3:56am Jun 26 2010
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((Somewhere in the central time zone. Oh, and it's almost 4.)) Jake jumped and screamed a little. He peeked his head around, his neck doing wonders. "What the hack! Don't ever do that again!" he said trying to catch his breath.
Muffinz 0_o
3:57am Jun 26 2010
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Shiza smiled, saying, "I couldn't help myself, I have so much energy now." She stretched, adding, "Wow, doing that felt really good!"
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4:09am Jun 26 2010
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"It must've," Jake replied, yawning. He scratched at a random misquito bite on his arm. "Uhm, sorry, but you don't suppose there's any clothes I could temporarily borrow? I just need to get over to my place and get changed. But, obvioiusly I can't walk around in my birthday suit," he said, smiling.
Muffinz 0_o
3:34pm Jun 26 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
2:10am Jun 27 2010
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Shiza turned away, desperately trying to swallow her blush. She said, "Yea gimme a second." She moved over to another closet which held all of her clothes. She pulled out some rather old-looking garments and turned back to the man, saying, "these were my father's. They're old, but it's all I have."
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10:34am Jun 27 2010
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Jake smiled, "Thanks." He closed the door and started to put them on. "I'm Jake, by the way," he said through the door.
Muffinz 0_o
11:22am Jun 27 2010
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"Jake, huh... Jake...Jake..." She rolled the name quietly over her tongue, it sounded good. She quickly snapped back into reality and replied, "I'm Shiza. Nice to ... umm... meet you? Yea, I guess that works..." She had her back turned to the closet door, still too embaras.sed to even face his general direction. She rubbed the back of her neck, bewildered at the events of this early morning.
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3:17pm Jun 27 2010
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Jake gave a short laugh. "Yeah, I guess it does," he said, stepping out of the closet. He tapped on Shiza's back. "All done."
Muffinz 0_o
8:53am Jun 28 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
10:38pm Jun 28 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
6:48pm Jun 29 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
1:54pm Jun 30 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
11:38am Jul 2 2010
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(sorry, couldn't get on ^^) She looked him over. Though the clothes were loose and worn, they did nothign to hide the obviously powerful body underneath. She felt a tremor of excitement bubble up from her belly and wondered at it, but quickly put it out of her mind as she smiled and said, "You look nothing like my father in those clothes."
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12:37pm Jul 2 2010
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Jake laughed. "Yeah, I can tell," he said, tugging on the loose fabric. "Well, uh, thanks. For everything." He held out his hand to shake Shiza's. ((Sokay.))
Muffinz 0_o
1:20pm Jul 2 2010
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Shiza returned the smile with one of her own, taking his hand. She said, "Your secret is safe with me, Jake, I promise you that." Blushing slightly, she added, "If you ever need a place to stay or a place to hide, feel free to come here; I can always use a good distraction."
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1:31pm Jul 2 2010
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"Thanks," he said, watching her. ((Ugh, so brain dead.))
Muffinz 0_o
1:34pm Jul 2 2010
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((hmmm.... time skip a bit? :3 i gots an idea.. muah ha ha X3 ))
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3:00pm Jul 2 2010
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((Alright. Sorry for the delay. Had to go to the store.))
Muffinz 0_o
3:22pm Jul 2 2010
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((kk :] ) Shiza was out in the forest again, refilling her berry and fruit stores. She had gone further this time, though, aiming to visit a grove she hadn't touched in several years. surrounded by nothing but wild forest for several miles all around, Shiza hardly felt in danger. The animals of the forest were generally non-agressive. With her pack slung over her shoulder, she trecked on, her thoughts wandering to Jake. The incident with the handsome werewolf had occured more than a week ago, but it had hardly faded from her memory. As she replayed that day through her head, she didn't watch where she was going and accidentally stumbled down a slope. As she came to a painful halt at the bottom, she inspected herself. A dozen scratches and bruises, but nothing more. As she looked back up the slope, she thought her biggest problem was getting back up. As she heard an angry growl sound from behind her though, she changed her mind; she had much bigger problems. The growl was taken up by three others as four wolves emerged from various dens strewn strategically about the clearing Shiza had landed in. they were obviously angry that she had tressp*censored*ed into tier territory and were unlikely to just let her leave. Swallowing hard, she pulled out her carving knife, much good it would do her against four large wolves.
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4:21pm Jul 2 2010
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Jake heard the wolves growl from his home nearby. He ad always cursed his wolf senses, but went to check it out. He went to his front deck, and saw them cornering a girl. She kind of looked like... "Shiza!" Jake called out, running to where the wolves were.
Muffinz 0_o