11:02pm Aug 13 2010
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She smiled. And closed her eyes for a second or 2, then looked back at him. She wanted to kiss him again. And be with him..forever. So instead, she very gently kissed his nose. "I like you too...And I think I have, ever since I met you." She held his kneck closer. To where their noses were touching. But she didn't kiss him yet. Wanting to make sure he'd want to first. And not wanting to make a big mistake, and ruin it, by doing something he didn't want to do. She breathed heavy, very nervous for some reason by what was happening. THen smiled. Still liking this feeling building up inside her heart. (( Yeah, I think I should've said it that way. Like one of my tops. Because i have SOOOO many RP's that its hard to just choose one...So yeah :PP ))
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11:16pm Aug 13 2010
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(( Yeah. xD I've been on Res for like, 2 years. I've got A LOT of favs. LOL. And no offence, but Paradise kinda reminds me of a spaz. xD )) Josh smiled. "When I rejected your hand shake?" he teased. Noticing her pulling him closer, his heart skipped another beat, and the heat in his veins flared up. Wherever his skin touched hers seemed to be blazing hot. Staring into her eyes for another moment, trying to make up his mind, he leaned in for another kiss, lips pressed against hers more confidently the second time around.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:27pm Aug 13 2010
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(( GOSH. I've only have for 2 or 3 months...lol... OMG YOUR RIGHT. :O Bhahaa. There is always something ODD with my charrie. With this one, she was oddly emotional....I think that was when I was first starting to Rp. So i was like knew to it all. Knowing how i RP now..I think i wouldn't have made her do that lOLOLOL OMG, what handshake? *Gets confused*)) Paradise smiled as she saw him leaning to her lips again. ((Hrm..Should I make it romantic and have it rain? i think I shall...) She felt a drop of liquid go right inbetween their lips, and she smirked. As she felt rain falling quite hard around them. Shivering slightly by what was all happening, she smirked. Trying not to ruin the moment by smiling and letting go.
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11:34pm Aug 13 2010
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(( When she said "Hi I'm paradise!" or whatever and tried to shake his hand. XD )) (( And lol. all my charras are screwed up in some little way. xD )) Josh held her righter against himself, shivering slightly as the icy rain splattered against them. He tried to ignore it, deepening the kiss a little, but soon he was shaking so violently that his teeth were starting to chatter. Pulling away, he smiled fondly at her. "Perhaps," he said, smoothing her hair behind one of her ears. "I should be getting you home now?"
wuss poppin jimbo
11:47pm Aug 13 2010
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(( OH! I remember!!!! Feels like just yesterday...:O )) She shivered just as much as he did, and found herself keeping close to his torso, his body heat warming her just slightly. She nodded her head, and said, "Sure." She didn't want to say how, she'll probably be stuck in the freezingness all night again. So she kept that part a secret. Not wanting to force him to stay with her, no matter how much she wanted him to.
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11:49pm Aug 13 2010
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Josh smiled, sweeping his right arm under her legs, and started to carry her away from the beach bridal style. He hugged her to his chest, shivering as the rain continued to pour down on them. He laughed, making it look like he was going to drop her, and then continued walking. "You look cold," he said with a smirk.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:57pm Aug 13 2010
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Paradise held on to his kneck, tighter and screamed when he 'almost dropped her'. "That wasn't funny.." She said with a laugh, as she shivered. She snuggled her nose (Or face..Which ever one..) in his kneck. Keeping her face warm. She closed her eyes, and smiled. Feeling like the most happiest, person in the world. Now may be love was a different story, but for now. She'll like the feeling of being 'special' for once.
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12:10am Aug 14 2010
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"Sure it was," Josh smirked. "to me." His eyes were narrowed as he tried to keep the water out of them, wincing as something hard hit the top of his head. Looking upwards, he noticed it was starting to hail. "Darn," he mumbled, starting to jog.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:18am Aug 14 2010
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She frowned and looked up, snuggling her head back in his kneck. Still shivering, she said, "I can walk." She said, trying to squirm out of his arms to get down. She didn't want to be the one, making him have issues with all this hail. She flinched as she felt some sharp ones come down faster on her forearm.
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12:21am Aug 14 2010
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Josh frowned at her. "Quit wriggling," he muttered. "We're almost to your house anyways. And I know you can walk," he added on with a teasing laugh, "but I'm not sure you can run as fast as I can, so I'm gonna carry you." Thunder pounded his eardrums, rain soaked his shirt and hail rained down on him. But he didn't mind; unusually, he actually enjoyed thunderstorms. It was just Paradise he was worried about.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:26am Aug 14 2010
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Paradise rolled her eyes, at his stubbornness and said, "Fine..." With a huff, as she went back to her normal position, closing her eyes, face covered in his kneck so the hail didn't hit her face. The thunder made her nervous about tonight. Her mom wouldn't be home for another 4 days. And Paradise's phone was probably already ruined in her pocket. Oh great.... She thought. Her mom'll probably yell at her, for ruining THAT to. She sighed, and opened her eyes, just to almost get hail in them. She quickly closed them.
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12:31am Aug 14 2010
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Josh skidded to a halt in front of her house, feet sliding on the slippery sidewalk. Striding up onto the porch, he set Paradise on her feet, and started to rattle the doorknob. "It's locked," he said with a frown. "Don't you have a house key or something?" They were safe from the rain, but being wet, it was still a little chilly.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:42am Aug 14 2010
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She walked up next to him, and rolled her eyes slightly, "Sure... I have a key, but I chose to sleep outside last night." Then she smiled and nudged him a little, then said, with her usual tone, "No. My mom has the spare, and I locked mine in the house somewhere." She walked away from the door and looked through the window. Hoping he wouldn't say just to 'break the window'. She'd be too scared for her mother to freak out on her again.
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12:45am Aug 14 2010
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( When're we gonna start the other RP? o3o ) Josh examined the lock for a moment, thinking, and then shoved his hands in his pockets and started looking for something. After a moment, he pulled out a pocket knife in one hand, and a bobby pin in the other. He smirked. "Yes, I can pick locks. Don't be alarmed at all." he rolled his eyes, crouching, and started to work on the lock in silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:52am Aug 14 2010
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(( Sorry! I had to get off really fast! Start checking my siggy to see if i am on or not, so I don't have to post it! bahahaha. SOrry )) Paradise rolled her eyes. He would... SHe crossed her arms over her chest, and walked over to him. Standing beside him. The winds were blowing harder now, and the hail started going in their direction. Frowning, she knelt down beside him, rubbing her forearms so they can warm up, keeping her back against any hail or rain that was coming their way.
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2:39pm Aug 14 2010
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With a click, the gears switched positions, and the door swung open. He smiled at her, "There you go, ma'am. Warmth and shelter." With a chuckle, he pecked her on the lips, and then swung his legs over the railings. "See ya soon!" he called as he hopped off the porch, and started to jog away from Paradise's house. "And don't lock yourself outside!!"
wuss poppin jimbo
2:47pm Aug 14 2010
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Paradise smiled. Just by that one peck, she was starstruck again. She rolled her eyes at his teasing, and walked inside. Closing the door behind her, then through the window, watched him run until he wasn't visible anymore (Stalker :O ). Then walked to her room, and right to bed. Planning on dreaming about him. Right when she closed her eyes, she smirked as she got her phone out. And opened it. It wasn't broken!? THat's something different. (That's happened before, so it wasn't something 'ironic' LOL HAHA) She opened it and texted Josh. Thanks :) Was all she said. SHe just was in the mood for those butterflies, she got when she saw his name pop up on her phone. (( I gotta go. *irritated face* GR BAI's! ))
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2:50pm Aug 14 2010
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( Bai Dx ) Josh's phone buzzed just as he dragged his soaked body through his open window. He peeled off his shirt, and changed into dry boxers before he flopped onto his bed. He smirked, waiting a minute to think of what to say to her. Any time ;)
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm Aug 14 2010
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(( back for just like 5 minutes lol DX )) Paradise quickly looked at her phone, the second it buzzed. Seeing Josh's name gave her that same feeling, and she shrieked a little. Sighing, she opened it, and read it. Smiling, she replyed. G'night. :P She was so exhausted, that she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, for his reply.
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9:38pm Aug 14 2010
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Sweet dreams. Josh tossed his phone lightly onto his desk, then flicked the light off as he laid there, silent. Eventually his mind stopped overworking itself and he drifted into a light, easy sleep.
wuss poppin jimbo