3:13pm Aug 18 2010
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( I like romance/violence. :3 And I don't have a clue in the world as to what could happen. XD Perhaps his uncle walks in just as she kisses him again or something, an he flips out? XXDDD /brindead. )
wuss poppin jimbo
3:17pm Aug 18 2010
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(( OKAY!!! Um...I have 2 ideas...)) Paradise smiled at him. And sat down on the bed next to him. Playing with his hair again, as she said, "I guess I can take that risk" As she leaned down, and pressed her lips against his lips. Keeping her hands, in his hair. She didn't know why, but she always loved his hair.
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4:30pm Aug 18 2010
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( Tell me :O ) ( And his hair is very pretty <3 hehe ) Josh, stunned for a moment, let himself relax and kiss her back. He moved his hands to her waist, fighting back a smile. He didn't want to ruin the moment.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:14pm Aug 18 2010
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(( Bahahaha. I love guy's hair sometimes <3 I like it messy, and NOT LONG! :o I actually forgot it..But when I remember i will let you know!!!)) Paradise smiled, when he didn't reject their kiss, and felt his hands on her waist. She couldn't help, but get a little more comfortable, and lay slightly ontop of him. No space between them, and not letting go of his lips. She couldn't help herself. It was just a couple days ago, that they had that big fight. And she thought they'd never talk again.
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10:44pm Aug 18 2010
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( Oh yay <3 ) ( And I love guys with DARK hair. o3o Long, but not so long they are able to put it in a ponytail. Dx. Blonde hair is cute with green or blue eyes. :3 ) Josh had just deepened the kiss when somebody knocked the door wide open, causing him to jump. He pushed Paradise off of him slightly, eyes wide. "Er-" His Uncle stood there, chubby face purple with rage. "You said you were sick!" he roared, ignoring Paradise's presence. "You filthy little liar!" His mustache quivered as he glared across the room at Josh. Josh bristled, narrowing his eyes. "I am sick!" he hissed, wrapping an arm around Paradise's waist again. He tried not to look too angry. "We were just-" "I regret taking you in!" His Uncle spat, grinding his teeth together. "You're just like your damn parents!" He was shaking now, and his Aunt had come upstairs to see what all the fuss was about. "Paradise," Josh whispered into her ear. "Thanks for coming...but I think you should leave now." He let his eyes linger on her's calmly before he pecked her on the lips and let go of her waist.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:04am Aug 19 2010
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(( OMGOMGOMG I love dark hair <3. I just hate the 'Skaterboy' cut. Where the can swish it with thier little wierd head bang lol. IDK if your a fan of twilight, but i'm not obbsessive or anything...But "Edwards' Hair, is the kind of hair I like. Its kind of 'long' but short too. And its messy <3 I don't like Robert Patterson though..He's ugly outside of makeup, I bet he does drugs :/ )) Paradise frowned at his uncle. Nodding her head understanding, after Josh said 'she should leave now'. Frowning, she got off of Josh, and walked out of the room. Usually, she'd be scared of what his uncle would do to her. But right now, she was worried about what they would do to Josh. Of course, they can't be that heartless, as to actually Hurt Him. Could they? That thought came, as she walked out of the house. Trying to act casual as she walked on the side walk. Wishing she could see Josh, through his window. But she couldn't so she kept walking.
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4:35pm Aug 19 2010
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{ I dislike Twilight, but I like Edwards hair. o3o SLOBERT, on the other hand, makes a horrible Edward and should be ashamed. <3 } Josh and his Uncle yelled back and forth at each other, the occasional word from his Aunt slipping in. His cousin, on the other hand, was cowering downstairs. His headache was pounding so badly he thought his head would split open. His Uncle's throat was getting hoarse. But they were getting nowhere; neither side was listening to the other. Finally, it grew silent. Josh angrily started to empty his drawers into a dufflebag he had stuffed under his bed. His Aunt paled. "Where are you going?" she demanded, beady eyes watching him. "Why are you packing this stuff?" "I've had it," Josh growled as he stuffed his laptop and his cellphone in his bag. "With you people. And this house." Grabbing his dufflebag, his threw his backpack full of school work over his shoulder. Aunt and Uncle speechless, they watch in silence as he tossed his bags out the window, then jumped after them. He landed with a dull thud, and glanced around. Well, crap. He had nowhere to live now.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:06pm Aug 19 2010
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(( OMG YES. THANK YOU FOR AGREEING! Horrible rolemodel too....Kids younger then me (13 and under) Are like inlove with him..and hes the worst person to be a rolemodel to kids. And kristen stewart too :O Okay. So I think I remember the 2 ideas I had. But they are kind of stupid. It matters how like 'grusom' or 'freaky' your really want it. One of the idea's get's really wierd, like Paradise getting kidnapped. Or something. I had more to that though.)) Paradise frowned as she walked to her front door, hoping Josh would be okay. The whole walk home, Josh didn't stay out of her mind.She knew it was all her fault. Stupid Paradise! Why did I kiss him!? He's sick! When she got to her room, she quickly got her phone out. I'm sorry :/ I shouldn't have kissed you. She didn't care how 'random' it was. She needed to apolagize. She knew this was all her fault.
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5:21pm Aug 19 2010
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( omg. That'd be epically dramatic :o totally. ) ( Josh living on the street was kinda random. x3 ) Josh dragged his stuff into an abandoned ally way, trying not to look too depressed. Suddenly he heard his phone vibrate. Excited, he pulled it out of his back and read the text, mood darkening again. He really didn't want to talk about it. It's fine. It would have happened sooner or later. :| He pressed enter, and then glanced around him, looking up at the sky for a minute. The sun was sinking slowly, and the air around him was starting to get chillier.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:56pm Aug 19 2010
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(( OMg it was random. But that is a good thing :PP Do you wanna do that? Or do you want something a little simple..? Like I also thought, that Josh could get in a fight with someone {I suggest like someone in a gang or something}, because they were hitting on Paradise or something like that. {You know how guys are...} And then Josh gets upset..And then something else happens..I can't remember that part yet :O)) Paradise smiled at his response. Happy, that he wasn't mad at her. Your right. :))) Are you okay, now? SHe sent it. Hoping he was. She didn't know how 'sensitive' he was too all of that yelling and screaming. She knew that if someone yelled at her that way, she'd completly break down...Again.
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6:46pm Aug 19 2010
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( i like the plan you just said :D Sounds like something Josh would do. XD Hwo about we mix the two together? Josh get in that fight with the gang member (beats him, of course), so that person gets mad, tells his gang, and they kidnap Paradise? XD ) Josh sat down on his bag, feeling a flood of emotions wash over him. His hands were shaking so hard that it took him almost ten minutes to get them to stop. Wiping away the last of the tears, he typed back to her. Yeah. I'm okay. Good thing i like stars, huh?
wuss poppin jimbo
6:50pm Aug 19 2010
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(( OMG YESH! And It can happen now, since Josh is outside. ANd then somehow Paradise figures out he's out of his uncle's house, and she walks over to him for some reason? And then the guy talks to Paradise or whatever? And then the fight, and the kidnapping!!!! *Gets excited over an RP, even though that's kind of wierd*)) Paradise made a confused remark, to his text. What you mean by that? :/ (( Sorry. Like before, my posts are always shorter, when texting gets involved. :/))
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6:59pm Aug 19 2010
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( It's fine. XD That's what I expect when they start texting. ) ( And yeah. ;D Sounds like a plan. ) Josh wasn't sure how to respond for a minute. Finally, he thought up how to say it in a Josh kind of way. Well, let's just say I'll be spending a lot of time under the stars now. More than usual. ;(
wuss poppin jimbo
7:03pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise kept frowning. Still confused. What's going on, Josh?
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7:14pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh sighed, tilting his head backwards. He couldn't find the strength to actually tell her. Look. Meet me in the ally way across from my Uncle's house. I'll explain everything then. I just can't put it in writing. It'll be like admitting defeat.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:20pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise frowned at his response, and didn't hesitate to go to him. I'll be there in 5. She responded. ~ When Paradise saw his Uncle's house, she remembered his text. "Across from the house'. Paradise crossed the street, and wandered around the alley way, searching around for Josh. She looked to her left and saw a couple of guys smoking cigerattes, and chose to walk the other way. "JOsh?" She said, quietly.
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7:26pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh stood up, and walked towards Paradise with an unfamiliar frown on his face. "Paradise," he said as he got close. His eyes flickered over her carefully. "I didn't think you'd actually come." His hair looked more ruffled than ever, and he kept glancing over his should like someone was about to stab him.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:30pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise gave him a confused ex pression at his frown. Doing one small kiss on his lips but, she didn't want to do more that one peck, he seemed upset. "Of course I'd come. Whats wrong?" She crossed her arms, and looked straight at his eyes. Frowning. "Why are you out here, when its freezing?" She started to rub her forearms. And looked over his shoulder, where he was looking. But didn't see much to look at, so she looked back at him.
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7:35pm Aug 19 2010
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"Because I'm not allowed back," Josh said, nodding towards his bags, which were sitting on the ground. The men with the cigarettes had started to look at them suspiciously, and the tall, blonde one whistled at Paradise. "Ignore them," he muttered as he flipped the blonde one off and returned to Paradise. "Uh, yeah. I got kicked out, kinda."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:37pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise rolled her eyes, at the random whistle. But all those thoughts washed away, when she heard Josh's words. "Where are you going to stay?" She asked, frowning. She got closer to him, thinking he needed some comfort. "What did you do..?" She asked, shaking her head. He WOULD get kicked out..
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