7:31pm Jul 21 2010
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She thought a minute. "It would have to be either Paramore or Shinedown. What's your favorite song?" _________ "See you then. Bye."He said as he hanged up.
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7:36pm Jul 21 2010
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(( since imma girl...and my charrie's a guy..its kinda hard to think of songs that a guy would like...so im just gunna put blank LOL)) "Um...I have many favorites...But my favorite is _____________ (( LOL )) What's your favorite song?" He said. ------------------------------------------ The second she hung up with Shane, she shrieked with excitement. She looked at her wardrobe, and tried to think of something to wear, but she didn't like anything. She dug out all her shirts, and pants, and finally found something perfect. Casual, and appropriate for the park. She smiled with satisfaction.
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7:50pm Jul 21 2010
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((I know a couple songs that guys like and I like.)) "I like Smile and Over."She said. "You're turn." _____________ Shane found a casual outfit. Declan made sure that Shane was dressed good.
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7:58pm Jul 21 2010
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(( haha i guess i just had a 'duh' moment. )) Andrew thought for a second, and said. "What is the most embarressing thing, that's ever happened to you?" He thought about that, then said. "You don't have to answer that, because then i'd have to." He smiled at her. ------------------------------------------ Paradise texted him, and put. I'm driving there now. She new she was being to eager about this. She wished she could just calm down, but she couldn't. It made her happy with the fact that someone else actually wanted to be with her AGAIN, not counting Andrew.
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8:07pm Jul 21 2010
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He read the text. Kay. I'm already there. He sent the text. He was on a park bench. ____________ She giggled. "Well, Holly J set me up with her nerdy cousin and...."She started laughing. "I had some bad staek and puked on him and the waitress. Yours?"
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8:14pm Jul 21 2010
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She decided to walk, since it was just around the corner. She saw him sitting on a bench, and she walked over. She smiled.
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8:47pm Jul 21 2010
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He got up and hugged her. "You look nice."He said.
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10:43pm Jul 21 2010
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Andrew sighed. " Well...It isn't as bad as yours...but...i accidently...please don't laugh...but i accidently kissed a guy before..." His faced turned blood red, and said. "Okay...done with that subject...um...What's your favorite t.v. show?" ------------------------------ Paradise hugged him back and said. "Thanks... You do too" She smiled.
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10:46pm Jul 21 2010
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She started cracking up. "Beleive it or not, Big Brother and Wipeout. You'res?" ___________ "Let's start walking. How are you."He said.
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10:49pm Jul 21 2010
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He beamed. "I like wipeout to! but also House...and i told you not to laugh." He winked. -------------------------------- She started following him, and said. "I'm good...You?"
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10:52pm Jul 21 2010
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She giggled. "I didn't mean too!"She started laughing. ____________________ "I'm good."He half way lied. He was better than a couple days ago like Akila.
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10:53pm Jul 21 2010
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He laughed with her and mumbled. "It is kinda amusing...." --------------------------------------------- She smiled and him and said. "thats good." THATS GOOD?! that's all i could say?!?!? She thought. She blushed.
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11:03pm Jul 21 2010
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"You gotta admit that it's funny."She said. ____________ He smiled. "Yeah."
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11:07pm Jul 21 2010
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He rolled his eyes, and said. "It wasn't funny at the time..." Then he said, jokingly, yet serious. "I was about to go cry like a little girl, because of how embarressed i was...You cant tell anyone that though..." He smiled at her. ------------------------------------ Paradise smiled at him, nervously. (( brain dead....^^))
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1:09am Jul 22 2010
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"Let me get my phone."She giggled. She got her phone out, as a joke. ______________ "Are you okay?"He asked.
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8:44am Jul 22 2010
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He smiled at her, and said. "Oh, you wouldn't!" ------------------------------------ She nodded, and said, casually, "Yeah, i'm fine." Hoping he didn't see right through her, and saw her nervousness.
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9:53am Jul 22 2010
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"Oh, yes I would! Just kidding."She laughed. "You know I feel different with you."She said. ______________________ He smiled. He kissed her cheek..
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4:45pm Jul 22 2010
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He smiled, and said. "What do you mean by different?" ---------------------------------- Paradise smiled at him, and blushed. She'd say something, but she couldn't stop her smiling. She new it was just on the cheek, but it still made her day. She's never had anyone, even do that to her. She said. "thanks..." She rolled her eyes, at herself. She just made it completly obvious, how happy she was, at that moment.
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4:52pm Jul 22 2010
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"I fell wanted. When I saw that, I mean I feel like I don't have to look hot around you."She said. ____________________ He chuckled. "So, what do you wanna do?"He asked.
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4:58pm Jul 22 2010
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He smiled at her, and said. "I guess i care about more then that?. I dunno..." He said, shrugging. "And to me, you always look beautiful, no matter what..." As he added that, he squeezed her alittle bit closer to him. ---------------------------------------------- Paradise smiled at his chuckle, then said. "Um..." I don't really care, as long as i'm with you... "What do people our age usually do in a park?" As she said this, she tried to think of things.
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