5:30pm Nov 4 2010
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((8D Yeah! And so we don't forget we should write it on our hands. XD)) Rainstorm nodded. "As do I." She replied glancing around. "Do you think it could be..?" She paused, glancing at Torment, who seemed not to have heard he. "You know.."
6:18pm Nov 5 2010
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Ciara shook her head. "Impossible" she said, "Spirit would have taken much longer to bring back, her body was so rotten. It must be some other lonely spirit out to wreak havoc. Or a lurking feline warrior" ((Damnit! I forgot to say Yams to everyone I knew today. >( ))
8:53pm Nov 6 2010
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((xD That's fine, I forgot to too. o3o)) Rainstorm sighed, "I just can't shake the feeling that it might possibly be her though.." She said softly. "You're probably right though, you are the expert after all." Meanwhile, Spirit was lurking around the Canine camp. She found it very strange, since she felt like she had seen everything before, the exact opposite of how she felt at the Feline camp. She felt.. almost safe here. She shook her head, growling softly. My brain is just a bit scrambled.. It's to be expected.. I was dead just a few hours ago.. She tried to re*censored*ure herself, though she was starting to doubt her own thoughts.
3:52pm Nov 11 2010
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Ciara revived the last of the dead canines and glanced at the carnage that remained on the field. Some of them were still moving. She paced up to a cheetah, who wore badges of rank on his vest, saying that he was the arch-archer. She waved Iceblink and Rainstorm over. "Do you think we can get any information out of him?"
4:27pm Nov 17 2010
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((Fft, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy. Plus the fact that my home-page is Mlia.)) Rainstorm thought for a few seconds, trying to think of all of the spells and potions she knew that would make someone talk. "Well.." She said, making sure her voice was low enough so that the cheetah would have a hard time hearing her, "I do know a potion that would make him only be able to tell the truth, and if we must I also know a spell to.. you know.. force him to."
7:43pm Nov 20 2010
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"Torture is a simpler way of getting information" Iceblink said coldly. A sharp shard of ice formed at his paw and he flung it into the cheetah's leg. The cheetah let out a feral-sounding roar of pain and tried to pull away, leaving blood on the gras.s where the gash in his back sat. "You will never defeat the felines!" he said, his eyes glinting in pain and fear. ((Have Spirit save him! :D I said Yams to everyone I know today... they thought I was crazy XDD))
9:40pm Nov 22 2010
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((xD Same with me. Oh! I got an idea. 8D What about the cheetah can see Spirit and they start to fall in love so if she gets her memory back she wouldn't be able to choose which side to be on. >:D YAY DRAMA.)) Rainstorm nodded, smirking slightly. "I can't believe humans outlawed the technique, it's much better then that 'interrogation' thing they do." She lifted up her paw where a swirl of black fire started to form and flung it at the cheetah's tail. "Try keeping your balance now filth!" She snarled. Spirit's ears pricked when she heard the roars of pain from the cheetah. She darted behind a Canine tent that was not yet taken down, though she knew that they wouldn't be able to see her anyway. She snarled slightly when she saw how the two wolves were treating the poor Feline warrior. "How dare they!" She muttered, clenching her fists. Ducking down to the ground, she grabbed the closest and most potent thing she could, a wooden stake that had not yet been packed that had probably kept a tent up. "They aren't vampires, but this is sharp and hard enough to do some damage." She murmured to herself. She reared back, as if she was throwing a baseball, and hurled it at Rainstorm's head, causing her to fall backwards. Clutching her head, Rainstorm looked around, but her eyes were blurred from the hit and she could not see the attacker. "Be careful Iceblink!" She hissed through clenched teeth. "This could be a sneak attack of some sort."

7:36pm Nov 25 2010
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6:27pm Nov 29 2010
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((Good idea! ...oh dear, I had best think of a name for him XD)) Iceblink instantly forgot about the cheetah and dropped to his forepaws, keeping low to the ground in case another attack came. He let out a growl, and cold aura swirled around his paws. Osiris (the cheetah XD) tugged his tail out of the way weakly with a pained moan. He struggled to stand, but couldn't manage. He took a closer look at his surroundings. The canine camp was ruined. Tents were torn, likely by the feline claws. He gave a tiny smile. At least the mission was semi-accomplished. Then he frowned. Where were all the canine bodies? He was positive that he had killed at least three, and then there was the rest of the army who had also killed. But they were all gone. Then he saw the fennec fox. The purple crystal glowed faintly between its eyes which were staring unblinkingly ahead. A necromancer! He had to report to Gem! Ciara froze and stared in the direction from which the arrow had come. "Do you guys see her!" she hissed, her eyes never leaving the chihuahua's silhouette behind a broken down tent. Iceblink spared Ciara a puzzled glance. "No," he said simply, "What is it?" Ciara's eyes widened. "It must be a spirit!" she gasped. She gave a grim glance at Torment. "It is the shape of a chihuahua."

3:20pm Nov 30 2010
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((Thank you. c: Ohh, I love the name you chose for the cheetah. <3)) Rainstorm looked to where Ciara was looking. Her head was still pounding from the hard hit, but when she focused her eyes after quickly muttering a spell she was able to make out the shape. "Ciara is right." She said, unsurprised. Torment stared at where Rainstorm and Ciara where looking. "Where? Where?" He whined, unable to see anything. "You must be lying! Spirit wouldn't do such a thing!" "Hm.." Rainstorm murmured, "Spirit doesn't have any memory of her life, right? So that would mean that if the Felines had someone who had the gift to see spirits, they could easily trick her into thinking that she was a Feline and to do their bidding!" Torment blinked, shaking his head. "It can't be. Spirit would at least have enough sense not to believe them!" He whined, not wanting to believe that Spirit could be on the other side. "It must be some other chihuahua, and it could even be some sort of short-tailed sphinx breed that looks like a chihuahua!"

8:20pm Dec 2 2010
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((Bump 8u))
9:06pm Dec 3 2010
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((Sorry, I got a little lazy XD)) "That is nonsense" Ciara snapped. "I'm sue there's a little part of her, way deep down that knows shes a canine, but nothing else. She doesn't know anything about her life at the moment." Osiris took a few short breaths and dragged himself closer to the forest, avoiding the gaze of the frustrated canines. If he could just get to a tree, maybe he could pull himself up. (I think I'm going to make him able to see Spirit. Falling in love wouldn't be easy otherwise XD) Iceblink shivered. "What can we do about it?" he asked.
1:33pm Dec 4 2010 (last edited on 1:34pm Dec 4 2010)
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((Lol it's fine. xD)) Rainstorm tilted her head to one side, trying to think of a way that they could possibly try to convince her to get back on their side. "Since organic life can't touch her kind, we can't physically grab her or anything to stop her from running if we try to convince her that she's a Canine. I could use magic to try to get her memory back, but I've heard that magic does different things to half-lifes then it does to fully alive creatures." She growled a little out of frustration. Spirit narrowed her eyes at the Canines that seemed to be trying to make a plan. Then her eyes flicked to the cheetah. Even though she knew that her mission was to wait for the Canines to move their camp and tell Gem about where it was, she couldn't just leave him there to be tortured by the Canines. She ducked behind the tent, and silently crept to where the cheetah was, making sure not to make any noise that would alert the Canines, since she had an odd feeling that some of them could see her though she new it was preposterous.

7:43pm Dec 5 2010
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"She's moving" Ciara hissed, her eyes glowing purple with her necromancy crystal. "If we can get her to touch her body, I can complete the revival process. Rainstorm, you had better stay away, Spirit and I are smaller canines, and I know that if I had no memory of who was, I wouldn't want a wolf coming at me, friendly or not." "So what do we do?" Iceblink growled. "We have to let her think we don't see her, I'm sure that the felines told her that much." Ciara said. "Why the hell would we do that? We can't just let her spy on us!" Iceblink snarled. "But if we let her know we can see her, then we never will again; ghosts have a way of staying hidden in just the right ways," Ciara said. "I think she's trying to rescue the cheetah, just let him go, and pretend not to notice." she said. Osiris didn't notice anyone coming closer to him. He was fixated on pulling himself to the woods. After what felt like hours, he managed to grab hold of a sturdy pine tree and tug himself to a wobbling stand. But he fell almost as soon as he gained his balance, sitting up against the tree. He let out a quick sigh of hopelessness. He knew he had been too young for the army. Best feline archer or not, he never expected it to end this way.

8:49pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Dec 5 2010)
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Rainstorm nodded, though she did agree with Iceblink, she knew that Ciara knew the most about these types of things. Spirit glanced at the Canines, who seemed to pay no heed to her. Good. She thought to herself, relieved, They really can't see me, as long as I don't make any noise I'm safe. Slowly but surely, she made her way to Osiris. Her heart softened when she saw how bad of a shape he was in. "Hey, are you okay?" She whispered to him, then realized how stupid that was, since he wouldn't be able to hear her.
10:20am Dec 11 2010
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"Do I look okay?" Osiris groaned, pulling himself up again, wincing with pain. He opened his eyes to see who was addressing him and gasped. "Here to torture me until I talk are you?" he snarled, keeping his distance from the ghostly looking chihuahua.
1:40pm Dec 12 2010
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Spirit's eyes widened slightly out of surprise. "You.. You can hear me?" She stammered, then shook her head, "Whatever, stranger things have happened today. What's more important is that I need to get you out of here before the Canines realize that somethings up."
6:12pm Dec 12 2010
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Osiris gazed at the tiny dog spirit in confusion. He wasn't about to complain if she was taking his side. "So you're going to help me get out of here?" he asked, looking straight at the suspicious chihuahua, ignoring her bewildered question.
10:02pm Dec 12 2010
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Spirit rolled her eyes. "Isn't that what I just said?" She said with a slight growl in her voice, crossing her arms in a human-like fashion. She glanced around, trying to locate as many possible escape routes as possible, and her ears were ready to pick up the sound of approaching Canines.
4:49pm Dec 15 2010
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Osiris bit his lip with pain. "I can't move, it's no use," he growled, still cautious. He was begining to wonder if this ghost even knew she was a canine. He said nothing about it though- she could be an *censored*et to the Felines. "Did someone send you here, or are you just out of your mind? There's no way those canines forgot about me."