10:13pm Aug 18 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
3:24pm Aug 19 2010
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As Jake expected, Shiza didn't listen to a word the werewolf said. Instead, she dashed to the door, opening it and looking out. Her hand immediately came up to block a rock thrown at her, closely followed by a rather sharp looking axe that embedded itself in the door as Shiza closed it just in time. she glanced at Jake and said, "The back window, maybe they haven't surrounded the house completely yet."
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6:23pm Aug 19 2010
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Jake nodded, turning to run towards it.
Muffinz 0_o
6:12am Aug 20 2010
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Shiza followed Jake, her heart racing. glancing through, she was relieved to see that her prediction was correct. She was just about to open it when she gasped, remembering something she had forgotten. She turned to Jake, saying, "You go on ahead, I need to get something!" Refusing to wait for his reply, as usual, she dashed away toward her bedroom, and her treasure that lay hidden within.
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12:01pm Aug 20 2010
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Jake watched her go, glancing through the window. He quickly climbed through it, but stopped when he got out. He waited for Shiza, just to make sure she was alright.
Muffinz 0_o
12:38pm Aug 20 2010
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Someone had thrown a torch and the wooden house was quickly beginning to burn. Smoke already choked the air, making it hard for Shiza to breath as she despertely searched through her drawers. A flash of silver caught her eye and she grabbed for it, withdrawing with a locket and chain clutched in her hand. A burning timber crashed down from the roof, nearly hitting Shiza, and she scrambled away, headed for the window, coughing. She climbed through, look at Jake, and nodded. It was time to go.
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12:46pm Aug 20 2010
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"Alright," Jake said, grabbing her hand as he ran towards the forrest. Although, at a speed that Shiza could run.
Muffinz 0_o
12:49pm Aug 20 2010
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Shiza struggled to keep her footing, occaisonally stumbling over rocks and roots, but managing at a reasonable pace. After a good, long while of running, her stamina gave out and she gasped, "Please, I can't.. run anymore!" She collapsed onto the forest floor, her fist still clenched around the chain of the silver locket. She was shaking. Her entire life, all of those years she had spent with her mother, all of that was gone in a pillar of flames, the only rememberance clutched in her hand.
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12:53pm Aug 20 2010
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Jake got down on his knees, and without hesitation picked Shiza up and ran as fast as he could towards the hill. He figured his pack's house would be the safest right now. He looked down at Shiza, concern in his eyes. He wanted so badly to make her feel better, but all he could do was run faster and try to keep Shiza alive.
Muffinz 0_o
2:04pm Aug 20 2010
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Shiza found herself curling up close to Jake's body, which blazed with a high temperature. She absently wondered if that had anything to do with him being a werewolf. She was surprised at how safe she felt in his arms, how secure, how invincible. In her fear, her hand clutched at his shirt, securing a tight grip. Where he was taking her, she had no idea, nor did she care. Her life was gone, all she really had left was this werewolf.
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2:06pm Aug 20 2010
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"Don't worry, we're almost there," he re@ssured her, spotting the hill. He slowed down just enough to go down safely, and burst into the house. Without hesitation, he turned into his room and put her in bed.
Muffinz 0_o
2:51pm Aug 20 2010
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Shiza was out in moments, the shock of the incident putting her right to sleep. her mind simply couldn't cope with the tremendous turn of events that had occured in such a short time span. She muttered incomprehensible words as she slept, oblivious to her surroundings. (I can't remember, is Jake the only werewolf who can take human form? If not, are the other pack members in the house? I can temporarily play one if you'd like)
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2:58pm Aug 20 2010
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((None of them are human right now. I'm saving that for a good part.)) Jake sighed, taking off her shoes and covering her with a spare blanket he found. And, as he did at her house, Jake found a chair and drug it to her side, watching her.
Muffinz 0_o
3:11pm Aug 20 2010
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(haha, ok) ((lol, watching her while she sleeps? Creeeepy! Nah, just kidding XD)) Shiza was at her mother's deathbed again, holding her sweaty hand as she slowly faded away. Shiza hadn't cried a single tear, she didn't know why. Her mother turned to her, cold sweat beading on her clammy skin. "Shiza..." She said, her voice a thin whisper. "I... need you to live ....on, Shiza. ...You have a role.... to play in the world, ....just like... I had mine. Don't ....let my disappearance ...cause you to change ....who ...you are." The dying woman gave a rasping cough. "Know... that I will always... be by your side.... watching.... over you.... Many strange.... strange things.... will happen to you, Shiza, .... because our family.... has a... strong connection to ...the world. You... are the final link, Shiza.... Don't allow ...the last ...line ...to break...." the hand held in Shiza's grasp went limp, and for the first, and last, time since the docter declared her mother's illness terminal, Shiza let herself cry. A single word bubbled form Shiza's lips as she dreamt, a single tear sliding down her cheek and into the pillow. "Mother..." The grip she had on the locket loosened, sending it sliding out of her grasp to clatter onto the floor. The fall made the little locket open, revealing a picture of her mother, and a certain man next to her. Engraved in the silver were the words, "With love to my ever watchful Guardian."
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3:15pm Aug 20 2010
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((Lol XD)) Jake smoothed her hair, picking up her locket. He closed it, not wanting to intrude on her personal buisness. He set it on the bed side table, just so it would be safe.
Muffinz 0_o
3:18pm Aug 20 2010
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It was a while before Shiza finally woke up, and she did so very slowly. When she sat up, she was still half-asleep. Looking around groggily, she muttered, "Where am I?"
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3:24pm Aug 20 2010
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"You're at the house the pack shares, but it's just us here. No one's a human right now," he said, a red mark on his cheek from where his hand had rested when he fell asleep.
Muffinz 0_o
3:27pm Aug 20 2010
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Shiza gave an aknowledging grunt and stood up, her eyes half-lidded. Without warning, she settled herself onto Jake's lap and wrapped her arms around him, muttering, "I'm glad you're here..." (Note she's still half-asleep XD)
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3:34pm Aug 20 2010
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((But he doesn't know that.... Mwahahahahahahaha!)) Jake wrapped his arms around her, his heart beating faster every second.
Muffinz 0_o
3:43pm Aug 20 2010
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(rofl) Shiza shifted so that her head was nestled in between Jake's shoulder and neck, her voice barely a whisper as she said, "I have nowhere to go now. Please let me stay with you." She lifted her head so that her mouth was right next to ear. "Please take care of me."
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