9:09pm Jul 19 2010
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She looked at it for a long time, but then gave it a shot. You can't tell anyone...My mom killed him while they were drunk...They wanted to get a divorce anyways, and i guess she really hated him... mom forced me to tell anyone who asks, that it was suicide...so police never found interest in it, so mom never go caught...SUBJECT CHANGE!
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9:15pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh chuckled, taking his pen and scratching out every one of her words so it wasn't readable. He took a moment to think before he wrote his story down. Your secret is safe with me. When I was about five, my parents and my little sister Poppy went missing. So I got shipped off to my aunt and uncle's house. Three months after that, they found Poppy's body, which was almost completely distroyed, but they never found my parents. My aunt and uncle finally moved to this town over the summer; we used to live somewhere in Canada.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:19pm Jul 19 2010
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She smiled at his thoughtfulness for scratching it out, she probably would have never thought of that. I''m sorry :( I don't know what i'd do if that happened to me. She really had no idea how she would be, if she was in his postion. She already guessed, that he was stronger then her mentally. Which was funny because her and her friends always say that 'Guys are physically strong, and Girls are mentally strong.'
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9:23pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh scratched out his own story, and smirked at the paper. He wasn't usually so open about his past, especially with girls. It's fine, he wrote. I got over it a long time ago. He paused for a moment wrote underneath, So, how long have you lived around here?
wuss poppin jimbo
9:25pm Jul 19 2010
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Ever since dad died, We left right afterwards. She felt bad, that he was left with nothing to say. She paused also for a moment. But couldn't think of anything. She p*censored*ed the note, slowly to him, hoping he'd still reply.
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9:36pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh nodded, and was just about to answer when the paper was torn out of his hands. His heart thudded in his chest as he raised his head slowly to see who had taken it. Relief spread across his face when he saw it was just a girl, and not the teacher. "You don't need her," she mused, tossing the note back in Josh's face. "You should come sit with us." "No thanks," Josh muttered. "I'm allergic to bull crap." The girl, obviously mad for being blown off, stormed back to her seat, and he resumed trying to think of a proper way to respond. Do you have any siblings? ( Subject change ;) )
wuss poppin jimbo
9:40pm Jul 19 2010
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She smiled at him for a moment, then read the note. no...i don't...do you? Do you? really Paradise? Out of all the conversation starters in the world, all you wrote was do you?! She thought. But it was too late, she already handed it back to him.
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9:47pm Jul 19 2010
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None besides Poppy, sadly. He paused, chewed on his lip and added carefully, Do you...have a boyfriend? He p*censored*ed the note to her, keeping his eyes averted, and started to play with his pen. He let his hair fall in his eyes, making a mental note that he should probably dye it again before his blonde roots showed up.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:50pm Jul 19 2010
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I've been asked many times, but no... i don't have one... Do you have one? SHe wrote the last part anxiously. Hoping she wouldn't regret asking him back.
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9:53pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh tapped his pen on the paper anxiously a few times before finally willing himself to write the truth. He sucked in a deep breath and then scribbled his answer down. Kinda. There was this one girl I met, while living in Canada with my Aunt and Uncle...but I don't know if she really counts as a girlfriend... He bit his lip, then set the paper on her desk lightly.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:58pm Jul 19 2010
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Paradise frowned as she read it. She ignored it for a while, not wanting to sound upset. But then realizing by ignoring it, he's going to think somethings wrong. So she forced her fingers to move with the pen as she wrote slowly Oh...You still talk to her? She kept telling herself, that if they do still talk, that, that doesn't mean, him and her couldn't still be friends. But just knowing that there was another girl out there, kind of made her irritated. It was as if, Paradise didn't want to share him.
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10:07pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh read over her message a few times, a little confused as to what she meant by that. He sighed, and wrote slowly, wishing the bell would ring. Not recently... but would you be upset if I still did? He handed her the note, and stared at the ceiling.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:10pm Jul 19 2010
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She smirked. It was easy to lie, when you wrote notes. Not at all! I talk to alot of guys, that i used to date! She put the note on his desk, happily. Because it was sort of true. She does talk to some of the guys she dated.
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10:12pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh got an odd feeling when he read that, something like jealousy and amusement mixed into one. He smiled, faintly, and tucked the note into the outside flap of his binder.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:14pm Jul 19 2010
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(( want the cl*censored* to end soon? Or maybe time skip to lunch??))
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10:21pm Jul 19 2010
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( you can start; we'll skip until lunch :P No point in going through each clas s, because they won't have ALL the same clas ses. )
wuss poppin jimbo
10:27pm Jul 19 2010
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( mmkay :))) )) Alot of Paradise's friends weren't here today, so she was already worried about where she was going to sit. She hated being by herself. She stood inline, and waited. She found herself looking for Josh. She tried to stop, but knowing that she couldn't see him, made him so vulnerable. What if someone asked him out, while she wasn't in his clas.ses? Did he say yes? WOULD he say yes? She started to get anxious, what if he wasn't even coming into the cafeteria? What if some girl, got him to be alone with her? What if.... She told herself to stop, and she tried her best to.
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10:38pm Jul 19 2010
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Josh strode into the cafeteria, a dainty brunette girl flitting around him like some sort of huge bug. He sighed, getting in line as he grabbed a tray. He eyed the food suspiciously, wondering what it would be like. He ignored the brunette girl, and looked for Paradise in complete silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:41pm Jul 19 2010
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When Paradise got her food, she couldn't find Josh. I knew it...he went for some better girl She sighed, and frowned. As she walked up to Eddie. He was the only anti-social friend she had. So she thought maybe, as a good friend, she wouldn't let him sit alone.
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10:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Food in hand, Josh looked for a spot to sit in the cafeteria. Numerous tables composed of all females waved him over, as did some rather muscular-looking males (that he as sumed were on some sort of steroid). But he ignored them all, and continued looking for wherever Paradise was sitting. The brunette girl seemed to follow him like a shadow.
wuss poppin jimbo