11:00pm Aug 5 2010
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( bye D: )
wuss poppin jimbo
5:46am Aug 6 2010
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She shrugged, and said, "tastes fine to me." She sort of noticed the staring, but she knew he was probably looking at something, that was just in her direction. That's happened many times, with other people. Then she took the last bite of her's, and waited for Josh.
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1:01pm Aug 6 2010
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Josh swallowed the last of his sandwich, glancing upwards. He cleared his throat and mumbled, "What do you want to do now?" The sky was starting to melt into a fiery orange color as the sun sank below the horizon.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:04pm Aug 6 2010
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She sighed and thought of an answer. "Didn't you say there was a lake, at the park?" (( GAH! Sorry for the one liner! ))
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1:18pm Aug 6 2010
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( Its okay. ^^" ) ( Guess what!? I'm getting a bunny!! :D ) "Yeah," Josh said, looking at her. "Do you want to head out now, then? By the time we get there, I imagine it'd be dark." ( One-liner. x__x )
wuss poppin jimbo
1:30pm Aug 6 2010
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(( GAH! Bunnies are my favorite! As you can see by my username...lol..)) She nodded. "Lets go." She was sick of sitting on that porch. And she knew that if they just sat and talked, certain subjects would soon be brought up, that she wasn't ready for. She got up, and brushed any dirt that could be on her jeans. And smiled at him. She didn't know why though, because she didn't like him like that anymore. (She is playing a curious game of denial :O ))
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9:25am Aug 7 2010
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(( BUMP))
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9:46pm Aug 8 2010
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(( BUMP ))
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9:48pm Aug 8 2010
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( hehe.. trip soon. x3 ) Josh stood up too, brushed off his own jeans, and smiled back. "We should do this more often," he said quietly as they started to cross her lawn. "I'm having fun already." He smirked, adding on, "Although, I'm not going to get any of my homework done thanks to you."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:51pm Aug 8 2010
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She rolled her eyes, and said, "Not my fault! You offered to come out here." Then ran a hand through her hair, and smiled at him. Seeing the bruise on his nose from when he fell a couple days ago, made her smile. Even though she completely humiliated herself. After more silence, she decided she should probably break it, and stop staring at him. "Having fun already? All we did was eat."
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9:55pm Aug 8 2010
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"I'm pumped!" Josh said, grinning at her. "I have this ability to get myself all excited before anything happens, and then relax complete when we finally get there." He chuckled. "And besides, eating is fun~" He winked.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:59pm Aug 8 2010
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She smiled, and said, "I guess eating is fun.." Then chuckled at that. But didn't respond to his comment about getting excited. Not wanting to be rude, and say he did have quite a bit of energy. Or double hers. Which ever one. When they got to the lake, she smiled. He was right. It was beautiful at night. "Probably the most beautifulest thing..." She said to herself, as she walked down to it.
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10:04pm Aug 8 2010
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Josh's energy had been fading on the way to the lake, and by the time they'd gotten there, he was completely sober and quiet. "I doubt that," he said, looking at her with a serious, determined ex pression on his face. Following her down, he stood beside her silently, before he took her hand in his. "Not with you around, it isn't."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:08pm Aug 8 2010
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When she felt her hands in his, she smirked. But tried to hide it, when she looked back at up. She could feel herself blushing, but knew what he was saying wasn't true. As she stared at him, she smiled. Not really knowing what to say. The thoughts about not liking him came back. She gently let go of his hand, and said, "Nah..." As she looked away, and walked closer, and put her feet in the water, as she sat.
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10:11pm Aug 8 2010
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Rejection stung like she'd slapped him across the face. He sat down next to her, shoulders brushing against each other, and smiled. "So," he said quietly, eyes focusing on a little twinkling star in the distance, "you said before...that you didn't have a boyfriend?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:13pm Aug 8 2010
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Smirking, she said, "Sometimes, that's a good thing." She put her fingers on the water, it felt nice. If Josh magically turned into a girl, she'd probably go in. She sighed, and looked at him, confused, but couldn't help but smile as she looked at him. "Why you ask?"
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10:18pm Aug 8 2010
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"I was wondering," he said, looking back at her with an unfamiliar shy smile. "If you'd be willing to..." He paused, not sure of how to say what he was trying to say. "willing to change that relationship status, so to say."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:25pm Aug 8 2010
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She sighed. She was never a big fan of those kind of relationships. Everytime she had a boyfriend, he'd hurt her somehow. That was before she met Josh though. That's when she realized love literally equals pain. She looked back down, knowing that Josh, was probably talking about some other guy. Josh could never like Paradise. It was impossible. "Tell whoever it is i'm not interested..." As she smiled and shrugged at him. "Can't use that pain right now. Got enough." As she played with the water again. To change the subject, a little she said, "So, ironically, You don't have a girlfriend?" The, 'ironically' was more of a joke. Atleast she wanted it to seem that way. She was actually quite surprised by all the girls he could choose from.
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10:31pm Aug 8 2010
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Josh winced, pulling away from her. "No," he said somberly. "Last girl I asked-" he did a good imitation of her voice, "-'I'm not interested'." He got to his feet, pretending to glance at the watch on his wrist with a heavy weight on his heart. "I have to go."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:31pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 10:32pm Aug 8 2010)
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* noms double post *
wuss poppin jimbo