3:41pm Jul 21 2010
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She looked at him, and said. "Well i kind of went outside to take a walk, not to cry so..." She got up, and held out her hand, for him to grab, to get him up from the bench. "I guess i HAVE to walk with you now." She winked and added. "just kidding, i'd actually like to walk with you." She smirked.
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3:46pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh raised his eyebrows at her, grabbing her hand as he stood up. "Playing hard to get not working out?" he teased, grinning. He looked at her for a moment, and added on, "Wow. I just realized how short you are." He chuckled.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:52pm Jul 21 2010
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She looked at him, and said. "Maybe your just abnormally tall! " She found herself wrapping her fingers around his, and not wanting to let go. She quickly let go, and said. " and hard to get? Why play hard to get when were just friends?" She knew that if that question bothered him, somehow he liked her too.
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3:54pm Jul 21 2010
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"Good point," he teased. "But how do I know you aren't drooling all over me on the inside?" He rolled his eyes, grinning. "And I'm not abnormally tall; you're just abnormally short."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:57pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 5,997
She poked him in the ribs, and frowned at his no stimuli to that. "Don't take my combacks! " She smiled, and said. "If i was 'drooling' all over you, i'd be nervous around you anyways. And why would you care? Its not like your drooling over me like that." She made sure, her phone was in her pocket and started walking, motioning him to follow.
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4:02pm Jul 21 2010
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"You know," Josh called after her as he followed, ignoring her previous question. "Usually i'm the one being followed." He chuckled, jogging so he could catch up to her. "you know, I'm glad you're my friend," he said. "now you can introduce me to all your lady friends." He winked, being sarcastic, and poked her in the ribs.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:09pm Jul 21 2010
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She frowned at him. "Never, i will never do that to myse- .." She blushed. "you. i mean." She couldn't believe she accidently almost said 'myself'. She turned even redder just thinking about it. She looked down, and stayed silent.
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4:22pm Jul 21 2010
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(( i gotta go ...i'll be back on later tonight...:P ))
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4:38pm Jul 21 2010
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{ Okay } Josh smirked. "How thoughtful of you," he said, nudging her. "So, where are we heading? I have some money, if you want to grab some ice cream or something."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:49pm Jul 21 2010
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She shrugged. Of course she wanted to go get something with him. But she didn't want to seem to eager, so she said. "I can go for some ice cream..." She smiled at him. "Or Ritas...ever been there?"
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7:40pm Jul 21 2010
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"Never heard of it," He said, cheerfully. "Maybe we should go check it out."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:42pm Jul 21 2010
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She smiled, and said. "Its right around the corner." When they got there, she showed him all the things that tasted good. "The italian ices are the best though..." She said, finding herself babbling on and on. She stopped, embarressed by how much she was talking.
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8:12pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh chuckled, running a hand through his choppy black hair. "Woah, slow down there." He smiled at her, pulling out his wallet along with a twenty dollar bill. "Alright, what do you want?" he asked.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:16pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 5,997
She blushed from him noticing how fast she was talking, then said. "I'll just take a vanilla italian ice." She started feeling bad that he was waisting a 20 dollar bill, so she said. "You know, i have money too.." As she started looking through her purse for her wallet.
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8:58pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 10:41pm Jul 21 2010)
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Josh grabbed her write gently, giving her a stern look. "I'll pay," he said, smirking. "Ladies shouldn't have to pay for their own drinks, meals, or food. It'll make me feel guilty." He let go of her, then said, "I think I'll just get that too."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:47pm Jul 21 2010
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She rolled her eyes, and said. "Well next time, i think i should pay..." She said, while putting the wallet back in her purse. Then added. "And what i'm getting is very worth the money.." She nudged him alittle, as they walked forward next in line.
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10:59pm Jul 21 2010
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Josh only chuckled. "You can pay next time," he said. "If you're not with me. Besides, I've got plenty of cash to spare." He rolled his eyes, shifting in line again.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:01pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 5,997
Paradise smiled at him, she found herself staring, and quickly looked back infront of her. When they were next in line, Paradise felt a flush of shyness coming over her. Scared of what to say to them. She frowned, and clammed her mouth shut. Hoping Josh would talk.
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11:11pm Jul 21 2010
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As soon as the person in front of the moved, Josh nodded in greeting to the pretty girl working behind the counter. She said a cheery hello back, which he ignored. "Alright," he mumbled, handing over the twenty. "I'll have two vanilla italian ices," he said. "one for me, and one for my lady friend." At the mention of his 'lady friend' the girl instantly deflated.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:16pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 5,997
Paradise frowned when she saw the girl, then shook her head, and whispered to him, and said, jokingly. "You just make every girls head turn dont ya?" Then when the intalian ices were put out, she took one, and gave the other too Josh. Then motioned Josh, to walk away with her. She was nervous that he might actually like that pretty girl across the counter, so she wanted him out, as soon as possible. He's probably already asking for her number... She couldn't blame any of the girls that noticed him. He wasn't hard to look at.
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