12:21pm Jul 20 2010
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"Alright, I'll stay," he said, sitting back down again. "There really is no need to thank me, I mean, you saved my life first right?" he said, scratching his head.
Muffinz 0_o
1:10pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza released her hold on Jake's shirt, retreating into the folds of her blanket. She shook her head, saying, "I only did what I felt was right. You, on the other hand, swooped out of nowhere, like some kind of knight in shining armor." She smiled, her eyes turning tender. "I'm glad I met you, Jake."
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1:17pm Jul 20 2010
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"Yeah, the wolf in shining armour is glad to have met you too," he said, smiling at her.
Muffinz 0_o
1:20pm Jul 20 2010
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Shiza blushed again, her heart pounding in her chest, luckily her bright red cheeks were hidden by the blankets. She suddenly remembered her arm and started inspecting it, carefully intying the impromptu bandages that had been wrapped around it. The bleeding had long since stopped but it needed to be cleaned. She glanced up at Jake, a bit nervously, and asked, "Mind helping me with this?"
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1:23pm Jul 20 2010
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"Nope," Jake said, coming over to her. He shortly inspected the wound, and went to go find the supplies needed to clean it. He went into Shiza's bathroom, and opened the medicine cabinet. He grabbed some cotton balls, peroxide, and some bandages. He drew the chair closer, and began pouring the peroxide on Shiza's wound.
Muffinz 0_o
1:37pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza hissed but stayed still. she had suffered much worse than this, a direct result of her constant adventuring. Normally, she would always have to do it herself and she could have easily treated her own arm but she was desperately clinging to any reason that would keep the werewolf with her. She silently pondered why that was; it all made no sense to her. As she watched him work, she asked Jake, "You're pretty good at this... for a wolf."
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1:39pm Jul 20 2010
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"Well, people in our pack fight constantly, except for me. I'm just the bookworm who has to clean it all up," he said, laughing with no humour. "So, yeah. I guess I'm the healer, or something," he said, returning to his usual bright disposition.
Muffinz 0_o
1:49pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 959
(gotta go in a few) She tilted her head at him, asking, "So there's actually a pack of werewolves running around? why are you by yourself?" She looked away as she added, "It must be lonely without your family."
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1:52pm Jul 20 2010
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((Okay.)) "I'm not by myself. I mean, I'm the only one human right now, but I'm not alone. They all want to forget they're human lives. Me, I live for being human, for being like this," he said, motioning towards his skin.
Muffinz 0_o
9:06am Jul 21 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
8:47am Jul 22 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
10:26am Jul 22 2010
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(sorry, couldn't get on yesterday) Shiza looked down and away, asking, "What's so great about being human? All you ever get from it is rules and restrictions imposed on you by the petty agents of society." Her eyes lifted to meet his, sincerity glittering in them as she said, "I would give anything to get away from that."
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11:33am Jul 22 2010
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((It's okay.)) Jake looked in her eyes, no speech coming. He understood how she felt, because he had once felt that way as well. He looked away again, finishing dressing her arm. "There. Nice a shiny," he said, smiling at her.
Muffinz 0_o
12:39pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 959
She inspected it, nodding in approval. Shiza then flashed him a mischevious smile and said, pointing, "Really? I think you missed one of my injuries right here on my neck. I demand you tend to it!"
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12:41pm Jul 22 2010
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((There's an injury there? XD)) Jake chuckled, "Alright, alright," he said, brushing back her hair to look at it.
Muffinz 0_o
12:49pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 959
(no X3 Shiza was just playig around but I intentionally wanted to make it interesting) Shiza had not expected Jake to actually believe her and even if he had, she hadn't expected herself to react in such a way. Her arm, her good one, flew up as his fingers contacted her skin, her hand closing over his even as her face turned cherry red. There you go again, dummy. just look at the situations you got yourself into. Shiza pointedly told the voice to shut up before her attention was wrenched away again.
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2:29pm Jul 22 2010
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((Oh. Wow I fail.)) Jake looked down, glowing a bright, crimson red. ((So sorry, I'm brain dead again. I blame Chicken Run.))
Muffinz 0_o
11:37am Jul 23 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
9:49pm Jul 23 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
7:20am Jul 24 2010
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Shiza retracted her hand, turning her head away and muttering, "I'm sorry..." (bleh, now im the braindead one O.o)
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