2:52pm Jul 20 2010
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She smiled, again. "Cya then.." Then she quickly got her books, and ran to Andrew. They told eachother the same thing. They got dates at 7. They smiled and laughed at eachother as they drove home.
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2:55pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila got in Declan's car. "Hey Dec, thanks for taking me and Shane home."She said. "No prob, Aki."He said.
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2:58pm Jul 20 2010
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Andrew dropped Paradise off, waved a goodbye, then drove to his own home. The second he got there he got ready for 7:00 ---------------------------------------------------- Paradise did the same as Andrew. Right when she got inside, she ran upstairs in her room, and tried to pick out an outfit to where. The whole time smiling.
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3:01pm Jul 20 2010
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"Where's Holly J?"Shane asked. "At home."Declan replied. They arrived home. Holly J helped Akila find a hot outfit to wear to her date. Declan helped Shane with his outfit.
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3:05pm Jul 20 2010
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Paradise and Andrew didn't have anyone helping them with eachothers outfits. So they helped eachother. Andrew came over, and Paradise helped him. But she didn't trust him with what she wore. She finally just told herself to go casual. And told Andrew to do the same. Paradise quickly put her hair up. It was 6:45. Andrew said a quick goodbye, and gave her a goodluck hug, and she did the same. Then he left to go pick Akila up. Paradise sat on the couch, waiting.
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3:10pm Jul 20 2010
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Akila had on Holly J's mini skirt and she looked hot. She saw Andrew she went outside and got into his car. _________ Shane looked nice and normal. He got in his car and picked Paradise up.
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3:15pm Jul 20 2010
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Andrew smiled at her, as she got in the car. "you look nice." He said, as he started to drive away from her house. --------------------------------------------- Paradise saw Shane's car, and she got up. She walked outside, and into his car. She smiled at him, but nervously.
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3:20pm Jul 20 2010
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"Thanks."She smiled. __________ "You look beautiful."Shane said.
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3:22pm Jul 20 2010
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He smiled at her. When the got to the movies. He got out, opened the door for her, and walked in. "So, what do you want to see?" -------------------------------------- She turned even redder and said. "Thanks, you look good too." She smiled at him. She told her self to stop, but she couldn't help it.
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3:24pm Jul 20 2010
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"A romantic comedy?"She asked. ________________ "Thanks. So, what do you wanna do?"He said.
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3:26pm Jul 20 2010
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He smiled at her. "Mkay." When they got the movie they wanted, they walked into the theater, and he found a spot for them 2. -------------------------- She shrugged. "I don't care." She felt like she'd be a horrible date, if she just said one word sentences so she added. " Did you have anything in mind?"
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3:34pm Jul 20 2010
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"How about dinner and a movie?"He suggested. ___________ Akila sat down.
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3:39pm Jul 20 2010
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Eddie sat down next to her, and smiled at her. --------------------------------------------- SHe smiled at him and said. "Okay." She never been on a real date before, so the dinner part, made her even more nervous.But she forced herself to calm down.
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3:44pm Jul 20 2010
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She put her head on his shoulder. _______________ They arrived at Declan's diner. It's kind of fancy. Declan's really rich, so he can do anything. Shane got out of the car and held the door open for her.
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3:53pm Jul 20 2010
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Andrew put his arm around her. -------------------------------------------- Paradise smiled at him, as she got out of the car.
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3:56pm Jul 20 2010
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"I love this movie!"She said. _____________ Shane grabbed her hand.
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3:58pm Jul 20 2010
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He smiled at her. "really? I never heard of it." He said. -------------------------------- She squeezed his hand as they walked. It calmed her nerves.
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4:02pm Jul 20 2010
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"Me and Shane came to see it with my friend Holly J and her boyfriend, also Shane's best friend, Declan."She said. ____________ "Nice to see you here Shane."Declan joked. "Table for two, Dec"Shane said. Declan seated them. "I'll be your waiter tonight."
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4:11pm Jul 20 2010
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He smiled again. "Was it any good?" ---------------------------------- She smiled at Declan, as she sat down. She looked at the menu, to get her mind off of getting nervous.
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4:17pm Jul 20 2010
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"Ya. But I had no one to share it with."She said. ______________ "What do you want to drink?"Declan asked. "I'll have a sprite."Shane said. Declan nodded.
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