3:47pm Aug 20 2010
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Jake, naturally, couldn't refuse. "I will," he said, smoothing her hair.
Muffinz 0_o
3:52pm Aug 20 2010
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(RAWR!! Jake!!! Be more agressive!! Golden opportunity here!! *smacks him*)
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3:57pm Aug 20 2010
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((Lol, okay. You know about my buried romantic, but I will try my best. Wait..... oh God, I need brain bleach now. He's gonna take good care of her.)) Jake, who could barely contain himself, felt his hands move down to Shiza's waist.
Muffinz 0_o
4:01pm Aug 20 2010
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(hehe, there you go X3 mission success!) Shiza gave a sharp intake of breath as his hand drifted to her waist. A torrent of different thoughts went through her head, but she couldn't concentrate on a single one. Instead, a single thought concentrated itself on her. Her arms tightened and her low voice whispered that single thought, "More."
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4:06pm Aug 20 2010
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((Yes, yes, you've just made me more perverted in life. Thanks so much XD)) ((Great, now I can't think of anything. Stupid Muppet Babies *kicks tape in the VCR*))
Muffinz 0_o
4:08pm Aug 20 2010
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(ROFL!!! Give it time XD You'll come up with something. Besides, all the coolest people I know in my life are at least a little bit perverted :3 I'm probably more of a pervert than most but I don't show it XD please don't be scared of me *hides face in shame*)
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4:12pm Aug 20 2010
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((I'm not scared. People say it's weird, because I won't date anyone, but I'm the most perverted one in the room XD I mean, I turn things that aren't perverted at all into something terribly funny if you think about it in the right way.)) Most of Jake's mind was screaming Get back on that bed!, while the rational part of his brain screamed to stop. However, it's a good thing that no one ever listens to the rational part of their brains anyway.
Muffinz 0_o
4:26pm Aug 20 2010
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(oh geez, you must not be in the average teenage group then. EVERYTHING anyone says in our group gets turned into something extremely perverted and/or funny by SOMEONE) Shiza was awake now, but she was already long lost in a storm of lust. Her restraint was thrown out the window as her arms tightened to near-stranglehold and her teeth lightly nipped at the soft skin at the edge of Jake's jaw.
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4:30pm Aug 20 2010
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((That's exactly what happens in my group, except it's mostly me doing it.)) ((Brain dead, again. Ugh! Curse writer's block!))
Muffinz 0_o
4:33pm Aug 20 2010
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(haha, no worries, it'll get worse in the future X3 RAWR! Just go with it! You said you won't date anyone, but imagine what you would do in a situation like this one if you were. I'm guessing you're a girl so it might be a bit difficult to imagine somethign for Jake to do, just let your imagination run wild! Don't restrain yourself! We can even change this into rmail version if your worried about shocking the moderators X3 I;m just saying)
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4:37pm Aug 20 2010
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((I'm not worried about the mods, I'm worried about my parents checking my account again. And I do have writer's block.))
Muffinz 0_o
4:40pm Aug 20 2010
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Posts: 959
(your parents check your account? do they go into the forums to check your replies too? and don't make me use Shiza to push Jake even more -.-* I will do it, you know)
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4:45pm Aug 20 2010
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((Yeah, well they used to, but I know they're probably inclined to do it more now, me being sick and all. I know you will. *sigh* Alright, I'll try.)) Jake found his lips trailing up and down her body. He couldn't seem to control himself. ((Almost the perfect time... hahaha.))
Muffinz 0_o
4:48pm Aug 20 2010
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(what the heck kind of parents do you have? Are they against the pervasive nature of a growing teen? XO "almost the perfect time" what do you mean by that?) Shiza loosened up a little on her grip so she could kiss him, keep those traveling lips where they belonged... for now. (i have a naughty NAUGHTY mind... but I'm prouuuud of it too X3)
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5:00pm Aug 20 2010
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((Yes, they are because they think I'm the perfect child. Dunno why though. Oh, you'll see. You will see.)) "Stop pushing," someone from the hallway said, causing all the others to fall over. Jake turned, facing half the pack, fallen on their backs. "What the hell you guys? Just.... damnit!" he said, his face going bright red.
Muffinz 0_o
5:04pm Aug 20 2010
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Shiza nearly fell from her perch, even redder than Jake. She quickly stood, eyes wide in a complicated mix of fear, embara.ssment, frustration and pure, utter fury. (haha... i get it now)
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5:07pm Aug 20 2010
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((Lol. Utter fury.)) "Come on Jake, go on. Give us a bit of a show," one pack member said, teasing him. "Yeah Jake, you almost had her," said another. "Alright, get out you guys," he said, going up to the doorway, fists at the ready.
Muffinz 0_o
5:50am Aug 21 2010
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Shiza's hand fell upon Jake's shoulder, stopping him. The initial shock of the pack had faded and now it was time to bring all of her frustrations to bear. Simply being a human against several werewolves wouldn't stop her from giving the pack a taste of Shiza's wrath. Her venemous glare said everythign it needed to as it mercilessly fell upon the unsuspecting werewolves. (hehe... Shiza's pissed)
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6:47am Aug 21 2010
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((Woah. I remember once at camp when someone pissed my roommate's friend off. Geeze, I thought she was going to kill me XD)) "I"m out," one member said, scampering away. "Yeah, let's go guys," another said, pulling the others away. Jake sighed, looking down. Well that was completely screwed up, he thought.
Muffinz 0_o
6:13pm Aug 21 2010
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Muffinz 0_o