2:09pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise chuckled softly. "And let you go around by yourself, feeling horrible? I don't think so." She knelt down and got his bag. Grabbing his phone and standing back up, to face him. She smirked before handing him the phone. Wondering if he felt anything different with her.
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2:23pm Aug 16 2010
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"Yes, that's what you are supposed to do. You are so stubborn." He told her and took the phone. "Thanks." He pressed the two, speed-dialing his dad. "Hey dad. You might want to come pick me up." He listen to the reply, still feeling woozy. "Why? Because I just vomited twice." His dad told him he'd be right there. Antonio sat back down on the floor, not feeling like standing. "you know should get to clas.s" He told her.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:04pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise rolled her eyes, "NO I am not." She said firmly, sitting down next to him. "And I'm not stubborn." She mumbled, while thinking. SHe never found herself being stubborn, but she just shrugged it off.
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3:09pm Aug 16 2010
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Antonio laughed a bit, then winced. "Yes, you are." He sat, thankful he wasn't standing. "so why are you sitting here anyway?" He had been wondering why she wouldn't go to clas.s and why she was happy again, but he didn't plan on mentioning it anytime soon.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:19pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise blushed. And was thankful that he couldn't see her. He'd no flat out, that she was hiding something, if he saw. "Um...I..." Just wanted to be with you . " I don't think it's a good idea to let a blind man sit by himself and ready too vommit." She said, satisfied with her half lie.
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3:22pm Aug 16 2010
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"Ah, great reason, and you still are a horrible liar." He chuckled. He figured something was up, but it's not like he could ask. Finally, the receptionist in the office came to tell him his dad was here. He struggled to stand, and when he finally did he wobbled. He regained his balance and offered a hand to help her up, though he could barely do so himself.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:32pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise smiled, and took his hand. But didn't really use it to help her up. She balenced on her own, and found herself not letting go. She finally did, and blushed. She did a wave to him, and said, "Hope you get better" She said sweetly. She found herself staring at him-admiring him, and quickly looked away.
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3:38pm Aug 16 2010
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Antonio had to smile as he walked away. When he got to the office, his dad asked him "Are you alright, Tony?" "I will be in another day probably." He said. He went home and went to sleep, with Paradise on his mind. The next morning, he felt way better. He got up and did his normal school routine and walked to school, saying hey to everyone he saw. He arrived in homeroom and greeted the teacher. He sat in his usual seat, glad he was no longer sick.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:50pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise skipped through the doors, and to her friends. No one knew how they could all talk so much without losing their voice, it was just a mystery to everyone. When the school bell rang, they did quick goodbyes, and went to different clas.ses. She smiled wide, when she saw Antonio. SHe walked to the back, not even thinking about, how their was another girl involved with all of this. "Hey ANtonio. HOw you feeling today? You look better." She frowned. YOU LOOK BETTER!?!? My as well say what your really thinking ...
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3:55pm Aug 16 2010
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"I feel way better than I did yesterday. And I want to saw thank you for staying with me since you don't like to leave blind guys alone that are vomiting." As he said that he laughed, remembering her horrid excuse yesterday. He didn't tell her how cool he thought it was that even though she was popular, that she still made friends with him. Too bad it's not more he thought, then quickly tried to think of something else.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:04pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise smiled. Finally feeling special by him. "No problem." She laughed at his reasoning for thanking her, and said, "Well it's true.." Rolling her eyes, as the bell rang for school to begin, she started getting ready for first clas.s. Wishing they could talk more though.
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4:05pm Aug 16 2010
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(( I gotta go Bai's! ))
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4:12pm Aug 16 2010
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(( Peace~ )) Antonio smiled, and gathered his things. He shuffled through his papers, stopping on something he had printed last night, a poem of sorts. He ran his fingers along the bumps, reading it. The poem was nice, and he had printed it thinking of Paradise. The computer had read it out loud, and it made him feel better. He folded the poem and stuck it in his pocket.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:56pm Aug 16 2010
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(( Imma poofing :O )) Paradise started writing notes that were on the board. The teacher kept giving her confused looks. All the jocks/ all her other friends were at the front, and she usually was with them. And instead she's sitting in the back. She chuckled to herself, at that thought. It did seem kind of odd, with a girl like her sitting in the back.
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6:12pm Aug 16 2010
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Antonio started his recorder, relaxing in his chair. The teacher began talking, lecturing about something. He wasn't listening, he had other things on his mind. Maybe I should tell her, but she'd prorbably freak out. But what if she feels the same? Not likely. Who would want you, Antonio? That was the battle going on in his head.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:26pm Aug 16 2010
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Paradise was so deep in her own thoughts, that when the bell rang it took her a second, and some blinking, to realize where reality was at the moment. Sighing, she got up, and started packing her things back in her back pack. Casually, waiting for Antonio to do the same, so she can walk with him again. "Whats you next clas.s?" She asked him. HOping it was the same clas.s.
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12:59pm Aug 17 2010
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Antonio shook his head, clearing his head from the fog. He got up and stopped his recorder. Making sure everything was put away he walked towards the door. "Ah, the usual until the semester ends, calculus I believe." He replied with a slight smile. He walked down the hall, listening to the chatter of students and the tapping of his cane. Yet again, the same thought showed itself, making him angery. Why should I tell her? He knew he was a wimp, not saying anything.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:34pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise frowned as she walked beside him, and said, "Oh...Well I'll see you later then? I don't have that clas.s until next period." She shrugged, and didn't wait for his answer. "Cya!" As she skipped to one of her friends, and walked to clas.s. Feeling so much better then a couple days ago.
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1:50pm Aug 17 2010
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After his next clas.s Antonio made the decision to say something sometime soon. It was starting to eat at his nerves, him not knowing and him thinking about her so much. He shuffled along, then dropped his cane on accident. "Ugh." He muttered under his breathe. He was just about to bend down at get it, when someone handed it to him. "there you go." A guy's voice said. "Thanks." Antonio replied, then found his way to the next clas.s. It was nice to see that not all people were as rude to him as most of them are, he thought to himself, as he heard kids trickle into the room.
Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:09pm Aug 17 2010
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(( Trickle? that's a funny word XD You wanna skip to lunch? After school? Walking home from school? Next day? YOU CHOOSE))
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