3:59pm Aug 3 2010
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Josh fidgeted uncomfortably under her gaze. "For sneaking out," he said without looking at Paradise. "But it's no big deal; I'll probably just sneak out while I'm grounded again anyways." He smirked, eyes flickering over her familiar features fondly. "I should start heading home. If I'm not home by a certain time I'll die," he added on with a laugh, "And I have more homework to do."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:51pm Aug 3 2010
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She smirked back at him, "Well i don't want to get you in trouble..So I guess i'll see you later?" She tried her best to smile, trying to hide how she was feeling. Now she was completely positive that he would never love, or even like, her. Sure, he did say he missed her. But they became pretty close. She would have missed him too, even if she didn't like him.
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4:56pm Aug 4 2010
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(( BUMPP ))
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7:35pm Aug 4 2010
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{ sorreh; I was buying my friend's b-day present and then I went to bed } Josh smiled at her, eyes more bright and lively than they had been all day. "Definately." he said confidently, starting to walk towards his house again. A gnawing pain developed in his stomach all of a sudden, making him want to turn back and talk some more with her. But he shoved the feeling off and trudged up his driveway with a glance backwards, hoping to see her again.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:03pm Aug 4 2010
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Paradise frowned, when he left. I knew it.. She thought. The test for seeing how he acted when she said 'friends' didn't work out. From what she saw, he made no real hope for her, to see anything more then friends. She sulked, and purposely walked the opposite way from him. She walked around her neighborhood circle again, telling herself its going to be okay, if there just friends. And when she reached her house, and hour or two later, she really, finally, thought. Its going to be okay, if were just friends... She smiled as she walked up the porch stairs. She felt a little better. She frowned again. Great. The door was still locked. She rolled her eyes, and sat on the porch swing again. Her stomach growled. "GREAT! Just GREAT!" She said to herself, frustrated. She slouched as she sat. This was the worst day ever. The one she absolutly loves, doesn't even look at her with more then friendship attitudes, She has to tell herself to look at him that same way, when she knew it was impossible, and now the doors locked, and she was starving. She sighed, and closed her eyes, as some hunger pains kicked in.
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4:01pm Aug 5 2010
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(( BUMP ))
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5:25pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 5:44pm Aug 5 2010)
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Josh stalled at the door, uncertain, and then walked inside and tossed his bag aside. "Pick that up," his aunt snarled at him, waving a wooden spoon threateningly. Apparently she was making dinner...how long had he been talking to Paradise? "Yeah, yeah," he muttered, scooping up his backpack again. He stormed up to his room, pulled out his cell phone, and texted Paradise. "Hope this works," he mumbled. "Unless she gave me a fake number.." " Hey there. "
wuss poppin jimbo
5:44pm Aug 5 2010
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Paradise jumped by a random buzzing on her upper thigh in her pocket. She smiled, hoping it was her mom telling her that she was coming home early, instead it was a Josh. Which still made her smile. She hesitated, not wanting to look eager, and reply a second after he texts her. So she sat for a minute or 2 before replying. Staring at the clock, hoping it would go faster, so she could respond. (IDK If he gave her, his number, so i'm just going to say he did..? Lol)) Finally after 3 to 4 minutes, she couldn't wait any longer, and finally responded. "Hey" When she was younger, and had her girl friends with her more often, they would always help her with guys. Make them wait. And have them start conversations. Which was why she only said, 'hey'. They would say it was part of hard to get, but why was she playing hard to get, if she couldn't like him that way now? She shook her head at herself, knowing she was just setting herself up for a heartbreak and, feeling pathetic for staring at her phone, waiting for him to reply.
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5:49pm Aug 5 2010
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Josh grinned wider when his cellphone buzzed, and looked at it for a moment. He know he shouldn't have felt overly excited, almost like a kid on christmas, when she texted back. That was just... abnormal for him. " Whatcha doing? :P " He answered quickly, listening for any sign of his adopted family coming to check on him. He set the volume down to 'vibrate' and started to pull his homework out as he waited for her to say something back.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:59pm Aug 5 2010
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(( IN a rush, sorry for the smallness!)) Paradise read, and waited a couple mintues. Eager the whole time. THen replyed. "Sitting on the swing, starving...You?"
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6:11pm Aug 5 2010
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Josh felt the smile slip off his face. He texted back eagerly, unhappily, not paying attention to the whereabouts of his aunt and uncle. " Starving? :( That's not good. My aunt and uncle are going out tonight... want me to bring you something to eat? " He pressed enter, stuffing his phone in his pockets as he started to hear footsteps. His uncle hollared from the hall, "We're leaving...don't get into anymore trouble or it'll be the strap for you!" Wincing, he called a hasty goodbye to them and pulled his phone back out.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:48pm Aug 5 2010
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She smiled. He was now officially her favorite person in the whole world. Not that, that was anything knew. He always has been. But she frowned. He was grounded, she didn't want him to get in trouble becuase of her again. "I wouldn't want to get you in trouble..." She, like before, was eager for a reply.
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7:54pm Aug 5 2010
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" It wouldn't make a difference. ;) I'm always getting in crap from my aunt and uncle. Sides, it'll be fun. :D We can eat, and then go to the park or something. Plus, I heard that the lake is pretty at night. " He waited a moment, heart thudding, and added on nervously, "So is it a date :)?" He pressed enter, and started doodling on his paper in anticipation.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:07pm Aug 5 2010
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She smiled, and almost shrieked when she felt her phone buzz in her hands, and did shriek quietly when she saw "JOSH" On the screen. She took a deep breath and opened it. She didn't really know how to reply. Of course, she wanted to go. But when he put 'is it a date?' she frowned. She wanted to be excited, but it was more of a forceful frown. Everyone said, 'its a date!' When you make plans. which is what hurt her the most. So she talked around that comment, because if she even thought about how they were just friends. She'd get sick. "Lets do it, :)"
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10:29pm Aug 5 2010
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"I'll be at your house in ten minutes," he typed back, scrambling out of his room as he shoved his phone in his pocket. Yanking open the cupboards and the fridge, he tried to think of something he could make in ten minutes. ~ten minutes later~ Josh walked onto Paradise's porch, smiling, and nodded towards the tray covered in aluminum foil. "I can't cook very well," he said with a laugh, "So I hope you don't mind grilled cheese."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:32pm Aug 5 2010
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She smiled, and got up from the porch swing. After she got his text, she quickly tried to make herself look atleast a little bit better. "I don't mind." As she sat on the porch stairs, motioning him to sit down next to her. Anything was good at that moment, because of how hungry she was.
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10:38pm Aug 5 2010
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Josh smirked, sitting down next to her so close their shoulders brushed lightly. He pulled off the aluminum, a delicious sent wafting through the air. He took one sandwich for himself, and smirked. "The other two are for you," he said. "I figured you were hungry enough; if not, we can feed it to birds and stuff when we walk down to the lake." His eyes were bright.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:44pm Aug 5 2010
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She didn't want to look like a pig, infront of him. But she knew she could probably handle 2, but she'd live with 1. "Lets give the other to the birds or whatever when we go down." She smiled, and took a bite. "Thanks." With a bright smile on her face. She never loved a grilled cheese so much.
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10:59pm Aug 5 2010
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(( I GOTTA GO BYE :( ))
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10:59pm Aug 5 2010
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Josh took a bite out of his own, thinking deeply for a moment as he swallowed. He blinked, and then realized he had been staring at her. Blushing furiously, he looked the other way and ran a hand through his hair. "It doesn't taste too bad," he said, taking another bite out of his grilled cheese.
wuss poppin jimbo