10:09pm Jul 25 2010
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Josh stretched out his sore muscles, tucking his sunglas ses in his pocket. So he wouldn't need them after all...he frowned, a little disappointed. He thought that they looked cool. blinking a few times, he started off towards where he guessed Paradise's house was, trying not to look conspicuous as he ducked behind trees and cars on the way.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:03am Jul 26 2010
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Paradise kept laying down. Surprised, she was actually about to fall asleep. She kept blinking her eyes, open and shut, open and shut. Because, she saw a figure in the distance. What was odd was, this 'figure' was hiding behind trees and cars. She squinted her eyes, trying to see better, but couldn't see from where she was. She shrugged it off, and closed her eyes again. (( JOSH ^^ ))
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10:45pm Jul 26 2010
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Josh, poking his head out from behind an unusually large willow tree, caught sight of someone laying on their front lawn. "Pssst," he hissed, grinning to himself. "I have the children." Chuckling, he stepped out of hiding and crossed the street, looming over her. "Just kidding. I killed them." { I was nextdoor this one time my older sister was babysitting my younger sister, and I called, and said that, and she totally freaked out. XD Then I walked to my house and explained it was me before she called the cops. XD }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:05am Jul 27 2010
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Paradise jumped, and looked up at him. Scared. When she saw it was Josh, she rolled her eyes, "Very funny Josh..." She said as she looked back down. Frowning, as she said, "Did you need something?" As she didn't give him eye contact. ( OMG! i bet that was hilarious!! :PPP ))
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11:57am Jul 28 2010
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(( BUMP ))
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1:33pm Jul 28 2010
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Josh automatically bristled, taken aback by her unfriendly tone. "I'm getting pretty fed up with your mood swings," he said briskly, running a hand through his uneven black hair. "It seems like we're having a good time, and then out of nowhere you just run away without giving me an explination." He sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep his temper under check. "and then when I ask you, it's," he did an imitation of her in a high pitched voice, "It's nothing, Josh. Don't worry about it, Josh. It's fine, Josh. Just forget about it, Josh. I don't want to talk about it, Josh." He hissed through his teeth, "Well, it isn't nothing, I'm worrying about it. It isn't fine, I can't forget about it and I do want to talk about it." There was a pause. "What's going on?"
wuss poppin jimbo
1:39pm Jul 28 2010
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She ignored him for a couple moments, and tried not to laugh at his immitation. She didn't want to talk to him. Why couldn't she say that? Because, she was too nice. No matter how mad she was at this stupid jerk, she couldn't hate, or even be mean to him. No matter what, she knew she would always like him. She let out a sigh, and looked up at him, "Whats going on?" She repeated, "I don't want to be friends with you. I cant deal with the pain you put me through, and i'm already fed up with it." She felt guilty for half lieing, and guilty for the truth at the same time. She'd get up, so they'd be in more of a talking distance, but she was freezing. She layed her forehead, on her hands and stayed laying down. Not wanting eye contact. Another breeze went by, and she tried not to show how bad she was shivering. A tear broke down her cheek, as her face was covered. If he knew she was crying again, she'd be totally humiliated.
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1:58pm Jul 28 2010
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"That's the problem," he snapped. "If I knew what was putting you in so much pain, I would stop!" He paused, frowning for a minute as the pieces finally came together. "Oh." "Oh, you're jealous." This seemed to anger him. "You know, now that I think about it, every time I was even in the vacinity of another girl, you acted like a total spaz and ran away crying." He eyes narrowed. "I thought you were better than that..." He sighed, anger cooling down to be replaced by disappointment. "I thought you were different. I thought you, of all people, wouldn't be so shallow as so get jealous when I talked to someone else that wasn't you. I thought we could be friends." He paused. "What did you think would happen, when I got myself a girlfriend, Paradise? That I'd be okay to just ditch her all the time for you, so you wouldn't feel bad? I'd expect my friends to be okay with me dating." He shook his head. "But, no. you're like all the other girls. As soon as you see a good looking boy you go all gaga over him and try to get close. Treat him like he's a toy, and no other girl can have him." He shook his head. "See, I've been hurt by too many pretty girl, Paradise. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. You thought I liked that flirty brunette? Wrong. You thought I liked that flighty waitress? Wrong. I liked you." It was silent for a minute. "But I guess my feelings were misplaced." He spun around, and started to walk away slowly, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:04pm Jul 28 2010
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Paradise stayed silent, as she listened to him talk. She was dieing to stop him from his painful yet true words. More tears sprang from her eyes, and she wished she could hate him. She really wished she could. She moved her head, and watched him walk away. She wanted to stop him. She wanted another chance. But she couldn't even do that. She blinked a couple seconds, and rubbed her eyes so her tears weren't noticable, but more tears came as she looked back, and he wasn't visible anymore. She closed her eyes, to stop the tears, but they wouldn't stop. Giving up on holding in the crying, was the easiest thing she could think of doing at that moment. And that's exactly what she did. She sobbed through the whole night, having no desire to get up, and stop.
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2:16pm Jul 28 2010
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Josh slunk back to his house, not even in the mood to hide the fact that he had snuck out. He stood in the kitchen for an hour and a half, listening to his aunt and uncle scream at him, his cousin watching with a smile on her face, and then slid into bed without another word. He didn't care, at the moment, that he was grounded. He didn't care, at the moment, that he was going to spend the rest of the month in his room after school. He didn't even care that Paradise hated him. He just didn't care.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:31pm Jul 28 2010
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It was about 5:00 am in the morning, and the weather was getting alittle warmer. Paradise fell asleep for about and hour or maybe 2, but that was it. SHe sighed as she got up. The driveway was still empty, and she was still laying on the gra.ss. Everything that happened last night, wasn't a dream, which made her mood even worse. She had dried up tears on her cheeks, forehead, shirt, and kneck. SHe'd go to a friends house, to wash up for school, but to no surprise in her mind, she had no friends. She groaned at the aching in her back from the hard ground. She looked around and noticed, some of the house lights started turning on, and the street lights were turning off. She sighed, and took the pony tail out of her hair, and put it up again, knowing she looked a little better if she did a more fresh tail. Noone was around, from where she could see, so she quickly licked her hand, and started rubbing off the hard crusted tears that were on her kneck. She walked up to the porch steps, now realizing not only her back hurt, but every other part of her body did also. She sat on the swing, and decided she wasn't going to go to school today. She frowned as she looked down, and fiddled with her fingers, as she swayed back and forth on the porch swing. (( So...i know its really far ahead in the RP...but...Paradise is going to be shy...because i was just being kinda risky and seeing how i would do with a outgoing charrie, but since i am not outgoing, i am not good at having my charries outgoing...LOL the only reason why i am pointing this out is because ^^In the paragraph she said, 'She had no friends', but outgoing people have friends...so yeah :P ))
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8:22pm Jul 28 2010
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Josh sat bolt upright in the morning, eyes wide. Cold sweat dripped down his back as he looked around him room, panicky, breathing harsh and labored. He slid out of bed, feet numbed as they hit the icy hardwood floor, and started to look through his drawers for something to wear. After throwing on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, he ran a comb through his messy hair (which didn't help it much), and looked in the mirror. There were dark rings under his eyes, which seemed to be dull and lifeless at the moment, and his skin looked paler. He grabbed his backpack, walked through the house (stealing his cousins house key on the way out), and left for school. He forgot he had to walk past Paradise's house to get there, though, of course...
wuss poppin jimbo
8:53pm Jul 28 2010
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Paradise kept frowning, and staring off into space, as she sat on the swing. She thought about breaking the window to get in, atleast to just eat or go to the bathroom, but she knew her mother would yell at her even more then she already did. If people just knew what words did to her, they'd understand just about how she felt everyday. She realized she was lieing when she told Josh, I've started getting emotional ever since i met you ... She always cried. She cried when she was by herself, she cried when she was in the shower, she deffinatly cried when people yelled at her, and used words in a harsh way, and she cried herself to sleep many times. What Josh brought to her life, was just the pain of watching the one you truly love, start going for other girls. That kind of pain filled her heart, and made the tears. She turned around, while a car was coming, in hope of it being her mother, but instead it was just a neighbor. She saw someone walking on the sidewalk, (JOSH ) And she quickly looked away. She could've sworn it was Josh. Her breathing quickened as she held in the tears that were soon to come. She sighed hard, and got in a position on the porch swing, where she layed down. She closed her eyes, and hoped the person that looked exactly like the man that should not be named would just keep walking.
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8:59pm Jul 28 2010
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{ "The man who should not be named" WHOOP! Josh has now been named the new Voldemort. xDDD } Josh caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and his breathing excellerated. He knew it was Paradise. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, trying to ignore that fact that he'd saw her, and kept walking. That hollow, dull pain that thudded in his chest in time with his heartbeats started again, making him feel the sudden urge to whirl around and wrap her in a tight embrace. But he didn't. He kept walking, one step at a time.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:05pm Jul 28 2010
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(( LOL!!!!!!! )) Paradise watched as he walked by, and the whole time, she held her breath. She could feel the awkward and pain keeping them apart from confrontation. When he was all the way past her house, she frowned at the fact that she was invisible to him again. He probably was already on the move to another girl, that was more pretty, less emotional, more fun to be around, and less insecure. She frowned, as she closed her eyes again. Thankful that she wasn't going to school. A hunger pain filled her stomach, which was a different pain for the day. She groaned slightly, and held her stomach, and kept frowning. THen closed her eyes again. She wanted to cry. She wanted to run back to him and say that she was sorry that she wasn't what he wanted her to be, then cry in his arms until he rejected her. It wasn't a surprise that she didn't reach his expectations. That thought, made a couple tears fall down, but she forced to keep the rest in, until she was secure, in her bed, with the door locked, so noone could hear her sobs.
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9:11pm Jul 28 2010
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{ He certainly does act like it, the meany. :C -snuggles Paradise- } When Josh slid into his first clas s of the day, he ignored Paradise's man friend's glares, and chatted avidly with a girl by the name of Rosa. Her hair was rather long, sort of untidy, and she had a couple blemishes on her face, and uneven teeth, but he didn't seem to mind. She was nice; helping him figure out the tricky science questions. But all through clas s, his mind would wander back to Paradise, and his eyes would get a glazed-over look to them. Sometimes Rosa noticed, sometimes she didn't, but she never pried, which was nice. She was a good friend.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:16pm Jul 28 2010
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(( AWW LOL this RP is getting really depressing...but i love it....lol)) Paradise was sitting in the same position the whole day. And fell asleep half the time. Her back ached, and she could really use a ibprofen for various reasons. She sighed, and held her stomach. She hasn't eaten anything in atleast 12 hours. More tears stung her eyes, and she held her knees. She finally started to get up, and wander around. She needed to stretch. Since she was sitting for a long time. She chose to wander around the nieghborhood. Noone was home, so she could have more time by herself. She was starting to like it. She smiled as she walked off the porch steps, and onto the side walk.
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9:31pm Jul 28 2010
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{ xP } Finally the lunch bell rang, after math, and Josh scurried into the cafeteria without a glance backwards. He grabbed a slice of pizza, tossed it on his tray and took a seat near the back, where he waited for Rosa to come meet him. A few of the other girls looked like they were going to come sit with him, but a stern look in their direction made them veer away. He ached for Paradise to just appear out of nowhere, sit next to him, and start chattering about some useless topic so he could join in. The silence that hovered around him was driving him mad, but he wasn't about to go looking for her. She was just like them. His eyes flickered to the stuck-up snobs sitting a few tables away.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:35pm Jul 28 2010
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(( Brain deadness SORRY! i hate when it happens...-trys to think-))
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9:44pm Jul 28 2010
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Paradise kept walking down the sidewalk, and thinking. She was at first enjoying the thoughts in her mind, until she saw the bench from yesterday. She frowned, and kept going. Her thoughts didn't get any better, when she saw Ritas. She started realizing this walk wasn't doing any good. She sighed, and chose to walk back home.
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