12:42pm Jul 18 2010
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Shiza's frustration turned to anger and she weakly beat at his chest, almost yelling, "My head has been a confused muddle ever since I met you! Every time you get close to me my defenses are lowered like they've never been there before and my body gets all messed up! I want to know what you've done to me dammit!" Her fury spent, she breathed heavily and lowered her gaze to the ground. Her fist had long since stopped beating at his chest and simply rested there, unmoving.
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12:48pm Jul 18 2010
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Jake sighed, letting Shiza go on. His heart beat like a hummingbird's wings, fast and furious. He hesitated before speaking. "I don't know," he said, running a hand through his hair. What have you done to me? his mind asked her, squeezing and twisting. It desperately wanted to know.
Muffinz 0_o
1:04pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza's heart gave out, her hard-trained compusure shattering. Her shoulders slumped and she sank to the ground on her knees. Tears welled up unbidden at her eyes. Oh, great, now I'm crying in front of him. why am I crying? Through shaking lips, she muttered, "Damn wolf..."
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1:17pm Jul 18 2010
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Jake crouched next to her, chuckling a bit without humor. He hated being this way, half human, half wolf. He hated not knowing what to do. He especially hated not knowing what to do in front of Shiza.
Muffinz 0_o
1:28pm Jul 18 2010
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Shiza looked up at him, the tears slowing, thankfully. This man, this werewolf, had thrown her entire being into dissarray. Why? what was so special about him that she should be this affected by him? Sniffing, she tried standing again. She wobbled furiously but braced herself on a nearby tree. She started to walk off again, saying, "I'm going home..."
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1:36pm Jul 18 2010
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Jake nodded, "Are you sure you don't need any help?" he asked, concerned about her falling off of the other really tall and steep hill. He also couldn't stand to be away from her. The last week had been torment. Why did this happen? Why was she so...so... special?
Muffinz 0_o
1:42pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 959
Her ex pression a mix between pained and fake-smile, Shiza looked over her shoulder at him, saying, "Yea i'll be fiiiiiiiine!!" The voice returned. There's the cliff, told you so.... It wasn't too bad of a tumble, except for the fact that her head was struck by a protruding tree root and knocked her out. As she fell into the blackness of unconciousness, the started muttering, "Shut.. up.... stupid... voice...." (... i feel so bad for Shiza now... this forest really doesn't like her)
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1:45pm Jul 18 2010
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((Yeah. Lol, 'There's the cliff'.)) Jake made no hesitation. He picked her up, careful not to disturb her, and started running as fast as he could towards her house. He wondered what her stupid vice had been saying. I know what mine is saying, he thought, rolling his eyes. Mike was always bothering him.
Muffinz 0_o
1:57pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza was faintly aware of being moved and she tried to open here eyes but her brain wouldn't cooperate. She tried to speak, but her words came out as incoherent mumbles. For some reason, though, one of her arms worked and she lifted it, reaching to search for something to hold on to. She found something, some cloth-like substanse, a shirt maybe? Mumbling again, she pulled the cloth into a tight grip even as her head lolled to the side.
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2:17pm Jul 18 2010
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Jake opened the door to Shiza's house, noticing it hadn't been locked. He placed her on her bed, tucking her underneath the comforter. He checked to make sure she was okay, and went to find a chair. He found one in the kitchen, and quickly carried it to her bedside. He quickly sat down, making sure she hadn't stirred while he was gone.
Muffinz 0_o
12:25pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza came back to half-awareness a little while after being laid down. Her head began throbbing horribly and she inadvertently groaned, rolling over onto her side. In her delirium, she muttered, "Stupid wolf... no.. touchy..."
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1:27pm Jul 19 2010
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((Lol! That's hilarious for some reason.)) Jake chuckled watching her turn.
Muffinz 0_o
1:41pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 959
(lol) Half asleep, Shiza rose to a sitting position and looked around, though her eyes didn't focus on anything. As her dream-like gaze fell upon Jake, a sheepish smile spread on her lips and she lurched forward suddenly to grab him, clinging to his shirt. though her voice was muffled, she muttered, "So soft... smells so good....." In the back of her mind, the voice fought to break through the barrier of unconsciousness, desperately trying to tell Shiza that this wasn't a dream.
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1:45pm Jul 19 2010
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((Oh wow. XD)) "So I am a mutant Pine Sol pillow," he chuckled, smiling at Shiza. Well that's a little off, he thought, desperately trying to think straight.
Muffinz 0_o
1:54pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 959
The voice finally broke through and Shiza woke with several hundred furious blinks. The first thought that went through her head was Ouch. The second, Where am I? The third, my god he smells amazing. Everything that had happened crashed down on her at once, causing her to freeze in the position where she was, huddled against Jake's chest like some kind of reversed koala. Her tongue failed her again and she started blubbering incoherent words while her arms also refused to listen to her, locked in place around Jake.
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2:00pm Jul 19 2010
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"Yeah, I figured," Jake said, placing her back on the bed. Do I really smell that good? he asked himself, taking a whiff of his arm. Apparently, he thought, not smelling anything himself. It was probably because he smelt himself everyday. Wow Jake, random thoughts.
Muffinz 0_o
2:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 959
(gotta go) Shiza was bright red again, something she had been doing alot today. She rubbed her head, asking, "What happened? Why are we in my house?"
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2:15pm Jul 19 2010
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"You kind of went unconscious, so I carried you back. I stayed because you might need someone to take you to a clinic," he said, standing. "But, since you're okay now, I guess I need to be going," he said, smiling at her. ((Okay. Bye!))
Muffinz 0_o
8:12am Jul 20 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
11:39am Jul 20 2010
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Against her own will, Shiza's hand grabbed for his shirt and she cried out, "Wait!" she then sat there, clinging to his shirt, dumbfounded as to why she had reached out at all. what in the world was wrong with her? she saved face by asking, "You saved my life and even carried me back home. I want to thank you for that." Weakly, she added, lookin down, "Stay..."
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