10:40pm Aug 29 2010
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"I dunno. I was just gonna ask if you were going to lie and say it was mine," Josh blinked. "But I can't ask you to do that. That'd put you in an awful position when telling your mom." He kissed her cheek again, smiling faintly.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:45pm Aug 29 2010
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Paradise chuckled softly with him. And nodded her head, "I don't think I'd be able to say that...My mom know's I'd never..." She shrugged, pretty much trailing off. Knowing he knew what she meant. Her mom may act like she doesn't care. But she does know her daughter. Like how she's a careful goody goody. Having sex with Josh? She wouldn't believe it. "I think the truth is the best.." She said while grabbing her jacket to go with Josh to his place.
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11:17pm Aug 29 2010
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"Mhmm," Josh said, walking over to the front door. His hands were still shaking a little, and he was still feeling ill, but he was in a remarkably good mood for just finding out his girlfriend was pregnant with someone else's child. "I hope you don't mind walking," he said.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:23pm Aug 29 2010
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Paradise smirked, at him, "You walked all the way over here?" She asked, then did a bright smile. "Your close by my house?" She asked yet another question as she walked out the door and zipped up her jacket as they started walking. Her letting Josh lead.
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11:29pm Aug 29 2010
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"Not really," he said, smiling faintly. "But it's kind of close... Like, five blocks or something?" He blinked a few times. { Sorry about the shortness.. I'm going to bed. xD }
wuss poppin jimbo
11:32pm Aug 29 2010
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(( AWW! NONONONONONONONO! You..Are...NOT...Leaving.. *sniffles* I guess I have to let you go :(... BAI))
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11:44pm Aug 29 2010
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{ Nya. I'll stay. :D I'm not tired. }
wuss poppin jimbo
8:44am Aug 30 2010
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( I WOULD read this, the next day...:/ Can we time skip to when they are at the house? ))
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5:37pm Aug 30 2010
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{ Sure. You can start. <3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:04pm Aug 30 2010
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When Josh got her to the right apartment, she walked with him up to the right place. While they stood by the door,"So...Your still planning on using your college fund?" SHe asked, frowning as she waited for him to unlock the door.
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6:18pm Aug 30 2010
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"Yup," Josh said, pushing the door open. He stepped inside, inviting Paradise in after him. There were a few empty boxes in the corner, but besides that the room was completely spotless. "I'm going to find a good job soon, though."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:20pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise nodded her head, and as she walked in, looked around. "Wow...You got it looking nice..." She said as she finally started to realize...Josh may have a tiny tiny bit of OCD in him. But she didn't say anything aloud about that. "What you think your going to do, for a job? Anything inparticular?" She asked.
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6:47pm Aug 30 2010
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Josh shrugged. "I don't really care what. Anything that pays well, I guess." He flopped onto the couch, stretching out his legs. "And thanks. I do what I can," He smirked, running a hand through his hair. "Want to sit down?"
wuss poppin jimbo
7:14pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise smirked back at him, and sat down next to him. She hasn't gotten her mind off about the baby. Who could? She leaned her head back, on the cushion on the couch and stared off. Frowning as she thought about how her life was going to change completely.
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7:31pm Aug 30 2010
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Josh wrapped one arm around her waist, smiling lightly. He leaned his head against the couch as well, thinking about what Paradise being pregnant meant. All the pros and cons. She'd need him around more, she'd be moody, she'd get morning sickness, they'd probably grow closer... He blinked. A lot of things were going to change.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:35pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise felt Josh's arm, and didn't reject. Instead leaned closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder. For the first time, she was enjoying this silence they were having. A moment just to think. Even though her thought's weren't the best right now. (( ...Should her mom like...Kick her out or something? So they can live together? So that Josh could be more involved with the baby :P Or should her mom just have a normal reaction to her daughter being pregnant? ))
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8:14pm Aug 30 2010
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{ Kick her out. :o } { and what do we do now? I can't think about anything for them to talk about. }
wuss poppin jimbo
8:21pm Aug 30 2010
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(( Hrm...)) After a couple of moments, Paradise started closing her eyes. Falling asleep. She snuggled up close to his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist. Getting comfortable. (RANDOM) Maybe 10 or 15 minutes later, her phone buzzed in her purse. She sighed of frustration, as she got herself up and walked over to where she left it. Then looking at her screen, she frowned looking back at Josh. "Mom's home...At my house..Asking me where I am....Seems mad...." SHe sighed again, and rubbed her eyes for her tiny nap, and didn't wait for his response, as she dashed out the door, and started running home.
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8:41pm Aug 30 2010
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"Paradise!" Josh called after her, stopping in his doorway. He growled a curse under his breath, and picked up his phone, considering texting her. But he tossed it back down. She obviously didn't want her there, as she'd run out without even a goodbye. He walked back inside, sitting back down on the couch. The phone rang, probably his Uncle, but he ignored it and stared at the wall grumpily.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:22pm Aug 30 2010
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Paradise ran home, non stop. If she didn't tell her mom now about being pregnant, then her mom will just think Paradise was hiding it from her. So she had to get there before she got mad for waiting. If she got mad before she told, she wouldn't be able to tell her. She'd get even madder. She opened the door, and said, "Hey mom." SHe said out of breath. Her mom got up from the couch, and stared at her daughter. "Hey..Where were you?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. "I told you I was going to be here today. Right? Why weren't you here?" Paradise gulped quietly, and sort of ignored what she said. "Mom...I ...I have to tell you something." Her mother frowned at her, and uncrossed her arms. Letting them dangle by her waist. "What is it?" Paradise closed the door behind her, and closed her eyes as she let out a sigh. Looking back at her mom, she said, "YOu were gone...FOr a while...And some things happened..." She walked next to her mom, and kept going. Seeing as to her mom was going to be silent. "We should sit down.." They both sat down, her mother still silent, and she kept going. "Mom...You remember Josh right? You probably don't even know him but..Well...We became good friends...And a couple days or weeks later we started going out..." She paused. Waiting for something. Anything from her mother. SHe kept being silent, waiting to hear more. "Well...He left his house...Planned on living by himself...And got me to go somewhere with him that was...Not very...Safe..." Her mom kept staying silent. "These guy's took us; and well...I got..." She stared back at her mom. Her mom had this blank look on her face. As if she didn't believe anything Paradise was saying. Paradise couldn't help it. The look in her mom's eyes were intimidating her. She had no idea what else to say but scream, "I'm pregnant!" ~ Paradise wiped all of the tears off of her face, before knocking on the door. Josh's door. HOping her eyes weren't too red from her crying as she walked there.
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