9:49pm Jul 28 2010
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The school bell rang, and as Josh said a hasty goodbye to Rosa, he scooped up his backpack and started to leave the school. The sun beamed down on them, suddenly warming up the atmosphere from where it had been hiding behind the dense storm clouds. As he walked onto the street to get back to his house, he realized that someone walked not three meters ahead of him was Paradise. It was obvious; her features were something he'd come to memorize.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:52pm Jul 28 2010
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Paradise looked up slightly and saw someone coming toward her. She could tell it was Josh, and for his mood's sake, and her hearts sake, she decided to avoid. She stopped, and walked across the street, to the other side of the side walk. Breathing heavy. And looking down.
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10:06pm Jul 28 2010
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Disappointment blossomed in his chest, making him automatically feel deflated. Head down, hair in his eyes, he began to saunter home, not even bothering to watch where he was walking. He looked back at Paradise, once, but he soon realized it wasn't any help, and continued walking.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:20pm Jul 28 2010
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Paradise looked back at him then back to where she was walking. Her direction was home, and she realized, they may not be walking on the same sidewalk, but they were going in the same direction. She knew that along the way, he'd sooner or later would have to change sides, and go to the sidewalk she was on. She frowned and kept going.
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10:41am Jul 29 2010
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(( BUMPP ))
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8:05pm Jul 29 2010
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(( BUMPP ))
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8:16pm Jul 29 2010
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Josh's eyes flickered over to her, again, as pain flare through his chest. "Damn it," he hissed through his teeth as he picked up the pace. It was sweltering outside, and he wanted to get home and sit in the air conditioning, and a read a nice book or two.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:36pm Jul 29 2010
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Paradise thought at first, that she wasn't going to like this walk of hers. And she still wasn't a big fan of it. But it was worth it. She learned alot about herself as she thought about somethings. LIke why she was crying so much, Why they're was pain every time she saw some girl look at Josh, Why she ever liked Josh so much. She smiled at the realization, of knowing all the answers. These mistakes helped her realize some things. She watched Josh from the corner of her eyes. And smirked. Through the walk, she also told herself she had to move on. And that's what she did. She won't look at Josh, with pain anymore. Like she thought she was going to. She will look at him, like a friend. No matter how much he hated her, she will love him like a friend loves. She also made a plan, to NEVER EVER like a guy again, in atleast a year or 2. She needed to get this sharp pain out of her heart first.
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9:54pm Jul 29 2010
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{ Nooooo. You can't move on, Paradise! >;O -shakes violently- } Josh, even though it had been only a day, couldn't stand it anymore. Everywhere he looked, he was realizing the wrong things in people. Oh, that guy's eyes look like Paradise's! That girl's hair is the same color! etc. He frowned, looking straight at her (which made pain explode in his chest again), and started to walk up to her with a guilty ex pression on his face. He was sorry for yelling at her, and saying mean things to her, and comparing her to trash like the 'popular group'. "P-P-P-" He stopped trying to talk, for a moment, astounded. He'd never stuttered before; not once. "P-Paradise? Can we...t-talk?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:03pm Jul 29 2010
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(( AAWW THIS IS TOO CUTE! sorry...it just is...lOl)) She jumped at her name being called, and looked at him with a wierd ex pression by his stuttering. Like she told herself, she looked at him differently. Atleast she tried too. "Um...Sure?" She said. But it was more of a question. She was going to say, 'If you plan to bash me again, don't even try it'. But she told herself she'd love him as a friend loves. So she kept her temper inside. She was good at it.
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10:14pm Jul 29 2010
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{ Paradise can't love him as a friend >:C Because Josh is just realizing he LOVES her Gosh, Paradise. xD gotta make things so difficult. } Heart thudding in his chest wildly, Josh started to explain. "I-I'm sorry for treating you the way I did, Paradise." He sucked in a deep breath, trying not to look too miserable. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, or said all those things to you, or compared you to that...to that garbage at our school." He felt his skin grow warm and prickly, like he was standing too close to a fire. "I miss you so much...All day I couldn't get you out of my head...and when I saw you..." he paused, lost for words. "My chest, it just..." He gave up. "I'm sorry."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:21pm Jul 29 2010
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The whole time he talked, and apoligized, Paradise stared at him like he had 5 heads. Why would someone miss her? She didn't know. But she wasn't going to ask. After he said he was sorry, she would've thought that she would smile and probably say she was too, and then hugged him. But she frowned at him, "Whats...What's wrong with your chest?" Now she was worried, as she walked over to him.
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10:33pm Jul 29 2010
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{ lol. "What's wrong with your chest?" D: Sounds like she's worried he might have cancer } "W-When I saw you, earlier, walking home from school..." Josh said, pausing, unsure of how to explain it. He took her hand, gently, and set it on his chest so she could feel his heart beating through his shirt. "It hurt."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:36pm Jul 29 2010
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She gently kept her hand on his chest. But she was very confused. One minute he was yelling at her, the second he was apoligizing. But she smiled at him and bit her lip. She got her hand off his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist. And squeezed tightly. Then said, really quietly, "I'm sorry too" (( OMG LOLOLOLOL!!! I gotta go :P))
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10:40pm Jul 29 2010
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{ omg. -waves goodbye- D': } Josh wrapped his arms around her waist, and set his forehead so it rested on the top of her head. "I missed you," he whispered, so no one else could hear. "I missed everything about you."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:38am Jul 30 2010
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(( lOl I didn't want to leave either...)) Paradise bit her lip, when she heard Josh's words. It felt good, to be missed, even when she couldn't understand why Josh would miss her. Paradise felt special, but she still thought he was crazy."There's not much to miss..."She said, as she let go of his waist, a little and looked up at him. Their faces were about an inch apart. It made her have goosebumps, at the thought of what could happen next. She let go of his waist all the way, and moved her head away from his. She wanted to say, 'She missed him too'. But she was too speechless to say anything else. Of course, right after she says she was going to get over it, he comes back. She smiled at him, with confidence and said, "So were friends again?" She crossed her arms, and wanting to see how much it hurt him when she said 'friends', because it hurt her when he would say it. You could call it revenge. But she was just testing his feelings.
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6:01pm Jul 30 2010
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(( BUMPP ))
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12:51pm Jul 31 2010
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(( BUMP *sniffles* ))
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6:44pm Aug 2 2010
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Josh winced slightly, but regained his hearty smile. "Of course, we're..." he paused, letting his sentence drift off without another comment. He let go of her reluctantly, confused with himself about his rather suddenly intensified emotions towards her. Perhaps he had eaten something bad? "Yeah," he said, clearing his throat after uncomfortably. "I'd ask if you wanted to hang out sometime, but I'm grounded for the rest of the month, so I can't..." He added on as an afterthought, "I'm glad we're, er-" Wince. "Friends again."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:01pm Aug 2 2010
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She smiled at Josh. "I am glad too." Very glad. She sighed of relief. That pain she had a couple moments ago, was completely gone, and her emotions waved over her. She felt as if she had no more tears she could ever cry again. She frowned at him, after she realized what he said. "YOur grounded? Why?"
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