2:21pm Jun 12 2010
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Woot :D okies then, which you wanna be, the human or the beast (as we'll call it)?
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2:24pm Jun 12 2010
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I don't know, when I say mythical, I mean werewolves and that stuff. I'll be the creature if you want me to.
Muffinz 0_o
2:28pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
allrighty :3 you going to be male, i presume?
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2:32pm Jun 12 2010
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Doesn't matter to me, but I will if you want me to.
Muffinz 0_o
2:37pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
kk then :)) I'll post bio in a few
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2:42pm Jun 12 2010
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Kay. Me too.
Muffinz 0_o
2:44pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 2:50pm Jun 12 2010)
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Name: Jake Arthur Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Werewolf Looks: Human- Wolf-  Other: Nope
Muffinz 0_o
2:50pm Jun 12 2010
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Name: Shiza Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: An open-minded and independant person, Shiza is the most defiant girl in the town. She openly defies social rules set by the town elders and refuses to be told what she can or cannot do. Despite this, she has a rather calm personality that often infuriates those who can't match her quick, yet smooth, tongue. History: Her father died before she was born and her mother died only a few years ago, leaving Shiza to live on her own. Looks: http://fantasyace.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dancer-22409933?q=favby%3ATribalinferno%2F3363270&qo=196 
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2:54pm Jun 12 2010
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(oooh likey-like :D intros away!) Whistling, Shiza left the confines of the town behind her, swinging the bucket she used for gathering berries and the like. One of the village elders was throwing curses and insults at her back, but she paid them no mind, it was nothing she wasn't used to already. The forest welcomed her, as it always did; it was her only refuge from the nagging and bantering that consisted of her town-life. she prefered the forest much more, just like her mother who had often taken Shiza with her on her outings to do the exact same thing Shiza was doing now. Smiling, she listened to the bright and cheery birdsong ringing through the air, completely at ease among the wildlife surrounding her...
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3:00pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake ran through the forrest, tearing through the trees and thorns, trying to get away. "Yeah, you get away from me! yelled the man, waving his shotgun. He took another swig from his beer bottle, and aimed for him. Jake dashed through the branches to a clearing. Oh crap, I'm in the open, he thought, running across. But, he was to late. Bang! the shot went, and down Jake went, whimpering. He started licking his wounded shoulder now bleeding. He staggered, trying to get up. He failed. "Well lookie here," the man said, taking a deep swig from the bottle, and then throwing it at Jake. "I've cornered him! I'll have my-, my-," he hiccuped. "Myself a good wild doggie stew!" He raised his gun, preparing to shoot. Jake closed his eyes and lowered his ears in defeat.
Muffinz 0_o
3:11pm Jun 12 2010
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The basket went flying; it found its mark. It threw the drunken man off balance and sent him sprawling as Shiza approached, gathering rocks from the ground as she went. It was rare to see an angry ex pression on her, but there it was. Her glare was furious, and the man got the message... after she threw a rock that bounded off of his forehead. As he scrambled away, blubbering in fear, Shiza quickly walked over, ignoring the discarded gun and inspecting the wolf's injuries. They didn't look too bad but they would need tending. She sighed, saying, "You poor thing... Damn old drunk!" She tore a bit of her shirt off and soaked it in water from the canteen she had with her. She then lightly, carefully, dabbed at the bloody hole in the wolf's side.
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3:15pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake's eyes found the girl's. He wanted to know who she was, who that drunk was. Who was he? He couldn't remember in this form. He just whimpered and looked into her eyes.
Muffinz 0_o
3:18pm Jun 12 2010
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Finished with her crude first aid, she looked at the wolf and asked, "Can you stand?" She knew that he probably couldn't understand her, but it was worth a try. Just in case, she stood up and gestured at him, a worried ex pression in her eyes.
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3:21pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake tried to stand up, a little shaky. But he managed, and then looked into her eyes, lost in them. It was like he could see far enough into them to see her soul.
Muffinz 0_o
3:24pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 959
She smiled at the wolf, lightly patting its head as she gestured again for it to follow her. At her house she had actual medical supplies in order to patch him up properly. She walked a bit, then waited to see if he would follow.
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4:07pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake hesitated, but then followed the girl. He walked as fast as he could to catch up with her.
Muffinz 0_o
4:14pm Jun 12 2010
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Realizing that the wolf was struggling, Shiza slowed down a bit, but kept her distance, not wanting to scare the hurt animal. She led him back to her house which was nestled at the edge of the town. She opened the door and looked at the wolf, whispering, "Go on, almost there."
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4:22pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake tried to nod, but didn't succeed, so he just headed through the doors of the house.
Muffinz 0_o
4:26pm Jun 12 2010
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Shiza moved straight for the medical cabinet and pulled everything out. She then crouched next to the wolf, saying, "I don't know if you can understand me, wolf, but if you do, I need you to lie down so I can tend to this." She felt crazy, but maybe she wasn't; wolves didn't usually follow humans, especially when they were injured.
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4:28pm Jun 12 2010
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Jake understood, and obeyed. He lied down. He still looked into her eyes, awaiting further instructions.
Muffinz 0_o