12:53pm Jul 21 2010
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She could feel herself calming down. And when she was finally done with her 3rd 'episode' with this guy, she mumbled. " Thanks..." Then sniffled, as she started to let go. She had no desire too, but in her mind, she had no choice.
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12:58pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh snorted, sitting up straight. "Letting go so soon?" He chuckled and winked at her. "I thought we were finally getting somewhere." He smirked, and then grew serious again. "You okay now?"
wuss poppin jimbo
1:01pm Jul 21 2010
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Her face turned red from embarressment, but mumbled. "yeah..." She wiped more tears off her cheeks, and felt guilty for lieing. SHe sniffled a couple more times, before she leaned back against him, just because she liked it. She had to admit, he did feel good against her, when he was shirtless.
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1:54pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh smirked, wrapping on arm around her shoulders. "I was supposed to go see the new city, you know," he said. "Thanks for distracting me." He chuckled.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:58pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes, and looked at him. "Your a strange man..." She said, as she started puting his arm, off of her. She couldn't be so vulnerable, there was such thing as hard to get, and she had to start playing that game. Then she added, from her last comment. "You were seriously going to walk around the city, with no shirt on? Girls will be going crazy." She said, the last part jokingly. Just to tease him alittle bit.
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2:00pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh frowned at her, completely serious. "I happen to dislike shirts, you know." He chuckled, brushing off the rejection and poking her in the ribs again. "And girls go crazy when I have a shirt ON, anyways."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:03pm Jul 21 2010
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While she laughed by his tickling, "egotistic much?" She said, jokingly. She started tapping his arm off of her.
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2:11pm Jul 21 2010
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"No," Josh said, beaming at her. "I'm just honest." He shifted away from her slightly, taking note of her discomfort. "So, do you usually have mental breakdowns in public places, or is this a new thing?" He teased slightly.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:15pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes, and said. "No..." Then she added to break any awkwardness. "Ever since i met you, i've been having these breakdowns..." She smirked as she said. "Thanks alot..."
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2:31pm Jul 21 2010
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"Welcome," Josh smirked. "I happen to make a lot of girls have emotional breakdowns." He added on with a chuckle, "Although, it usually comes AFTER I turn them down."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:37pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes at him. He says he isn't egotistic, but she couldn't blame him, if he was. She realized how beautiful he really was. She smiled at the thought, that he might actually feel the same way about her. She had to get that off her thoughts, before he becomes right, and she has another emotional breakdown, because he doesn't feel the same way, and then her nightmare would hit her and he would turn her down. She sighed and said, sarcastically. "Right..." What she really wanted to say was I bet there is alot of girls... But she shook the thought away, before she really did start saying stuff like that.
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2:41pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh poked her in the ribs, unaware of inner turmoil. "What about you?" he teased. "I bet that you're pretty popular with the guys." He winked, chuckling. "You seem like quite the heartbreaker."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:46pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes, and said. "Not really, guys at my school already know that i'd hurt them back, if they ever hurt me. So they don't really mess with me..." She smiled. She liked that thought. It helped her when she thought about how guys really don't like her in general. She laughed again, as he poked. Then wanted to change the subject, so she said. "If you aren't ticklish...What is your weaknes..?"
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2:48pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh really wanted to say you, but he didn't. Instead he rolled his eyes and said, "I don't have one that I know of. Maybe shirts, seeing as I don't appreciate their existence."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:56pm Jul 21 2010
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She looked at him, with a wierd look. "Why don't you like shirts? If they didn't exist-" She started pulling up the top of her shirt, making sure it wasn't to low."I would be very uncomfortable..."
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3:00pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh winked, chuckling. "But nobody else would mind." He teased, giving her a very meaningful look.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:11pm Jul 21 2010
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She nudged him alittle bit and said. "talk like that with your guy friends. Not around me." She smiled, and said. "but seriously...why don't you like shirts?" She gave him a look, a blonde would give when someone would ask an obvious question.
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3:24pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh fidgeted, averting his eyes. "I don't know. Their just...uncomfortable and annoying." He chuckled. "I don't know how to explain it, I just avoid wearing a shirt as much as possible."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:27pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes and said. "Your wierd..." Then winked back at him. He did that atleast once when he saw her today. She smiled.
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3:38pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh smirked, chuckling. "You caught me."
wuss poppin jimbo