11:16pm Aug 19 2010
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Josh hugged her back tightly, turning the knife outwards so he didn't accidentally stab her. "Followed the clues," he mumbled into her ear. His eyes were on the door. So close to his goal... The only thing stopping him was Paradise; she was acting awfully calm for just seeing him slit a man's throat.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:22pm Aug 19 2010
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(( GOSH! I keep just forgetting things. LOL. I forgot that he hurt someone. LOL BAHAHA Just like in the other RP, where I forgot that he said about the blood thing...UGH LOL)) Paradise sniffled, and sighed. Feeling a little bit better, by feeling his warm breath and voice against her ear. It reminded her of when they had their first kiss. She smirked. Knowing it wasn't a time for a kiss, she chose not to. No matter how much she wanted too. She moved her head, to the other side, and saw the man's throat slit. "Oh gosh.." She mumbled at the grusom image, and pressed her forehead against Josh's chest.
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11:31pm Aug 19 2010
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{ looool. xD It's fine. } "I have some stuff to do," he muttered gently, pulling her off of him. "Now, you can stand outside the door and wait for me. I won't be long." He smiled, starting to push past her. The rage in his veins was starting to flare hungrily as he started to get closer to the door. His hand tightened around the knife.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:35pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise frowned, and watched as he clenched onto his knife. "Josh...I think we should just leave while we can..." She tried to say it, as softly as possible. Somehow stopping him, and relaxing him just a bit, by her tone. "Lets just go. Put the knife down." She took a step forward, hoping he'd listen to her, like he did before.
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11:39pm Aug 19 2010 (last edited on 11:40pm Aug 19 2010)
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Josh shook his head, not turning around to look at her. "No. This is something I have to do. If I don't..." he swallowed slowly. "I won't be able to live it down. They did something to you that can't be undone..." He pinched his eyes shut, wincing. "And now I have to make up for it." He starting walking again. "This is my fault, anyways."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:43pm Aug 19 2010
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Paradise shook her head, taking a couple more steps. Seeing the man dead, from the corner of her eyes, was making her quite sick. But she tried to ignore the stench. (I bet dead people STINK..) And said, "It's not your fault Josh. And your not going to be able to live it down, with the guilt your going to have for killing them. No one deserves death, Josh. No matter what they do."
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12:01am Aug 20 2010
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"You're wrong," he said, hand on the doorknob now. "You don't know how wrong you are..." The drunk driver that killed his parents deserved death ten times over. For putting him through a living hell. He twisted the knob, looking at her once last time before he slipped inside the room. After that, he couldn't remember anything. It was just red... * ten minutes later * Josh slid back out of the room, hair ruffled, but unharmed (not including his previous injuries). His clothes, surprisingly, had a small amount of blood on them. He smiled at Paradise easily, feeling like he'd just solved every problem he'd ever had. He felt free. He felt.. no guilt. They'd taken something from Paradise she'd never get back... He'd redeemed himself. Josh had done it for Paradise, and his parents.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:05am Aug 20 2010
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Paradise rolled her eyes, and walked over to him. "You really stubborn, ya know that?" She winked at him, and wrapped her arms around his kneck. Snuggling her nose, against his kneck to. She bit her lip, trying to hold in any tears that were going to come again. So to keep the tears from breaking, she held onto him tighter. But it didn't seem to work.
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12:25am Aug 20 2010
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Josh had left all weapons in the room behind him, along with the bodies. He wrapped his arms around Paradise's waist gently. "We'd better get going," He looked at her, kissing her forehead softly. "And I know I'm stubborn," He laughed lightly, closing his eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:24am Aug 20 2010
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(( To your siggy ---> I don't think I can stay strong with you gone! :( LOL jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk)) Paradise smiled when she felt his lips, against her forehead. Dieing to hold him, kiss him. But she knew she shouldn't. She wiped some blood, that was on his lip, from it being busted. "We deffinatly should be getting you home." She said, as she ran her hand down his arm, to his hand. Squeezing it tight, as she started walking with him out of the hotel.
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6:25pm Aug 20 2010
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Josh walked with her, holding her hand, and wondered faintly where he would go now. Perhaps he'd just go back to his Uncle and Aunt again, but lay down a few rules. "Hey, Paradise," he said with a smile. "Do you think I should go back with my Aunt and Uncle, or get my own apartment?" He paused. "I have some money for my own place." He didn't add in the fact that it was his college fund.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:35pm Aug 20 2010
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Paradise smiled back at him, "If you have the money, than I say get your own place!" Then she added, as she squeezed his hand tighter, "But do you think your ready for that? Your still in high school..." Shrugging, she looked at him, still smiling. After all she's been through, why could she still smile in the end? Because God gave her, Josh. That was why.
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11:44pm Aug 20 2010
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{ Whoop. ;D Hurray for last line <3 } "Okay," he said with a smile. "But I'll have to stay with my Uncle and Aunt until I get my place set up." He blinked a few times, taking a turn into the ally way he had originally been staying in. "I gotta get my stuff."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:49pm Aug 20 2010
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(( bahaha. IKR ? Whoop for whaat? BAHAHA)) "Do you really think they'll let you stay back there?" She asked, worried. "And, If I were you, I wouldn't WANT to go back there after the way he yelled at you." She followed him to the alley way, but then decided to stay where she was, and wait for him to come back out. NOt wanting to relive what happened just last night.
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12:11am Aug 21 2010
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Josh grabbed his bags, and started to walk back out of the allyway. He looked oddly calm, but beat-up at the same time. His phone started to vibrate, so he pulled it out and stared at the message there. Josh. Your Aunt and I are sorry for yelling at you. Please come back (we need the money that comes with keeping you!!). And your cousin misses you. We need to talk; bring your... friend if you need to. - Your Uncle. Josh started to laugh, then showed Paradise the message.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:15am Aug 21 2010
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Paradise laughed with him, and started walking with him away from the alleyway. "Are you going to go back?" She asked. "They'll start to ask questions once they see this." She pointed gently at his dried up blood lip again. Trying to get it off. It was annoying her, it wasn't coming off. She could admit that much. She would never say he looked kind of cute, like that though. All beat up...Just for her.
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12:42am Aug 21 2010
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Josh shrugged, slipping his phone in his back pocket. "Not my problem. They can ask questions all they want," He smiled, split lip threatening to reopen again. "Doesn't mean they'll get answers." He sighed, stepping onto the front porch with her. He set his back down beside the door. "You don't have to come inside if you don't want to, you know..."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:50am Aug 21 2010
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Of course, Paradise didn't want to go inside. What kind of girl, like her, would want to go in a house where a man was yelling and screaming for no real good reason at all? But, she had no idea if Josh wanted her to go or not. So she kept the thought, that he did want her too. And said, "I'm going." With a smirk, and a slight nod. "Just promise your going to wipe the dry blood off. It's irritating me." SHe joked, as she walked next to the door.
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1:04am Aug 21 2010
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josh wiped at the dried blood on his lip, careful not to pull at the cut there. It came off easily. He rolled his eyes, and rapped on the door lightly. Within moments his Uncle had ripped the door open, looking unimpressed. "Josh," he said, looking him over with a look of complete loathing. Josh pretended not to notice. "Uncle! Hi! I missed you!" Sarcasm was evident in his voice. "This is Paradise. Paradise, this is my Uncle."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:12pm Aug 21 2010
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{ -bump- :D }
wuss poppin jimbo