling good that she wasn't the only idiot in this neighborhood. As she got closer, she frowned. The features, the hair, the 'no shirt'. She stopped walking. Josh. O gosh... Maybe she was still invisible to him. She ran across the street, so she was farther away from him, and kept walking.
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1:12am Jul 23 2010
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(( I"m getting off in about 15, so if i don't reply, after you...i'll prolly be off :P ))
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