7:43pm Aug 19 2010
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"Nothing," Josh said defensively, bristling. "My Uncle is bloody mad." He paused for a minute, and then said with a weak smile, "And I'll be staying here, for now, I think." The blonde one said something to his friend angrily, then started to approach them. "Oh crap..."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:45pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise frowned. "What's he doing?" As she,for her OWN comfort, put her forehead against Josh's chest. Not wanting to see this.
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8:01pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh pried her off of him, and pushed her behind him. "Don't move please," he muttered to Paradise as he faced the man. He was tall, and blonde, with one green eye and one blue eye. He was walking oddly, like he was drunk, and had a pronounced beer belly. "I like your girlfriend there," he said in a slurred voice. "Me an' my friend here think we should get a 'lil piece of her, if you know wha' I mean." He smiled at Josh. "So han' her ova' here," Josh bristled, narrowing his eyes angrily. "No," he said calmly. "I'm afraid I can't do that, sir. So you'll have to go back to your friend and tell him I said no." He was shaking slightly. The man started to roll up the sleeves of his stained blue shirt. "Guess we'll have to fight fo' her, then. Seein' as you dun' want to han' her over." Josh pushed Paradise backwards a little, rolling up his own sleeves. "Guess we will have to fight."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:07pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise wasn't liking the vibe from those drunk guys in the beginning, but she wasn't expecting this. She looked at the blonde mans eyes, and felt a cold shiver go down her spine when they started talking about fighting. Paradise frowned, and put one hand on Josh's shoulder. Whispering right in his ear, "Don't be stupid Josh. Lets just walk away." She slid her hand down his arm, as he started to roll his sleeves, and grabbed his hand. Squeezing it as hard as she could, as she started to get him to walk with her, away.
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8:15pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh sighed, starting to walk away from him with her. But then somebody's hand closed around his left hand, and he whirled around. His fist connected with the blonde guy's jaw with a crack. He grabbed Paradise's hand and turned back around. "Run!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:18pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise gripped his hand tighter as they ran. She found herself looking back, to see if the blonde guy followed, but then told herself that looking back slows you down. Almost tripping a couple of times, she gripped his hand even tighter then before, but kept her balence.
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8:22pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh skidded to a halt, stopping her with him. Three guys had blocked the entrance, and the blonde guy was following quickly behind them. He froze, chest heaving, until he felt Paradise's hand get ripped out of his. He was about to jump on the blonde guy when one of the others, a skinny, muscular brunette with brown eyes, grabbed him and held him down. "Paradise!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:25pm Aug 19 2010
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8:31pm Aug 19 2010
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( bai ! )
wuss poppin jimbo
9:52pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise frowned, and tried to get out of the blonde guys grip. "Get off!" She said, through her teeth. Scared, she looked back at Josh, but her vision became blurred by her tears. This can NOT be happening... She thought. (( Sorry. I don't want to control the blonde guy's charrie, since that's you. So I can't put much :/ ))
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9:55pm Aug 19 2010
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( Do whatever you want with him. XD Just remember she has to get kidnapped. ) "Let me go!" Josh hissed, spitting in the face of the man holding him down. But, white starts burst in front of his eyes as the man slammed his fist into Josh's face multiple times. He could feel his eyes start to swell a little. Blood trickled from his nose slightly. "I said, let me-" Josh was cut off, being beaten some more. The men all laughed, including the obnoxious blonde one with the broken jaw.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:05pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise could feel the tears stream down her face, but from just watching the pain he had, she felt just as numb. "STOP!" She screamed through her tears. Still trying to get out of the blonde guy's grip. "GET OFF!" She screamed again through her teeth. The guy laughed, and said, "Oh cmon.." His breath smelled like beer, and Paradise looked away for a moment. The blonde guy forced her face to look back at him. "Dun be like that.." He said, as he started to back away from the ally a little bit. "Josh!" She screamed. She knew he couldn't help her, but she just felt the urge to scream that. "He ain't gunna help ya.." He said, motioning one of his friends, to help him. As the both picked up Paradise and started walking away. "STOP!" She screamed. Doing anything she could to get out of their grip. Biting, scratching, punching, kicking, screaming. But nothing was working. She turned back to see if Josh was okay, while they took her away. But he wasn't visible anymore.
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10:11pm Aug 19 2010
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They released Josh and jogged after their friends, leaving Josh bleeding and alone. He rolled over, curling in a ball as blood and tears streamed down his face. "Damn it," he snarled. "Those...they took Paradise... I ought to..." But he couldn't do anything at the moment. "They lay one hand on her I'll kill them..." He sat up slightly, trying not to move too suddenly, and looked at his reflection in a puddle of water. His left eye was starting to bruise already, and it was swelling shut. His lip was split, his forehead was cut, and he could feel blood dripping from the back of his head. There were bruises, and claw marks on his chest as well. "Paradise..." he whispered, lifting his head to stare after them with a defeated look. "I'm so sorry..." { ^Josh got pwned. }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:15pm Aug 19 2010
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(( OOHH THIS IS GETTING GOOOOOOD Can I time skiip just a bit? Like as my next post, can I make it, to her like waking up some where? OR something? I don't really know yet. Bahaaha. BUt I wanted to ask first...Because If I timeskipped I might make it look like they raped her or something. But its like after. We don't need to put details...BAHAHA))
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10:28pm Aug 19 2010
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{ Go ahead. o3o -has plan for if you do that- XD }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:45pm Aug 19 2010
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(( KK. Good. I was asking, because I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with the whole 'rape' thingy.. I'm going to post, when she wakes up AFTER it...But still let me know, if you feel uncomfortable with it...Or if you don't like it, or whatever LOL.... :P )) Paradise twitched her eyes a little, her head still spinning, with her eyes closed. Some dream... She thought to herself, with her eyes still closed. The image of watching Josh gone when she turned back around, hit her more then anything. Even more then when they threw her on the bed. She shook at the thought, and didn't want to even think of the image of what happened after that, last night. She finally opened her eyes, to see herself in a room that looked kind of like a hotel room. As she put on a scared ex pression, she started to realize, that it WASN'T a dream. She started to feel the dried up tears on her kneck, and she moved her arm to wipe it off. As she did, she felt the scratches that the blonde guy made on her back when he raped her, sting. The pain brought more tears, but not from the sting. Mostly from all the emotions going on inside her. With the fact that she wasn't dressed, and laying in a bed, next to some completly out of it guy next to her, made her cringe. It proved it really wasn't a dream. She started to remember more from last night. They took her away from Josh...And then threatened her to be quiet or they would do it. Well they did it alright...Frowning, she tried to go as quietly as possible, out of the bed. But when she put her feet on the ground, she felt a body under it. Oh gosh... She thought. The person she just stepped on, was the blonde guy.She turned back to the guy, that was laying next to her. So...Who was that, guy then? More from last night, came back to her memory. Oh my gosh!They took turns... the thought made her sob, even harder, and she quickly covered the noise, by covering her face in a pillow.
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10:52pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh sat upright, eyes dark. He had sat up all last night, bandaging himself up and getting himself ready for a living hell. He had a white bandage wrapped around his head, bloodstained in a few spots, his eye wasn't swollen anymore, but was swollen, and he was clutching a knife in one hand. "Wrong person to piss off," he said as he stood up. His usually bright, playful eyes, were dark and hateful. He looked downright murderous, and felt that way too. In his back right pocket he had a gun, and in his front left he had a pocket knife. Where he got these weapons, he would never tell. His eyes started to follow what looked like a blood trail leading away from the spot where he was beaten. The one with the broken jaw... He'd save him for last. He started to follow the blood with long, determined strides. He didn't care if he went to jail; this was for Paradise. He didn't even want to think about what they could have done to her.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:02pm Aug 19 2010
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When Paradise was done with her sobbing, for now atleast, she took her face off of the pillow and looked around. They were still asleep. Swallowing hard, she got up, and tried to go to the end of the bed. No one was sleeping on the floor there. Sighing quietly of slight relief, she gently and quietly put the balls of her feet on the ground. She looked around for something to cover herself, and more relief was put on her, when she saw a robe hanging behind a door. She walked to it, and put it over and around her. Not bothering to tie it. But then finally did tie it once she realized she was going to have to go to the hotel hallway. Where anyone could be. Tip toeing, Paradise went to the front of the door, and opened it as quietly as she could. Breath getting heavier and heavier by the second. It creaked a bit, but they were in too much of a hang over to wake up at that moment. More relief put on her, when she walked out, walking backwards. As the door closed all the relief was in her. She felt much, much better. Thinking all she had to do was run now. As she kept walking backwards, she felt someone bump into her. Or maybe she bumped into someone else? Frowning, she turned around to see the guy that was beating up Josh. Remember all that relief she had? Yeah. That ran away.
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11:08pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh crept up to the guy who had beat him up last night, movements silent as a mouse. He didn't even notice Paradise standing in front of him. He had trailed the blood so quickly, almost sprinting to the hotel. He pulled the knife out, blade glinting eerily. In one smooth moment, he grabbed him from behind, held the knife up, and slashed it across the man's throat. As he dropped, Paradise was revealed to Josh's view. She was wearing nothing but a robe, which mad him madder than anything. It washed away the fact that he'd just killed a man. "Paradise," he said slowly, staring past her, to the door she'd walked out of.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:14pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise smiled when she saw Josh. "Josh!" She said with excitement, running to him, and wrapping her arms around his kneck. Freely letting the tears fall. "HOw did you get here?" She asked through her tears, snuggling into his arms. Forcing his arms around her. The last thing she needed was for him to reject her at this moment. SHe sniffled a little bit more, as she held him tighter.
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