9:30pm Aug 24 2010
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I'm sure you did, He typed back a little sarcastically, closing his eyes. He let himself start to doze off a little; he's unpack his things later. But for now, he felt like taking a nap.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:05pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise looked at her phone, and decided not to respond to it. He was probably busy (Sleeping XD Lol) packing his things in his knew house, and she wasn't really in the mood to talk to him. Or anyone. She sunk back down in her bed, and frowned. If so much wasn't on her mind, she'd probably be able to fall asleep now. After a couple more minutes, her eyes finally closed, and her mind drifted away from the nightmare that was coming towards her. This baby.
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5:09pm Aug 25 2010
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{ Whoooo~ What do we do now? :c }
wuss poppin jimbo
5:27pm Aug 25 2010
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(( Hrm...We can time skip? ))
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5:29pm Aug 25 2010
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{ Alrighty. :3 You start. }
wuss poppin jimbo
5:42pm Aug 25 2010
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(( WAIT.....Is school tomarrow? YOU CHOOOOOOOOSE))
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5:47pm Aug 25 2010
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{ Um... School. xD So Josh can be all grumpy and beat-up looking. And he can talk to Rosa while promptly ignoring Paradise for blowing him off. :c }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:02pm Aug 25 2010
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(( YAY )) Paradise opened her eyes slightly, while the sun beamed through her bedroom. I should really remember to close those curtains... She thought as she tiredly got out of bed. She checked her cell phone just in case Josh, or anyone else messaged her. Just a voice mail. She put the phone to her ear, and listened as her mom said she'll be back tomorrow. Frowning, she didn't listen to the rest of the message. She deleted it, and walked downstairs. What will her mom do, when she finds out what has been happening lately? Of course, she probably wouldn't even care. But she might be happy for a grand child. Wouldn't she? While rubbing her eyes, Paradise chose to not eat much breakfast. And probably wouldn't eat much lunch or dinner either. If she was going to be getting fat from a baby, no sense in being more fat and eating more. She shivered at the thought, of Josh rejecting her. For probably being fat. Ugly. Always having mood swings. Never free for a date because she's busy with the baby. She mentally noted to slap herself at the thought. Josh cared about her! He wouldn't leave her in her time of needing him the most...Would he? (I didn't mean to put the same thing XD That was ironic. You don't have to respond. I was about to write more, when the dinner bell was rung XD (Don't ask...) So yeah..BAI! ))
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6:53pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise opened her eyes slightly, while the sun beamed through her bedroom. I should really remember to close those curtains... She thought as she tiredly got out of bed. She checked her cell phone just in case Josh, or anyone else messaged her. Just a voice mail. She put the phone to her ear, and listened as her mom said she'll be back tomorrow. Frowning, she didn't listen to the rest of the message. She deleted it, and walked downstairs. What will her mom do, when she finds out what has been happening lately? Of course, she probably wouldn't even care. But she might be happy for a grand child. Wouldn't she? While rubbing her eyes, Paradise chose to not eat much breakfast. And probably wouldn't eat much lunch or dinner either. If she was going to be getting fat from a baby, no sense in being more fat and eating more. She shivered at the thought, of Josh rejecting her. For probably being fat. Ugly. Always having mood swings. Never free for a date because she's busy with the baby. She mentally noted to slap herself at the thought. Josh cared about her! He wouldn't leave her in her time of needing him the most...Would he? (I didn't mean to put the same thing XD That was ironic.) After she had a 'Fat Free' yogurt, she ran upstairs to change into something for school. She was curious as to how fast pregnant people get bigger and bigger. So she walked into the bathroom, and took her shirt off. Everything looked the same to her. Nothing was bigger then yesterday, or the day before. For now.... She shivered at the thought, as she walked back to her room, and got dressed in something baggy. Same with pants. When she was done getting ready, she quickly grabbed her backpack, and realised that she didn't do her homework. Josh'll help me... She thought with a shrug, as she walked out the door. Making sure she had her keys, as she locked the door behind her. Then started walking to school. She chose that she was going to be walking to school now. Maybe even going to the gym. Maybe even not eating as much...Or not at all. Anything to have Josh not thing that she was fat, or ugly. She shook her head at the thought. She had to stop thinking that! Josh cared about her. And that was that...Right? When she got to school, it felt like she hasn't been there in forever. Because she was gone for atleast 4 days. Should have stayed home today too... She thought, as she wandered around for her locker. What if it IS noticable that she was pregnant? After just one or 2 days? Impossible. As she walked to her locker, she heard a teacher say 'Welcome back! You were sick?' Paradise nodded her head, "Something like that. But I'm...Feeling better, and back.." She shrugged, and kept walking, rolling her eyes at her horrible lieing. When she found her right locker, she opened it up, and looked around for Josh. Not having to be casual now. They were dating, she could be with him, and look for him as much as she wanted. And right now, she wanted him around her for the rest of the day. Needing his comfort. (( Okay..now I am done. XD))
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7:02pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh strode up to his locker, looking annoyed and furious. There were a few cheerleaders pestering him about what had happened to him, but he ignored them and wrenched open his locker. After a while, they got the point, and flitted off to go tell their friends. He blinked, pulling out his books for his first cla ss. "Paradise," he said stiffly, closing his locker again. He didn't look at her; he couldn't. He wanted to be mad at her. He glanced around the hallway, looking for Rosa and Stephen, his new friends, but he didn't see them anywhere.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:08pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise smiled at him. She knew she had to tell him. But not now. He seemed tense. And Paradise never liked to really talk to him when he was like this. He scared her. So she just had to act normal. "Hey Josh," She said with a sigh. "Whatcha looking at?" She asked, looking toward where he was looking. After she got her books, she closed her locker, and stood next to him. It looked as if, he was purposely not looking at her. I'm just being paranoid... She smirked, and kissed the corner of his lips. Mostly because that's all she could reach, in his position.
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7:13pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh cleared his throat, shifting away from her slightly. "I have to go," he said quietly, looking at his feet. "Stephen needed some help, uh, studying. Or something." He started to walk away, not bothering with a good-bye. Her kiss made his skin tingle, but he made sure not to let it show.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:16pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise frowned, and nodded her head, trying to look understanding as he walked away. She tried to shrug it off, as he shifted away from her, and she started walking to homeroom/first clas.s. Looking back one more time at him, shocked, before she walked to her homeroom. He's never rejected me like that before.... She frowned. And had her books cover her stomach. Does he know?...
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7:21pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh let his mind clear, sitting down a few seats away from Paradise with Rosa and Stephen. He congratulated them on finally being a couple, and then started to jab at Stephen playfully. They giggled and chattered, Josh forgetting all about Paradise for a few minutes.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:26pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise sat down in the back of the room. Mostly because the rest of the seats were taken. She sat in the desk, next to the window, and stared out of it, frowning. What was going on with Josh? He usually was with her all the time. Not that she was being 'selfish' with him. She just didn't have the nicest heart, to actually share him. She wanted him all to herself. She watched as they all playfully jabbed eachother, and laughed. She grabbed her books that she layed on her desk, and covered her stomach. He does know doesn't he.... And now he didn't want to talk to her, deal with her, comfort her. She was probably just a burden to him now. Since she has a baby, and somehow he knows. She looked back out the window, then at the clock. But how could he know? She doesn't remember telling him or anyone else that she was pregnant.
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7:34pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh caught sight of Paradise from the corner of his eyes, and his mood deflated almost instantly. "I have to go," he said to his friends, smirking a little. "Be good, kids." Standing up, he walked over to sit down next to his girlfriend. "Hey," he said, putting his books down. Josh ignored the teacher's dirty looks, running a hand through his messy hair.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:37pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise kept the books over her chest, and stomach, and said, "Hey.." Why was he talking to her? Somehow he knew, so why was he acting like he didn't? Was it some joke? Maybe I'm just paranoid...She sighed, and held the books tighter. She had to tell him. She HAD too. She was about to say something to bring up the subject like that, when the teacher started talking. She sighed again. Relieved.
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7:45pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh ignored the fact that the teacher was talking. He didn't really care. Without caring about what her reaction would have been, he asked her tactlessly, "So. What were you doing last night?" He blinked, eyes staying on the board.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:49pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise frowned. He didn't know? Then why wasn't he talking to her before? Why did he reject her kiss this morning? Did she do something else, wrong? She rolled her eyes at the thought. The last thing she needed right now was Josh mad at her for doing something wrong. She needed him more then ever right now. "I...Um..." Just say it! She couldn't. She just couldn't get 'I'm pregnant', out of her mouth. "I...last night? Fell asleep..." She shrugged, trying to act casual. ( Isn't it like, sometimes people can get sick and throw up and stuff, when their pregnant? For future referance XD Or ... 'right now' referance...))
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7:52pm Aug 25 2010
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{ I have no clue. xD -googles it- } "So asleep you couldn't answer the phone?" A muscle in his jaw twitched. "I mean, you seemed pretty awake when you texted me, but whatever..." He glanced sideways at Rosa and Stephen, who were watching him curiously. He ignored them.
wuss poppin jimbo