10:32pm Aug 8 2010
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10:41pm Aug 8 2010
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( bye~ Dx )
wuss poppin jimbo
2:35pm Aug 9 2010
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Paradise frowned at him, and said, "Well we just got here..." She got to her feet, to talk to him eye to eye. "Why do you have to go so soon?" She couldn't help but stare at his bruise again, on his nose, and smirked. But quickly looked away from it, and back up at his eyes. Which, by the way, weren't so hard to look at either.
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5:26pm Aug 12 2010
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(( BUMP))
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11:41pm Aug 12 2010
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Josh looked away from her, a lump forming in his throat. It made it hard to talk. "My uncle and aunt will be home soon," he lied smoothly. "Unless you'd prefer I'd get grounded a little longer for your sake?" Without waiting for an answer from her, he started to walk away grumpily, hands in his pockets. "bye,"
wuss poppin jimbo
9:28am Aug 13 2010
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Paradise frowned, and ran up to catch up with him. "You said you didn't care about that..." When she was next to him again, she frowned, "What...? Is it because your embarressed about ONE girl saying she wasn't interested?" She smirked, thinking she was right. "Oh Cmon Josh! There are plenty of girls out there, and she was one! Whoever she is, she's crazy for not liking you!" And it was the truth. She tried to say it, as a friend would say it. And she thought she did a pretty good job at it. If she had to say it, by how her heart felt, there would be plenty more words.
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11:08am Aug 13 2010
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"Yes," Josh said solemnly. "You are crazy," He swallowed against the lump in his throat, trying not to look uncomfortable and fidgety. Trying carefully to avoid her eyes, he kept walking without saying anything else.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:28pm Aug 13 2010
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Paradise frowned, "Excuse me?" She kept trying to catch up with him, but it seemed like he really wanted to leave. "Wait..." She grabbed his hand and forced him to stop walking. Stepping in front of him, she smirked. She could've sworn he said SHE was the one crazy. But she has been hearing things ever since she met the guy. "What did you say?"
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6:11pm Aug 13 2010
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"Nothing," Josh said with a serious look on his face. His eyes met hers for a moment, and chills danced up and down his spine. "I didn't say anything. You must have been imagining it." He tried to walk past her, but she seemed to block him. "Will you move?" he said with a frown. He tacked on as an afterthought, "Please?"
wuss poppin jimbo
6:19pm Aug 13 2010
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Paradise frowned, and slid to the side. She new liking him was a mistake. but she still couldn't help it. He didn't like her, first of all. And he was mean to her, in ways. If he ever liked her, he would know how sensitive she is to words and everything else. She walked the opposite way he was walking, not responding. Pursing her lips, keeping her back towards him. Not looking back. She knew something will come out of her eyes, the second she sat back down.
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6:29pm Aug 13 2010
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Josh stopped walking, turning around to look at her. She was turned away from him, sitting, look so vulnerable. He knew she was probably going to cry, and he hated it. He hated that he had hurt her so much. It was silent as Josh tried to figure out what to do; leave, or go comfort her. He really wanted to go home, but the latter option was so appealing. Frowning to himself, he walked up silently behind her, and without warning, threw his arms around her waist, hugging her gently from behind. "Hey," he said softly into her ear. "Please don't be mad at me."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:48pm Aug 13 2010
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She smirked, feeling his arms around her. Her heart skipped a beat. Feeling his breath against her ear, she smirked. But tried to hide it. "I..I'm not.." She said, looking down. Trying to act casual as she wiped her cheeks. But she new that 'acting casual' hasn't been working lately.
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9:36pm Aug 13 2010
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(( BUMP!!! ))
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10:23pm Aug 13 2010
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"Good," Josh murmured, resting his chin gently on her shoulder. "Because I don't like it when you cry. It's..." he frowned, trying to find proper wording. "Well, it just bothers me a lot." He smiled again, eyes on the side of her face, even though he couldn't see her eyes. "You know?" he asked slowly, breath tickling the back of her neck. "I think I just found my Paradise."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:27pm Aug 13 2010
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Paradise felt a shiver go down her spine. She couldn't hide it anymore. She smiled wider then she ever did before. She squirmed a bit, feeling like she was about to vommit, just by feeling his breath against her. She swallowed hard, and turned her head to look at him. Seeing his eyes on her, she smiled. And breathed heavy. She couldn't take this. Trying to stop smiling, she said- Oh wait! She was too speechless to say a thing. She licked her lips, out of habit, and stared back at him. Still smiling.
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10:39pm Aug 13 2010
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Things finally registered in Josh's brain. He was close to Paradise. Closer than he'd even been before. And his heart...it was thudding rapidly in his chest, threatening to break free. And Paradise... she looked more beautiful than she ever did at this angle. And his thoughts... they were screaming at him to do something. So he did. Leaning forwards, his lips brushing against hers lightly, just enough to make it a kiss. He felt warmth spread through his body from there, pulsing through his veins like some sort of love-induced steroid.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:42pm Aug 13 2010
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The second he pressed his lips against her, that shiver came back. But she liked it. She squirmed a little more, with this odd feeling inside. She smiled through their kiss, as she turned around to face him, and wrapped her arms around his kneck. That usually wasn't like her, but SHe couldn't help it. It was as if that 'odd feeling' was controlling her. And she let it.
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10:47pm Aug 13 2010
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Josh sighed, pulling back before he let himself take it too far for her comfort. They were still locked in their embrace, but the only difference was that they were no long kissing, but staring into each others eyes. "Paradise," he said gently. "Why didn't you ever tell me...?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:51pm Aug 13 2010
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She looked at him, confused for a long time. Completly starstruck by their kiss. When reality finally hit, she looked back at his eyes. "I..." She smirked, "That's not fair...You never told me either..." She smiled, "I never would've thought you even-" She stopped herself. Not wanting to go down that road again. She was still confused as to why he even liked her. Why would he like someone like her? I'm not the prettiest...Or the smartest...And VERY emotional...WHy would he ever even let me steal a kiss from him? She sighed, trying to get these thoughts out of her mind. (( PSSTT! I just have to let you know...This is my favorite RP <3 ))
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10:58pm Aug 13 2010
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(( Oh, thankyou <3 )) (( This one's on my top 5 :3 )) "I like you," he said. "Because you're different. You're..." His eyes shimmered as his grip tightened slightly on her. "you. Unique. Creative." Josh smiled. "I knew that the first time I saw you, scribbling in your little note book." He moved one arm to tap on his bruised nose. "I wouldn't have done this for that ditsy brunette."
wuss poppin jimbo