5:43pm Jul 2 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
4:51am Jul 3 2010
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Shiza looked up and couldn't believe her eyes. It was Jake. "Jake!" she was about to add something else but a wolf had sprung at her whil her attention was diverted. She cried out in pain as its jaws tore into the arm she had thrown up to protect herself. As her arm grew numb, the knife fell from her fingers, leaving her completely unprotected. The wolf released her and took a few steps back, readying itself for another attack.
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8:39am Jul 3 2010
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"No!" Jake cried out, smashing into one of his own. He pinned him, and tried to look him in the eye. But the wolves had numbers, and another attacked his back. Jake yelped as it scratched him, ripping through his shirt. He let his guard down and the wolf he had pinned earlier had him on the ground. He looked him in the eye, and said, "Stop. Eve, you need to stop. This girl," he motioned towards Shiza, "She saved my life. She means no harm." He looked at Eve for what seemed like an eternity, but she finally let him go. She gave a signal to the rest of the pack, and they left silently. Jake ran over to Shiza. "Are you alright?" he asked, gingerly lifting her arm.
Muffinz 0_o
11:43pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 959
Cradling her injured arm, Shiza watched with wide eyes. It was amazing how he could communicate with the wolves like that, and still remain calm as they pummeled him. when it was all over and Jake came rushing over, inspecting her arm, she nodded, tilting her head up to look at him as she said, "You have one hell of a knack for timing, don't you?"
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9:03pm Jul 7 2010
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Jake laughed. "Yeah, I guess I do," he said, smiling at her.
Muffinz 0_o
1:54pm Jul 8 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
10:14pm Jul 8 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
9:12pm Jul 9 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
8:26am Jul 10 2010
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(thanks for bumping) Grunting in pain, Shiza lifted herself up, using her good arm. Her tumble down the slope had also left her with some bruises and scratched that ached, but she wasn't as worried about those; the pain from shifting her arm overwhelmed her completely. She swooned, nearly toppling back to the ground. Wow, I am such a weakling. She scolded herself. She wanted to try again, but a cold sweat had broken out against her forehead. she managed a weak smile and asked, "You don't think you culd help me up the slope now, could you? Maybe that's another one of your talents."
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10:30am Jul 10 2010
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Jake nodded. "Yup, one of many," he said. He thought for a minute. "Uhh, is it okay if I pick you up? It'd just be easier," he explained. He was very old fashioned. Stupid.. he thought.
Muffinz 0_o
10:30am Jul 10 2010
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Jake nodded. "Yup, one of many," he said. He thought for a minute. "Uhh, is it okay if I pick you up? It'd just be easier," he explained. He was very old fashioned. Stupid.. he thought.
Muffinz 0_o
8:02pm Jul 10 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
10:47pm Jul 11 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
10:38am Jul 12 2010
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Shiza swallowed down the blush that rose to her cheeks and looked away, saying, "If that would make ti easier for you, go ahead." Damn her stupidity, why did she have to go and fall into trouble like that? Now she had to be rescued by the same guy she had saved a few weeks ago. Very uncool...
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11:08am Jul 12 2010
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Jake shrugged, and picked her up. She weighed no more than a feather. Since she was no trouble to carry, he started to run up the hill. "So, how did you stumble down this huge hill?" he asked, remembering the times he couldn't get up it as a child.
Muffinz 0_o
12:07pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza was in awe of Jake's grace and strength as he effortlessly carried her up the slope. Pressed against him as she was, she could feel the powerful muscles all throughout his body. Her blush intensified for some reason but luckily Jake was in no position to see her face. She replied, "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going; biggest mistake you can make out here, i know."
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12:09pm Jul 12 2010
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"Yeah, one that I learned as well," he said, his mind wandering to last week.
Muffinz 0_o
12:13pm Jul 12 2010
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She lifted her head to look at him. "What happened out there anyways? Wrong place, wrong time, or what?"
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12:17pm Jul 12 2010
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"Well, they were about to eat, or there was a some affair for the pack's leaders. They probably felt threatened or something like that, and went to attack mode. Trust me, they aren't that bad once you get to know 'em," he explained, thinking of them.
Muffinz 0_o
12:19pm Jul 12 2010
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Shiza laughed despite herself. "I wish I could get to know them; too bad I don't speak wolf. Do regular wolves even understand human speech? I've always wondered that..." Laughing at herself, she rubbed the bridge of her nose, adding, "I never imagined being able to ask someone that question."
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