7:56pm Aug 25 2010
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(( I read it in a book once. :P And I was lurking ( as usual) And another RP has someone throwing up because he got pregnant....)) Paradise flushed. Now knowing he doesn't know. Period. "Um...Well no..I was awake then...To let you know that I couldn't help out...I.." She rolled her eyes, and awkwardly fidgeted with her fingers. (DON"T RESPOND! Hehe....I want her running away, to the bathroom throwing up, if it's true XD So let me know what google says...))
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8:59pm Aug 25 2010
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{ :D You told me not to respond. HURRAY UP. <3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
9:02pm Aug 25 2010
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(( I asked you to let me know, what google says XD Bahahahahaha It's an RP..i'll do what I want XD She'll throw up even if it isn't true DX )) Paradise flushed. Now knowing he doesn't know for sure. Period. "Um...Well no..I was awake then...To let you know that I couldn't help out...I.." She rolled her eyes, and awkwardly fidgeted with her fingers. Just say it, Paradise! Just say it! It's not like it's his baby! She sighed, and was about to let it out when she frowned. "Oh my gosh.." She mumbled as she put one hand over her mouth, and the other raising her hand. She gave up on the teacher, and got up from her seat, and running out. Straight to the bathroom.
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9:09pm Aug 25 2010
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Josh didn't take this well. He hissed a curse under his breath, then went over to sit with his friends again. "She's acting weird," he mumbled. "I think I'll sit over here for now." Stephen and Rosa nodded, and then they started acting up again, and Stephen even threw a paper airplane at the teacher.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:23pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise leaned on the toilet seat. Vomiting the last for now. She grabbed toilet paper, and wiped her mouth. Coughing a bit from more still coming up. For now, she was done. But her stomach still felt nauseated. She slid and layed on the floor, after she flushed the toilet from what she puked up. She sighed. Feeling slightly worse, yet better. She heard girls from other clas.ses, whispering about her by the sinks. She heard them walk away, and then heard someone else walk back in. Then a knock on the stall door, "Honey? Are you okay in there?" Paradise's eye widened. The school nurse! What if she finds out she's pregnant somehow! She told herself to act like she had a fever, and flushed the last of it down, "Um...I guess so.." She mumbled as she got up, and opened the stall. The nurse gave her a puppy dog look, and Paradise tried her best not to roll her eyes, as the nurse walked her out of the bathroom, and to the office. "I'll tell your teacher, you'll be going home for the rest of today." Paradise frowned, and didn't respond, as she sat in the office, and watched as the nurse walked across the hall.
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10:29pm Aug 25 2010
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10:17pm Aug 26 2010
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{ Alrighty. o3o She's going home, and he's in cla ss. What do we do now? ;o }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:26pm Aug 26 2010
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(( Hrm...Time skiiip? Lol, that's what I always suggest :3 We could time skip to after school, and Paradise text him the 'news'. ))
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10:37pm Aug 26 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
10:43pm Aug 26 2010
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(( I thought that the second after I posted it...Maybe she can text him, to like ask him to come over...? So that she could talk to him in person? I'll probably just have her call him DX So that he could hear her sad voice :( ))
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10:57pm Aug 26 2010
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{ o3o Josh isn't good on pitying people, just warning you. XD } Josh was sitting on his couch, enjoying his independence by sipping on a diet Coca-cola and sorting through his old texts on his phone. After deleting around a thousand and one old ones, he tossed his phone aside and sighed. He was so bored.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:15pm Aug 26 2010
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Paradise layed in bed, fighting with herself for telling Josh. He was probably still in a bad mood, and finding out his girl friend is pregnant isn't going to make it any easier for him. Of course, it wasn't his baby, but it still might put some unneeded pressure on him. After a couple more moments, she picked up her phone and was about to send a message to him. When she chose to call him instead. Her stomach was still hurting, so as she put the phone to her ear to call, she hugged her knees, to curl up in a ball. It, for some reason, eased any pain from her stomach. (( I have to go soon..I can't remember if I already said that -__- ))
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11:19pm Aug 26 2010
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{ You told me on the other RP I think. :B But okay. } His phone rang, loudly, echoing through the empty house. He sighed, picking up the handset, and looked at the caller ID. It was Paradise; so she'd decided to come and help anyways? Whatever. He pressed the answer call button and put the phone to his ear. "Hello," he said stiffly.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:22pm Aug 26 2010
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(( oh Gosh...I told you like 3 times then BAhahaha sorray)) Paradise closed her eyes. Slightly scared to tell him. He still seemed quite...Agitated. She didn't know if it was that he was angry with everyone at the moment, or just her. But either way, he scared her easily. "Hey, Josh." She said, trying to sound sweet to him. "Are you busy?" She asked, trying not to breathe as heavy.
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11:32pm Aug 26 2010
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{ It's okay. xD } "No," he said, starting to ease up a bit. Josh realized he was being a little too harsh on her, and should probably just give her a chance to explain. "Why?" He blinked, taking another sip of his diet Coca-Cola.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:38pm Aug 26 2010
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Paradise's heart skipped a beat. They had to talk. She had to tell him. "Um...I need to talk to you...Not on the phone...Can you come over? I don't think it would be a good idea for me coming over your house at the moment." She said, realizing that she might randomly vommit at his knew house, if she went there. Him coming over her house, was a better idea.
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11:43pm Aug 26 2010
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"Um, sure. I'll walk over there now." He picked up his cell and stuffed in his pocket, downing the rest of his soda. "Something wrong? Oh. Nevermind. You can tell me when I get there." He smiled even though she couldn't see it.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:45pm Aug 26 2010
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Paradise nodded her head, saying simply , "Yes. Something's wrong." Then hung up. And waited. (( I gotta go!))
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12:05am Aug 27 2010
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{ Way to leave him hanging Paradise. o3o } { Bye. D: } -skips to arriving at door o3o- Josh knocked on Paradise's front door, even though he really wanted to kick it in and race over to her to see what was wrong. "Hello!" he called, bouncing up and down with nerves. He was so worried and anxious he couldn't stand still any longer.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:42am Aug 27 2010
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(( Bahahaha, I did that purposly ;) )) Paradise heard the knock at the door, and groaned tiredly by the pains in her stomach, as she got up from her bed. She didn't throw up today, which may mean that the sickness feeling could be going down. Then she stopped as she walked down the steps. Or what if I read the pregnancy test wrong...? She shook her head. Impossible. She's heard that people got sick when they were pregnant, and 'ironically' she got sick, after she found it. Impossible. She couldn't have read it wrong. She sighed at the fate of it impossible, and opened the door. To see Josh. Paradise did a small, "Hey." and opened the door wider for him to get in. Not looking at him, right in the eye. She even left the door open, and walked to the living room. Back toward him.
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