8:30pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Sep 10 2010)
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Alright, you know the plot x3 And you know my characters, and I'm too lazy to post them all again. Cx Crystal key (So we don't forget xD)- Black=Shadows Blue=Air Dark blue=Water Light blue=Ice Red=Fire Green= Nature Brown=Earth Yellow=Electricity White=Light Purple=Necromancy Pink= Emotions Lilac=Shape Shifting Light green=Venom c8
10:23am Sep 7 2010
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((Okie, sorry I didn't reply sooner, I didn't realize that there was a private rp. :P I thought it was just the other one. I'm gonna use the same charries as I am in the other one))
2:31pm Sep 7 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm Sep 7 2010)
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((Okay <3 I'm using the same guys here too <3))
4:35pm Sep 8 2010
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((How to begin....... Hmmmm)) Iceblink watched the trees swish in the wind. He sat in the dark cave. He sighed at his brother, Flare, who was simply frolicking int the beautiful whether, his bright red crystal so active that every time he moved, a spark flew off of it. Iceblink's own crystal glowed softly, calmly, and much more controlled. "Will you be careful? You're going to get yourself seen." "Seen by who?" Flare laughed. "Nothing can hurt fire!" He howled, happily shooting flames into the air in a spiral pattern. "Except water." Iceblink pointed out smugly. "Debbie downer" Flare mumbled, trotting back to his smooth, sunning rock.
4:43pm Sep 8 2010
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((Hai Brookluv. o3o <3 *lurks*))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:52pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm Sep 8 2010)
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((Breezeluv <3 *Sits on*)) "Alright Dot." Miles said. "We're going to get this right this time." He was trying to teach Dot that he was better then everyone else, and that when she got older she would worship him. (Tsk tsk Miles, such a big ego x3) "Now, who is the best creature ever?" He asked her. "Miles is!" Dot said, smiling widely and wagging her tail. "Good." Miles said, writing his name into the dirt and the word 'is'. "Now, who thinks Miles is the best?" "We do!" Dot replied. "Great job." He replied, writing out 'we'. "Now what is Miles?" "Tall..?" Dot replied, tilting her head to one side. "I guess.. yeah." Miles replied, writing out 'tall'. "What did Miles do?" Dot thought for a few seconds, "Miles did everything possible!" She replied. "Very good!" Miles purred, writing out 'did.' "Now what have you learned?" Dot read out everything that Miles had written, "Miles is we tall did." She replied, wagging her tail innocently. Miles' eyes widened and he stared at what he wrote. "Damn.." He muttered. ((Read it out loud a few times to get it... >|D))

4:52pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 4:52pm Sep 8 2010)
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4:55pm Sep 8 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:23pm Sep 8 2010
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((Hrm... Don't get it. O.o What's Rbunny doing while her sister is worshiping Miles? XD))
5:24pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 5:24pm Sep 8 2010)
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((Read 'Miles Is We Tall Did' out loud a few times fast x3 And Ribunny's probably sleeping or watching them from afar. X3))
5:28pm Sep 8 2010
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((OH hahahahahaha!!!!)) Flare's ears pricked. "I heard something!" he chirped. "No you didn't" Iceblink groaned. "It was all in your head." Flare snorted. "Fine Mr. Grumpy Pants," he said. "I'm gonna go look for it."
5:46pm Sep 8 2010
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((I know XD I've been wanting to use that joke in a roleplay for a while x3)) Ribunny, who was leaning against a tree with her hat over her eyes, ears perked up. (She cut out holes for her ears in her hat x3) She had very sensitive hearing and jumped up when she heard voices other then Miles, Dot, or any other of her friends. "You guys hear that?" She asked. Miles blinked at Ribunny, "Probably just you tiny canine mind playing tricks on you." He hissed while wiping away the 'Miles is we tall did' on the ground. "Maybe it's aliens!" Dot said excitedly. "I hope I can go on their ship!" Ribunny sighed, "Dot, you wait here, Miles, your an idiot. I want to go see what it is." She walked off without another word and ignored any of Miles' remarks.
5:53pm Sep 8 2010
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Flare trotted around the brook and then listened again. Thinking about where he heard the voices, he jumped over the tiny stream. He closed his eyes and followed the sound. The he bumped into a tree. "Grah!" Flare growled, backing up. "Curse my directional challenges!"
6:02pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 6:03pm Sep 8 2010)
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((I got Lovely to evolve 8D *Pokes your sig* c:)) Ribunny's ears swiveled towards the sound of a voice yelling. She got on her belly and crawled slowly over to where she heard where it was coming from. She learned to do that from her father. She growled slightly when she thought of her father, but she knew that now wasn't the time to think about him. Seeing a wolf, she tensed, she had experience with wolves (Rainstorm x3) and now she didn't trust any of them. spreading her hybrid wings she flapped them as hard as she could in the direction of the wolf, making very strong winds go in the wolf's direction. Not strong enough to blow him away, but enough to shake him up a little.
6:05pm Sep 8 2010
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((*hugglez* I g2g now, bye!))
6:15pm Sep 8 2010
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((Aw bye D:))
5:44pm Sep 10 2010
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Flare yelped in suprise, falling over sideways into the mud, still wet from the previous rain. He barked unhappily. "That was not very nice at all!" he yelped, still alarmed. He blinked and stared at the animal. He had never seen anything like it. It was sort of like a cat. A hairless cat with dog qualities. No, no, not a cat. A very small dog without hair, and bat wings. Confused, he stood up and sniffed her. "Would it be polite to ask exactly what you are?" he said, still confused. "What happened?" Iceblink barked, trotting into view. "Oh, WOW Flare" He chuckled, skidding to a stop. "I never thought you'd yelp because of a chihuahua."
5:59pm Sep 10 2010
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Ribunny crossed her arms. Something that she had gotten quite used to since she was able to stand on her hind legs. "For your information I am a chihuahua peregrine falcon hybrid who likes to wear camouflage hoodies and hats." She snapped back at him. "And you are a wolf, and every wolf I have encountered before has tried to kill me. You are probably no different." She narrowed her eyes at the two wolfs, her blue eyes flashing menacingly. Although she was small, she could make herself look very scary and menacing.
8:02pm Sep 10 2010
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"Oh, I'm sorry" Flare said nervously. "Do you want me to try and kill you? Except I don't really want to..." He flicked his tail and averted his eyes from the chihuahua hybrid thing. Iceblink too averted his eyes, more out of respect than fright. "Sorry, I didn't realize that you were advanced." He said. He also stood up. He usually went on all fours, simply as a cover to not be attacked or teased. He held out his two front paws, each having half of a light blue crystal. "Please, let me introduce myself miss, my name is Iceblink." Flare stood up as well, but lowered his head, revealing his own fiery red crystal. "I'm Flare"
8:08pm Sep 10 2010
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Ribunny blinked at both of the wolves. I guess I can trust them.. for now. "I'm Ribunny." She replied, lifting up the hat she wore slightly to reveal her blue crystal. "Sorry for attacking you, it's like you can't trust anyone these days.." She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "I guess you two seem friendly enough though." She smiled slightly, "That's a compliment by the way."